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  2. top-level-format.webp

WebP2 container

Disclaimer: Work in progress.

WebP2 still and animated image format diagrams


There are two ways of signaling content:

  • Bit-packing: append booleans as single bits and integers as bit sequences.
  • Variable-length integers: Each byte has one bit reserved, which is set to 1 if another byte is needed to store the whole value. Up to 4 bytes.

The descriptions below match the order of the chunks.

Start tag

Hard-coded 3 bytes with the value 0x6ffff4.

Image header

Using bit-packing, the main image header is 7 to 12-byte long:

Width14In [1:16384]
Height14In [1:16384]
Orientation30°, 90°, 180°, 270° and/or mirror
Is opaque1If true: no alpha
Is animation1If true: expect ANMF
Preview color12RGB444
Has preview1If true: preview chunk
Has ICC profile1If true: ICC chunk
Has XMP and/or EXIF1If true: metadata tag
RGB bit depth10 means 8-bit RGB, 1 means 10-bit RGB
Tile shape2256x256, 512x512 etc.
Default transfer function1If false: read custom
[Transfer function]4If not default transfer func
[Loop forever]1For animation only
[Custom background color]1For animation only
[[Background color]]38For animation and custom bg only
PaddingValue 0


This chunk exists only if signaled in the image header.
The size of the preview chunk is stored as a variable-length integer.
Raw encoded bytes follow.

ICC profile

This chunk exists only if signaled in the image header.
The size of the ICC profile chunk is stored as a variable-length integer.
Raw bytes follow, verbatim.

Frame header

Frame headers are only present if the image is animated (bit set to 1 in the image header).

Using bit-packing, the frame header begins by storing 1 byte:

Dispose frame6Value is 0x33 (replace canvas by bg color) or 0x15
Blend1Merge new pixels into canvas or replace them
Last frame1Expect another frame after this one if true

Then using variable-length-integers, the frame header ends by storing 1 to 10 bytes:

Duration in milliseconds[0:32767]
Frame width[1:image width]
Frame height[1:image height]
Frame position X[0:(image width - frame width)]
Frame position Y[0:(image height - frame height)]

Thus making each frame header 2 to 11-byte long.


The size of the GlobalParams chunk is stored as a variable-length integer, then the encoded bytes are written. Those are not described here as they are not related to the container. It contains whether the following tiles are lossless, lossy or both, on top of other fields (alpha etc.).

There is one GlobalParams unit per still image or per frame in an animation.

Frame tile

The size of a tile chunk is stored as a variable-length integer.
Encoded pixels follow.

There is at least one tile per still image or per frame in an animation.

Metadata tag

Hard-coded 3 bytes with the value 0x61ffe9 (XMP present), 0x62ffe9 (EXIF present) or 0x63ffe9 (both present).


This chunk exists only if signaled in the metadata tag.
The size of the XMP chunk is stored as a variable-length integer.
Raw bytes follow, verbatim.


This chunk exists only if signaled in the metadata tag.
The size of the EXIF chunk is stored as a variable-length integer.
Raw bytes follow, verbatim.