blob: de100eeb0f96c09e9c86920c596b694fcee531da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Speed-critical functions.
// Author: Skal (
#ifndef WP2_DSP_DSP_H_
#define WP2_DSP_DSP_H_
#include "src/wp2/config.h"
#include "src/wp2/base.h"
#include "src/wp2/format_constants.h"
// CPU detection
// We are inheriting constructors, so we need the following
// minimal versions of the compilers.
#if defined(__clang__)
// clang 3.3, cf
static_assert(((__clang_major__ << 8) | __clang_minor__) >= ((3 << 8) | 3),
"clang needs to be at version >= 3.3");
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
// gcc 4.8, cf
static_assert(((__GNUC__ << 8) | __GNUC_MINOR__) >= ((4 << 8) | 8),
"gcc needs to be at version >= 4.8");
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
// MSVC 2015, cf
static_assert(_MSC_VER >= 1900, "Visual Studio needs to be at version >= 2015");
#if defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IX86)
#define WP2_MSC_SSE // Visual C++ SSE4.2 targets
#ifndef __has_builtin
# define __has_builtin(x) 0
// WP2_HAVE_* are used to indicate the presence of the instruction set in dsp
// files without intrinsics, allowing the corresponding Init() to be called.
// Files containing intrinsics will need to be built targeting the instruction
// set so should succeed on one of the earlier tests.
#if defined(__SSE4_2__) || defined(WP2_MSC_SSE) || defined(WP2_HAVE_SSE)
#define WP2_USE_SSE // incorporate all instructions up to SSE4.2 (inclusive)
#include <smmintrin.h>
// HAVE_AVX2 is dependent on HAVE_SSE
#if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(WP2_HAVE_AVX2)
#define WP2_USE_AVX2
#include <immintrin.h>
#endif // AVX2
#endif // SSE
#if defined(__ANDROID__) && defined(__ARM_ARCH_7A__)
#define WP2_ANDROID_NEON // Android targets that might support NEON
// The intrinsics currently cause compiler errors with arm-nacl-gcc and the
// inline assembly would need to be modified for use with Native Client.
#if (defined(__ARM_NEON__) || defined(WP2_ANDROID_NEON) || \
defined(__aarch64__) || defined(WP2_HAVE_NEON)) && \
#define WP2_USE_NEON
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_ARM)
#define WP2_USE_NEON
#if defined(WP2_USE_NEON)
#include <arm_neon.h>
#if defined(__mips__) && !defined(__mips64) && \
defined(__mips_isa_rev) && (__mips_isa_rev >= 1) && (__mips_isa_rev < 6)
#define WP2_USE_MIPS32
#if (__mips_isa_rev >= 2)
#define WP2_USE_MIPS32_R2
#if defined(__mips_dspr2) || (__mips_dsp_rev >= 2)
#define WP2_USE_MIPS_DSP_R2
#if defined(__mips_msa) && defined(__mips_isa_rev) && (__mips_isa_rev >= 5)
#define WP2_USE_MSA
// This macro prevents thread_sanitizer from reporting known concurrent writes.
#if defined(__has_feature)
#if __has_feature(thread_sanitizer)
#define WP2_TSAN_IGNORE_FUNCTION __attribute__((no_sanitize_thread))
#if defined(__clang__) && defined(__has_attribute)
#if __has_attribute(no_sanitize)
// This macro prevents the undefined behavior sanitizer from reporting
// failures. This is only meant to silence unaligned loads on platforms that
// are known to support them.
// This macro prevents the undefined behavior sanitizer from reporting
// failures related to unsigned integer overflows. This is only meant to
// silence cases where this well defined behavior is expected.
// endianness code from WebP.
// some endian fix (e.g.: mips-gcc doesn't define __BIG_ENDIAN__)
#if !defined(WP2_WORDS_BIGENDIAN) && \
(defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) || defined(_M_PPC) || \
(defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__)))
typedef enum {
kSSE, // everything up to 4.2
// some particular fine-grained CPU types
kSSE2, kSSE3, kSSE4_1, kSSE4_2,
kSlowSSSE3, // special feature for slow SSSE3 architectures
} WP2CPUFeature;
// returns true if the CPU supports the feature.
typedef bool (*WP2CPUInfo)(WP2CPUFeature feature);
// Init stub generator
// Defines an init function stub to ensure each module exposes a symbol,
// avoiding a compiler warning.
#define WP2_DSP_INIT_STUB(func) \
extern void func(); \
// Encoding
static constexpr uint32_t WP2QBits = 16; // fixed-point precision for quant
static inline int16_t WP2Quantize16b(uint32_t v, uint32_t iq, uint32_t bias) {
return (int16_t)(((uint64_t)v * iq + bias) >> WP2QBits);
// all quant/iquat/bias matrix have the same stride:
static constexpr uint32_t WP2QStride = 32u;
static_assert(WP2QStride >= WP2::kMaxBlockSizePix, "WP2QMaxW stride too short");
// Quantize: coeffs[] = (res[] * iq[] + bias) >> WP2Bits (with sign handling).
// iq[], res[] and coeffs[] are assumed to be pointing to at
// least 8 elements (uint32_t or int16_t) of memory underneath.
extern void (*WP2Quantize)(const uint32_t iq[], uint32_t bias,
const int32_t res[], int16_t coeffs[], uint32_t W,
uint32_t H);
// Performs unclamped out[] = in[] * dequants[] for i in [0..len), and pad the
// rest of out[] with 0s. It's assumed that in[] is padded with 0s for i >= len.
// It is the caller's responsability to ensure the in[] * dequants[] will not
// overflow 16b storage. No clamping is to be expected.
extern void (*WP2Dequantize)(const int16_t in[], const int16_t dequants[],
int16_t out[],
uint32_t W, uint32_t H, uint32_t len);
void WP2QuantizeInit();
// must be called before using any of the above
void WP2EncDspInit();
// Decoding
// must be called before anything using the above
void WP2DecDspInit();
// Common utils
typedef void (*WP2ArgbConverterF)(const void* src, uint32_t width, void* dst);
// functions to convert from...
// any format -> Argb
extern WP2ArgbConverterF WP2ArgbConvertFrom[WP2_FORMAT_NUM];
// any format -> ARGB
extern WP2ArgbConverterF WP2ARGBConvertFrom[WP2_FORMAT_NUM];
// Argb -> any format
extern WP2ArgbConverterF WP2ArgbConvertTo[WP2_FORMAT_NUM];
// ARGB -> any format
extern WP2ArgbConverterF WP2ARGBConvertTo[WP2_FORMAT_NUM];
// Returns the function for converting between the two formats.
// All conversions from Argb or ARGB are implemented.
// All conversions to Argb or ARGB are implemented.
// All conversions from four 8-bit channels to four 8-bit channels are
// implemented, using a temporary step (slower).
// Returns null in other cases.
WP2ArgbConverterF WP2ConversionFunction(WP2SampleFormat from,
WP2SampleFormat to);
void WP2ArgbConverterInit();
// Applies the matrix mtx[] to (y,u,v)[] + offset[].
// mtx[] is assumed to be 12-bit fixed-point precision matrix.
extern void (*WP2YuvToCustom)(
const int16_t* y, const int16_t* u, const int16_t* v,
const int16_t offset[3], const int16_t mtx[9],
int16_t* dst0, int16_t* dst1, int16_t* dst2, uint32_t width);
// Same but outputs to ARGB (alternated channels).
typedef void (*WP2AyuvToArgbFunc)(
const int16_t* y, const int16_t* u, const int16_t* v, const int16_t* a,
const int16_t avg[3], const int16_t mtx[9], void* argb, uint32_t width);
typedef void (*WP2YuvToArgbFunc)(
const int16_t* y, const int16_t* u, const int16_t* v,
const int16_t avg[3], const int16_t mtx[9], void* argb, uint32_t width);
// 8-bit output
extern WP2AyuvToArgbFunc WP2AyuvToArgb32; // Convert to pre-multiplied Argb
extern WP2AyuvToArgbFunc WP2AyuvToARGB32; // Convert to un-multiplied ARGB
extern WP2AyuvToArgbFunc WP2AyuvToXRGB32; // Convert to un-multiplied XRGB
extern WP2YuvToArgbFunc WP2YuvToArgb32; // Convert to Argb (opaque input)
// 10-bit output
extern WP2AyuvToArgbFunc WP2AyuvToArgb38; // Convert to pre-multiplied Argb
extern WP2YuvToArgbFunc WP2YuvToArgb38; // Convert to Argb (opaque input)
void WP2CSPConverterInit();
// ANS
namespace WP2 {
#define APROBA_MAX_SYMBOL 32u // for now, hardcoded for 4, 8, 16 or 32.
// Updates the discrete cumulative distribution function.
// The number of elements in 'cdf_base', 'cdf_var' and 'cumul' must be a
// multiple of 8 at least as big as 'n'.
typedef void (*ANSUpdateCDFFunc)(uint32_t n, const uint16_t cdf_base[],
const uint16_t cdf_var[], uint32_t mult,
uint16_t cumul[]);
extern ANSUpdateCDFFunc ANSUpdateCDF;
// Returns the symbol in 'cumul' at 'proba' which is in [0, APROBA_MAX[.
typedef uint32_t (*ANSGetSymbolFunc)(uint32_t max_symbol,
const uint16_t cumul[], uint32_t proba);
extern ANSGetSymbolFunc ANSGetSymbol;
void ANSInit();
} // namespace WP2
// Transforms
enum WP2TransformType { kDct = 0, kAdst, kHadamard, kIdentity, kNumTransforms };
const char* const WP2TransformNames[] = {"DCT", "ADST", "Hadamard", "Identity"};
typedef void (*WP2FwdTransposeF)(const int32_t* in, uint32_t w, uint32_t h,
int32_t* out);
typedef void (*WP2InvTransposeF)(const int16_t* in, uint32_t w, uint32_t h,
int16_t* out);
typedef void (*WP2InvTransformF)(int16_t* coeffs);
typedef void (*WP2FwdTransformF)(int32_t* coeffs);
typedef void (*WP2InvTransformColF)(int16_t* coeffs, uint32_t w);
typedef void (*WP2FwdTransformColF)(int32_t* coeffs, uint32_t w);
// indexed on size=2,4,8,16,32
extern WP2FwdTransformF WP2FwdDct[5], WP2FwdAdst[5], WP2FwdHadamard[5];
extern WP2InvTransformF WP2InvDct[5], WP2InvAdst[5], WP2InvHadamard[5];
// Column-wise 2D transforms, indexed on log2(size) vertically / horizontally
extern WP2InvTransformColF WP2InvDctCol[5][5];
extern WP2FwdTransformColF WP2FwdDctCol[5][5];
extern WP2InvTransposeF WP2Transpose16b;
extern WP2FwdTransposeF WP2Transpose32b;
void WP2TransformInit();
// Entry point for 1D transforms. Repeats for 'num_rows' consecutive rows.
void WP2InvTransform(int16_t coeffs[], WP2TransformType type, uint32_t size,
uint32_t num_rows = 1);
void WP2Transform(int32_t coeffs[], WP2TransformType type, uint32_t size,
uint32_t num_rows = 1);
// If 'reduced' is true, transforms at half the resolution.
void WP2InvTransform2D(int16_t coeffs[], WP2TransformType tf_x,
WP2TransformType tf_y, uint32_t size_x, uint32_t size_y,
bool reduced = false);
void WP2Transform2D(const int16_t src[], WP2TransformType tf_x,
WP2TransformType tf_y, uint32_t size_x, uint32_t size_y,
int32_t dst[], bool reduced = false);
// Converts full transform coefficients array to half-transform ones.
// coeffs[] is replaced by its top-left quadrant values divided by 4.
void WP2ReduceCoeffs(const int32_t src[], uint32_t size_x, uint32_t size_y,
int32_t dst[]);
// computes (int32)(256.f * sum_i_j{ in[i + 8 * j] * cos_x[i] * cos_y[j] })
// Warning! Do not expect bit-exact same result amongst several implementation,
// because of rounding order of floating-point computations. The SSE version
// is different (off-by-one) from the C-version in ~1% of cases, e.g.
extern int32_t (*WP2SlowDct8x8)(const int32_t in[64],
const float cos_x[8], const float cos_y[8]);
// Convenience function for 1D in-place fwd-transform. Only for testing!
void WP2Transform(int16_t coeffs[], WP2TransformType type, uint32_t size);
// Deblocking filter
namespace WP2 {
static constexpr uint32_t kDblkMaxStrength = 63;
static constexpr uint32_t kDblkMaxSharpness = 7;
// max number of filtered pixels on each side of the edge
static constexpr uint32_t kDblkMaxHalf = 8;
static constexpr int kDblCacheStep = 2 * kDblkMaxHalf; // ('step' of cache)
// Copy a width x '2*height' area to and from cache, transposed.
extern void (*FilterCopyIn)(const int16_t* src, uint32_t src_step,
int16_t* dst, int32_t width, int32_t height);
extern void (*FilterCopyOut)(const int16_t* src, int16_t* dst,
uint32_t dst_step, int32_t width, int32_t height);
// Applies the deblocking filter on a line of 2 * 'half' samples across
// the edge.
// The higher 'filter_strength' and the lower 'filter_sharpness' are, the
// higher the variance threshold (under which the filter is applied) is.
// The 'filter_strength' also influences the number of actually filtered
// pixels and how much they are modified (for narrow filter only).
// 'min' and 'max' are color boundaries.
extern void (*DeblockLine)(uint32_t filter_strength, int32_t threshold,
uint8_t half, int32_t min, int32_t max, int16_t* q0);
// Returns 1 if the line with half-size 'half' would be deblocked.
extern uint8_t (*WouldDeblockLine)(int32_t threshold, uint32_t half,
const int16_t q0[]);
// Returns the number of pixels in [1:half] that are flat on each side of rows.
// For half = 3,4, the samples q0[-4..3] must all be available for read.
// For 4 < half <= 8, the samples q0[-8..7] must be readable.
// The function processes 'size' lines.
extern void (*MeasureFlatLengths)(uint32_t filter_sharpness, uint32_t half,
const int16_t* q0, uint32_t step,
uint8_t out[], uint32_t size);
// Returns the sample threshold deduced from sharpness and precision bits (sign
// included), to be passed to (Would)DeblockLine functions.
int32_t DeblockThresholdFromSharpness(uint32_t filter_sharpness,
uint32_t num_precision_bits);
// To initialize the above.
void DblkFilterInit();
} // namespace WP2
// Directional filter
namespace WP2 {
// There are 8 directions, 0 being lower-left/upper-right and 2 being
// horizontal (with top-left origin).
static constexpr uint32_t kDrctFltNumDirs = 8;
// Filtering is applied on blocks of 8x8 pixels.
static constexpr uint32_t kDrctFltSize = 8;
// Kernel size in pixels (around the filtered pixel so 2+1+2 in total).
static constexpr uint32_t kDrctFltTapDist = 2;
// Tap position (x, y) for a given direction [0:7] and a given distance [0:1].
static constexpr int8_t kDrctFltTapPos[kDrctFltNumDirs][kDrctFltTapDist][2] = {
{{1, -1}, {2, -2}}, {{1, 0}, {2, -1}}, {{1, 0}, {2, 0}}, {{1, 0}, {2, 1}},
{{1, 1}, {2, 2}}, {{0, 1}, {1, 2}}, {{0, 1}, {0, 2}}, {{0, 1}, {-1, 2}}};
void DrctFilterInit();
// CDEF direction function signature. Section 7.15.2.
// |src| is a pointer to the source block. Pixel size is set by |bitdepth|
// with |step| given in int16_t units. |direction| and |variance| are output
// parameters and must not be nullptr.
typedef void (*CdefDirectionFunc)(const int16_t* src, int32_t step,
uint32_t bitdepth, uint32_t* const direction,
uint32_t* const variance);
extern CdefDirectionFunc CdefDirection4x4;
extern CdefDirectionFunc CdefDirection8x8;
// Fills the extended input buffer with unfiltered pixels or unknown values.
typedef void (*CdefPadFunc)(const int16_t* const src, int32_t src_step,
const int16_t* const left, int32_t left_step,
const int16_t* const top, int32_t top_step,
int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t n_left,
int32_t n_right, int32_t n_top, int32_t n_bottom,
int16_t* tmp, int32_t tmp_step);
extern CdefPadFunc CdefPad;
// CDEF filtering function signature. Section 7.15.3.
// |src| is a pointer to the padded input block.
// |block_width|, |block_height| are the width/height in px of the input block.
// |primary_strength|, |secondary_strength|, and |damping| are parameters.
// |direction| is the filtering direction. |dst| is the output buffer.
typedef void (*CdefFilteringFunc)(const int16_t* src, int32_t src_step,
uint32_t bitdepth, int block_width,
int block_height, int primary_strength,
int secondary_strength, int damping,
int direction, int16_t* const dst,
int32_t dst_step);
extern CdefFilteringFunc CdefFiltering;
} // namespace WP2
// Restoration filter
namespace WP2 {
// Wiener kernel size in pixels (around the filtered pixel so 3+1+3 in total).
// TODO(yguyon): Use a dynamic tap_dist (2 for chroma etc.)
static constexpr uint32_t kWieFltTapDist = 3;
static constexpr uint32_t kWieFltNumTaps = 2 * kWieFltTapDist + 1;
static constexpr uint32_t kWieFltNumBitsTapWgts = 8; // Including the sign.
static constexpr uint32_t kWieFltNumBitsOverflow = 2;
// Including the sign.
static constexpr uint32_t kWieNumBitsPerTapWgt[kWieFltTapDist]{4, 5, 6};
// Dimensions of the internal buffer for the Wiener filter.
static constexpr uint32_t kWieFltWidth = kMaxTileSize; // AV1 is 256*1.5 (why?)
static constexpr uint32_t kWieFltHeight = 64; // Like AV1.
static constexpr uint32_t kWieFltBufWidth = kWieFltWidth + 2 * kWieFltTapDist;
static constexpr uint32_t kWieFltBufHeight = kWieFltHeight + 2 * kWieFltTapDist;
static constexpr uint32_t kWieFltBufSize = kWieFltBufHeight * kWieFltBufWidth;
void WienerFilterInit();
// Fills 'full_tap_weights' from 'half_tap_weights' by symmetry and knowing it
// must give a unit vector.
void WienerHalfToFullWgts(const int32_t half_tap_weights[kWieFltTapDist],
int32_t full_tap_weights[kWieFltNumTaps]);
// Applies the Wiener filter on 'dst' of dimensions 'width x height', which
// must fit within the internal buffer (along with tap margins). Available
// surrounding margins of size 'n_*' pixels should be at most 'kWieFltTapDist'.
// 'left' can be nullptr or contain 'n_left x height' pixels. Same for 'right'.
// 'top' can be nullptr or contain 'n_top x (n_left + height + n_right)' pixels.
// Same for 'bottom'. The 'strength_map' must have the same dimension as 'dst'.
// 'num_precision_bits' includes the sign.
typedef WP2Status (*WienerFilterF)(
uint32_t width, uint32_t height, const int16_t* const left,
size_t left_step, const int16_t* const right, size_t right_step,
const int16_t* const top, size_t top_step, const int16_t* const bottom,
size_t bottom_step, uint32_t n_left, uint32_t n_right, uint32_t n_top,
uint32_t n_bottom, const int32_t tap_weights_h[kWieFltNumTaps],
const int32_t tap_weights_v[kWieFltNumTaps],
const uint8_t* const strength_map, size_t strength_step,
uint32_t num_precision_bits, size_t dst_step, int16_t* const dst);
extern WienerFilterF WienerFilter;
} // namespace WP2
// Grain
namespace WP2 {
void GrainFilterInit();
class PseudoRNG;
typedef void (*AddGrainF)(int16_t* samples, size_t step, PseudoRNG* const rng,
uint32_t amp, uint32_t freq);
typedef void (*GenerateGrainF)(PseudoRNG* const rng, uint32_t amp,
uint32_t freq, int16_t dst[]);
extern AddGrainF AddGrain4x4;
extern GenerateGrainF GenerateGrain4x4;
} // namespace WP2
// Predictions
namespace WP2L {
// Predicts one pixel using the 4 pixel context and a sub-angle.
// This is used in lossless but re-uses a lot of private lossy code.
extern void SubAnglePredictor(uint8_t angle_idx, const int16_t* const left,
const int16_t* const top, int16_t* dst);
} // namespace WP2L
namespace WP2 {
// 'step' is in *dst units, not bytes.
typedef void (*LPredictF)(const int16_t* ctx, uint32_t bw, uint32_t bh,
int16_t min_value, int16_t max_value, int16_t* dst,
size_t step);
typedef void (*AnglePredictorF)(uint8_t angle, const int16_t* ctx, uint32_t bw,
uint32_t bh, int16_t* dst, size_t step);
// generic predictors (dc, smooth, ...)
extern LPredictF BasePredictors[BPRED_LAST];
// Simple version of the generic directional predictors: interpolations are
// closer to how AV1 does it.
extern void SimpleAnglePredictor(uint8_t angle_idx, const int16_t ctx[],
uint32_t log2_bw, uint32_t log2_bh,
int16_t* dst, size_t step);
extern void (*AnglePredInterpolate)(const int16_t* src, int32_t frac,
int16_t* dst, uint32_t len);
// Number of angle subdivision within a 22.5 degrees span.
constexpr uint32_t kDirectionalMaxDelta = (2 * kDirectionalMaxAngleDeltaYA + 1);
// number of indexed angled: 10 based angles: {23.0, 45.0, ... 225} + 7 deltas
constexpr uint32_t kNumDirectionalAngles = kAnglePredNum * kDirectionalMaxDelta;
// angle_idx goes for 0 (12.86 degrees) to 69 (234.64 degrees).
// Some notable values:
constexpr uint32_t kAngle_45 = 10;
constexpr uint32_t kAngle_67 = 17;
constexpr uint32_t kAngle_90 = 24;
constexpr uint32_t kAngle_113 = 31;
constexpr uint32_t kAngle_135 = 38;
constexpr uint32_t kAngle_157 = 45;
constexpr uint32_t kAngle_180 = 52;
constexpr uint32_t kAngle_225 = 66;
static_assert(kAngle_90 - kAngle_45 == 2 * kDirectionalMaxDelta &&
kAngle_135 - kAngle_90 == 2 * kDirectionalMaxDelta &&
kAngle_180 - kAngle_135 == 2 * kDirectionalMaxDelta &&
kAngle_225 - kAngle_180 == 2 * kDirectionalMaxDelta,
"bad kAngle");
static constexpr ContextType GetContextType(uint32_t angle_idx) {
return (angle_idx < kAngle_90) ? kContextExtendRight
: (angle_idx > kAngle_180) ? kContextExtendLeft
: kContextSmall;
// Precalculation of 'fuse' weight. 'strength' in [0..1].
static constexpr uint32_t LargeWeightTableDim = 16u;
typedef float LargeWeightTable[LargeWeightTableDim * LargeWeightTableDim];
extern void PrecomputeLargeWeightTable(float strength, LargeWeightTable table);
// "fuse" weights computation. 'w,h,x,y' in pixels.
extern uint32_t ComputeFuseWeights(uint32_t w, uint32_t h, int32_t x, int32_t y,
const LargeWeightTable table,
float weights[kMaxContextSize]);
// Generic "fuse" prediction. 'bw,bh' in pixels.
extern void BaseFusePredictor(const LargeWeightTable table, const int16_t ctx[],
uint32_t bw, uint32_t bh, int16_t* dst,
size_t step, int16_t min_value,
int16_t max_value);
// Generic "Paeth" prediction.
extern void BasePaethPredictor(const int16_t* ctx, uint32_t bw, uint32_t bh,
int16_t min_value, int16_t max_value,
int16_t* dst, size_t step);
// Subtract prediction 'pred' from 'src'. 'len' is assumed to be multiple of 4.
// The 'src - pred' difference value is assumed to fit in int16_t.
extern void (*SubtractRow)(const int16_t src[], const int16_t pred[],
int16_t dst[], uint32_t len);
// Add prediction 'res' to 'src', clamp and store in 'dst'.
// 'len' is assumed to be multiple of 4.
// 'res[]' and 'res[] + src[]' is assumed to fit in int16_t.
extern void (*AddRow)(const int16_t src[], const int16_t res[],
int32_t min, int32_t max, int16_t dst[], uint32_t len);
// Equivalent version for blocks instead of row (same restrictions)
typedef void (*SubtractBlockFunc)(const int16_t src[], uint32_t src_step,
const int16_t pred[], uint32_t pred_step,
int16_t dst[], uint32_t dst_step,
uint32_t height);
typedef void (*AddBlockFunc)(const int16_t src[], uint32_t src_step,
const int16_t res[], uint32_t res_step,
int32_t min, int32_t max,
int16_t dst[], uint32_t dst_step,
uint32_t height);
// in-place 16b version that performs dst[...] += res[...]
typedef void (*AddBlockEqFunc)(const int16_t res[], uint32_t res_step,
int16_t dst[], uint32_t dst_step,
int32_t min, int32_t max, uint32_t height);
// the array is indexed by log2(width / 4): 0=4, 1=8, 2=16, 3=32
extern SubtractBlockFunc SubtractBlock[4];
extern AddBlockFunc AddBlock[4];
extern AddBlockEqFunc AddBlockEq[4];
// Chroma-From-Luma and Alpha-From-Luma
// precision of the linear a/b constants.
// 'a' is in 1:2:12 format (hence, int16). The 'a' range is [-4.f, 4.f)
// 'b' is in 1:11:12 format (int32). The 'b' range is [-1024.f, 1024.f]
constexpr uint32_t kCflFracBits = 12;
// Linear prediction: dst[] = clamp((a * src[] + b) >> kCflFracBits, min, max)
// 'len' is assumed to be a multiple of 4.
extern void (*CflPredict)(const int16_t* src, int16_t a, int32_t b,
int16_t* dst, int16_t min, int16_t max, uint32_t len);
static inline int16_t CflScale(int16_t v, int16_t a, int32_t b,
int16_t min, int16_t max) {
const int32_t V = ((int32_t)a * v + b) >> kCflFracBits;
return (int16_t)(V < min ? min : V > max ? max : V);
// Will initialize the above functions.
void PredictionInit();
} // namespace WP2
// Scoring
namespace WP2 {
// returns the min/max value of a 4x4 blocks located at 'src'
extern void (*GetBlockMinMax)(const int16_t* src, uint32_t step,
uint32_t num_blocks,
int16_t min[], int16_t max[]);
// returns the Min/Max values over a 5x5 block. It is assumed that the whole
// 8x5 block memory is readable.
extern void (*GetBlockMinMax_5x5)(const int16_t* src, uint32_t step,
int16_t* const min, int16_t* const max);
extern void GetBlockMinMaxGeneric(const int16_t* src, uint32_t step,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h,
int16_t* const min, int16_t* const max);
extern void ScoreDspInit();
} // namespace WP2
// total size of the kernel: 2 * kWP2SSIMKernel + 1
static constexpr uint32_t kWP2SSIMKernel = 3;
static constexpr uint32_t kWP2SSIMWeightSum = 16 * 16; // sum{kWeight}^2
// some implementation (like SSE2) will process more than the kernel's size of
// data in the non-clipped fast version. This value specifies how many
// RGBA samples must be readable when calling WP2SSIMGetFunc(), all
// implementations considered.
static constexpr uint32_t kWP2SSIMMargin = 8;
static_assert(kWP2SSIMMargin >= 2 * kWP2SSIMKernel + 1,
"invalid kWP2SSIMMargin value");
// struct for accumulating statistical moments
struct WP2DistoStats {
uint32_t w = 0; // sum(w_i) : sum of weights
int32_t xm = 0, ym = 0; // sum(w_i * x_i), sum(w_i * y_i)
uint64_t xxm = 0, yym = 0; // sum(w_i * x_i * x_i), sum(w_i * y_i * y_i)
int64_t xym = 0; // sum(w_i * x_i * y_i)
// Compute the final SSIM value
extern double WP2SSIMCalculation(uint32_t bit_depth,
const WP2DistoStats& stats);
// This version only computes the (contrast * saturation) part of the SSIM
extern double WP2CsSSIMCalculation(uint32_t bit_depth,
const WP2DistoStats& stats);
// Returns the accumulated 'stats' of a (kWP2SSIMKernel*2+1)-sided pixel square.
// 'src1' and 'src2' are absolute pointers to the top-left corner.
typedef void (*WP2SSIMGetFunc)(const void* src1, size_t step1,
const void* src2, size_t step2,
WP2DistoStats* const stats);
// Same as above but handles the canvas edges, where the square does not fit.
// 'center_x,y' are the coordinates of the center of the square and
// 'width,height' are the dimensions of the whole canvas.
typedef WP2DistoStats (*WP2SSIMGetClippedFunc)(const void* src1, size_t step1,
const void* src2, size_t step2,
uint32_t center_x,
uint32_t center_y,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
extern WP2SSIMGetFunc WP2SSIMGet4x8u; // 4 channels, unsigned 8-bit depth.
extern WP2SSIMGetFunc WP2SSIMGet8u; // Single channel, unsigned 8-bit depth.
extern WP2SSIMGetFunc WP2SSIMGet10s; // Single channel, signed 11b or fewer.
extern WP2SSIMGetFunc WP2SSIMGet12s; // Single channel, signed 12b or more.
extern WP2SSIMGetClippedFunc WP2SSIMGetClipped4x8u; // Same but clipped.
extern WP2SSIMGetClippedFunc WP2SSIMGetClipped8u;
extern WP2SSIMGetClippedFunc WP2SSIMGetClipped10s;
extern WP2SSIMGetClippedFunc WP2SSIMGetClipped12s;
void WP2SSIMInit();
// alpha-related functions
// returns true if src[0..len) contains 'value'
extern bool (*WP2HasValue8b)(const uint8_t* src, size_t len, uint8_t value);
extern bool (*WP2HasValue16b)(const int16_t* src, size_t len, int16_t value);
// returns true if src[0..len) contains other values than 'value'
extern bool (*WP2HasOtherValue8b)(
const uint8_t* src, size_t len, uint8_t value);
extern bool (*WP2HasOtherValue16b)(
const int16_t* src, size_t len, int16_t value);
// return true if src[4 * i + 0] is different from 'value'
extern bool (*WP2HasOtherValue8b32b)(
const uint8_t* src, size_t len, uint8_t value);
void WP2AlphaInit();
// Return the sum of squared error for a continuous row of samples.
extern uint64_t (*WP2SumSquaredError8u)(const uint8_t* src1,
const uint8_t* src2,
uint32_t len);
// the int16_t in src1[] and src2[] are assumed in range [-1024, 1023]
extern uint64_t (*WP2SumSquaredError16s)(const int16_t* src1,
const int16_t* src2,
uint32_t len);
// Accumulate 32b samples channels by channels. result[] is not reset to 0.
extern void (*WP2SumSquaredError4x8u)(const uint8_t* src1,
const uint8_t* src2,
uint32_t len, uint64_t result[4]);
// Accumulate 24b samples channels by channels. result[] is not reset to 0.
extern void (*WP2SumSquaredError3x8u)(const uint8_t* src1, const uint8_t* src2,
uint32_t len, uint64_t result[3]);
// Accumulate 64b samples channels by channels. result[] is not reset to 0.
extern void (*WP2SumSquaredError4x16u)(const uint16_t* src1,
const uint16_t* src2, uint32_t len,
uint64_t result[4]);
// returns the SSE for a w x h block.
// 16b input is assumed to be in range [-1024,1023].
extern uint64_t (*WP2SumSquaredErrorBlock)(const int16_t* src1, uint32_t step1,
const int16_t* src2, uint32_t step2,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h);
// Same, but after first downsampling the sources by half (2x2 average filter).
extern uint64_t (*WP2SumSquaredErrorHalfBlock)(
const int16_t* src1, uint32_t step1, const int16_t* src2, uint32_t step2,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h);
void WP2PSNRInit();
// Rasterization / Preview
namespace WP2 {
constexpr uint32_t kRasterPrec = 16; // gradient's fixed-point precision
typedef int32_t grad_t; // type for holding values in fixed-precision
// compute cur[] at position 'dX' and update grads[]
extern void (*RasterAdvance)(grad_t grads[3 * 4], grad_t dX, grad_t cur[4]);
// compute squared error on span
extern void (*RasterLoss)(const uint8_t* src, uint32_t size,
const grad_t value[4], const grad_t gradient[4],
uint32_t loss[4]);
// draw gradient on span
extern void (*RasterDraw)(const grad_t value[4], const grad_t gradient[4],
uint8_t* dst, uint32_t size);
void RasterInit();
} // namespace WP2
#endif /* WP2_DSP_DSP_H_ */