tree: 59eda4203e07ceac64fa6702331e76a5ce2681f3 [path history] [tgz]
  2. feature_engagement_initialized_observer.h
  5. interaction_test_util_browser.h
  12. interactive_browser_test.h
  16. interactive_browser_test_internal.h
  17. OWNERS
  20. tracked_element_webcontents.h
  22. webcontents_interaction_test_util.h

Interactive Testing API: “Kombucha”


Kombucha is a group of powerful test mix-ins that let you easily and concisely write interactive tests.

The current API version is 2.0. All future 2.x versions are guaranteed to either be backwards-compatible with existing tests, or the authors will update the API calls for you.

This page provides technical documentation. For a cookbook/FAQ/troubleshooting guide, see our Kombucha Playbook.

Getting Started

There are two ways to write a Kombucha-based interaction test:

  1. Alias or inherit from one of our pre-configured test fixtures (preferred):
  2. Have your test fixture inherit the appropriate Kombucha API class:

If you go the latter route, please see Custom Test Fixtures below.

Using the Kombucha API

Note: Throughout this section, unless otherwise specified, all methods are present in InteractiveTestApi. If a method is introduced in InteractiveViewsTestApi, it will have [Views] next to it; if it's introduced in InteractiveBrowserTestApi, it will have [Browser] next to it instead.

Test Sequences

The primary entry point for any test is RunTestSequence() [Views] or RunTestSequenceInContext(). (For more information on ElementContext, see the Interaction Library Documentation.)

RunTestSequence() is designed to accept any number of steps. You will use the provided palette of test verbs and checks that the API provides, or create your own verbs through generator methods. The steps are executed in order until either the final step completes, which is considered success, or a step fails (or the test times out), which are considered failures.


class MyDialogTest : public InteractiveBrowserTest { ... };

IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(MyDialogTest, Apply) {
      // Open my dialog.
      // Validate the caption of the Apply button.
      CheckViewProperty(kApplyButtonId, &LabelButton::GetText, u"Apply"),
      // Press the button and verify that the state is applied.
      // This is a custom verb created for this test suite.

Test Verbs

Kombucha test verbs are methods that you can call in your test which generate test steps. Most verbs take an ElementSpecifier - either an ID or a name - describing which UI element the verb should be applied to, but not all do. Some verbs, like Check() and Do() don't care about specific elements.

Verbs fall into a number of different categories:

  • Do performs an action you specify.
  • Log prints its arguments to the output at log level INFO. See Logging below.
  • Check verbs ensure that some condition is true; if it is not, the test fails. Some Check verbs use Matchers, some use callbacks, etc. Examples include:
    • Check()
    • CheckResult()
    • CheckElement()
    • CheckVariable()
    • CheckView() [Views]
    • CheckViewProperty() [Views]
    • Screenshot [Browser] - compares the target against Skia Gold in pixel tests. See Handling Incompatibilities for how to handle this in non-pixel tests.
  • WaitFor verbs ensure that the given UI event happens or condition becomes true before proceeding. Examples:
    • WaitForShow()
    • WaitForHide()
    • WaitForActivated()
    • WaitForEvent()
    • WaitForViewProperty() [Views]
    • WaitForViewPropertyCallback() [Views]
  • After verbs allow you to take some action when a given event takes place or condition becomes true. The action can be a full InteractionSequence::StepStartCallback or it can omit any number of leading arguments; try to be as concise as possible. Examples:
    • AfterShow()
    • AfterHide()
    • AfterActivated()
    • AfterEvent()
  • With verbs get the specified element and perform the specified action. Unlike the above verbs, they will not wait; the element must exist when the step triggers or the test will fail.
    • WithElement()
    • WithView() [Views]
  • Ensure verbs check the presence or absence of an element after allowing all pending events to settle. There are also versions that look for a DOM element in an instrumented WebContents [Browser].
    • EnsurePresent()
    • EnsureNotPresent()
  • Action verbs simulate input to specific UI elements. You can often specify the type of input you want to simulate (keyboard, mouse, etc.) but you don't have to. Some of these (ActivateSurface(), SendAccelerator()) may flake in environments where the test fixture is not running as the only process, so prefer to use those in interactive_ui_tests. Examples:
    • PressButton()
    • SelectMenuItem()
    • SelectTab()
    • SelectDropdownItem()
    • EnterText()
    • SendAccelerator()
    • Confirm()
    • DoDefaultAction()
    • ActivateSurface()
      • ActivateSurface is not always reliable on Linux with the Wayland window manager; see Handling Incompatibilities for how to correctly deal with this.
    • ScrollIntoView() [Views, Browser]
      • Recommended before doing anything that needs the screen coordinates of a UI or DOM element that is in a scrollable container.
  • Mouse verbs simulate mouse input to the entire application, and are therefore only reliable in test fixtures that run as exclusive processes (e.g. interactive_browser_tests). Examples include:
    • MoveMouseTo() [Views]
    • DragMouseTo() [Views]
    • ClickMouse() [Views]
    • ReleaseMouseButton() [Views]
  • Name verbs assign a string name to some UI element which may not be known ahead of time, so that it can be referenced later in the test. Examples include:
    • NameElement()
    • NameElementRelative()
    • NameView() [Views]
    • NameChildView() [Views]
    • NameChildViewByType() [Views]
    • NameDescendantView() [Views]
    • NameDescendantViewByType() [Views]
    • NameViewRelative() [Views]
  • WebContents verbs either dynamically instrument WebContents, navigate them, or wait for them to navigate or change state.
    • InstrumentTab() [Browser]
    • InstrumentNextTab() [Browser]
    • AddInstrumentedTab() [Browser]
    • InstrumentNonTabWebView() [Browser]
    • NavigateWebContents() [Browser]
    • WaitForWebContentsReady() [Browser]
    • WaitForWebContentsNavigation() [Browser]
    • FocusWebContents() [Browser]
    • WaitForStateChange() [Browser]
  • Javascript verbs execute javascript in an instrumented WebContents, or verify a result from calling a javascript function. The *At() methods take a DeepQuery and operate on a specific DOM element (possibly in a Shadow DOM), while the non-at methods operate at global scope. If you are not sure if the target element exists or the condition is true yet, use WaitForStateChange() instead. Examples:
    • ExecuteJs() [Browser]
    • ExecuteJsAt() [Browser]
    • CheckJsResult() [Browser]
    • CheckJsResultAt() [Browser]
  • Observation verbs let you observe state that isn't tied to a UI element, and to wait for it to achieve specific values. See Waiting for Asynchronous Events for more information.
    • ObserveState()
    • PollState()
    • PollElement()
    • PollView() [Views]
    • PollViewProperty() [Views]
    • WaitForState()
    • PollState()
    • PollElement()
    • PollView() [Views]
    • StopObservingState()
  • Utility verbs modify how the test sequence is executed.
    • FlushEvents() ensures that the next step happens on a fresh message loop rather than being able to chain successive steps.
    • SetOnIncompatibleAction() changes what the sequence will do when faced with an action that cannot be executed on the current build, environment, or platform. See Handling Incompatibilities for more information and best practices.

Example with mouse input:

// Navigate a page, click Back, and verify that the page navigates back
// correctly.
    NavigateWebContents(kActiveTabId, kTargetUrl),

Example with a named element:

    // Identify the first child view of the button container.
    NameChildView(kDialogButtons, kFirstButton, 0),
    // Verify that this is the OK button.
    // Press the button.

Test Functions and Callbacks

Many verbs and modifiers, such as Do, After..., With..., Check..., and If... take a test function or callback as an argument.

Kombucha allows you to specify these functions in whatever way is clearest and most concise. You may use any of the following:

  • A callback (resulting from base::Bind...())
  • A function pointer
  • A bare lambda or reference to a lambda, with or without bound arguments

The following are, therefore, all valid:

void Func() {
  // ...

  auto lambda = [](){ Func(); };
  auto once_callback = base::BindOnce(&Func);
  auto repeating_callback = base::BindRepeating(&Func);
  int x = 1;
  int y = 2;
      Do([x, &y](){ Func(), LOG(INFO) << "Bound args " << x << ", " << y; }));

Note that a few cases do still require you to use base::Bind...; specifically, the arguments to actions like NameChildView and NameDescendantView. When a verb does require an explicit argument it will be provided in the verb's method signature.


Using the Log verb allows for printing of any number of arguments. They are sent to log level INFO when the Log step is executed. Log “knows” how to print anything that our logging macros can. So if you can do LOG(INFO) << value you can print it with the Log verb.

There are a few different ways to pass values to Log:

  • If you just pass a variable or literal, the value that is printed is the value at the time the sequence is created.
  • If you wrap a variable with std::ref, the value that is printed is the value of the variable at the time the Log step is executed.
  • You can also pass any callable object (callback, lambda, or function pointer) that returns a loggable value. The callable object is executed when the Log step runs and the result is printed.


int x = 1;
  // Change the value of x.
  Do([&](){ ++x; }),
  // Print out old, current, and computed values.
  Log("Original value: ", x,
      " current value: ", std::ref(x),
      " square of current value: ", [&x](){ return x*x; }));


A modifier wraps around a step or steps and change their behavior.

  • InAnyContext allows the modified verb to find an element outside the test's default ElementContext. Unlike the other modifiers, there are a number of limitations on its use:
    • It should not be used with any Ensure verbs.
      • This is a shortcoming in the underlying framework that will be fixed in the future.
    • It should not be used with named elements, which can already be found in any context.
    • For unsupported verbs, it is best to either use InSameContext() or InContext() instead.
    • Usage example:
    // This button might be in a different window!
    InAnyContext(CheckView(kMyButton, ensure_pressed)));
  • InSameContext allows the modified verb (or verbs) to find an element in the same context as the previous step. Example:
  • InContext allows the modified verb (or verbs) to execute in the specified context instead of the default context for the sequence. Example:
Browser* const incognito = CreateIncognitoBrowser();
  /* Do stuff in primary browser context here */
  /* ... */
  InContext(incognito->window()->GetElementContext(), Steps(

Control Flow

Kombucha now provides two options for control flow:

  • Conditionals
  • Parallel execution


In some cases, you may want to execute part of a test only if, for example, a particular flag is set. In order to do this, we provide the various If() control-flow statements:

  • If(condition, then_steps[, else_steps]) - executes then_steps, which can be a single step or a MultiStep, if condition returns true. If else_steps is present, it will be executed if condition returns false.
  • IfMatches(function, matcher, then_steps[, else_steps]) - same as above but then_steps executes if the result of function matches matcher.
  • IfElement(), IfElementMatches() - same as above, but the condition or function receives a const pointer to the specified element as an argument. If the element is not visible, the condition receives nullptr (it does not fail).
  • IfView(), IfViewMatches() - same as above, except that the condition takes a const pointer to a View or View subclass; if the element is not present, null is passed, but if it is the wrong type, the test fails.
  • IfViewPropertyMatches() - same as above, but you specify a readonly method on the View rather than an arbitrary function. Syntax is similar to CheckViewProperty().


  /* ... */
  // If MyFeature is enabled, it may interfere with the rest of this test, so
  // toggle its UI off:
  If(base::Bind(&base::FeatureList::IsEnabled, kMyFeature)),
  /* Proceed with test... */

Note that in the case of elements, if the element isn't present/visible, the step does not fail; condition will simply receive a null value.

  /* ... */
  // If the side panel is still visible, close it.
         // If the side panel is visible...
         [](const SidePanel* side_panel) { return side_panel != nullptr; },
         // Then press the side panel button to close the side panel.
         // Else note that it was not open.
         Log("Side panel was already closed.")),
  /* ... */

Matchers are straightforward; consider the following case where we want to open a new tab, but only if there are fewer than two tabs open:

  /* ... */
      // If there are fewer than two tabs...
      [this]() { return browser()->tab_strip_model()->count(); },
      // Then open a new tab:
  /* ... */

Parallel Execution

Another common case you might want to handle in a test is when multiple events are going to happen, but you can't guarantee the exact order. Because Kombucha tests are sequential, if a test needs to respond to two discrete events with non-deterministic timing, you need to be able to execute multiple steps in parallel.

For this, we provide InParallel() and AnyOf():

  • InParallel(step[s], step[s], ...) - Executes each of step[s] in parallel with each other. All must complete before the main test sequence can proceed.
  • AnyOf(step[s], step[s], ...) - Executes each of step[s] in parallel with each other. Only one must complete, at which point the main test sequence proceeds and the other sequences are scuttled.


  /* ... */
  // This button press will cause two asynchronous processes to spawn.
    WaitForEvent(kMyFeatureUiElementID, kUserDataUpdatedEvent),
    WaitForEvent(kMyFeatureUiElementId, kUiUpdated)),
  // It's now safe to proceed.
  /* ... */

Control Structure Usage Notes and Limitations

Avoid executing steps with side-effects during an InParallel() or AnyOf(), especially if those steps could affect other subsequences running in parallel.

Avoid relying on any side-effects of a step in an If() or AnyOf() in the remainder of the test, as there is no guarantee those steps will be executed (or in the case of AnyOf(), they may be executed non-deterministically, which is worse). For example:

  /* ... */
    // WARNING: One or both of these buttons will be pressed, but which is not
    // deterministic!
    Steps(WaitForShow(kMyElementId1), PressButton(kMyButtonId1)),
    Steps(WaitForShow(kMyElementId2), PressButton(kMyButtonId2)))

Triggering conditions for the first step of a conditional or parallel subsequence can occur during the previous step. However, the triggering condition for the first step of the main test sequence following the control structure cannot occur during subsequence execution (it will be lost). For example:

  /* ... */
    // This is okay, since the first step of a subsequence can trigger during
    // the previous step.
    Steps(WaitForEvent(kButtonElementId, kBackgroundProcessEvent),
  // WARNING: This is unsafe as the PressButton() above occurs in a subsequence,
  // but this action is in the main sequence.

Named elements are inherited by conditional or parallel subsequences, but any names that are assigned by the subsequence are not guaranteed to be brought back to the top level test sequence. We may change this behavior in the future.

Handling Incompatibilities

Sometimes a test won't run on a specific build bot or in a specific environment due to a known incompatibility (as opposed to something legitimately failing). See Known Incompatibilities for more info.

Normally, if you know that the test won't run on an entire platform (i.e. you can use BUILDFLAG() to differentiate) you should disable or skip the tests in the usual way. But if the distinction is finer-grained (as with the above verbs) The SetOnIncompatibleAction() verb and OnIncompatibleAction enumeration are provided.

  • OnIncompatibleAction::kFailTest is the default option; if a step fails because of a known incompatibility, the test will fail, and an error message will be printed.
  • OnIncompatibleAction::kSkipTest immediately skips the test as soon as an incompatibility is detected. Use this option when you know the rest of the test will fail and the test results are invalid. A warning will be printed.
  • OnIncompatibleAction::kHaltTest immediately halts the sequence but does not fail or skip the test. Use this option when all of the steps leading up to the incompatible one are valid and you want to preserve any non-fatal errors that may have occurred. A warning will still be printed.
  • OnIncompatibleAction::kIgnoreAndContinue skips the problematic step, prints a warning, and continues the test as if nothing happened. Use this option when the step is incidental to the test, such as taking a screenshot in the middle of a sequence.

Do not use SetOnIncompatibleAction() unless:

  1. You know the test will fail due to a known incompatibility.
  2. The test cannot be disabled or skipped using a simple BUILDFLAG() check.

Note that you must specify a non-empty reason when calling SetOnIncompatibleAction() with any argument except kFailTest. This string will be printed out as part of the warning that is produced if the step fails.

WebContents Instrumentation

A feature of InteractiveBrowserTestApi that it borrows from WebContentsInteractoinTestUtil is the ability to instrument a WebContents. This does the following:

  • Assigns the entire WebContents a unique ElementIdentifier.
  • Enables a number of page navigation verbs, such as NavigateWebContents() and WaitForWebContentsReady().
  • Allows the execution of arbitrary JS in the WebContents.
  • Allows waiting for a specific condition in the DOM of the WebContents via WaitForStateChange().

You may call Instrument verbs during a test sequence.

  • InstrumentTab() instruments an existing tab.
  • InstrumentNextTab() instruments the next tab to be added to or opened in the specified browser.
  • AddInstrumentedTab() adds a new tab to a browser and instruments it.
  • InstrumentNonTabWebContents() instruments a piece of primary or secondary UI that uses a WebView and is not a tab (e.g. the tablet tabstrip or Tab Search dialog).

Specifying DOM Elements

Certain verbs that operate on instrumented WebContents take a DeepQuery, which provides a path to a DOM element in the WebContents. A DeepQuery is a sequence of one or more element selectors, as taken by the JavaScript querySelector() method. A DeepQuery works as follows:

let cur = document;
for (let selector of deepQuery) {
  if (cur.shadowRoot)
    cur = cur.shadowRoot;
  cur = cur.querySelector(selector);

If at any point the selector fails, the target DOM element is determined not to exist. Often, this fails the test, but might not in all cases.

There is a strong preference to keep DeepQueries as simple as possible, both in number of queries and in complexity of each query, in order to avoid tests being fragile to small changes in page structure.

  • Use one query string for each Shadow Dom to pierce plus one query for the final element.
  • Most query strings can be a single element name or HTML id (e.g. “my-subcomponent” or “#enableButton”), only specify intervening elements if it's necessary to find the one you care about.

Automatic Conversion

The following convenience methods are provided to convert a TrackedElement* to a more specific object, primarily used in functions supplied to WithElement() or one of the After verbs:

  • AsView<T>() - converts the element to a view of the specific type; fails if it is not
  • AsInstrumentedWebContents() - converts the element to an instrumented WebContents; fails if it is not


  WithElement(kComboBoxId, [](ui::TrackedElement* el) {
    // Could have also used SelectDropdownItem for this:

Waiting for Asynchronous Events

There are a number of ways to wait for some asynchronous browser event or state:

  • If you are waiting for WebContents state, use WaitForStateChange()
  • If you are waiting for a discrete event, have your code or a test-specific listener emit a custom event, then use WaitForEvent() or AfterEvent().
    • Note: the event must be emitted while you are waiting, or during the callback of the step before, or you may miss it.
  • If you are waiting for a stateful change, consider creating an appropriate StateObserver-derived class, and use ObserveState() and WaitForState() to check for your state change.

ObserveState() is powerful but kind of tricky, as you have to declare a helper class that actually tracks the state.

For state that can be observed using an observer pattern (i.e. you could use base::ScopedObservation), derive from ObservationStateObserver, which will handle subscribing and unsubscribing; you need only override 1-3 methods.

Otherwise you will need to derive directly from StateObserver and manage the process yourself.

Here is an example that waits for a property to achieve a specific value using an observer pattern:

class FooStateObserver
  : public ObservationStateObserver<int, Foo, FooObserver> {
  FooStateObserver(Foo* foo)
    : ObservationStateObserver<int>(foo) {}
  ~FooStateObserver() override = default;

  // ObservationStateObserver:
  int GetStateObserverInitialState() const override {
    return source()->value();

  // FooObserver:
  void OnFooValueChanged(Foo*, int value) override {
  void OnFooDestroyed(Foo*) override {

Here is an example that derives directly from StateObserver:

class SubscriptionObserver : public StateObserver {
  SubscriptionObserver(SubscribableObject* object)
    : subscription_(
      object_(sub_obj) {}

  // ObservationStateObserver:
  int GetStateObserverInitialState() const override {
    return object_->value();

  void OnValueChanged() {

  base::CallbackListSubscription subscription_;
  raw_ptr<SubscribableObject> object_;

The next step is to declare your state identifier and call ObserveState(). StateIdentifiers are like ElementIdentifiers except that they also encode the type of the observer, which allows you to be a little more lax when passing in values to the corresponding verbs:


The ObserveState() verb has two versions:

  • One lets you pre-construct an observer and pass it in as a unique_ptr.
  • The other lets you pass in the constructor arguments, which allows you to have some of them evaluate when the step is executed:
    • Any argument that is a function will be executed to get its return value.
    • Any std::reference_wrapper will be unwrapped to get its value.
    • This behavior is identical to the how the Log() verb works.
    • This does mean that if you need to pass a callback to the constructor, you can't use this version.


  // These have parameters evaluated when the sequence is built:
  ObserveState(kFooState, std::make_unique<FooStateObserver>(&foo))
  ObserveState(kFooState, foo.get())
  // These have a parameter evaluated at runtime:
  ObserveState(kFooState, std::ref(foo_ptr))
  ObserveState(kFooState, base::BindOnce(&FooTest::GetCurrentFoo,

Waiting for the state to change is as simple as calling WaitForState(); again you may pass a callback or reference to have the target evaluated at runtime, or a matcher to look for a range of values:

  WaitForState(kFooState, 3),
  WaitForState(kFooState, std::ref(expected_foo_value)),
  WaitForState(kFooState, &GetExpectedFooValue),
  WaitForState(kFooState, testing::Ne(3)),

Observing State Via Polling

The PollState(), PollElement(), and PollView() verbs can be used when you want to observe a state but there's no established callback or observer pattern established for that state.

For example, if a system only has a MySystem::GetCurrentState() property but has neither MySystem::AddObserver(MySystemObserver) or MySystem::AddStateChangeCallback(MySystem::StateChangeCallback), you can use PollState() to monitor the state:


  // Do setup that would cause your system to initialize.
  PollState(kMySystemState, [](){
    return MySystem::GetInstance()->GetCurrentState();
  WaitForState(kMySystemState, MySystem::State::kReady)
  // System will be ready now, continue with your test.

For PollElement() and PollView(), the state value is an absl::optional and if the element or view is not present in the target context the value will be absl::nullopt.

Be aware that for transient or short-lived states, the correct value might be missed between polls, so polling should only be used for states that should eventually “settle” on the expected value.

Avoiding UAF and Stopping State Observation

By default, a state observer will persist until the end of the test body, and lasts across multiple calls to RunTestSequence().

You should ideally write your state observers (polling or otherwise) to handle freeing of resources or underlying objects, e.g. by unregistering an observer on destruction, or by using base::CallbackSubscription which is safe with respect to destruction of the subscribed object. Polling an element or view is also safe, with the caveat that you might get a different element each time.

However, in some cases it is easier to simply remove the observer than to try to harden it against changes in the underlying object. The StopObservingState() verb allows you to do this.

Custom Verbs

Sometimes you will have some common step or check (or set of steps and checks) that you want to duplicate across a number of different test cases in your test fixture. You can create a custom verb, which is just a method that returns a StepBuilder or MultiStep. This method can combine existing verbs with steps you create yourself, in any combination. To combine multiple steps, use the Steps() method.

Here's an example of a very common custom verb pattern:

// My test fixture class with a custom verb.
class MyHistoryTest : public InteractiveBrowserTest {

  // This custom verb will be used across multiple test cases.
  auto OpenHistoryPageInNewTab() {
    return Steps(

// An example test case.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(MyHistoryTest, NavigateTwoPagesAndCheckHistory) {
  InstrumentTab(browser(), kPrimaryTabId);
    NavigateWebContents(kPrimaryTabId, kUrl1),
    NavigateWebContents(kPrimaryTabId, kUrl2),
    // The custom verb sits happily in the action sequence.
    // We'll hand-wave the implementation of this method for now.
                       HistoryEntriesPopulated(kUrl1, kUrl2)));

Custom Callbacks and Checks

Another common pattern is having a check that you want to perform over and over; for example, checking that a histogram entry was added. This can absolutely be done through a custom verb, however, perhaps you instead want to use it in an AfterShow() step. In this case you can create a function that binds and returns the appropriate callback.

class MyDialogTest : public InteractiveBrowserTest {
  auto ExpectHistogramCount(const char* histogram_name, size_t expected_count) {
    return base::BindLambdaForTesting([histogram_name, expected_count, this](){
      EXPECT_EQ(expected_count, GetHistogramCount(histogram_name));

IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(MyDialogTest, ShowIncrementsHistogram) {
              ExpectHistogramCount(kDialogShownHistogramName, 1)));

This could have also been implemented with a WaitForShow() and a custom verb with a Check() or CheckResult(). Whether you use a custom callback or a custom verb is up to you; do whatever makes your test easiest to read!

Custom Test Fixtures

Most Kombucha tests will derive directly from either InteractiveViewsTest or InteractiveBrowserTest.

If your test needs to derive from a different/custom test fixture class but you would still like access to the Kombucha API, use InteractiveViewsTestT<T> or InteractiveBrowserTestT<T> instead.


// Want Kombucha functionality, but already have an existing test
// `MyCustomBrowserTest` with logic we need.
using MyTestFixture = InteractiveBrowserTestT<MyCustomBrowserTest>;

// Here's another way to do the same thing, if we want to further extend the
// test class.
class MyTestFixture2 : public InteractiveBrowserTestT<MyCustomBrowserTest> {
  ~MyTestFixture2() override;

  // Add anything else we need here.

Helper Classes

Kombucha helper classes are older, lower-level APIs that have been repurposed to support interactive testing:

  • InteractionTestUtil, InteractionTestUtilView, InteractionTestUtilBrowser - provide common UI functionality like pressing buttons, selecting menu items, and taking screenshots.
  • InteractionTestUtilMouse - provides a way to inject mouse input, including clicking and dragging, into interactive tests.
  • WebContentsInteractionTestUtil - provides a way to gain control of a WebContents, inject code, trigger and wait for navigation, and check and wait for changes in the DOM.

You should only rarely have to use these classes directly; if you do, it's likely that Kombucha is missing some common verb that would cover your use case. Please reach out to us!


March 2023

Quality of life improvements:

  • You can now add Kombucha API to existing test fixtures using the following template mix-ins.
    • This removes the need for a lot of boilerplate when adding InteractiveBrowserTestApi.
    • See Custom Test Fixtures for more info.
  • base::BindOnce() and base::BindLambdaForTesting() are no longer required in many cases.

New control-flow features (see Control Flow for more info):

  • InParallel runs several subsequences at once.
  • If, IfMatches, IfView, etc. conditionally run a subsequence.
    • Also added the ability to specify an optional “else” clause.


  • Slightly improved drag-handling on ChromeOS.

Known Issues and Incompatibilities

The following will generate an error unless explicitly handled:

  • ActivateSurface() does not work on the linux-wayland buildbot unless the surface is already active, due to vanilla Wayland not supporting programmatic window activation.
  • Screenshot() currently only works in specific pixel test jobs on the win-rel buildbot.

The following may produce unexpected or inconsistent behavior:

  • When ClickMouse() is used on Mac with right mouse button, events are sent asynchronously to avoid getting caught in a context menu run loop.
    • Most tests should still function normally, but be aware of the behavioral difference.
  • DragMouse() or MoveMouseTo() on Windows may result in Windows entering a drag loop that may hang or otherwise impact the test.
    • Tab dragging works as expected but other drag tests may be flaky or fail on the platform.

Upcoming Features

To be supported in the near-future:

  • Touch input on ChromeOS
  • Touch input on Windows
  • More reliable drag-drop on Windows