blob: 8deaddeab78b91a5df25fe1821806382c3aafdd7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Preview encoder
// Author: Skal (
#include <cassert>
#include "src/common/preview/preview.h"
#include "src/common/progress_watcher.h"
#include "src/utils/plane.h"
#include "src/wp2/encode.h"
namespace WP2 {
// 'Density^2' is the ratio of the number of source pixels versus number of
// grid points to use during optimization.
static constexpr float kPreviewMinGridDensity = 1.0f;
static constexpr float kPreviewMaxGridDensity = 4.0f;
static constexpr uint32_t kPreviewMinBlurRadius = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t kPreviewMaxBlurRadius = 4;
static constexpr uint32_t kPreviewMinBlurThreshold = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t kPreviewMaxBlurThreshold = 256;
static constexpr uint32_t kPreviewMinNumIterations = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t kPreviewMaxNumIterations = 1u << 16;
struct PreviewConfig {
// Available algorithms for the initial vertices generation step.
enum class AnalysisMethod {
PreviewConfig() { assert(IsValid()); } // Check default values.
// Get settings matching 'quality' and 'effort' (see EncoderConfig).
PreviewConfig(float quality, int effort);
// Returns true if all parameters are within their valid ranges.
bool IsValid() const;
// See preview.h for valid ranges.
// The following settings give better results for higher values but longer
// encoding, decoding time and bigger bitstream size.
uint32_t num_vertices = 200; // starting number of vertices
uint32_t num_colors = 6; // starting number of colors
uint32_t grid_size = 64; // grid size in the longest dimension
// The following settings give better results for higher values but longer
// encoding time.
float grid_density = 1.2f; // ratio canvas / grid
uint32_t blur_radius = 4; // Preprocessing blur kernel size (0=disabled).
uint32_t blur_threshold = 30; // Preprocessing blur threshold.
uint32_t num_iterations = 10; // Postprocessing optimization (0=disabled).
AnalysisMethod analysis_method = AnalysisMethod::kColorDiffMaximization;
// Postprocessing optimization parameters.
uint32_t num_mutations_per_iteration = 1;
float score_tolerance = 0.0002f;
uint32_t target_num_bytes = 200;
float importance_of_size_over_quality = 1.f;
uint32_t optimize_color_indices_every_n_iterations = 10;
uint32_t GetMaxNumConsecutiveSolutionsWithoutImprovement() const {
return (num_iterations + 5) / 6;
// Probabilities for local moves (in %) during postprocessing optimization.
uint8_t proba_vertex_move = 50;
uint8_t proba_vertex_add = 20;
uint8_t proba_vertex_sub = 25;
uint8_t proba_color_index_move = 25;
uint8_t proba_color_move = 20;
uint8_t proba_color_add = 1;
uint8_t proba_color_sub = 3;
// Compresses 'buffer' into a preview and writes it to 'output'.
// Returns WP2_STATUS_OK or an error.
WP2Status EncodePreview(const ArgbBuffer& buffer, const PreviewConfig& config,
const ProgressRange& progress, Writer* const output);
// Internal vertex collection
// Places a vertex on the hardest edge, repulses following ones from it,
// repeats 'max_num_vertices' times.
WP2Status CollectVerticesFromEdgeSelectionAndRepulsion(
const ArgbBuffer& canvas, uint32_t max_num_vertices,
PreviewData* const preview);
// Places a point where it maximizes color difference with current canvas,
// updates canvas, repeats 'max_num_vertices' times.
WP2Status CollectVerticesFromColorDiffMaximization(
const ArgbBuffer& canvas, uint32_t max_num_vertices,
PreviewData* const preview);
// Takes a list of at most twice 'max_num_vertices' of the most edgy,
// non-isolated pixels, and draws 'max_num_vertices' at random from it.
WP2Status CollectVerticesFromRandomEdgeSelection(
const ArgbBuffer& canvas, uint32_t max_num_vertices,
PreviewData* const preview);
// Use Voronoi cells to spread vertices with equal-density.
WP2Status CollectVerticesFromVoronoiCells(
const ArgbBuffer& canvas, uint32_t max_num_vertices,
PreviewData* const preview);
// Internal color collection
// Averages pixel color with its neighbors in a '2*radius+1'-sided square.
Argb32b GetAverageColor(const ArgbBuffer& canvas, uint32_t radius,
uint32_t pixel_x, uint32_t pixel_y);
// Returns 'counts' with the number of 'vertices' using each 'palette' color.
WP2Status GetPaletteHistogram(const Vector<VertexIndexedColor>& vertices,
const Vector<AYCoCg19b>& palette,
Vector_u16* const counts);
// Returns the index of the 'palette' element matching the 'color' the most.
uint16_t FindClosestColorIndex(const Vector<AYCoCg19b>& palette,
AYCoCg19b color);
// Make sure the palette has enough color, and insert a default colormap if
// needed.
WP2Status MakePaletteValid(Vector<AYCoCg19b>* const palette);
// Averages all pixels.
RGB12b GetPreviewColor(const ArgbBuffer& canvas);
RGB12b GetPreviewColor(const YUVPlane& canvas,
const CSPTransform& csp_transform);
RGB12b GetPreviewColor(const YUVPlane& canvas, const CSPMtx& ccsp_to_rgb);
} // namespace WP2