blob: 4e256b49f834a03b5aeeba54011315038868863d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.CommandLine;
import org.chromium.base.PathUtils;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.base.task.AsyncTask;
import org.chromium.ui.base.DeviceFormFactor;
import org.chromium.ui.display.DisplayAndroid;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* The TabContentManager is responsible for serving tab contents to the UI components. Contents
* could be live or static thumbnails.
public class TabContentManager {
private final float mThumbnailScale;
private final int mFullResThumbnailsMaxSize;
private final ContentOffsetProvider mContentOffsetProvider;
private int[] mPriorityTabIds;
private long mNativeTabContentManager;
private final ArrayList<ThumbnailChangeListener> mListeners =
new ArrayList<ThumbnailChangeListener>();
private boolean mSnapshotsEnabled;
* The Java interface for listening to thumbnail changes.
public interface ThumbnailChangeListener {
* @param id The tab id.
public void onThumbnailChange(int id);
* @param context The context that this cache is created in.
* @param resourceId The resource that this value might be defined in.
* @param commandLineSwitch The switch for which we would like to extract value from.
* @return the value of an integer resource. If the value is overridden on the command line
* with the given switch, return the override instead.
private static int getIntegerResourceWithOverride(Context context, int resourceId,
String commandLineSwitch) {
int val = -1;
// TODO(crbug/959054): Convert this to Finch config.
if (FeatureUtilities.isGridTabSwitcherEnabled()) {
// With Grid Tab Switcher, we can greatly reduce the capacity of thumbnail cache.
// See for more details.
if (resourceId == R.integer.default_thumbnail_cache_size) val = 2;
if (resourceId == R.integer.default_approximation_thumbnail_cache_size) val = 8;
assert val != -1;
} else {
val = context.getResources().getInteger(resourceId);
String switchCount = CommandLine.getInstance().getSwitchValue(commandLineSwitch);
if (switchCount != null) {
int count = Integer.parseInt(switchCount);
val = count;
return val;
* @param context The context that this cache is created in.
* @param contentOffsetProvider The provider of content parameter.
public TabContentManager(Context context, ContentOffsetProvider contentOffsetProvider,
boolean snapshotsEnabled) {
mContentOffsetProvider = contentOffsetProvider;
mSnapshotsEnabled = snapshotsEnabled;
// Override the cache size on the command line with --thumbnails=100
int defaultCacheSize = getIntegerResourceWithOverride(
context, R.integer.default_thumbnail_cache_size, ChromeSwitches.THUMBNAILS);
mFullResThumbnailsMaxSize = defaultCacheSize;
int compressionQueueMaxSize =
int writeQueueMaxSize =
// Override the cache size on the command line with
// --approximation-thumbnails=100
int approximationCacheSize = getIntegerResourceWithOverride(context,
float thumbnailScale = 1.f;
boolean useApproximationThumbnails;
boolean saveJpegThumbnails = FeatureUtilities.isGridTabSwitcherEnabled();
DisplayAndroid display = DisplayAndroid.getNonMultiDisplay(context);
float deviceDensity = display.getDipScale();
if (DeviceFormFactor.isNonMultiDisplayContextOnTablet(context)) {
// Scale all tablets to MDPI.
thumbnailScale = 1.f / deviceDensity;
useApproximationThumbnails = false;
} else {
// For phones, reduce the amount of memory usage by capturing a lower-res thumbnail for
// devices with resolution higher than HDPI (
if (deviceDensity > 1.5f) {
thumbnailScale = 1.5f / deviceDensity;
useApproximationThumbnails = true;
mThumbnailScale = thumbnailScale;
mPriorityTabIds = new int[mFullResThumbnailsMaxSize];
mNativeTabContentManager =
nativeInit(defaultCacheSize, approximationCacheSize, compressionQueueMaxSize,
writeQueueMaxSize, useApproximationThumbnails, saveJpegThumbnails);
* Destroy the native component.
public void destroy() {
if (mNativeTabContentManager != 0) {
mNativeTabContentManager = 0;
private long getNativePtr() {
return mNativeTabContentManager;
* Attach the given Tab's cc layer to this {@link TabContentManager}.
* @param tab Tab whose cc layer will be attached.
public void attachTab(Tab tab) {
if (mNativeTabContentManager == 0) return;
nativeAttachTab(mNativeTabContentManager, tab, tab.getId());
* Detach the given Tab's cc layer from this {@link TabContentManager}.
* @param tab Tab whose cc layer will be detached.
public void detachTab(Tab tab) {
if (mNativeTabContentManager == 0) return;
nativeDetachTab(mNativeTabContentManager, tab, tab.getId());
* Add a listener to thumbnail changes.
* @param listener The listener of thumbnail change events.
public void addThumbnailChangeListener(ThumbnailChangeListener listener) {
if (!mListeners.contains(listener)) {
* Remove a listener to thumbnail changes.
* @param listener The listener of thumbnail change events.
public void removeThumbnailChangeListener(ThumbnailChangeListener listener) {
private Bitmap readbackNativeBitmap(final Tab tab, float scale) {
NativePage nativePage = tab.getNativePage();
boolean isNativeViewShowing = isNativeViewShowing(tab);
if (nativePage == null && !isNativeViewShowing) {
return null;
View viewToDraw = null;
if (isNativeViewShowing) {
viewToDraw = tab.getContentView();
} else if (!(nativePage instanceof FrozenNativePage)) {
viewToDraw = nativePage.getView();
if (viewToDraw == null || viewToDraw.getWidth() == 0 || viewToDraw.getHeight() == 0) {
return null;
if (nativePage != null && nativePage instanceof InvalidationAwareThumbnailProvider) {
if (!((InvalidationAwareThumbnailProvider) nativePage).shouldCaptureThumbnail()) {
return null;
return readbackNativeView(viewToDraw, scale, nativePage);
private Bitmap readbackNativeView(View viewToDraw, float scale, NativePage nativePage) {
Bitmap bitmap = null;
float overlayTranslateY = mContentOffsetProvider.getOverlayTranslateY();
float leftMargin = 0.f;
float topMargin = 0.f;
if (viewToDraw.getLayoutParams() instanceof MarginLayoutParams) {
MarginLayoutParams params = (MarginLayoutParams) viewToDraw.getLayoutParams();
leftMargin = params.leftMargin;
topMargin = params.topMargin;
try {
bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
(int) ((viewToDraw.getMeasuredWidth() + leftMargin) * mThumbnailScale),
(int) ((viewToDraw.getMeasuredHeight() + topMargin - overlayTranslateY)
* mThumbnailScale),
} catch (OutOfMemoryError ex) {
return null;
Canvas c = new Canvas(bitmap);
c.scale(scale, scale);
c.translate(leftMargin, -overlayTranslateY + topMargin);
if (nativePage != null && nativePage instanceof InvalidationAwareThumbnailProvider) {
((InvalidationAwareThumbnailProvider) nativePage).captureThumbnail(c);
} else {
return bitmap;
* @param tabId The id of the {@link Tab} to check for a full sized thumbnail of.
* @return Whether or not there is a full sized cached thumbnail for the {@link Tab}
* identified by {@code tabId}.
public boolean hasFullCachedThumbnail(int tabId) {
if (mNativeTabContentManager == 0) return false;
return nativeHasFullCachedThumbnail(mNativeTabContentManager, tabId);
* Call to get a thumbnail for a given tab through a {@link Callback}. If there is
* no up-to-date thumbnail on disk for the given tab, callback returns null.
* @param tab The tab to get the thumbnail for.
* @param callback The callback to send the {@link Bitmap} with. Can be called up to twice when
* {@code forceUpdate}; otherwise always called exactly once.
* @param forceUpdate Whether to obtain the thumbnail from the live content.
* @param writeBack When {@code forceUpdate}, whether to write the thumbnail to cache.
public void getTabThumbnailWithCallback(@NonNull Tab tab, @NonNull Callback<Bitmap> callback,
boolean forceUpdate, boolean writeBack) {
if (mNativeTabContentManager == 0 || !mSnapshotsEnabled) return;
if (!forceUpdate) {
assert !writeBack : "writeBack is ignored if not forceUpdate";
getTabThumbnailFromDisk(tab, callback);
// Reading thumbnail from disk is faster than taking screenshot from live Tab, so fetch
// that first even if |forceUpdate|.
getTabThumbnailFromDisk(tab, (diskBitmap) -> {
if (diskBitmap != null) callback.onResult(diskBitmap);
captureThumbnail(tab, writeBack, (bitmap) -> {
// Null check to avoid having a Bitmap from getTabThumbnailFromDisk() but
// cleared here.
// If invalidation is not needed, readbackNativeBitmap() might not do anything and
// send back null.
if (bitmap != null) {
private void getTabThumbnailFromDisk(@NonNull Tab tab, @NonNull Callback<Bitmap> callback) {
// Try JPEG thumbnail first before using the more costly nativeGetEtc1TabThumbnail.
new AsyncTask<Bitmap>() {
public Bitmap doInBackground() {
File file = new File(PathUtils.getThumbnailCacheDirectory(), tab.getId() + ".jpeg");
if (!file.isFile()) return null;
return BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file.getPath());
public void onPostExecute(Bitmap bitmap) {
if (bitmap != null) {
if (mNativeTabContentManager == 0 || !mSnapshotsEnabled) return;
nativeGetEtc1TabThumbnail(mNativeTabContentManager, tab.getId(), callback);
* Cache the content of a tab as a thumbnail.
* @param tab The tab whose content we will cache.
public void cacheTabThumbnail(@NonNull final Tab tab) {
if (mNativeTabContentManager == 0 || !mSnapshotsEnabled) return;
captureThumbnail(tab, true, null);
private Bitmap cacheNativeTabThumbnail(final Tab tab) {
assert tab.getNativePage() != null || isNativeViewShowing(tab);
Bitmap nativeBitmap = readbackNativeBitmap(tab, mThumbnailScale);
if (nativeBitmap == null) return null;
nativeCacheTabWithBitmap(mNativeTabContentManager, tab, nativeBitmap, mThumbnailScale);
return nativeBitmap;
* Capture the content of a tab as a thumbnail.
* @param tab The tab whose content we will capture.
* @param writeToCache Whether write the captured thumbnail to cache. If not, a downsampled
* thumbnail is captured instead.
* @param callback The callback to send the {@link Bitmap} with.
private void captureThumbnail(
@NonNull final Tab tab, boolean writeToCache, @Nullable Callback<Bitmap> callback) {
assert mNativeTabContentManager != 0;
assert mSnapshotsEnabled;
if (tab.getNativePage() != null || isNativeViewShowing(tab)) {
final float downsamplingScale = 0.5f;
// If we use readbackNativeBitmap() with a downsampled scale and not saving it through
// nativeCacheTabWithBitmap(), the logic of InvalidationAwareThumbnailProvider
// might prevent captureThumbnail() from getting the latest thumbnail.
// Therefore, we have to also call cacheNativeTabThumbnail(), and do the downsampling
// here ourselves. This is less efficient than capturing a downsampled bitmap, but
// the performance here is not the bottleneck.
Bitmap bitmap = cacheNativeTabThumbnail(tab);
if (callback == null) return;
if (bitmap == null) {
// In portrait mode, we want to show thumbnails in squares.
// Therefore, the thumbnail saved in portrait mode needs to be cropped to
// a square, or it would become too tall and break the layout.
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.setScale(downsamplingScale, downsamplingScale);
Bitmap resized = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(),
min(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight()), matrix, true);
} else {
if (tab.getWebContents() == null) return;
// If we don't have to write the thumbnail back to the cache, we can use the faster
// path of capturing a downsampled copy.
// This faster path is essential to Tab-to-Grid animation to be smooth.
final float downsamplingScale = writeToCache ? 1 : 0.5f;
nativeCaptureThumbnail(mNativeTabContentManager, tab,
mThumbnailScale * downsamplingScale, writeToCache, callback);
* Invalidate a thumbnail if the content of the tab has been changed.
* @param tabId The id of the {@link Tab} thumbnail to check.
* @param url The current URL of the {@link Tab}.
public void invalidateIfChanged(int tabId, String url) {
if (mNativeTabContentManager != 0) {
nativeInvalidateIfChanged(mNativeTabContentManager, tabId, url);
* Invalidate a thumbnail of the tab whose id is |id|.
* @param id The id of the {@link Tab} thumbnail to check.
* @param url The current URL of the {@link Tab}.
public void invalidateTabThumbnail(int id, String url) {
invalidateIfChanged(id, url);
* Update the priority-ordered list of visible tabs.
* @param priority The list of tab ids ordered in terms of priority.
public void updateVisibleIds(List<Integer> priority, int primaryTabId) {
if (mNativeTabContentManager != 0) {
int idsSize = min(mFullResThumbnailsMaxSize, priority.size());
if (idsSize != mPriorityTabIds.length) {
mPriorityTabIds = new int[idsSize];
for (int i = 0; i < idsSize; i++) {
mPriorityTabIds[i] = priority.get(i);
nativeUpdateVisibleIds(mNativeTabContentManager, mPriorityTabIds, primaryTabId);
* Removes a thumbnail of the tab whose id is |tabId|.
* @param tabId The Id of the tab whose thumbnail is being removed.
public void removeTabThumbnail(int tabId) {
if (mNativeTabContentManager != 0) {
nativeRemoveTabThumbnail(mNativeTabContentManager, tabId);
protected void notifyListenersOfThumbnailChange(int tabId) {
for (ThumbnailChangeListener listener : mListeners) {
private boolean isNativeViewShowing(Tab tab) {
return tab != null && (SadTab.isShowing(tab) || SuspendedTab.from(tab).isShowing());
// Class Object Methods
private native long nativeInit(int defaultCacheSize, int approximationCacheSize,
int compressionQueueMaxSize, int writeQueueMaxSize, boolean useApproximationThumbnail,
boolean saveJpegThumbnails);
private native void nativeAttachTab(long nativeTabContentManager, Tab tab, int tabId);
private native void nativeDetachTab(long nativeTabContentManager, Tab tab, int tabId);
private native boolean nativeHasFullCachedThumbnail(long nativeTabContentManager, int tabId);
private native void nativeCaptureThumbnail(long nativeTabContentManager, Object tab,
float thumbnailScale, boolean writeToCache, Callback<Bitmap> callback);
private native void nativeCacheTabWithBitmap(long nativeTabContentManager, Object tab,
Object bitmap, float thumbnailScale);
private native void nativeInvalidateIfChanged(long nativeTabContentManager, int tabId,
String url);
private native void nativeUpdateVisibleIds(
long nativeTabContentManager, int[] priority, int primaryTabId);
private native void nativeRemoveTabThumbnail(long nativeTabContentManager, int tabId);
private native void nativeGetEtc1TabThumbnail(
long nativeTabContentManager, int tabId, Callback<Bitmap> callback);
private static native void nativeDestroy(long nativeTabContentManager);