blob: f8af7e2b75096d29b80c64f049019bf2a7d4d3eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal header for constants related to WP2 file format.
// Author: Skal (
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
namespace WP2 {
// maximum width/height allowed (inclusive), in pixels
// width/height limit
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxBufferDimension = (1u << 24);
// width * height limit
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxBufferArea = (1u << 28);
static constexpr uint32_t kSignature = 0x6ffff4;
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxPreviewSize = 333;
static constexpr uint32_t kHeaderMinSize = 10;
static constexpr uint32_t kHeaderMaxSize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t kTagMask = 0x60ffe9;
// Maximum (inclusive) size of a buffer chunk.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxChunkSize = 1u << 29; // 512 MB
static constexpr const char kFileExtension[] = "wp2";
// Number of bits used to store image dimension or frame offset.
static constexpr uint32_t kImageDimNumBits = 14;
// Maximum width/height allowed (inclusive), in pixels. We do not need to remove
// 1 to fit in kImageDimNumBits bits as we always remove one when storing
// dimensions (as they cannot be 0).
static constexpr uint32_t kImageDimMax = (1 << kImageDimNumBits);
// Qualities up to 95 included are considered lossy; above is lossless.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxLossyQuality = 95;
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxQuality = 100;
static constexpr uint32_t kQualityHintNumBits = 4;
static constexpr uint32_t kAlphaQualityRange = kMaxLossyQuality + 2;
static constexpr int kMinEffort = 0;
static constexpr int kMaxEffort = 9;
// For animations:
// ANMF chunk
static constexpr uint32_t kANMFMinHeaderSize = 2; // 8 bits + duration varint
static constexpr uint32_t kANMFMaxHeaderSize = 11; // 8 bits + 5 clamped varint
static constexpr uint8_t kANMFTagNumBits = 6;
static constexpr uint32_t kANMFTagDispose = 0x33;
static constexpr uint32_t kANMFTagFrame = 0x15;
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxFrameDurationMs = 0x7Fu + (0x100u << 7); // ~32s
// Maximum number of frames in an animation, including preframes.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxNumFrames = 65282; // inclusive
// Number of allowed consecutive preframes (meaning with a duration of 0 ms).
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxNumPreframes = 4;
// Number of allowed consecutive non-disposed regular frames (ignore preframes).
// To take preframes into account:
// (1 + kMaxNumDependentFrames) * (1 + kMaxNumPreframes) - 1
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxNumDependentFrames = 16;
// Maximum inclusive angle step magnitude. MAX_ANGLE_DELTA in AV1.
// An angle predictor at angle 'angle' will generate sub-predictors at angles
// 'angle' +/- kDirectionalMaxAngleDelta * 'angle_unit' where 'angle_unit'
// subdivides 22.5 degrees in (2 * kDirectionalMaxAngleDeltaYA + 1) angles.
constexpr uint32_t kDirectionalMaxAngleDeltaYA = 3u;
constexpr uint32_t kDirectionalMaxAngleDeltaUV = 1u;
constexpr uint32_t kYBasePredNum = 9;
constexpr uint32_t kABasePredNum = 8;
constexpr uint32_t kUVBasePredNum = 4;
constexpr uint32_t kAnglePredNum = 10;
enum BasePredictor {
BPRED_DC_L, // dc-left
BPRED_DC_T, // dc-top
BPRED_MEDIAN_DC, // median-dc-all
BPRED_MEDIAN_DC_L, // median-dc-left
BPRED_MEDIAN_DC_T, // median-dc-top
BPRED_DOUBLE_DC, // double-dc-all
BPRED_DOUBLE_DC_L, // double-dc-left
BPRED_DOUBLE_DC_T, // double-dc-top
// Algorithm used for image partitioning.
enum PartitionMethod {
// Combine several heuristics in successive block size passes:
// For each pos starting from top left, take the best block size depending on:
BLOCK_ENCODE_PARTITIONING, // block encoding score (slow)
SPLIT_PARTITIONING, // whole or split block encoding score (slow)
TILE_ENCODE_PARTITIONING, // tile encoding score (super slow)
// Decide recursively how best to split blocks.
// Per 32x32 area, take the best one of a few block layouts:
SUB_AREA_ENCODE_PARTITIONING, // same but for each block in area (very slow)
// Per tile, take the best one of all possible block layouts:
EXHAUSTIVE_PARTITIONING, // (extremely slow)
// Fixed block size (except on edges). Also depends on the partition set.
// Choose one above based on compression effort and image size.
// The set of allowed block sizes for image partitioning.
enum PartitionSet { // The smallest block size is 4x4.
SMALL_SQUARES, // Up to 8x8
SMALL_RECTS, // Up to 16x16
ALL_RECTS, // Up to 32x32, ratio at most 4:1
THICK_RECTS, // Up to 32x32, ratio at most 2:1
MEDIUM_SQUARES, // Up to 16x16
ALL_SQUARES, // Up to 32x32
SOME_RECTS, // Up to 32x32, subset of frequently used rects
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxNumSegments = 8;
typedef enum {
WP2_TF_ITU_R_BT2020_10BIT = 0,
} TransferFunction;
// Predefined ICC chunk
static constexpr uint32_t kPredefinedICC1Size = 524;
extern const uint8_t kPredefinedICC1[];
static constexpr uint32_t kPredefinedICC2Size = 3144;
static constexpr uint32_t kPredefinedICC2Offset = 67; // variable byte
extern const uint8_t kPredefinedICC2[];
// Channels
typedef enum { kYChannel = 0, kUChannel, kVChannel, kAChannel } Channel;
static constexpr uint32_t kRgbBits = 8u;
static constexpr uint32_t kRgbMax = (1 << kRgbBits) - 1; // Inclusive.
static constexpr uint32_t kAlphaBits = 8u;
static constexpr uint32_t kAlphaMax = (1 << kAlphaBits) - 1; // Inclusive.
// Max precision for YUV values, excluding the sign.
static constexpr uint32_t kYuvMaxPrec = 9u;
// Prediction block dimensions:
static constexpr uint32_t kMinBlockSizePix = 4u; // min block size in pixels
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxBlockSizePix = 32u; // max block size in pixels
// maximum block size (for stack reservation)
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxBlockSizePix2 =
(kMaxBlockSizePix * kMaxBlockSizePix);
// blocks dimensions (w or h) in kMinBlockSizePix units are [1..kMaxBlockSize]
// That's 64 possible block types.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxBlockSize = (kMaxBlockSizePix / kMinBlockSizePix);
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxBlockSize2 = (kMaxBlockSize * kMaxBlockSize);
// Tile sizes.
static constexpr uint32_t kTileShapeBits = 2;
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxTilePixels = 512 * 512;
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxTileSize =
kMaxTilePixels / (2 * kMaxBlockSizePix);
// Extreme aspect ratios are undesirable as they create more borders with less
// context.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxAspectRatio = 64;
static_assert(kMaxTileSize * kMaxTileSize / kMaxTilePixels <= kMaxAspectRatio,
"Extreme aspect ratios are no good");
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxTileChunkSize =
(kMaxTilePixels * (kAlphaBits + (kYuvMaxPrec + 1) * 3) + 7) / 8;
static_assert(kMaxTileChunkSize <= kMaxChunkSize,
"Tile bypass may not fit in a chunk");
typedef enum {
// As wide as possible (with a max of kMaxTileSize) and height set so that
// it has at most kMaxTilePixels.
} TileShape;
// max coded level. number of prefix bits for the dictionaries.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxCoeffBits = 10;
// convert pixels units to min-block-size units (rounding up)
static constexpr uint32_t SizeBlocks(uint32_t size_pix) {
return ((size_pix + kMinBlockSizePix - 1u) / kMinBlockSizePix);
// Prediction block size
static constexpr uint32_t kPredWidth = 4;
static constexpr uint32_t kPredHeight = 4;
static constexpr uint32_t kPredSize = (kPredWidth * kPredHeight);
static constexpr uint32_t kLinearPredBits = 10; // For calculation.
// Type of context. Missing context pixels are filled in with neighboring
// values except for kContextSmallNoFillIn.
// For kContextExtendRight, the context is extended horizontally to
// the right instead of along the right boundary.
// For kContextExtendLeft, left context is twice as high.
enum ContextType {
kContextSmall, // left + top + right
kContextSmallNoFillIn, // same as above, but using CodedBlock::kMissing
kContextExtendRight, // left + top + extended right
kContextExtendLeft, // extended left + left
// Size of the context going left of a block, top, and top right extending the
// top context. Extending by kMaxBlockSizePix is good enough for 45 degree
// predictors but we need more for lower angles, hence 2 * kMaxBlockSizePix.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxContextTRExtent = 2 * kMaxBlockSizePix;
// Size of the usual context for prediction (it goes all around a block).
static constexpr uint32_t ContextSize(ContextType context_type, uint32_t bw,
uint32_t bh) {
return (context_type == kContextSmall ||
context_type == kContextSmallNoFillIn)
? (bw + 2 * (bh + 1))
: (context_type == kContextExtendRight)
? (bh + 1 + bw + kMaxContextTRExtent)
: (2 * bh);
static constexpr uint32_t kContextSize =
ContextSize(kContextSmall, kPredWidth, kPredHeight);
// Maximum context size (for stack reservation).
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxContextSize =
ContextSize(kContextExtendRight, kMaxBlockSizePix, kMaxBlockSizePix);
// Max context size when using sub transforms (split_tf).
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxSubContextSize = ContextSize(
kContextExtendRight, kMaxBlockSizePix / 2, kMaxBlockSizePix / 2);
static_assert(kMaxContextSize >= ContextSize(kContextSmall, kMaxBlockSizePix,
"Wrong kMaxContextSize");
// Maximum (inclusive) number of bits to use to represent a frequency in ANS
// quantization.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxFreqBits = 14;
// Index to Adaptation-Speed mapping.
// TODO(skal): fine-tune, learn.
// Natural photo prefer slower adaptation (speed ~= 2..4)
// Web pictures prefer 3..6
static constexpr uint32_t kAdaptationSpeeds[] = {
500, 800, 1000, 1300, 1800, 3000, 5000, 65535 /* <~unique symbol */
static constexpr uint32_t kNumAdaptationSpeeds =
sizeof(kAdaptationSpeeds) / sizeof(kAdaptationSpeeds[0]);
static constexpr uint32_t kMinAOMAdaptSpeed = 1024u;
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxAOMAdaptSpeed = 8192u;
static constexpr uint32_t kAOMAdaptSpeedShift = 5;
// maximum quality factor (inclusive)
static constexpr uint16_t kQFactorMax = 237;
// quality-factor scale (used for fixed-point precision)
static inline constexpr uint16_t kQualityToQFactor(float q) {
return (uint16_t)(q * kQFactorMax / kMaxLossyQuality);
static_assert(kQualityToQFactor(0) == 0, "bad scaling for q=0");
static_assert(kQualityToQFactor(kMaxLossyQuality) == kQFactorMax,
"bad scaling for q=95");
} // namespace WP2
// Lossless
namespace WP2L {
// Maximum number of colors in the palette.
// TODO(vrabaud) replace with something related to the image size (ratio?).
// We cannot use too big a value because of ANS limitations and this value gives
// good enough results.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxPaletteSize = (1u << 12);
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxColorCacheBits = 10;
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxSegmentCacheBits = 12;
static constexpr uint32_t kSegmentSizes[] = {2};
// Small palettes are stored verbatim.
static constexpr uint32_t kSmallPaletteLimit = 3;
// Constant defining the special codes for LZ77 distances, for pixels in a
// neighboring window.
// TODO(vrabaud) get rid of it by defining the most common distances/length as
// part of a dictionary.
static constexpr uint32_t kCodeToPlaneCodes = 120u;
// This constant is just to make the code understandable (like kMaxAlpha and
// 255). Having a bigger value actually does not help.
static constexpr uint32_t kLZ77LengthMin = 1u;
static_assert(kLZ77LengthMin == 1u, "kLZ77LengthMin must be 1.");
// Escape code for the LZ77 length.
// Any value can be used, it does not have to be a power of two.
static constexpr uint32_t kLZ77LengthEscape = (1u << 14);
static constexpr uint32_t kLZ77PrefixCodeSize = 1;
// Min and max number of sampling bits for histograms.
static constexpr uint32_t kHistogramBitsMin = 2;
static constexpr uint32_t kHistogramBitsMax = 9;
// Maximum number of histogram images (sub-blocks). This impacts the compression
// but most images require at the very most 200 histograms. It also impacts the
// amount of RAM used for decoding.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxHistogramImageSize = 1500;
// Maximum absolute values of the residuals. Those values should be chosen so
// that values in this range can fit in the ANS range (it's statically checked).
static constexpr int16_t kMaxAbsResidual8 = 3 * (1 << 8);
static constexpr int16_t kMaxAbsResidual10 = 3 * (1 << 10);
// Minimum and maximum value of transform bits (to downscale the image).
static constexpr uint32_t kTransformBitsMin = 2;
static constexpr uint32_t kTransformBitsMax = 6;
// TODO(vrabaud) Play with this parameter. This value is the official spec one.
// Window size to consider the vertical mode in Group4 compression.
static constexpr uint32_t kGroup4Window = 3;
// LZW constants.
static constexpr uint32_t kLZWCapacityMax = 10000u;
// Precision of the cross color transform.
static constexpr uint32_t kColorTransformBits = 5;
// TODO(vrabaud) Play with those values. kRedToBlueMax could be 128, it is just
// that the code is computing as far as this value.
static constexpr uint32_t kRedToBlueMax = 63;
static constexpr uint32_t kGreenToBlueMax = 127;
static constexpr uint32_t kGreenToRedMax = 127;
enum class TransformType {
kPredictorWSub, // predictors with sub-modes (unused)
kYCoCgR, // reversible YCoCg (unused)
// Possible image transform combinations that can be applied.
// Must be filled with TransformType::kNum after the last transform.
static constexpr uint32_t kPossibleTransformCombinationSize = 3;
static constexpr TransformType
kPossibleTransformCombinations[][kPossibleTransformCombinationSize] = {
// No transform.
{TransformType::kNum, TransformType::kNum, TransformType::kNum},
// Only one.
{TransformType::kGroup4, TransformType::kNum, TransformType::kNum},
{TransformType::kLZW, TransformType::kNum, TransformType::kNum},
{TransformType::kSubtractGreen, TransformType::kNum,
{TransformType::kColorIndexing, TransformType::kNum,
{TransformType::kPredictor, TransformType::kNum, TransformType::kNum},
{TransformType::kCrossColor, TransformType::kNum, TransformType::kNum},
// Allowed pairs.
{TransformType::kSubtractGreen, TransformType::kPredictor,
{TransformType::kSubtractGreen, TransformType::kCrossColor,
{TransformType::kColorIndexing, TransformType::kPredictor,
{TransformType::kPredictor, TransformType::kCrossColor,
// Triplet.
{TransformType::kSubtractGreen, TransformType::kPredictor,
static constexpr uint32_t kPossibleTransformCombinationsNum =
std::extent<decltype(kPossibleTransformCombinations), 0>::value;
} // namespace WP2L
#endif /* WP2_WP2_FORMAT_CONSTANTS_H_ */