blob: 63bcc31f0108c33a859bacaef0edb37d5068490b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// All-in-one library to decode (possibly animated) input images.
// Author: Yannis Guyon (
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "./file_format.h"
#include "./imageio_util.h"
#include "src/utils/utils.h"
#include "src/wp2/base.h"
#include "src/wp2/decode.h"
#include "src/wp2/format_constants.h"
#include "src/wp2/config.h"
namespace WP2 {
// Extracts the first XMP and ICCP blocks found in 'data' GIF bitstream to
// 'metadata' if they are not already there.
WP2Status ReadGIFMetadata(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
Metadata* metadata);
// Can decode a still image or an animation. 'buffer' must not be changed
// between calls to ReadFrame(). Incremental decoding is not supported.
class ImageReader {
// Reads 'file_path' and stores the content. Clears 'buffer'.
ImageReader(const char* file_path, ArgbBuffer* buffer,
FileFormat data_format = FileFormat::AUTO,
LogLevel log_level = LogLevel::DEFAULT,
size_t max_num_pixels = kMaxBufferArea);
// 'data' must not change till the last ReadFrame() call. Clears 'buffer'.
ImageReader(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size, ArgbBuffer* buffer,
FileFormat data_format = FileFormat::AUTO,
LogLevel log_level = LogLevel::DEFAULT,
size_t max_num_pixels = kMaxBufferArea);
// 'data' must not change till the last ReadFrame() call. Clears 'buffer'.
ImageReader(const std::string& data, ArgbBuffer* buffer,
FileFormat data_format = FileFormat::AUTO,
LogLevel log_level = LogLevel::DEFAULT,
size_t max_num_pixels = kMaxBufferArea);
// Decodes a frame to 'buffer'. 'is_last' and 'duration_ms' can be retrieved
// if not null. If it's not an animation, returns the image as the only frame
// with kInfiniteDuration. Returns WP2_STATUS_OK upon success.
static constexpr uint32_t kInfiniteDuration = 0;
WP2Status ReadFrame(bool* is_last = nullptr, uint32_t* duration_ms = nullptr);
// Returns the number of times the animation should be played.
// Should be called once all frames have been read.
static constexpr uint32_t kInfiniteLoopCount = 0;
uint32_t GetLoopCount() const;
// Class to inherit for each format.
class Impl : public WP2Allocable {
Impl(ArgbBuffer* buffer, const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
LogLevel log_level, size_t max_num_pixels)
: data_(data),
max_num_pixels_(max_num_pixels) {}
virtual ~Impl() = default;
// Should return WP2_STATUS_OK if a frame is decoded or an error otherwise.
// Must set 'loop_count_'.
// Metadata must be set during the first call so that ReadImage() also reads
// metadata from animations even if only the first frame is read.
virtual WP2Status ReadFrame(bool* is_last, uint32_t* duration_ms) = 0;
uint32_t GetLoopCount() const { return loop_count_; }
WP2Status CheckData() const; // verify data_ and buffer_ fields
WP2Status CheckDimensions(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) const;
const uint8_t* const data_;
const size_t data_size_;
ArgbBuffer* const buffer_; // user-supplied output
uint32_t loop_count_ = kInfiniteLoopCount;
const LogLevel log_level_;
const size_t max_num_pixels_;
// Sets 'impl_'. Sets 'status_' in case of error.
void SetImplPNG(ArgbBuffer* buffer, LogLevel log_level,
size_t max_num_pixels);
void SetImplJPEG(ArgbBuffer* buffer, LogLevel log_level,
size_t max_num_pixels);
void SetImplJXL(ArgbBuffer* buffer, LogLevel log_level,
size_t max_num_pixels);
void SetImplPNM(ArgbBuffer* buffer, LogLevel log_level,
size_t max_num_pixels);
void SetImplTIFF(ArgbBuffer* buffer, LogLevel log_level,
size_t max_num_pixels);
void SetImplGIF(ArgbBuffer* buffer, LogLevel log_level,
size_t max_num_pixels);
void SetImplWEBP(ArgbBuffer* buffer, LogLevel log_level,
size_t max_num_pixels);
void SetImplWP2(ArgbBuffer* buffer, LogLevel log_level, size_t max_num_pixels,
bool exact);
void SetImplBMP(ArgbBuffer* buffer, LogLevel log_level,
size_t max_num_pixels);
// Calls a function above depending on 'data_format'.
void SetImpl(FileFormat data_format, LogLevel log_level,
size_t max_num_pixels, ArgbBuffer* buffer);
WP2::DecoderConfig config_;
std::unique_ptr<Impl> impl_;
DataView data_; // Input. Points to 'file_bytes_' or to user-owned memory.
Data file_bytes_; // Empty unless a file was read.
WP2Status status_ = WP2_STATUS_OK;
bool is_done_ = false;
} // namespace WP2