blob: adfff4aea07fa56e10afe5386a3df98639149eb8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace base {
class FilePath;
// Checks if the UserDataDir policy has been set and returns its value in the
// |user_data_dir| parameter. If no policy is set the parameter is not changed.
void CheckUserDataDirPolicy(base::FilePath* user_data_dir);
// Sets the app bundle (base::apple::FrameworkBundle()) to the framework's
// bundle, and sets the base bundle ID (base::apple::BaseBundleID()) to the
// proper value based on the running application. The base bundle ID is the
// outer browser application's bundle ID even when running in a non-browser
// (helper) process.
void SetUpBundleOverrides();
// Checks if the system launched the alerts helper app via a notification
// action. If that's the case we want to gracefully exit the process as we can't
// handle the click this way. Instead we rely on the browser process to re-spawn
// the helper if it got killed unexpectedly.
bool IsAlertsHelperLaunchedViaNotificationAction();