blob: f13044998eebedcafa079cc2aaa3966761ea8e54 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_CAMERA" desc="Label for the camera permission toggle.">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_LOCATION" desc="Label for the location permission toggle." meaning="Geolocation">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_MICROPHONE" desc="Label for the microphone permission toggle.">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_NO_APPS_FOUND" desc="Text shown when a search of apps yeilds no results.">
No apps found
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_NOTIFICATIONS" desc="Label for notifications section in the app settings page.">
<if expr="is_macosx">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_NOTIFICATIONS_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for notifications section in the app settings page on macOS with a link to macOS's System Settings.">
Enable notifications in the Notification Center. Open <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="#"&gt;</ph>System Settings<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>.
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSIONS" desc="Label for permissions section in the app settings page.">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSIONS_WITH_ORIGIN" desc="Label for permissions section in the app settings page. Shows URL of the app where permissions are applied.">
Permissions (<ph name="FORMATTED_ORIGIN">$1<ex></ex></ph>)
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_MORE_SETTINGS" desc="Label for a link to more settings and permissions for an app.">
More settings and permissions
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_PIN_TO_SHELF" desc="Label for the pin to shelf button in the app settings page.">
Pin to shelf
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_PRESET_WINDOW_SIZES" desc="Label for the preset window sizes toggle in the app settings page.">
Preset window sizes
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_WINDOW" desc="Label for changing window mode.">
Open as window
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_PRESET_WINDOW_SIZES_TEXT" desc="Label for the description of the window preset toggle in the app settings page.">
Use presets for phone, tablet, or resizable windows to prevent app from misbehaving
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_PRINTING" desc="Label for the printing permission toggle.">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_SEARCH_PROMPT" desc="Prompt in search bar of main app management page.">
Search apps
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_UNINSTALL_APP" desc="Label for the uninstall button in the app settings page.">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_CONTACTS" desc="Label for the Android contacts (address book) permission toggle.">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_STORAGE" desc="Label for the Android storage permission toggle.">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_RUN_ON_OS_LOGIN" desc="Label for toggling running on OS Login mode.">
Start app when you sign in
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_POLICY_APP_POLICY_STRING" desc="Tooltip label explaining that an app cannot be uninstalled as it has been installed by an adminstrator.">
This app has been installed by your administrator.
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_SETTINGS_TITLE" desc="Title for the intent sharing settings section.">
Opening <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="#"&gt;</ph>supported links<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_SHARING_APP_OPEN" desc="Label for the intent sharing option to open in a specified app.">
Open in <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome browser</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_SHARING_BROWSER_OPEN" desc="Label for the intent sharing option to open in the browser.">
Open in Chrome browser
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_SHARING_TAB_EXPLANATION" desc="Label for the intent sharing description for when the app is set to open in tab mode.">
<ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail</ex></ph> is set to open in a new browser tab, supported links will also open in the browser. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK_LEARN_MORE">&lt;a href="" target="_blank"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="END_LINK_LEARN_MORE">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_SETTINGS_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title for the dialog which shows a list of supported links for a specified app.">
Supported links
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_OVERLAP_CHANGE_BUTTON" desc="The text of a button that the user clicks to confrim a change in settings.">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_OVERLAP_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="The title of the dialog that asks the user for confirmation about overwritting preferred app settings.">
Change default app for supported links?
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_OVERLAP_DIALOG_TEXT_1_APP" desc="Text to explain to the user that an preferred app will be replaced, and the text states which app will be replaced.">
An app is set to open the same links as <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail</ex></ph>. This will disable <ph name="APP_NAME_2">$2<ex>EmailReader</ex></ph> from opening supported links.
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_OVERLAP_DIALOG_TEXT_2_APPS" desc="Text to explain to the user that 2 preferred apps will be replaced, and the text states which apps will be replaced.">
Other apps are set to open the same links as <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail</ex></ph>. This will disable <ph name="APP_NAME_2">$2<ex>EmailReader</ex></ph> and <ph name="APP_NAME_3">$3<ex>PDFViewer</ex></ph> from opening supported links.
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_OVERLAP_DIALOG_TEXT_3_APPS" desc="Text to explain to the user that 3 preferred apps will be replaced, and the text states which apps will be replaced.">
Other apps are set to open the same links as <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail</ex></ph>. This will disable <ph name="APP_NAME_2">$2<ex>EmailReader</ex></ph>, <ph name="APP_NAME_3">$3<ex>PDFViewer</ex></ph> and <ph name="APP_NAME_4">$4<ex>Photos</ex></ph> from opening supported links.
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_OVERLAP_DIALOG_TEXT_4_APPS" desc="Text to explain to the user that 4 preferred apps will be replaced, and the text states the first 3 apps that will be replaced.">
Other apps are set to open the same links as <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail</ex></ph>. This will disable <ph name="APP_NAME_2">$2<ex>EmailReader</ex></ph>, <ph name="APP_NAME_3">$3<ex>PDFViewer</ex></ph>, <ph name="APP_NAME_4">$4<ex>Photos</ex></ph> and 1 other app from opening supported links.
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_OVERLAP_DIALOG_TEXT_5_OR_MORE_APPS" desc="Text to explain to the user that 5 or more preferred apps will be replaced, and the text states the first 3 apps that will be replaced.">
Other apps are set to open the same links as <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail</ex></ph>. This will disable <ph name="APP_NAME_2">$2<ex>EmailReader</ex></ph>, <ph name="APP_NAME_3">$3<ex>PDFViewer</ex></ph>, <ph name="APP_NAME_4">$4<ex>Photos</ex></ph> and <ph name="NUMBER_OF_OTHER_APPS">$5<ex>2</ex></ph> other apps from opening supported links.
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_OVERLAP_WARNING_TEXT_1_APP" desc="Text to explain to the user that an overlapping app will still open some supported links, and the text states which app will open links.">
Some supported links will still open in <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_OVERLAP_WARNING_TEXT_2_APPS" desc="Text to explain to the user that 2 overlapping apps will still open some supported links, and the text states which apps will open links.">
Some supported links will still open in <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail</ex></ph> or <ph name="APP_NAME_2">$2<ex>EmailReader</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_OVERLAP_WARNING_TEXT_3_APPS" desc="Text to explain to the user that 3 overlapping apps will still open some supported links, and the text states which apps will open links.">
Some supported links will still open in <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail</ex></ph>, <ph name="APP_NAME_2">$2<ex>EmailReader</ex></ph> or <ph name="APP_NAME_3">$3<ex>PDFViewer</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_OVERLAP_WARNING_TEXT_4_APPS" desc="Text to explain to the user that 4 overlapping apps will still open some supported links, and the text states the first 3 apps that will open links.">
Some supported links will still open in <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail</ex></ph>, <ph name="APP_NAME_2">$2<ex>EmailReader</ex></ph>, <ph name="APP_NAME_3">$3<ex>PDFViewer</ex></ph> and 1 other app.
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_INTENT_OVERLAP_WARNING_TEXT_5_OR_MORE_APPS" desc="Text to explain to the user that 5 or more overlapping apps will still open some supported links, and the text states the first 3 apps that will open links.">
Some supported links will still open in <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail</ex></ph>, <ph name="APP_NAME_2">$2<ex>EmailReader</ex></ph>, <ph name="APP_NAME_3">$3<ex>PDFViewer</ex></ph> and <ph name="NUMBER_OF_OTHER_APPS">$4<ex>2</ex></ph> other apps.
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_DETAILS_TITLE" desc="Title for App Details Section">
App details
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_DETAILS_TOOLTIP_WEB_A11Y" desc="Text to be read out by ChromeVox, when highlighting an info icon for Web Apps downloaded from the Chrome browser, stating the source URL of the app">
From <ph name="APP_URL">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_DETAILS_TYPE_ANDROID" desc="Text for Android app type">
Android App
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_DETAILS_TYPE_CHROME" desc="Text for Chrome app type">
Chrome App
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_DETAILS_TYPE_WEB" desc="Text for Web app type">
Web App
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_DETAILS_TYPE_CROS_SYSTEM" desc="Text for ChromeOS System app type">
ChromeOS System App
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_DETAILS_INSTALL_SOURCE_WEB_STORE" desc="Text for Chrome Web Store installation source">
Chrome Web Store
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_DETAILS_INSTALL_SOURCE_PLAY_STORE" desc="Text for Google Play Store installation source">
Google Play Store
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_DETAILS_INSTALL_SOURCE_BROWSER" desc="Text for Chrome browser installation source for Web App">
Web App installed from Chrome browser
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_DETAILS_TYPE_AND_SOURCE_COMBINED" desc="Full text for installation source and app type line">
<ph name="APP_TYPE">$1<ex>Web App</ex></ph> installed from <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="#"&gt;</ph><ph name="INSTALL_SOURCE">$2<ex>Google Play Store</ex></ph><ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_DETAILS_TYPE_AND_SOURCE_PREINSTALLED_APP" desc="Explanation text for the installation source of an app, describing the type of the app, and that it came automatically installed with the device (preinstalled).">
<ph name="APP_TYPE">$1<ex>ChromeOS System App</ex></ph> preinstalled on your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$2<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_DETAILS_VERSION" desc="Text for application version">
Version: <ph name="APP_VERSION">$1<ex>17.2</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_DETAILS_STORAGE_TITLE" desc="Text for title of storage section for storage related to the app and its associated files">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_DETAILS_APP_SIZE" desc="Text for app size label for the amount of storage the app itself is using">
App size: <ph name="APP_SIZE">$1<ex>100 MB</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_DETAILS_DATA_SIZE" desc="Text for data size label for the amount of storage the app's associated files is using">
Data stored in app: <ph name="APP_SIZE">$1<ex>100 MB</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_LANGUAGE_LABEL" desc="The label for the settings row button to manage app language selection section of OS Settings which opens a dialog.">
App language
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_ARC_MANAGE_PERMISSIONS" desc="Label for a link to manage permissions for an app.">
Manage permissions
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION_ASK" desc="Label explaining that the user will be asked whether an app can access a permission (e.g. camera access) every time it is used.">
Ask every time
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION_ALLOWED" desc="Label explaining that access to a permission (e.g. camera access) is allowed for an app.">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION_ALLOWED_WITH_DETAILS" desc="Label explaining that access to a permission (e.g. camera access) is allowed for an app. The placeholder after the dash provides additional details about what access is allowed.">
Allowed – <ph name="PERMISSION_DETAILS">$1<ex>While in use</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION_DENIED" desc="Label explaining that access to a permission (e.g. camera access) is denied for an app.">
<!-- File Handling -->
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_FILE_HANDLING_HEADER" desc="Main text for toggling a web app's ability to use the File Handling API. This controls whether the app can appear in an 'Open With' list in a file's context menu.">
Include this app as an option when opening files
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_FILE_HANDLING_OVERFLOW_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title for a dialog that shows all the supported file types (file extensions) that are handled by an app. Only shown when there are 5 or more file types.">
Supported file types
<if expr="is_win">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_FILE_HANDLING_SET_DEFAULTS_LINK" desc="Further explanation of the File Handling API, including text describing the purpose of the toggle (referencing the Windows File Explorer) and a link to change Windows' default filetype associations.">
You can open and edit supported files with this app from the File Explorer or other apps. To control which files open in this app by default, go to <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="#"&gt;</ph>Windows settings<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>.
<if expr="is_chromeos">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_FILE_HANDLING_SET_DEFAULTS_LINK" desc="Further explanation of the File Handling API, including text describing the purpose of the toggle (referencing the ChromeOS Files app) and a link to a learn more link for default filetype associations.">
You can open and edit supported files with this app from the Files app or other apps. To control which files open this app by default, <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="#"&gt;</ph>learn how to set default apps on your device<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>.
<if expr="is_macosx">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_FILE_HANDLING_SET_DEFAULTS_LINK" desc="Further explanation of the File Handling API, including text describing the purpose of the toggle (referencing the Mac OS Finder app) and a link to a learn more link for default filetype associations.">
You can open and edit supported files with this app from Finder or other apps. To control which files open this app by default, <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="#"&gt;</ph>learn how to set default apps on your device<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>.
<if expr="is_fuchsia or is_linux">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_FILE_HANDLING_SET_DEFAULTS_LINK" desc="Further explanation of the File Handling API, including text describing the purpose of the toggle (referencing a generic Linux file browser app) and a link to a learn more link for default filetype associations.">
You can open and edit supported files with this app from your file browser or other apps. To control which files open this app by default, <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="#"&gt;</ph>learn how to set default apps on your device<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>.
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_FILE_HANDLING_TYPES" desc="A label describing the file types (extensions) that an app has advertised the ability to open. If there are 1-4 file types, all will be shown. If there are more than 4, the extras will be truncated and a link will be added which, when clicked, shows the elided extensions. [ICU_Syntax]">
=1 {Supported file type: <ph name="FILE_TYPE1">{FILE_TYPE1}<ex>TXT</ex></ph>}
=2 {Supported file types: <ph name="FILE_TYPE1">{FILE_TYPE1}<ex>TXT</ex></ph>, <ph name="FILE_TYPE2">{FILE_TYPE2}<ex>CSV</ex></ph>}
=3 {Supported file types: <ph name="FILE_TYPE1">{FILE_TYPE1}<ex>TXT</ex></ph>, <ph name="FILE_TYPE2">{FILE_TYPE2}<ex>CSV</ex></ph>, <ph name="FILE_TYPE3">{FILE_TYPE3}<ex>DOC</ex></ph>}
=4 {Supported file types: <ph name="FILE_TYPE1">{FILE_TYPE1}<ex>TXT</ex></ph>, <ph name="FILE_TYPE2">{FILE_TYPE2}<ex>CSV</ex></ph>, <ph name="FILE_TYPE3">{FILE_TYPE3}<ex>DOC</ex></ph>, <ph name="FILE_TYPE4">{FILE_TYPE4}<ex>DOCX</ex></ph>}
other {Supported file types: <ph name="FILE_TYPE1">{FILE_TYPE1}<ex>TXT</ex></ph>, <ph name="FILE_TYPE2">{FILE_TYPE2}<ex>CSV</ex></ph>, <ph name="FILE_TYPE3">{FILE_TYPE3}<ex>DOC</ex></ph>, <ph name="FILE_TYPE4">{FILE_TYPE4}<ex>DOCX</ex></ph> (<ph name="LINK">&lt;a href="{LINK}"&gt;</ph>and {OVERFLOW_COUNT} more<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>)}
<!-- Multi Apps API -->
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_SUB_APPS_LIST_HEADING" desc="Label for the sub-app section in an app's settings page. The section lists all sub-applications that got installed by the current app. These sub-applications might be installed locally, or streamed from a remote location via the parent app.">
Installed and streamed applications from <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Citrix</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_PARENT_APP_PERMISSION_EXPLANATION" desc="Explanation text that appears underneath the Permission header on an app's settings page. Any changes the user makes to this app's permissions also apply to any installed ('sub') apps.">
Permissions that you allow for <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Citrix</ex></ph> will also be allowed for its installed and streamed apps.
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_SUB_APP_PERMISSION_EXPLANATION" desc="Explanation text that appears underneath the Permission header on an app's settings page. Any changes the user makes to the app's parent app's permissions also apply to this app. The 'Manage' link takes the user to the parent app's settings page where they can change the permissions.">
Permissions that you allow for <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Citrix</ex></ph> will also be allowed for this app. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="#"&gt;</ph>Manage<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<!-- App Content, Scope Extensions -->
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_CONTENT_TITLE" desc="Label for App content section in the app settings page.">
App Content
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_CONTENT_SUBTITLE" desc="Sub-label for App content section in the app settings page.">
This app contains web content from other sites
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_CONTENT_DIALOG_SUBTITLE" desc="Sub-label for App content dialog in the app settings page.">
This app contains web content from