blob: 271ca17ed1b7fe1ff6893d25468cf14cb6f30655 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Settings-specific Chromium strings (included from chromium_strings.grd). -->
<!-- Shared across multiple page -->
<if expr="not chromeos_ash">
<message name="IDS_RELAUNCH_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="The title of the modal dialog that we show when users click on relaunch and they have open Incognito windows. The dialog serves to warn the users about losing their Incognito windows if they proceed with the relaunch.">
Relaunch Chromium?
<!-- About Page -->
<if expr="_is_chrome_for_testing_branded">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PROGRAM" desc="Menu title for the About Chrome for Testing page.">
About Chrome for Testing
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GET_HELP_USING_CHROME" desc="Text of the button which takes the user to the Chrome for Testing help page.">
Get help with Chrome for Testing
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PROGRAM" desc="Menu title for the About Chromium page.">
About Chromium
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GET_HELP_USING_CHROME" desc="Text of the button which takes the user to the Chrome help page.">
Get help with Chromium
<if expr="not chromeos_ash">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPGRADE_UPDATING" desc="Status label: Updating Chromium">
Updating Chromium
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPGRADE_UPDATING_PERCENT" desc="Status label: Updating Chromium (90%)">
Updating Chromium (<ph name="PROGRESS_PERCENT">$1<ex>90%</ex></ph>)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPGRADE_SUCCESSFUL_RELAUNCH" desc="Status label: Successfully updated Chromium">
Nearly up to date! Relaunch Chromium to finish updating.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPGRADE_UP_TO_DATE" desc="Status label: Already up to date (Chromium)">
Chromium is up to date
<if expr="chromeos_ash">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_OS" desc="Menu title for the About ChromiumOS page.">
About ChromiumOS
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_TAG_OS_VERSION" desc="Text for search result item which, when clicked, navigates the user to about ChromeOS settings, which gives information about the current ChromeOS version.">
ChromiumOS version
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GET_HELP_USING_CHROME_OS" desc="Text of the button which takes the user to the Chrome help page.">
Get help with ChromiumOS
<!-- Autofill Page -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHECK_PASSWORDS_ERROR_OFFLINE" desc="Error message when the password check can't be completed because the user is offline.">
Chromium can't check your passwords. Try checking your internet connection.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHECK_PASSWORDS_ERROR_SIGNED_OUT" desc="Error message when the password check can't be completed because the user is not signed in.">
Chromium can check your passwords when you sign in with your Google Account
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHECK_PASSWORDS_ERROR_NO_PASSWORDS" desc="Error message when the password check can't be completed since no passwords could be checked.">
No saved passwords. Chromium can check your passwords when you save them.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHECK_PASSWORDS_ERROR_QUOTA_LIMIT_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT" desc="Error message when the password check can't be completed since the user hit the quota limit, but the user is able to check their passwords in their Google account.">
Chromium can't check your passwords. Try again after 24 hours or <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="$1" target="_blank"&gt;</ph>check passwords in your Google Account<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHECK_PASSWORDS_ERROR_QUOTA_LIMIT" desc="Error message when the password check can't be completed since the user hit the quota limit.">
Chromium can't check your passwords. Try again after 24 hours.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHECK_PASSWORDS_ERROR_GENERIC" desc="Error message when the password check can't be completed for an unspecified reason.">
Chromium can't check your passwords. Try again later.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_NO_COMPROMISED_CREDENTIALS_LABEL" desc="Label which is shown when there were no compromised passwords detected.">
Chromium will notify you when you sign in with a compromised password
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SIGNED_OUT_USER_LABEL" desc="Label which is shown at the top of the compromised password section if user is signed out.">
To check if your passwords are safe from data breaches and other security issues, <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a target='_blank' href='$1'&gt;</ph>sign in to Chromium<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SIGNED_OUT_USER_HAS_COMPROMISED_CREDENTIALS_LABEL" desc="Label which is shown at the bottom of the compromised password section if user is signed out and has compromised credentials.">
To check if your other passwords are safe from data breaches and other security issues, <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a target='_blank' href='$1'&gt;</ph>sign in to Chromium<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_WEAK_PASSWORDS_DESCRIPTION_GENERATION" desc="Information about why weak passwords are a security issue and what syncing user should do to fix the problem. Has a link.">
Weak passwords are easy to guess. Let Chromium <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a target='_blank' href='$1'&gt;</ph>create and remember strong passwords for you<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_COMPROMISED_EDIT_DISCLAIMER_DESCRIPTION" desc="A description for the dialog which tells the user to edit password in Chromium if it was changed already.">
If so, please edit your saved password in Chromium so it matches your new password.
<!-- Default Browser Page -->
<if expr="not chromeos_ash">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_BROWSER_DEFAULT" desc="The text displayed when Chrome is the default browser">
Chromium is your default browser
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_BROWSER_MAKE_DEFAULT" desc="Default browser checkbox label">
Make Chromium the default browser
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_BROWSER_ERROR" desc="The text displayed when Chrome cannot determine or set the default browser">
Chromium cannot determine or set the default browser
<if expr="_is_chrome_for_testing_branded">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_BROWSER_SECONDARY" desc="The text displayed when Chrome for Testing is installed in side-by-side mode, which does not support setting as the default browser.">
Google Chrome for Testing cannot be made your default browser.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_BROWSER_SECONDARY" desc="The text displayed when Chromium is installed in side-by-side mode, which does not support setting as the default browser.">
This is a secondary installation of Chromium, and cannot be made your default browser.
<!-- Preloading Page-->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRELOAD_PAGES_STANDARD_PRELOADING_WHEN_ON_BULLET_TWO" desc="Bullet point in the standard preloading and when on column. Informs the user about what the standard preloading setting does.">
Chromium preloads pages you're likely to visit, so that they load more quickly when you visit them
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRELOAD_PAGES_EXTENDED_PRELOADING_WHEN_ON_BULLET_TWO" desc="Bullet point in the extended preloading and when on column. Informs the user about what the extended preloading setting does.">
Chromium preloads even more pages that you're likely to visit, so that they load more quickly when you visit them
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRELOAD_PAGES_EXTENDED_PRELOADING_THINGS_TO_CONSIDER_BULLET_TWO" desc="Bullet point in the extended preloading and things to consider column. Informs the user about what the extended preloading setting does.">
When a site asks to privately preload links on their page, Chromium uses Google servers. This hides your identity from the preloaded site, but Google learns what sites get preloaded.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRELOAD_PAGES_THINGS_TO_CONSIDER_BULLET_ONE" desc="Bullet point in the things to consider column. Informs the user about what the preloading setting does.">
If you allow cookies, Chromium may use them when preloading
<!-- Privacy Page -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SPELLING_PREF_DESC" desc="Description of using a web serviced to help resolve spelling errors. It is important to convey that what the user types will be sent to Google.">
To fix spelling errors, Chromium sends the text you type in text fields to Google
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_RESTART_TO_APPLY_CHANGES" desc="Description in the snackbar to restart Chrome and apply changes.">
To apply your changes, relaunch Chromium
<if expr="not is_chromeos">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SIGNIN_ALLOWED" desc="The title of the preference to allow to sign-in to Chrome">
Allow Chromium sign-in
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SIGNIN_ALLOWED_DESC" desc="The description of the preference to allow to sign-in to Chrome">
By turning this off, you can sign in to Google sites like Gmail without signing in to Chromium
<!-- Site Settings -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SITE_SETTINGS_PDFS_BLOCKED" desc="Label for the disabled option of the pdfs content setting.">
Open PDFs in Chromium
<!-- Site Settings - Site Data Page-->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SITE_DATA_PAGE_CLEAR_ON_EXIT_RADIO_SUBLABEL" desc="A description of the benefit/cost of choosing 'Sites can save content on your device. In short, a site will remember your preferences, shopping cart content, etc. during this browser session. But once you close all open windows, and then visit the site again, it's as if you're coming to the site for the first time.">
Sites will probably work as you expect but won't remember you after you close all Chromium windows
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SITE_DATA_PAGE_CLEAR_ON_EXIT_WITH_EXCEPTION_RADIO_SUBLABEL" desc="A description of the benefit/cost of choosing 'Sites can save content on your device. In short, a site will remember your preferences, shopping cart content, etc. during this browser session. But once you close all open windows, and then visit the site again, it's as if you're coming to the site for the first time.">
Sites will probably work as expected. You'll be signed out of most sites when you close all Chromium windows, except your Google Account if you're signed in to Chromium.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SITE_DATA_PAGE_DELETE_ON_EXIT_EXCEPTIONS_SUB_HEADING" desc="2 of 3. A label within 'Customized behaviors' that allows for exceptions to the 'On-device site data' setting. This label and the list of sites that can appear beneath it is only relevant if the user has chosen to allow 'on-device site data' as the default value above.">
Always delete site data from your device when you close Chromium
<!-- Privacy Guide -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_GUIDE_PROMO_BODY" desc="Body text of a card in the settings page that explains what the 'Privacy Guide' feature is.">
Review key privacy and security controls in Chromium
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_GUIDE_SAFE_BROWSING_CARD_STANDARD_PROTECTION_FEATURE_DESCRIPTION2" desc="A part of the feature description of the standard protection section of the safe browsing card in the 'Privacy Guide'.">
Checks URLs with a list of unsafe sites stored in Chromium
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_GUIDE_SAFE_BROWSING_CARD_STANDARD_PROTECTION_PRIVACY_DESCRIPTION1" desc="A part of the privacy description of the standard protection section of the safe browsing card in the 'Privacy Guide'.">
If a site tries to steal your password, or when you download a harmful file, Chromium may also send URLs, including bits of page content, to Safe Browsing
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_GUIDE_COMPLETION_CARD_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_SUB_LABEL" desc="Text of the Privacy Sandbox sublabel in the completion card of the 'Privacy Guide'.">
Chromium gives you more control over the ads you see and limits what sites can learn about you when they show you personalized ads
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_GUIDE_COMPLETION_CARD_WAA_SUB_LABEL" desc="Text of the Web and App Activity sublabel in the completion card of the 'Privacy Guide'.">
Choose whether to include Chromium history for more personalized experiences in Google services
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_GUIDE_MSBB_FEATURE_DESCRIPTION3" desc="A part of the feature description of 'make searches and browsing better' in the 'Privacy Guide'.">
If you also save your bookmarks in your Google Account, you can track product prices in Chromium and get notified when the price drops
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_GUIDE_MSBB_PRIVACY_DESCRIPTION2" desc="A part of the privacy description of 'make searches and browsing better' in the 'Privacy Guide'.">
If you also share Chromium usage reports, those reports include the URLs you visit
<!-- Privacy Sandbox -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_LEARN_MORE_DIALOG_TOPICS_TITLE" desc="TOPICS API A sub title that describes the first of 2 ways a site can get info from Chrome in order to target ads to the user. Topics of interest include things like “Live comedy” and “Rock music”. Chrome estimates these interests based on the sites users visit. * “Your”: we need to convey a sense of ownership, even if the user didn’t explicitly choose the interests we’re talking about. Without the “your”, it could sound like Chrome is simply building a generic library of interests. * “estimated”: It’s an “estimation”, and we don’t want to suggest that we know with certainty the user’s interests. Avoid words like “guess”, “establish”, “define”, etc. (in place of “estimate”). * “by Chrome”: This is new behavior for a browser (Chrome) to take an active role in processing user data for the purposes of showing ads. It’s important to convey “chrome”, the actor in this case.">
Your interests as estimated by Chromium
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_LEARN_MORE_DIALOG_TOPICS_DATA_TYPES" desc="TOPICS API Bullet 1 of 3 that appear beneath the “Your interests as estimated by Chrome” subtitle. We break the description into the 3 pieces users most care about: 1) what data, 2) why this data, 3) what can I do about it? * “What data is used:” is bold and serves as a label to help people skimming the page. * “Your browsing history”: The user’s browsing history is available beneath the “History” menu at Chrome’s top level. The Topics API estimates topics of interest based on sites in the user’s browsing history that are participating in the trials.">
Your browsing history, a record of sites you've visited using Chromium on this device.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_LEARN_MORE_DIALOG_TOPICS_DATA_USAGE" desc="TOPICS API Bullet 2 of 3 that appear beneath the “Your interests as estimated by Chrome” subtitle. We break the description into the 3 pieces users most care about: 1) what data, 2) why this data, 3) what can I do about it? * “How we use this data:” is bold and serves as a label to help people skimming the page. * “estimate your interests”: Topics of interest include things like “Live comedy” and “Rock music”. Chrome estimates these interests based on the sites users visit. It’s an “estimation”, and we don’t want to suggest that we know with certainty the user’s interests. Avoid words like “guess”, “establish”, “define”, etc. (in place of “estimate”).">
Chromium can estimate your interests. Later, a site you visit can ask Chromium to see your interests in order to personalize the ads you see.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_LEARN_MORE_DIALOG_TOPICS_DATA_MANAGEMENT" desc="TOPICS API Bullet 3 of 3 that appear beneath the “Your interests as estimated by Chrome” subtitle. We break the description into the 3 pieces users most care about: 1) what data, 2) why this data, 3) what can I do about it? * “How you can manage your data:” is bold and serves as a label to help people skimming the page. * “To protect your privacy”: Today, most data is kept for long periods of time. This new Topics API doesn’t retain estimated topics for more than 3 weeks. The only reason for this feature is to protect the user’s privacy. * “auto”: isn’t strictly necessary, but it conveys that this feature is an ongoing part of the service. This isn’t describing, for example, a one-time deletion. * “older than 4 weeks”: We’re trying to convey a rolling delete. Imagine a user opens a browser for the very first time. As the user browses, Chrome will estimate up to 5 topics of interest in the first week. In the second week, Chrome will estimate up to 5 additional topics of interest. The same for the third week, for a total of 15 potential interests. In week 4, Chrome will automatically delete the 5 interests from week 1 so that there aren’t ever more than 15 topics associated with a user at any given time. * “interests can refresh”: If a user loves horror films and reads about them for months on end, the interest “Horror movies” might get deleted and refreshed in the same week, so that “Horror movies” doesn’t ever disappear from the user’s list of interests. * “Or you can…”: A user might love horror movies but can’t stand the idea of seeing ads about horror movies (because even the visuals will ruin the surprise of opening night). In this case, the user can remove “Horror movies” from the list of interests Chrome will consider. This removal remains in place indefinitely. Note that the user might still see ads about Horror movies from different ad networks or by other means than Chrome’s “Browser-based ad personalization” setting.">
To protect your privacy, we auto-delete your interests that are older than 4 weeks. As you keep browsing, an interest might appear on the list again. Or you can remove interests you don't want Chromium to consider.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_LEARN_MORE_DIALOG_FLEDGE_DATA_TYPES" desc="FLEDGE API Bullet 1 of 3 that appear beneath the “Sites you visit that define your interests” subtitle. We break the description into the 3 pieces users most care about: 1) what data, 2) why this data, 3) what can I do about it? * “What data is used:” is bold and serves as a label to help people skimming the page. * “Your browsing history”: The user’s browsing history is available beneath the “History” menu at Chrome’s top level. This content taken in isolation is somewhat misleading. With FLEDGE, a site can store information in Chrome about the user’s visit to their site. For example, the site might store “running_shoes_red_size_35” to indicate that the user showed interest in a particular shoe. We’re OK with the simplification in this bullet because 1) we explain it in the next bullet and 2) we want the user to understand that at the top level, both Topics &amp; Fledge are based on the same thing and that is the user’s browsing history.">
Your browsing history, a record of sites you've visited using Chromium on this device.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_LEARN_MORE_DIALOG_FLEDGE_DATA_USAGE" desc="FLEDGE API Bullet 2 of 3 that appear beneath the “Sites you visit that define your interests” subtitle. We break the description into the 3 pieces users most care about: 1) what data, 2) why this data, 3) what can I do about it? * “How we use this data:” is bold and serves as a label to help people skimming the page. With FLEDGE, a site can store information in Chrome about the user’s visit to their site. For example, the site might store “running_shoes_red_size_35” to indicate that the user showed interest in a particular shoe. We’re OK with the simplification in this bullet because 1) we explain it in the next bullet and 2) we want the user to understand that at the top level, both Topics &amp; Fledge are based on the same thing and that is the user’s browsing history. * “Later”: is important to convey the passage of time. We don’t want to convey how much time (it could be tiny). What’s important is that the user understands this is essentially a two-step process. They browse, and Chrome might estimate their interests as they do so. At a later point when they continue to visit a site, that’s when the estimated interests might come into play.">
Sites can store information with Chromium about your interests. For example, if you visit a site to buy shoes for a marathon, the site might define your interest as running marathons. Later, if you visit a different site to register for a race, that site can show you an ad for running shoes based on your interests.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_AD_PERSONALIZATION_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION" desc="A paragraph beneath the card title. Note that this paragraph is written so that it describes both the Topics API and the FLEDGE API. Some things are described slightly differently for this reason. Version 1 of 3 of this paragraph. 1) The first line is written with the assumption that the user a) has Privacy Sandbox trials turned on and b) has been randomly selected by Chrome to be in an active experiment. As a result of both conditions, this user should have data on this page (a list of interests and a list of sites). 2) NOT THE CASE FOR THIS STRING: A different version of this first line is written for the case that a user has the Privacy Sandbox trials turned on but they haven’t been randomly selected to be in a trial. 3) NOT THE CASE FOR THIS STRING: A different version of this first line is written for the case that a user doesn’t have the Privacy Sandbox trials turned on. * “browsing history”: “a record of sites you’ve visited using Chrome on this device.” * “affects the ads you see and the interests as estimated below”: browsing history leads to Chrome establishing user interests leads to 1) the ads you see are different, and 2) the list of things on this page changes based on what Chrome establishes.* “To protect your privacy”: Today, most data is kept for long periods of time. This new Topics API doesn’t retain estimated topics for more than 3 weeks. The only reason for this feature is to protect the user’s privacy. * “auto”: isn’t strictly necessary, but it conveys that this feature is an ongoing part of the service. This isn’t describing, for example, a one-time deletion. * “rolling basis each month”: Information associated with Topics and FLEDGE are deleted on a rolling basis at least once per month. It’s simpler to talk about “once per month” rather than 3 weeks for Topics and 4 weeks for FLEDGE. * “Interests can refresh…”: We intend for this line to cover both Topics and FLEDGE. It’s slightly messy, because there is a suggestion that this line is more about Topics than FLEDGE (“interests” is more prominent in the Topics subtitle).">
Your browsing history affects the ads you see and the interests as estimated below. To protect your privacy, Chromium auto-deletes your interests on a rolling basis each month. Interests can refresh unless you remove them.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_AD_PERSONALIZATION_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION_TRIALS_OFF" desc="A paragraph beneath the card title. Note that this paragraph is written so that it describes both the Topics API and the FLEDGE API. Some things are described slightly differently for this reason. Version 2 of 3 of this paragraph. 1) NOT THE CASE FOR THIS STRING: A different version of this first line is written for the case that a user has Privacy Sandbox trials turned on AND that they’ve been randomly selected for a trial. 2) The first line is written with the assumption that the user 1) has Privacy Sandbox trials turned on but 2) has NOT been randomly selected by Chrome to be in an active experiment. This explains why the user doesn’t have data shown on the page. 3) NOT THE CASE FOR THIS STRING: A different version of this first line is written for the case that a user doesn’t have the Privacy Sandbox trials turned on. * “browsing history”: “a record of sites you’ve visited using Chrome on this device.” * “affects the ads you see and the interests as estimated below”: browsing history leads to Chrome establishing user interests leads to 1) the ads you see are different, and 2) the list of things on this page changes based on what Chrome establishes. * “To protect your privacy”: Today, most data is kept for long periods of time. This new Topics API doesn’t retain estimated topics for more than 3 weeks. The only reason for this feature is to protect the user’s privacy. * “auto”: isn’t strictly necessary, but it conveys that this feature is an ongoing part of the service. This isn’t describing, for example, a one-time deletion. * “rolling basis each month”: Information associated with Topics and FLEDGE are deleted on a rolling basis at least once per month. It’s simpler to talk about “once per month” rather than 3 weeks for Topics and 4 weeks for FLEDGE.* “Interests can refresh…”: We intend for this line to cover both Topics and FLEDGE. It’s slightly messy, because there is a suggestion that this line is more about Topics than FLEDGE (“interests” is more prominent in the Topics subtitle).">
When trials are on and if Chromium has randomly placed you in an active trial, your browsing history affects the ads you see and the interests as estimated below. To protect your privacy, Chromium deletes your interests on a rolling basis each month.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_AD_PERSONALIZATION_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION_LISTS_EMPTY" desc="A paragraph beneath the card title. Note that this paragraph is written so that it describes both the Topics API and the FLEDGE API. Some things are described slightly differently for this reason. Version 3 of 3 of this paragraph. 1) NOT THE CASE FOR THIS STRING: A different version of this first line is written for the case that a user has Privacy Sandbox trials turned on AND that they’ve been randomly selected for a trial. 2) NOT THE CASE FOR THIS STRING: A different version of this first line is written for the case that a user has the Privacy Sandbox trials turned on but they haven’t been randomly selected to be in a trial. 3) The first line is written with the assumption that the user a) doesn’t have Privacy Sandbox trials turned on. b) Because of this, they can’t be randomly selected for a trial. This explains why the user doesn’t have data shown on the page. * “browsing history”: “a record of sites you’ve visited using Chrome on this device.” * “affects the ads you see and the interests as estimated below”: browsing history leads to Chrome establishing user interests leads to 1) the ads you see are different, and 2) the list of things on this page changes based on what Chrome establishes. * “To protect your privacy”: Today, most data is kept for long periods of time. This new Topics API doesn’t retain estimated topics for more than 3 weeks. The only reason for this feature is to protect the user’s privacy. * “auto”: isn’t strictly necessary, but it conveys that this feature is an ongoing part of the service. This isn’t describing, for example, a one-time deletion. * “rolling basis each month”: Information associated with Topics and FLEDGE are deleted on a rolling basis at least once per month. It’s simpler to talk about “once per month” rather than 3 weeks for Topics and 4 weeks for FLEDGE. * “Interests can refresh…”: We intend for this line to cover both Topics and FLEDGE. It’s slightly messy, because there is a suggestion that this line is more about Topics than FLEDGE (“interests” is more prominent in the Topics subtitle).">
If Chromium has randomly placed you in an active trial, your browsing history affects the ads you see and the interests as estimated below. To protect your privacy, Chromium deletes your interests on a rolling basis each month. Interests refresh unless you remove them.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_AD_PERSONALIZATION_DIALOG_TOPICS_TITLE" desc="Title of the browser-based interests section of the 'ad personalization' dialog.">
Your interests as estimated by Chromium
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_AD_PERSONALIZATION_DIALOG_TOPICS_LEARN_MORE_1" desc="First learn more description of the browser-based interests section of the 'ad personalization' dialog.">
Chromium can estimate your interests based on your browsing history from the last few weeks. This info stays on your device.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_AD_PERSONALIZATION_DIALOG_TOPICS_LEARN_MORE_2" desc="Second learn more description of the browser-based interests section of the 'ad personalization' dialog.">
Later, a site you visit can ask Chromium to see your interests in order to personalize the ads you see. Chromium can share up to 3 interests.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_AD_PERSONALIZATION_DIALOG_TOPICS_LEARN_MORE_3" desc="Third learn more description of the browser-based interests section of the 'ad personalization' dialog.">
To protect your privacy, we auto-delete your interests that are older than 4 weeks. As you keep browsing, an interest might appear on the list again. And if Chromium gets it wrong or you don't want to see certain ads, you can remove an interest.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_AD_PERSONALIZATION_DIALOG_FLEDGE_LEARN_MORE_1" desc="First learn more description of the website-based interests section of the 'ad personalization' dialog.">
It's common for sites you visit to remember things you're interested in, to personalize your experience. Sites can also store information with Chromium about your interests.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_AD_MEASUREMENT_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION" desc="A description of the Ad measurement API. * “Ad measurement” is the name of an API in this context. We don’t use “API” with the user, but they need to know that there is something called “A measurement” and what it does. * “sites you visit”: call the API to get information. The actor is the site, not Chrome. * “restricts cross-site tracking”: Today, with 3rd-party cookies, ad measurement technologies can inadvertently (and intentionally) share considerable information from one site to another). This feature restricts that sharing in order to improve the user’s privacy.">
Ad measurement allows sites you visit to request information from Chromium that helps the site measure the performance of their ads. Ad measurement restricts cross-site tracking by transferring as little information as possible between sites.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_AD_MEASUREMENT_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION_TRIALS_OFF" desc="A description of the Ad measurement API. * “Ad measurement” is the name of an API in this context. We don’t use “API” with the user, but they need to know that there is something called “A measurement” and what it does. * “sites you visit”: call the API to get information. The actor is the site, not Chrome. * “restricts cross-site tracking”: Today, with 3rd-party cookies, ad measurement technologies can inadvertently (and intentionally) share considerable information from one site to another). This feature restricts that sharing in order to improve the user’s privacy.">
When trials are on, Ad measurement allows sites you visit to request information from Chromium that helps the site measure the performance of their ads. Ad measurement restricts cross-site tracking by transferring as little information as possible between sites.
<!-- Safety check -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_CHECK_PARENT_PRIMARY_LABEL_BEFORE" desc="This text describes what the safety check is. (It's an area of the Settings page where users can quickly check whether their safety-related settings are fully protecting them.)">
Chromium can help keep you safe from data breaches, bad extensions, and more
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_CHECK_UPDATES_FAILED_OFFLINE" desc="This text describes that Chromium cannot check for updates because there currently is no internet connection.">
Chromium can't check for updates. Try checking your internet connection.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_CHECK_UPDATES_FAILED" desc="This text describes that Chromium cannot update due to an unknown error.">
Chromium didn't update, something went wrong. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a target="_blank" href="$1"&gt;</ph>Fix Chromium update problems and failed updates.<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_CHECK_UPDATES_UNKNOWN" desc="This text displays the installed version of Chromium when it is not possible to check for updates on non-Chrome branded browsers.">
Chromium version <ph name="PRODUCT_VERSION">$1<ex>15.0.865.0</ex></ph> is installed
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_CHECK_PASSWORDS_SIGNED_OUT" desc="This text points out that the password check can only run when the user is signed in.">
Chromium can't check your passwords because you're not signed in
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_CHECK_SAFE_BROWSING_DISABLED" desc="This text points out that Safe Browsing is disabled and that the user is not protected.">
Safe Browsing is off. Chromium recommends turning it on.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_CHECK_UNUSED_SITE_PERMISSIONS_SETTING_SUBLABEL" desc="By default Chrome auto-revokes (disables) permissions (e.g. Camera, Location, etc.) for websites that were not visited for a while. This sublabel is for the toggle that allows users to switch off/on this functionality.">
To protect your data, let Chromium remove permissions from sites you haven't visited recently. Doesn't stop notifications.
<!-- Safe Browsing -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFEBROWSING_ENHANCED_BULLET_TWO" desc="Bullet point under the safe browsing enhanced protection mode">
Keeps you safe on Chromium and may be used to improve your security in other Google apps when you are signed in
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFEBROWSING_STANDARD_BULLET_TWO" desc="Bullet point under the safe browsing standard protection mode">
Checks URLs with a list of unsafe sites stored in Chromium. If a site tries to steal your password, or when you download a harmful file, Chromium may also send URLs, including bits of page content, to Safe Browsing.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFEBROWSING_ENHANCED_WHEN_ON_BULLET_ONE" desc="Bullet point under the Safe Browsing enhanced protection mode section titled 'When on'">
Warns you about dangerous sites, even ones Google didn't know about before, by analyzing more data from sites than standard protection. You can choose to skip Chromium warnings.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFEBROWSING_ENHANCED_LEARN_MORE_LABEL" desc="The text for a link to a help center article that gives more information about Safe Browsing.">
Learn more about <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="$1" target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;<ex>&lt;a href="$1" target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;</ex></ph>how Chromium keeps your data private<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SECURE_DNS_DESCRIPTION" desc="Secondary, continued explanation of secure DNS in Privacy options">
Make it harder for people with access to your internet traffic to see which sites you visit. Chromium uses a secure connection to look up a site's IP address in the DNS (Domain Name System).
<!-- People Page -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SYNC_DISCONNECT_DELETE_PROFILE_WARNING_WITH_COUNTS_SINGULAR" desc="Warning message displayed in the Sign out of Chrome dialog that indicates profile browsing data will be removed from the device.">
This will delete 1 item from this device. To retrieve your data later, sign in to Chromium as <ph name="USER_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SYNC_DISCONNECT_DELETE_PROFILE_WARNING_WITH_COUNTS_PLURAL" desc="Warning message displayed in the Sign out of Chrome dialog that indicates profile browsing data will be removed from the device.">
This will delete <ph name="ITEMS_COUNT">$1<ex>66</ex></ph> items from this device. To retrieve your data later, sign in to Chromium as <ph name="USER_EMAIL">$2<ex></ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SYNC_DISCONNECT_DELETE_PROFILE_WARNING_WITHOUT_COUNTS" desc="Warning message displayed in the Sign out of Chrome dialog that indicates profile browsing data will be removed from the device.">
This will delete your browsing data from this device. To retrieve your data later, sign in to Chromium as <ph name="USER_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph>.
<if expr="not chromeos_ash">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CUSTOMIZE_YOUR_CHROME_PROFILE" desc="Label of the link that takes you to the page to customize your chrome profile.">
Customize your Chromium profile
<message name="IDS_SETTING_NAME_YOUR_PROFILE" desc="Title of the edit local profile name section on the manage profile page.">
Name your Chromium profile
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PEOPLE_SIGN_IN_PROMPT_SECONDARY_WITH_ACCOUNT" desc="The secondary text displayed to prompt users to enable sync for an account that is alredy present in Chromium.">
Sync and personalize Chromium across your devices
<if expr="chromeos_ash">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_DESCRIPTION_V2" desc="Description of the Account Manager Settings page. Shown just below the title of the page.">
You can manage your signed-in Google Accounts. Your Google Accounts are used for Chromium browser, Play Store, Gmail, and more. If you want to add an account for someone else, like a family member, add a new person to your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> instead. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<!-- Sync Page -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SYNC_DATA_ENCRYPTED_TEXT" desc="Text alerting the user that synced data is encrypted.">
For added security, Chromium will encrypt your data.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SYNC_DISCONNECT_TITLE" desc="The title of the dialog to stop syncing and sign out.">
Sign out of Chromium?
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SUGGEST_PREF_DESC" desc="The description of the checkbox to enable/disable sending omnibox input to the user's default search engine to get additional suggestions.">
When you type in the address bar or search box, Chromium sends what you type to your default search engine to get better suggestions. This is off in Incognito.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DRIVE_SUGGEST_PREF_DESC" desc="The description of the checkbox to enable/disable sending omnibox input to Google Drive to get suggestions for files.">
When you type in the address bar or search box, Chromium sends what you type to Google Drive to get item suggestions. This is off in Incognito.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SYNC_SIGN_IN_PROMPT_WITH_NO_ACCOUNT" desc="The text displayed to prompt users to sign in to Chromium.">
Sign in to sync and personalize Chromium across your devices
<!-- Page content -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PAGE_CONTENT_THINGS_TO_CONSIDER_BULLET_TWO" desc="Bullet point in the 'Things to consider' column of the description of the setting that enables features that provide contextual help for currently opened pages.">
To help improve these features, Chromium sends your interactions with them to Google. This data may be read, processed, and annotated by human reviewers.
<!-- Performance Page -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PERFORMANCE_MEMORY_SAVER_MODE_SETTING_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the memory saver mode setting">
When on, Chromium frees up memory from inactive tabs. This gives active tabs and other apps more computer resources and keeps Chromium fast. Your inactive tabs automatically become active again when you go back to them.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PERFORMANCE_BATTERY_SAVER_MODE_SETTING_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the energy saver mode setting">
When on, Chromium conserves battery power by limiting background activity and visual effects, such as smooth scrolling and video frame rates.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PERFORMANCE_PRELOAD_TOGGLE_SUMMARY" desc="Summary for the preload pages setting">
When on, Chromium preloads pages which makes browsing and searching faster.
<!-- Languages Page -->
<if expr="is_win">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_IS_DISPLAYED_IN_THIS_LANGUAGE" desc="The label for a language that is currently used as the UI display language.">
This language is used to display the Chromium UI
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_DISPLAY_IN_THIS_LANGUAGE" desc="The label used for a button that changes the UI language.">
Display Chromium in this language
<!-- System Page -->
<if expr="not chromeos_ash">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SYSTEM_BACKGROUND_APPS_LABEL" desc="Label for the checkbox to allow apps to run in the background, when Chrome is closed.">
Continue running background apps when Chromium is closed
<!-- Reset Page -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_RESET_PROFILE_FEEDBACK" desc="Feedback label in the Reset Profile Settings dialog">
Help make Chromium better by reporting the <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a is="action-link" target="_blank"&gt;</ph>current settings<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<!-- Chrome Root Store -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROME_CERTIFICATES" desc="Text for manage certificates button in Privacy options">
Certificates managed by Chromium
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROME_CERTIFICATES_DESCRIPTION" desc="Secondary, continued explanation of how to manage SSL certificates and settings in Privacy options">
Information about how Chromium manages its root certificates
<!-- Safety Hub -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_HUB_ENTRY_POINT_NOTHING_TO_DO" desc="This text describes what Safety Hub does (regularly checking whether Chromium settings are safe) and indicates whether the user should take action. This text is shown when Safety Hub has not identified any issues at this time. There is nothing to do for the user. As future checks of Safety Hub may identify issues, this state may change. This text is shown on a card in privacy settings next to a button that leads to Safety Hub.">
Chromium regularly checks to make sure your browser has the safest settings. We'll let you know if anything needs your review.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_HUB_ENTRY_POINT_HEADER" desc="Title of a row in Chrome's privacy settings (chrome://settings/privacy) explaining that Chrome recommends for the user to take action to improve their safety. Next to this text there is a button labeled 'Go to SafetyHub' that will take users to a dedicated page where users can take action.">
Chromium found some safety recommendations for your review
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_HUB_EMPTY_STATE_MODULE_SUBHEADER" desc="The header of the 'Empty State Module' in the Safety Hub page. The 'Empty State Module' is visible if there is no safety recommendation.">
Chromium will let you know if anything needs your review
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_HUB_VERSION_MODULE_UPPERCASE_NAME" desc="The entry point shown on the screenshot leads to Safety Check settings page (chrome://settings/safetyCheck) when at least on of the SC modules have recommendations. The subheader of the entry point lists the modules with recommendations. This string is the upper case version (i.e. version that comes first in the sentence) for the name of Chromium update module.">
Chromium update
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_HUB_VERSION_MODULE_LOWERCASE_NAME" desc="The entry point shown on the screenshot leads to Safety Check settings page (chrome://settings/safetyCheck) when at least on of the SC modules have recommendations. The subheader of the entry point lists the modules with recommendations. This string is the lower case version (i.e. version that comes in the middle of the sentence) for the name of Chromium update module.">
Chromium update
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_HUB_PASSWORD_CHECK_SUBHEADER_NO_PASSWORDS" desc="This text explains that passwords saved in Chrome are automatically checked for issues (e.g. password is leaked or weak) by SafetyHub. However the user does not have any passwords stored in Chrome, therefore the feature does not operate. This text is shown as a subtitle of the passwords card of SafetyHub. It sits below the title 'No saved passwords'.">
Chromium can check your passwords when you save them
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_HUB_USER_EDU_MODULE_HEADER" desc="The header of the 'User Education Module' in the Safety Hub page. The 'User Education Module' is visible if there is no safety recommendation and gives information about some Chrome features.">
Learn how Chromium keeps you safe
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_HUB_USER_EDU_DATA_HEADER" desc="The header of the first item in the 'User Education Module' in the Safety Hub page. This item explains how Chrome's tools help user to keep their data safe.">
Chromium's safety tools
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_HUB_USER_EDU_DATA_SUBHEADER" desc="The subheader of the first item in the 'User Education Module' in the Safety Hub page. This item explains how Chrome's tools help user to keep their data safe.">
With <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="$1" target="_blank"&gt;</ph>tools from Chromium<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>, you can browse safely and stay in control
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_HUB_USER_EDU_INCOGNITO_HEADER" desc="The header of the second item in the 'User Education Module' in the Safety Hub page. This item explains Incognito mode.">
Chromium Incognito
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_HUB_USER_EDU_SAFE_BROWSING_SUBHEADER" desc="The header of the second item in the 'User Education Module' in the Safety Hub page. This item explains Safe Browsing.">
<ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="$1" target="_blank"&gt;</ph>Chromium warns you<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph> about unsafe sites and downloads
<if expr="not chromeos_ash">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_HUB_VERSION_CARD_HEADER_RESTART" desc="Safety Hub settings page (chrome://settings/safetyHub) gives users an overview over their safety status. The version card, which this text is a part of, informs the user whether their Chrome is up to date. This title of the card is shown when Chrome is not up to date but there is an update available and the user needs to restart their browser to finish the update. Shown above the subtitle 'Relaunch to finish update. Your tabs will reopen'.">
Chromium is out of date
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_HUB_VERSION_CARD_HEADER_UPDATED" desc="Safety Hub settings page (chrome://settings/safetyHub) gives users an overview over their safety status. The version card, which this text is a part of, informs the user whether their Chrome is up to date. This title of the card is shown when Chrome is up to date and the user does not need to take any action. Shown above the subtitle that is the Chrome version.">
Chromium is up to date
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_HUB_VERSION_NAVIGATION_ARIA_LABEL" desc="Safety Check settings page (chrome://settings/safetyCheck) gives users an overview over their safety status. The version card, which this text is a part of, informs the user whether their Chrome is up to date. This string is for the accesibility label for the card to call out where to navigation will happen (chrome://settings/help) if the card is clicked.">
Go to Chromium version settings
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SAFETY_HUB_VERSION_RELAUNCH_ARIA_LABEL" desc="Safety Check settings page (chrome://settings/safetyCheck) gives users an overview over their safety status. The version card, which this text is a part of, informs the user whether their Chrome is up to date. This string is for the accesibility label for the card to call out the click on card will result restarting the browser.">
Relaunch Chromium
<!-- HTTPS-First Mode -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_HTTPS_FIRST_MODE_SUBTITLE" desc="Subtitle for HTTPS-First Mode section in Security settings">
Chromium will try to upgrade navigations to HTTPS
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_HTTPS_FIRST_MODE_ENABLED_FULL_SUBLABEL" desc="Sublabel for radio button to fully enable HTTPS-First Mode">
Chromium will warn you before loading any site using an insecure connection
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_HTTPS_FIRST_MODE_ENABLED_INCOGNITO_SUBLABEL" desc="Sublabel for radio button to enable HTTPS-First Mode in Incognito">
When browsing in Incognito mode, Chromium will warn you before loading a site using an insecure connection
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_HTTPS_FIRST_MODE_DISABLED_SUBLABEL" desc="Sublabel for radio button to disable HTTPS-First Mode">
When HTTPS isn't available, Chromium will use an insecure connection without warning you