blob: 6285c87085d9cbdf4f16ba0fcdf80a16bceb1601 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <concepts>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/test/rectify_callback.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/browser_view.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/in_process_browser_test.h"
#include "chrome/test/interaction/interaction_test_util_browser.h"
#include "chrome/test/interaction/interactive_browser_test_internal.h"
#include "chrome/test/interaction/webcontents_interaction_test_util.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/variant.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/element_identifier.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/element_test_util.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/element_tracker.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/expect_call_in_scope.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/interaction_sequence.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/interaction_test_util.h"
#include "ui/base/test/ui_controls.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
#include "ui/views/interaction/element_tracker_views.h"
#include "ui/views/interaction/interactive_views_test.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
#include "ui/views/view_utils.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace ui {
class TrackedElement;
class Browser;
// Provides interactive test functionality for Views.
// Interactive tests use InteractionSequence, ElementTracker, and
// InteractionTestUtil to provide a common library of concise test methods. This
// convenience API is nicknamed "Kombucha" (see for more information).
// This class is not a test fixture; it is a mixin that can be added to an
// existing browser test class using `InteractiveBrowserTestT<T>` - or just use
// `InteractiveBrowserTest`, which *is* a test fixture (preferred; see below).
class InteractiveBrowserTestApi : public views::test::InteractiveViewsTestApi {
~InteractiveBrowserTestApi() override;
using DeepQuery = WebContentsInteractionTestUtil::DeepQuery;
using StateChange = WebContentsInteractionTestUtil::StateChange;
// Shorthand to convert a tracked element into a instrumented WebContents.
// The element should be a TrackedElementWebContents.
static WebContentsInteractionTestUtil* AsInstrumentedWebContents(
ui::TrackedElement* el);
// Manually enable WebUI code coverage (slightly experimental). Call during
// `SetUpOnMainThread()` or in your test body before `RunTestSequence()`.
// Has no effect if the `--devtools-code-coverage` command line flag isn't
// set. This will cause tests to run longer (possibly timing out) and is not
// compatible with all WebUI pages. Use liberally, but at your own risk.
// TODO(b/273545898, b/273290598): when coverage is more robust, make this
// automatic for all tests that touch WebUI.
void EnableWebUICodeCoverage();
// Takes a screenshot of the specified element, with name `screenshot_name`
// (may be empty for tests that take only one screenshot) and `baseline`,
// which should be set to match the CL number when a screenshot should change.
// Currently, is somewhat unreliable for WebUI embedded in bubbles or dialogs
// (e.g. Tab Search dropdown) but should work fairly well in most other cases.
[[nodiscard]] StepBuilder Screenshot(ElementSpecifier element,
const std::string& screenshot_name,
const std::string& baseline);
struct CurrentBrowser {};
struct AnyBrowser {};
// Specifies which browser to use when instrumenting a tab.
using BrowserSpecifier = absl::variant<
// Use the browser associated with the context of the current test step;
// if unspecified use the default context for the sequence.
// Find a tab in any browser.
// Specify a browser that is known at the time the sequence is created.
// The browser must persist until the step executes.
// Specify a browser pointer that will be valid by the time the step
// executes. Use std::ref() to wrap the pointer that will receive the
// value.
// Instruments tab `tab_index` in `in_browser` as `id`. If `tab_index` is
// unspecified, the active tab is used.
// Does not support AnyBrowser; you must specify a browser.
// If `wait_for_ready` is true (default), the step will not complete until the
// current page in the WebContents is fully loaded.
[[nodiscard]] MultiStep InstrumentTab(
ui::ElementIdentifier id,
std::optional<int> tab_index = std::nullopt,
BrowserSpecifier in_browser = CurrentBrowser(),
bool wait_for_ready = true);
// Instruments the next tab in `in_browser` as `id`.
[[nodiscard]] StepBuilder InstrumentNextTab(
ui::ElementIdentifier id,
BrowserSpecifier in_browser = CurrentBrowser());
// Opens a new tab for `url` and instruments it as `id`. The tab is inserted
// at `at_index` if specified, otherwise the browser decides.
// Does not support AnyBrowser; you must specify a browser.
[[nodiscard]] MultiStep AddInstrumentedTab(
ui::ElementIdentifier id,
GURL url,
std::optional<int> tab_index = std::nullopt,
BrowserSpecifier in_browser = CurrentBrowser());
// Instruments the WebContents held by `web_view` as `id`. Will wait for the
// WebView to become visible if it is not.
// If `wait_for_ready` is true (default), the step will not complete until the
// current page in the WebContents is fully loaded. (Note that this may not
// cover dynamic loading of data; you may need to do a WaitForStateChange() to
// be sure dynamic content is loaded).
[[nodiscard]] MultiStep InstrumentNonTabWebView(ui::ElementIdentifier id,
ElementSpecifier web_view,
bool wait_for_ready = true);
[[nodiscard]] MultiStep InstrumentNonTabWebView(
ui::ElementIdentifier id,
AbsoluteViewSpecifier web_view,
bool wait_for_ready = true);
// These convenience methods wait for page navigation/ready. If you specify
// `expected_url`, the test will fail if that is not the loaded page. If you
// do not, there is no step start callback and you can add your own logic.
// Note that because `webcontents_id` is expected to be globally unique, these
// actions have SetFindElementInAnyContext(true) by default (otherwise it's
// really easy to forget to add InAnyContext() and have your test not work.
[[nodiscard]] static StepBuilder WaitForWebContentsReady(
ui::ElementIdentifier webcontents_id,
std::optional<GURL> expected_url = std::nullopt);
[[nodiscard]] static StepBuilder WaitForWebContentsNavigation(
ui::ElementIdentifier webcontents_id,
std::optional<GURL> expected_url = std::nullopt);
// This convenience method navigates the page at `webcontents_id` to
// `new_url`, which must be different than its current URL. The sequence will
// not proceed until navigation completes, and will fail if the wrong URL is
// loaded.
[[nodiscard]] static MultiStep NavigateWebContents(
ui::ElementIdentifier webcontents_id,
GURL new_url);
// Raises the surface containing `webcontents_id` and focuses the WebContents
// as if a user had interacted directly with it. This is useful if you want
// the WebContents to e.g. respond to accelerators.
[[nodiscard]] StepBuilder FocusWebContents(
ui::ElementIdentifier webcontents_id);
// Waits for the given `state_change` in `webcontents_id`. The sequence will
// fail if the change times out, unless `expect_timeout` is true, in which
// case the StateChange *must* timeout, and |state_change.timeout_event| must
// be set.
[[nodiscard]] static MultiStep WaitForStateChange(
ui::ElementIdentifier webcontents_id,
const StateChange& state_change,
bool expect_timeout = false);
// Required to keep from hiding inherited versions of these methods.
using InteractiveViewsTestApi::EnsureNotPresent;
using InteractiveViewsTestApi::EnsurePresent;
// Ensures that there is an element at path `where` in `webcontents_id`.
// Unlike InteractiveTestApi::EnsurePresent, this verb can be inside an
// InAnyContext() block.
[[nodiscard]] static StepBuilder EnsurePresent(
ui::ElementIdentifier webcontents_id,
const DeepQuery& where);
// Ensures that there is no element at path `where` in `webcontents_id`.
// Unlike InteractiveTestApi::EnsurePresent, this verb can be inside an
// InAnyContext() block.
[[nodiscard]] static StepBuilder EnsureNotPresent(
ui::ElementIdentifier webcontents_id,
const DeepQuery& where);
// How to execute JavaScript when calling ExecuteJs() and ExecuteJsAt().
enum class ExecuteJsMode {
// Ensures that the code sent to the renderer completes without error before
// the next step can proceed. If an error occurs, the test fails.
// This is the default.
// Sends the code to the renderer for execution, but does not wait for a
// response. If an error occurs, it may appear in the log, but the test
// will not detect it and will not fail.
// Use this mode if the code you are injecting will prevent the renderer
// from communicating the result back to the browser process.
// Execute javascript `function`, which should take no arguments, in
// WebContents `webcontents_id`.
// You can use this method to call an existing function with no arguments in
// the global scope; to do that, specify only the name of the method (e.g.
// `myMethod` rather than `myMethod()`).
[[nodiscard]] static StepBuilder ExecuteJs(
ui::ElementIdentifier webcontents_id,
const std::string& function,
ExecuteJsMode mode = ExecuteJsMode::kWaitForCompletion);
// Execute javascript `function`, which should take a single DOM element as an
// argument, with the element at `where`, in WebContents `webcontents_id`.
[[nodiscard]] static StepBuilder ExecuteJsAt(
ui::ElementIdentifier webcontents_id,
const DeepQuery& where,
const std::string& function,
ExecuteJsMode mode = ExecuteJsMode::kWaitForCompletion);
// Executes javascript `function`, which should take no arguments and return a
// value, in WebContents `webcontents_id`, and fails if the result is not
// truthy.
// If `function` instead returns a promise, the result of the promise is
// evaluated for truthiness. If the promise rejects, CheckJsResult() fails.
[[nodiscard]] static StepBuilder CheckJsResult(
ui::ElementIdentifier webcontents_id,
const std::string& function);
// Executes javascript `function`, which should take no arguments and return a
// value, in WebContents `webcontents_id`, and fails if the result does not
// match `matcher`, which can be a literal or a testing::Matcher.
// Note that only the following types are supported:
// - string (for literals, you may pass a const char*)
// - bool
// - int
// - double (will also match integer return values)
// - base::Value (required if you want to match a list or dictionary)
// You must pass a literal or Matcher that matches the type returned by the
// javascript function. If your function could return either an integer or a
// floating-point value, you *must* use a double.
// If `function` instead returns a promise, the result of the promise is
// evaluated against `matcher`. If the promise rejects, CheckJsResult() fails.
template <typename T>
[[nodiscard]] static StepBuilder CheckJsResult(
ui::ElementIdentifier webcontents_id,
const std::string& function,
T&& matcher);
// Executes javascript `function`, which should take a single DOM element as
// an argument and returns a value, in WebContents `webcontents_id` on the
// element specified by `where`, and fails if the result is not truthy.
// If `function` instead returns a promise, the result of the promise is
// evaluated for truthiness. If the promise rejects, CheckJsResultAt() fails.
[[nodiscard]] static StepBuilder CheckJsResultAt(
ui::ElementIdentifier webcontents_id,
const DeepQuery& where,
const std::string& function);
// Executes javascript `function`, which should take a single DOM element as
// an argument and returns a value, in WebContents `webcontents_id` on the
// element specified by `where`, and fails if the result does not match
// `matcher`, which can be a literal or a testing::Matcher.
// If `function` instead returns a promise, the result of the promise is
// evaluated against `matcher`. If the promise rejects, CheckJsResultAt()
// fails.
// See notes on CheckJsResult() for what values and Matchers are supported.
template <typename T>
[[nodiscard]] static StepBuilder CheckJsResultAt(
ui::ElementIdentifier webcontents_id,
const DeepQuery& where,
const std::string& function,
T&& matcher);
// These are required so the following overloads don't hide the base class
// variations.
using InteractiveViewsTestApi::DragMouseTo;
using InteractiveViewsTestApi::MoveMouseTo;
// Find the DOM element at the given path in the reference element, which
// should be an instrumented WebContents; see Instrument*(). Move the mouse to
// the element's center point in screen coordinates.
// If the DOM element may be scrolled outside of the current viewport,
// consider using ScrollIntoView(web_contents, where) before this verb.
[[nodiscard]] StepBuilder MoveMouseTo(ElementSpecifier web_contents,
const DeepQuery& where);
// Find the DOM element at the given path in the reference element, which
// should be an instrumented WebContents; see Instrument*(). Perform a drag
// from the mouse's current location to the element's center point in screen
// coordinates, and then if `release` is true, releases the mouse button.
// If the DOM element may be scrolled outside of the current viewport,
// consider using ScrollIntoView(web_contents, where) before this verb.
[[nodiscard]] StepBuilder DragMouseTo(ElementSpecifier web_contents,
const DeepQuery& where,
bool release = true);
using InteractiveViewsTestApi::ScrollIntoView;
// Scrolls the DOM element at `where` in instrumented WebContents
// `web_contents` into view; see Instrument*(). The scrolling happens
// instantaneously, without animation, and should be available on the next
// render frame or call into the renderer.
[[nodiscard]] StepBuilder ScrollIntoView(ui::ElementIdentifier web_contents,
const DeepQuery& where);
explicit InteractiveBrowserTestApi(
static RelativePositionCallback DeepQueryToRelativePosition(
const DeepQuery& query);
Browser* GetBrowserFor(ui::ElementContext current_context,
BrowserSpecifier spec);
internal::InteractiveBrowserTestPrivate& test_impl() {
return static_cast<internal::InteractiveBrowserTestPrivate&>(
// Template for adding InteractiveBrowserTestApi to any test fixture which is
// derived from InProcessBrowserTest.
// If you don't need to derive from some existing test class, prefer to use
// InteractiveBrowserTest.
// Note that this test fixture attempts to set the context widget from the
// created `browser()` during `SetUpOnMainThread()`. If your derived test
// fixture does not create a browser during set up, you will need to manually
// `SetContextWidget()` before calling `RunTestSequence()`, or use
// `RunTestTestSequenceInContext()` instead.
// See for usage.
template <typename T>
requires std::derived_from<T, InProcessBrowserTest>
class InteractiveBrowserTestT : public T, public InteractiveBrowserTestApi {
template <typename... Args>
explicit InteractiveBrowserTestT(Args&&... args)
: T(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
~InteractiveBrowserTestT() override = default;
void SetUpOnMainThread() override {
if (Browser* browser = T::browser()) {
void TearDownOnMainThread() override {
// Convenience test fixture for interactive browser tests. This is the preferred
// base class for Kombucha tests unless you specifically need something else.
// Note that this test fixture attempts to set the context widget from the
// created `browser()` during `SetUpOnMainThread()`. If your derived test
// fixture does not create a browser during set up, you will need to manually
// `SetContextWidget()` before calling `RunTestSequence()`, or use
// `RunTestTestSequenceInContext()` instead.
// See for usage.
using InteractiveBrowserTest = InteractiveBrowserTestT<InProcessBrowserTest>;
// Template definitions:
// static
template <typename T>
ui::InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveBrowserTestApi::CheckJsResult(
ui::ElementIdentifier webcontents_id,
const std::string& function,
T&& matcher) {
return internal::JsResultChecker<T>::CheckJsResult(webcontents_id, function,
// static
template <typename T>
ui::InteractionSequence::StepBuilder InteractiveBrowserTestApi::CheckJsResultAt(
ui::ElementIdentifier webcontents_id,
const DeepQuery& where,
const std::string& function,
T&& matcher) {
return internal::JsResultChecker<T>::CheckJsResultAt(
webcontents_id, where, function, std::move(matcher));