blob: 51cd61a65b0e0f175a7d6bce2e07c00867ec0802 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Segment
// Author: Skal (
#include "src/common/lossy/segment.h"
#include "src/common/constants.h"
#include "src/common/lossy/block.h"
#include "src/dec/symbols_dec.h"
#include "src/enc/symbols_enc.h"
#include "src/utils/ans_utils.h"
#include "src/utils/utils.h"
namespace WP2 {
uint32_t GetMaxNumSegments(bool explicit_segment_ids, uint32_t quality_hint,
PartitionSet set) {
assert(quality_hint <= kMaxLossyQualityHint);
const uint32_t max_num_segments =
(explicit_segment_ids ? kMaxNumSegments : kMaxNumSegments / 2);
// Use fewer segments as quality decreases.
const uint32_t res = 1u + DivRound((max_num_segments - 1) * quality_hint,
// TODO(vrabaud) Try for other partition sets, only tested on the default one.
if (set == SOME_RECTS) {
return std::max(2u, res);
} else {
return res;
// Grain read/write
bool GrainParams::operator==(const GrainParams& other) const {
return (y_ == other.y_) &&
(uv_ == other.uv_) &&
(cut_y_ == other.cut_y_) &&
(cut_uv_ == other.cut_uv_);
void GrainParams::Write(ANSEnc* const enc) const {
enc->PutUValue(y_, 4, "grain");
enc->PutUValue(uv_, 4, "grain");
enc->PutUValue(cut_y_, 3, "grain");
enc->PutUValue(cut_uv_, 3, "grain");
void GrainParams::Read(ANSDec* const dec) {
y_ = dec->ReadUValue(4, "grain");
uv_ = dec->ReadUValue(4, "grain");
cut_y_ = dec->ReadUValue(3, "grain");
cut_uv_ = dec->ReadUValue(3, "grain");
void GrainParams::Reset() {
y_ = uv_ = 0;
cut_y_ = cut_uv_ = 0;
void GrainParams::Print() const {
printf("[y=%d uv=%d, cut y=%d uv=%d]\n", y_, uv_, cut_y_, cut_uv_);
// Segment
bool Segment::IsMergeableWith(const Segment& other) const {
const bool same =
(q_scale_ == other.q_scale_) &&
(use_quality_factor_ == other.use_quality_factor_) &&
(use_grain_ == other.use_grain_) &&
(!use_grain_ || grain_ == other.grain_);
if (!same) return false;
if (use_quality_factor_) {
if (quality_factor_ != other.quality_factor_) return false;
if (a_quality_factor_ != other.a_quality_factor_) return false;
} else {
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < 4; ++c) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumQuantZones; ++i) {
if (quant_steps_[c][i] != other.quant_steps_[c][i]) return false;
return true;
WP2Status Segment::WriteHeader(ANSEnc* const enc,
bool write_alpha, bool write_grain) const {
enc->PutBool(use_quality_factor_, "quant-factor");
if (use_quality_factor_) {
enc->PutRValue(quality_factor_, kQFactorMax + 1, "quant-factor");
if (write_alpha) {
enc->PutRValue(a_quality_factor_, kQFactorMax + 1, "quant-factor");
} else {
// TODO(skal): use better delta-coding.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumQuantZones; ++i) {
for (auto c : {kYChannel, kUChannel, kVChannel, kAChannel}) {
if (c == kAChannel && !write_alpha) continue;
enc->PutRange(quant_steps_[c][i], 0, kQFactorMax, "quant-factor");
if (write_grain && enc->PutUValue(use_grain_, 1, "grain")) grain_.Write(enc);
return enc->GetStatus();
void Segment::StoreEncodingMethods(const CodedBlock& cb,
SymbolManager* const sm,
ANSEncBase* const enc) const {
for (Channel channel : {kYChannel, kUChannel, kVChannel, kAChannel}) {
if (channel == kAChannel && !cb.HasLossyAlpha()) continue;
for (uint32_t tf_i = 0; tf_i < cb.GetNumTransforms(channel); ++tf_i) {
if (cb.num_coeffs_[channel][tf_i] == 0) {
// TODO(yguyon): At least one method != kAllZero in block if split
assert(cb.method_[channel][tf_i] == EncodingMethod::kAllZero);
} else {
const uint32_t cluster =
(channel == kAChannel) ? 0 : (3 * cb.id_ + (uint32_t)channel);
const Symbol symbol = (channel == kAChannel) ? kSymbolEncodingMethodA
: kSymbolEncodingMethod;
if (cb.IsFirstCoeffDC(channel)) {
sm->Process(cluster, symbol, (uint32_t)cb.method_[channel][tf_i],
kChannelStr[channel], enc);
} else {
// Use 'max_value' to remove the EncodingMethod::kDCOnly possibility.
sm->Process(cluster, symbol, (uint32_t)cb.method_[channel][tf_i],
kChannelStr[channel], enc);
WP2Status Segment::ReadHeader(PartitionSet partition_set, uint32_t quality_hint,
uint32_t u_quant_multiplier,
uint32_t v_quant_multiplier,
bool read_alpha, bool read_grain,
ANSDec* const dec) {
partition_set_ = partition_set;
const bool use_quality_factor = dec->ReadBool("quant-factor");
if (use_quality_factor) {
const uint32_t quality_factor =
dec->ReadRValue(kQFactorMax + 1, "quant-factor");
SetQuality(quality_hint, quality_factor,
u_quant_multiplier, v_quant_multiplier);
if (read_alpha) {
const uint32_t a_quality_factor =
dec->ReadRValue(kQFactorMax + 1, "quant-factor");
} else {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumQuantZones; ++i) {
for (auto c : {kYChannel, kUChannel, kVChannel, kAChannel}) {
if (c == kAChannel && !read_alpha) continue;
quant_steps_[c][i] = dec->ReadRange(0, kQFactorMax, "quant-factor");
SetQuantSteps(quant_steps_[c], c);
if (read_alpha) FinalizeAlphaQuant();
if (read_grain) {
use_grain_ = dec->ReadUValue(1, "grain");
if (use_grain_) grain_.Read(dec);
} else {
use_grain_ = false;
return dec->GetStatus();
WP2Status Segment::ReadEncodingMethods(SymbolReader* const sr,
CodedBlock* const cb) const {
for (Channel channel : {kYChannel, kUChannel, kVChannel, kAChannel}) {
if (channel == kAChannel && !cb->HasLossyAlpha()) continue;
for (uint32_t tf_i = 0; tf_i < cb->GetNumTransforms(channel); ++tf_i) {
if (cb->num_coeffs_[channel][tf_i] == 0) {
cb->method_[channel][tf_i] = EncodingMethod::kAllZero;
} else {
const uint32_t cluster =
(channel == kAChannel) ? 0 : (3 * cb->id_ + (uint32_t)channel);
const Symbol symbol = (channel == kAChannel) ? kSymbolEncodingMethodA
: kSymbolEncodingMethod;
if (cb->IsFirstCoeffDC(channel)) {
cb->method_[channel][tf_i] =
(EncodingMethod)sr->Read(cluster, symbol, kChannelStr[channel]);
} else {
// Use 'max_value' to remove the EncodingMethod::kDCOnly possibility.
int32_t method;
sr->TryRead(cluster, symbol,
kChannelStr[channel], &method));
cb->method_[channel][tf_i] = (EncodingMethod)method;
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
uint16_t Segment::GetMaxAbsDC(Channel channel) const {
const QuantMtx& mtx = GetQuant(channel);
uint16_t max_abs_dc = 0;
// TODO(vrabaud) only use the TrfSizes defined by -ps.
for (const TrfSize tdim : kAllTrfSizes) {
max_abs_dc = std::max(max_abs_dc, mtx.GetMaxAbsResDC(tdim));
return max_abs_dc;
static uint32_t InterpolateQuant(int32_t qf, float mult) {
const int32_t q = std::lround(qf * mult);
return (uint32_t)Clamp(q, 0, (int32_t)kQFactorMax);
void Segment::SetQuality(uint32_t quality_hint, uint32_t quality_factor,
uint32_t u_quant_multiplier,
uint32_t v_quant_multiplier) {
// The following ad-hoc formulae maps the [0-kQFactorMax] range of quality
// factor to approximately 0.05 bpp - 3 bpp usable range. Note that
// quality_factor 0 is the highest quality (= smaller quant-step).
quality_factor = std::min(quality_factor, (uint32_t)kQFactorMax);
const int32_t q_y = quality_factor;
const int32_t q_u = quality_factor + u_quant_multiplier - kNeutralMultiplier;
const int32_t q_v = quality_factor + v_quant_multiplier - kNeutralMultiplier;
// Quantize DC less than AC for UV, especially at lower qualities.
constexpr float kMinScale = 0.25f;
constexpr float kMaxScale = 0.60f;
const float qf =
1.f * std::min(quality_hint, kMaxLossyQualityHint) / kMaxLossyQualityHint;
const float uv_dc_scale = kMinScale + (kMaxScale - kMinScale) * qf;
const float kUVScales[kNumQuantZones] = {uv_dc_scale, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumQuantZones; ++i) {
quant_steps_[kYChannel][i] = InterpolateQuant(q_y, 1.0f);
quant_steps_[kUChannel][i] = InterpolateQuant(q_u, kUVScales[i]);
quant_steps_[kVChannel][i] = InterpolateQuant(q_v, kUVScales[i]);
quality_factor_ = quality_factor;
use_quality_factor_ = true;
void Segment::SetAlphaQuality(uint32_t quality_factor) {
a_quality_factor_ = std::min(quality_factor, (uint32_t)kQFactorMax);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumQuantZones; ++i) {
quant_steps_[kAChannel][i] = InterpolateQuant(a_quality_factor_, 0.5f);
void Segment::SetQuantSteps(uint16_t quants[kNumQuantZones], Channel channel) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumQuantZones; ++i) {
if (quants[i]) {
quant_steps_[channel][i] = std::min(quants[i], kQFactorMax);
use_quality_factor_ = false;
void Segment::GetQuantSteps(uint16_t quants[kNumQuantZones],
Channel channel) const {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumQuantZones; ++i) {
quants[i] = quant_steps_[channel][i];
WP2Status Segment::AllocateForEncoder() {
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
void Segment::SetYUVBounds(int16_t yuv_min, int16_t yuv_max) {
max_residual_ = 1 + yuv_max - yuv_min;
// Adjust quantization based on the actual yuv/alpha range, compared to
// the max yuv range which is what the quantizer is tuned for by default.
q_scale_ = (float)(1 << (kMaxYuvBits + 1)) / max_residual_;
void Segment::FinalizeQuant(float lambda) {
assert(q_scale_ > 0.f); // must have been set prior to calling this
quant_y_.Init(max_residual_, q_scale_, partition_set_,
quant_u_.Init(max_residual_, q_scale_, partition_set_,
quant_v_.Init(max_residual_, q_scale_, partition_set_,
if (lambda > 0) {
quant_y_.SetLambda(lambda / q_scale_);
quant_u_.SetLambda(lambda / q_scale_);
quant_v_.SetLambda(lambda / q_scale_);
void Segment::FinalizeAlphaQuant(float lambda) {
// Max residual value is different for alpha since it doesn't go through the
// CSP transform. Alpha is between 0 and kAlphaMax. After subtracting
// predicted values from actual values, the residuals are between -kAlphaMax
// and kAlphaMax. So the max absolute value is still kAlphaMax.
quant_a_.Init(/*max_residual=*/kAlphaMax, /*q_scale=*/1.0, partition_set_,
if (lambda > 0) {
const float q_scale_a = (float)(1 << (kMaxYuvBits + 1)) / (1 + kAlphaMax);
quant_a_.SetLambda(lambda / q_scale_a);
WP2Status GlobalParams::AssignQuantizations(const EncoderConfig& config) {
const uint32_t num_segments = segments_.size();
assert(num_segments <= (uint32_t)config.segments);
assert(num_segments <= kMaxNumSegments);
uint32_t qualities[kMaxNumSegments];
const float quant_factor0 =
kQFactorMax * (kMaxLossyQuality - config.quality) / kMaxLossyQuality;
float min_risk = 1.0f;
float max_risk = 0.0f;
for (const auto& s : segments_) min_risk = std::min(min_risk, s.risk_);
for (const auto& s : segments_) max_risk = std::max(max_risk, s.risk_);
min_risk -= 0.01f; // to avoid divide-by-zero
const float amp = 1.4f * Clamp(config.sns / 100.f, 0.f, 1.f);
const float adjust_amp =
std::min(1.f, num_segments / 4.f) / (max_risk - min_risk);
// Exponent for 'adjust' (1 = linear).
const float exponent = 2.0f;
for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < num_segments; ++idx) {
const Segment& s = segments_[idx];
float quant = config.segment_factors[idx];
if (quant == 0.f) {
const float adjust = adjust_amp * (s.risk_ - min_risk);
const float displaced = amp * pow(adjust, exponent);
quant = quant_factor0 * (1.0f - displaced);
} else {
quant = kQFactorMax * (kMaxLossyQuality - quant) / kMaxLossyQuality;
qualities[idx] = Clamp<int32_t>(std::lround(quant), 0, kQFactorMax);
for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < num_segments; ++idx) {
transf_, GetQualityHint(config.quality), u_quant_multiplier_,
v_quant_multiplier_, qualities[idx], 1.f, config.partition_set);
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
WP2Status GlobalParams::AssignAlphaQuantizations(const YUVPlane& yuv,
const EncoderConfig& config) {
has_alpha_ = false;
if (!yuv.A.IsEmpty()) {
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < yuv.A.h_; ++y) {
const int16_t* const row = yuv.A.Row(y);
has_alpha_ = has_alpha_ || WP2HasOtherValue16b(row, yuv.A.w_, kAlphaMax);
if (has_alpha_) break;
maybe_use_lossy_alpha_ =
has_alpha_ && (config.alpha_quality <= kMaxLossyQuality);
if (maybe_use_lossy_alpha_) {
// TODO(maryla): we could detect automatically cases where the alpha
// filter should not be applied.
enable_alpha_filter_ = config.enable_alpha_filter;
const uint32_t max_quality = kMaxLossyQuality;
const uint32_t quant_factor0 =
kQFactorMax * (max_quality - config.alpha_quality) / max_quality);
for (auto& s : segments_) {
s.SetAlphaQuantizationFactor(quant_factor0, /*lambda=*/1.f);
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
void Segment::SetQuantizationFactor(const CSPTransform& transform,
uint32_t quality_hint,
uint32_t u_quant_multiplier,
uint32_t v_quant_multiplier,
uint32_t qfactor, float lambda_mult,
PartitionSet partition_set) {
partition_set_ = partition_set;
SetYUVBounds(transform.GetYUVMin(), transform.GetYUVMax());
SetQuality(quality_hint, qfactor, u_quant_multiplier, v_quant_multiplier);
void Segment::SetAlphaQuantizationFactor(uint32_t qfactor, float lambda) {
} // namespace WP2