| // Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "chrome/test/interaction/interactive_browser_test.h" |
| |
| #include "base/command_line.h" |
| #include "base/files/file_util.h" |
| #include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h" |
| #include "base/functional/bind.h" |
| #include "base/test/bind.h" |
| #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_element_identifiers.h" |
| #include "chrome/test/base/test_switches.h" |
| #include "content/public/test/browser_test.h" |
| #include "ui/base/interaction/element_identifier.h" |
| #include "ui/base/interaction/element_tracker.h" |
| #include "ui/base/interaction/expect_call_in_scope.h" |
| #include "ui/base/interaction/interaction_sequence.h" |
| #include "url/gurl.h" |
| |
| namespace { |
| constexpr char kDocumentWithNamedElement[] = "/select.html"; |
| constexpr char kDocumentWithLinks[] = "/links.html"; |
| constexpr char kScrollableDocument[] = |
| "/scroll/scrollable_page_with_content.html"; |
| } // namespace |
| |
| class InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest : public InteractiveBrowserTest { |
| public: |
| InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest() = default; |
| ~InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest() override = default; |
| |
| void SetUp() override { |
| set_open_about_blank_on_browser_launch(true); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(embedded_test_server()->InitializeAndListen()); |
| InteractiveBrowserTest::SetUp(); |
| } |
| |
| void SetUpOnMainThread() override { |
| InteractiveBrowserTest::SetUpOnMainThread(); |
| embedded_test_server()->StartAcceptingConnections(); |
| } |
| |
| void TearDownOnMainThread() override { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(embedded_test_server()->ShutdownAndWaitUntilComplete()); |
| InteractiveBrowserTest::TearDownOnMainThread(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| EnsurePresentNotPresent) { |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| RunTestSequence(InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| EnsurePresent(kWebContentsId, DeepQuery({"#select"})), |
| EnsureNotPresent(kWebContentsId, DeepQuery{"#doesNotExist"})); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| EnsureNotPresent_Fails) { |
| UNCALLED_MOCK_CALLBACK(ui::InteractionSequence::AbortedCallback, aborted); |
| private_test_impl().set_aborted_callback_for_testing(aborted.Get()); |
| |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| aborted, Run, |
| RunTestSequence(InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| EnsureNotPresent(kWebContentsId, DeepQuery{"#select"}))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, EnsurePresent_Fails) { |
| UNCALLED_MOCK_CALLBACK(ui::InteractionSequence::AbortedCallback, aborted); |
| private_test_impl().set_aborted_callback_for_testing(aborted.Get()); |
| |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| aborted, Run, |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| EnsurePresent(kWebContentsId, DeepQuery{"#doesNotExist"}))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, ExecuteJs) { |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| ExecuteJs(kWebContentsId, "() => { window.value = 1; }"), |
| WithElement(kWebContentsId, base::BindOnce([](ui::TrackedElement* el) { |
| const auto result = AsInstrumentedWebContents(el)->Evaluate( |
| "() => window.value"); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, result.GetInt()); |
| }))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| ExecuteJsFireAndForget) { |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| ExecuteJs(kWebContentsId, "() => { window.value = 1; }", |
| ExecuteJsMode::kFireAndForget), |
| WithElement(kWebContentsId, base::BindOnce([](ui::TrackedElement* el) { |
| const auto result = AsInstrumentedWebContents(el)->Evaluate( |
| "() => window.value"); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, result.GetInt()); |
| }))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| ExecuteJsFailsOnThrow) { |
| UNCALLED_MOCK_CALLBACK(ui::InteractionSequence::AbortedCallback, aborted); |
| private_test_impl().set_aborted_callback_for_testing(aborted.Get()); |
| |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| aborted, Run, |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| ExecuteJs(kWebContentsId, "() => { throw new Error('an error'); }"))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, CheckJsResult) { |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| const std::string str("a string"); |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| ExecuteJs(kWebContentsId, |
| R"(() => { |
| window.intValue = 1; |
| window.boolValue = true; |
| window.doubleValue = 2.0; |
| window.stringValue = 'a string'; |
| })"), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, "() => window.intValue"), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, "() => window.intValue", 1), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, "() => window.intValue", testing::Lt(2)), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, "() => window.boolValue"), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, "() => window.boolValue", true), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, "() => window.boolValue", |
| testing::Ne(false)), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, "() => window.doubleValue"), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, "() => window.doubleValue", 2.0), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, "() => window.doubleValue", |
| testing::Gt(1.5)), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, "() => window.stringValue"), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, "() => window.stringValue", "a string"), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, "() => window.stringValue", str), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, "() => window.stringValue", |
| std::string("a string")), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, "() => window.stringValue", |
| testing::Ne(std::string("another string")))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| CheckJsResultWithPromise) { |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| RunTestSequence(InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, |
| "() => new Promise((resolve, reject) => " |
| "setTimeout(() => resolve(true), 100))"), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, |
| "() => new Promise((resolve, reject) => " |
| "setTimeout(() => resolve(1), 100))", |
| 1)); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| CheckJsResultWithPromiseFailsOnReject) { |
| UNCALLED_MOCK_CALLBACK(ui::InteractionSequence::AbortedCallback, aborted); |
| private_test_impl().set_aborted_callback_for_testing(aborted.Get()); |
| |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| aborted, Run, |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, |
| "() => new Promise((resolve, reject) => " |
| "setTimeout(() => reject('rejected'), 100))"))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, CheckJsResult_Fails) { |
| UNCALLED_MOCK_CALLBACK(ui::InteractionSequence::AbortedCallback, aborted); |
| private_test_impl().set_aborted_callback_for_testing(aborted.Get()); |
| |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| aborted, Run, |
| RunTestSequence(InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| ExecuteJs(kWebContentsId, "() => { window.value = 1; }"), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, "() => window.value", 2))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| CheckJsResult_ThrowError_Fails) { |
| UNCALLED_MOCK_CALLBACK(ui::InteractionSequence::AbortedCallback, aborted); |
| private_test_impl().set_aborted_callback_for_testing(aborted.Get()); |
| |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| aborted, Run, |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, |
| "() => { throw new Error('an error'); }", 2))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| CheckJsResult_NoArgument_Fails) { |
| UNCALLED_MOCK_CALLBACK(ui::InteractionSequence::AbortedCallback, aborted); |
| private_test_impl().set_aborted_callback_for_testing(aborted.Get()); |
| |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| aborted, Run, |
| RunTestSequence(InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| ExecuteJs(kWebContentsId, "() => { window.value = 0; }"), |
| CheckJsResult(kWebContentsId, "() => window.value"))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, ExecuteJsAt) { |
| const DeepQuery kWhere{"#select"}; |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| ExecuteJsAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => { el.intValue = 1; }"), |
| WithElement(kWebContentsId, |
| base::BindLambdaForTesting([&kWhere](ui::TrackedElement* el) { |
| const auto result = |
| AsInstrumentedWebContents(el)->EvaluateAt( |
| kWhere, "(el) => el.intValue"); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, result.GetInt()); |
| }))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| ExecuteJsAtFireAndForget) { |
| const DeepQuery kWhere{"#select"}; |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| ExecuteJsAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => { el.intValue = 1; }", |
| ExecuteJsMode::kFireAndForget), |
| WithElement(kWebContentsId, |
| base::BindLambdaForTesting([&kWhere](ui::TrackedElement* el) { |
| const auto result = |
| AsInstrumentedWebContents(el)->EvaluateAt( |
| kWhere, "(el) => el.intValue"); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, result.GetInt()); |
| }))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| ExecuteJsAtFailsIfElementNotPresent) { |
| UNCALLED_MOCK_CALLBACK(ui::InteractionSequence::AbortedCallback, aborted); |
| private_test_impl().set_aborted_callback_for_testing(aborted.Get()); |
| |
| const DeepQuery kWhere{"#aaaaa"}; |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| aborted, Run, |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| ExecuteJsAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => { el.intValue = 1; }"))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| ExecuteJsAtFailsOnThrow) { |
| UNCALLED_MOCK_CALLBACK(ui::InteractionSequence::AbortedCallback, aborted); |
| private_test_impl().set_aborted_callback_for_testing(aborted.Get()); |
| |
| const DeepQuery kWhere{"#select"}; |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| aborted, Run, |
| RunTestSequence(InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| ExecuteJsAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, |
| "(el) => { throw new Error('an error'); }"))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, CheckJsResultAt) { |
| const DeepQuery kWhere{"#select"}; |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| const std::string str("a string"); |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| ExecuteJsAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, |
| R"((el) => { |
| el.intValue = 1; |
| el.boolValue = true; |
| el.doubleValue = 2.0; |
| el.stringValue = 'a string'; |
| })"), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.intValue"), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.intValue", 1), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.intValue", |
| testing::Lt(2)), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.boolValue"), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.boolValue", true), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.boolValue", |
| testing::Ne(false)), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.doubleValue"), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.doubleValue", 2.0), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.doubleValue", |
| testing::Gt(1.5)), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.stringValue"), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.stringValue", |
| "a string"), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.stringValue", str), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.stringValue", |
| std::string("a string")), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.stringValue", |
| testing::Ne(std::string("another string")))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| CheckJsResultAtWithPromise) { |
| const DeepQuery kWhere{"#select"}; |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| ExecuteJsAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, |
| R"((el) => { |
| el.intValue = 1; |
| el.stringValue = 'a string'; |
| })"), |
| CheckJsResultAt( |
| kWebContentsId, kWhere, |
| "(el) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(el.intValue))"), |
| CheckJsResultAt( |
| kWebContentsId, kWhere, |
| "(el) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(el.intValue))", 1), |
| CheckJsResultAt( |
| kWebContentsId, kWhere, |
| "(el) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(el.stringValue))"), |
| CheckJsResultAt( |
| kWebContentsId, kWhere, |
| "(el) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(el.stringValue))", |
| "a string")); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| CheckJsResultAtWithPromiseFailsOnReject) { |
| UNCALLED_MOCK_CALLBACK(ui::InteractionSequence::AbortedCallback, aborted); |
| private_test_impl().set_aborted_callback_for_testing(aborted.Get()); |
| |
| const DeepQuery kWhere{"#select"}; |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| aborted, Run, |
| RunTestSequence(InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, |
| "(el) => new Promise((resolve, reject) " |
| "=> reject('rejected!'))"))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| CheckJsResultAt_Fails) { |
| UNCALLED_MOCK_CALLBACK(ui::InteractionSequence::AbortedCallback, aborted); |
| private_test_impl().set_aborted_callback_for_testing(aborted.Get()); |
| |
| const DeepQuery kWhere{"#select"}; |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| aborted, Run, |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| ExecuteJsAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => { el.intValue = 1; }"), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.intValue", 2))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| CheckJsResultAt_ThrowsError_Fails) { |
| UNCALLED_MOCK_CALLBACK(ui::InteractionSequence::AbortedCallback, aborted); |
| private_test_impl().set_aborted_callback_for_testing(aborted.Get()); |
| |
| const DeepQuery kWhere{"#select"}; |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| aborted, Run, |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, |
| "(el) => { throw new Error('an error'); }", 2))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| CheckJsResultAt_BadPath_Fails) { |
| UNCALLED_MOCK_CALLBACK(ui::InteractionSequence::AbortedCallback, aborted); |
| private_test_impl().set_aborted_callback_for_testing(aborted.Get()); |
| |
| const DeepQuery kWhere{"#aaaaa"}; |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| aborted, Run, |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.intValue", 2))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| CheckJsResultAt_NoArgument_Fails) { |
| UNCALLED_MOCK_CALLBACK(ui::InteractionSequence::AbortedCallback, aborted); |
| private_test_impl().set_aborted_callback_for_testing(aborted.Get()); |
| |
| const DeepQuery kWhere{"#select"}; |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| aborted, Run, |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, url), |
| ExecuteJsAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, |
| "(el) => { el.stringValue = ''; }"), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kWebContentsId, kWhere, "(el) => el.stringValue"))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| InstrumentTabsAsTestSteps) { |
| const char kIncognitoNtbName[] = "Incognito NTB"; |
| |
| auto verify_is_at_tab_index = [](Browser* where, ui::ElementIdentifier id, |
| int expected_index) { |
| return CheckElement( |
| id, base::BindLambdaForTesting([where](ui::TrackedElement* el) { |
| return where->tab_strip_model()->GetIndexOfWebContents( |
| AsInstrumentedWebContents(el)->web_contents()); |
| }), |
| expected_index); |
| }; |
| |
| const GURL url1 = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| const GURL url2 = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithLinks); |
| |
| Browser* incognito_browser = CreateIncognitoBrowser(); |
| |
| RunTestSequence( |
| // Instrument an existing tab. |
| InstrumentTab(kTab1Id), verify_is_at_tab_index(browser(), kTab1Id, 0), |
| |
| // Instrument the next tab, then insert a tab and verify it's there. |
| InstrumentNextTab(kTab2Id), PressButton(kNewTabButtonElementId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kTab2Id, url1), |
| verify_is_at_tab_index(browser(), kTab2Id, 1), |
| |
| // Add and instrument tab all in one fell swoop. |
| AddInstrumentedTab(kTab3Id, url2), |
| verify_is_at_tab_index(browser(), kTab3Id, 2), |
| |
| // Instrument the next tab in any browser, then insert the tab and verify |
| // it's there. |
| InstrumentNextTab(kIncognito1Id, AnyBrowser()), |
| NameView(kIncognitoNtbName, |
| base::BindLambdaForTesting([incognito_browser]() { |
| return AsView( |
| ui::ElementTracker::GetElementTracker()->GetUniqueElement( |
| kNewTabButtonElementId, |
| incognito_browser->window()->GetElementContext())); |
| })), |
| PressButton(kIncognitoNtbName), |
| InAnyContext(verify_is_at_tab_index(incognito_browser, kIncognito1Id, 1)), |
| |
| Do(base::BindOnce([]() { LOG(WARNING) << 1; })), |
| |
| // Instrument a final tab by inserting it. Specify an index so the other |
| // tabs are re-ordered. |
| AddInstrumentedTab(kIncognito2Id, url2, 1, incognito_browser), |
| InAnyContext(verify_is_at_tab_index(incognito_browser, kIncognito2Id, 1)), |
| InAnyContext( |
| verify_is_at_tab_index(incognito_browser, kIncognito1Id, 2))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, ScrollIntoView) { |
| const GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kScrollableDocument); |
| const DeepQuery kLink{"#link"}; |
| const DeepQuery kText{"#text"}; |
| |
| constexpr char kElementIsInViewport[] = R"( |
| (el) => { |
| const bounds = el.getBoundingClientRect(); |
| return bounds.right >= 0 && bounds.bottom >= 0 && |
| bounds.x < window.innerWidth && bounds.y < window.innerHeight; |
| } |
| )"; |
| |
| RunTestSequence(InstrumentTab(kTabId), NavigateWebContents(kTabId, url), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kTabId, kLink, kElementIsInViewport, true), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kTabId, kText, kElementIsInViewport, false), |
| ScrollIntoView(kTabId, kText), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kTabId, kLink, kElementIsInViewport, false), |
| CheckJsResultAt(kTabId, kText, kElementIsInViewport, true)); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| WaitForStateChangeAcrossNavigation) { |
| const GURL url1 = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithLinks); |
| const GURL url2 = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| |
| StateChange state_change; |
| state_change.type = StateChange::Type::kExists; |
| state_change.where = {"#select"}; |
| state_change.continue_across_navigation = true; |
| state_change.event = kFoundElementEvent; |
| |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kTabId), |
| // This is needed to prevent subsequent navigation from causing the |
| // previous step to fail due to the element immediately losing visibility. |
| FlushEvents(), |
| InParallel(Steps(NavigateWebContents(kTabId, url1), |
| NavigateWebContents(kTabId, url2)), |
| WaitForStateChange(kTabId, state_change))); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| WaitForStateChangeWithConditionAcrossNavigation) { |
| const GURL url1 = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithLinks); |
| const GURL url2 = embedded_test_server()->GetURL(kDocumentWithNamedElement); |
| |
| StateChange state_change; |
| state_change.type = StateChange::Type::kExistsAndConditionTrue; |
| state_change.where = {"#select option[selected]"}; |
| state_change.test_function = "(el) => (el.innerText === 'Apple')"; |
| state_change.continue_across_navigation = true; |
| state_change.event = kFoundElementEvent; |
| |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kTabId), |
| // This is needed to prevent subsequent navigation from causing the |
| // previous step to fail due to the element immediately losing visibility. |
| FlushEvents(), |
| InParallel(Steps(NavigateWebContents(kTabId, url1), |
| NavigateWebContents(kTabId, url2)), |
| WaitForStateChange(kTabId, state_change))); |
| } |
| |
| // Parameter for WebUI coverage tests. |
| struct CoverageConfig { |
| // Whether to set the --devtools-code-coverage flag. If it's not set, nothing |
| // should be captured, and the test is simply verifying that no errors are |
| // generated as a result. |
| bool command_line_flag = false; |
| |
| // Whether coverage is actively enabled. If the command line flag is also set, |
| // the test will check whether data got written to the code coverage folder. |
| bool enable_coverage = false; |
| }; |
| |
| // Test fixture to verify that when EnableWebUICodeCoverage() is called with the |
| // correct command-line arguments, coverage data actually gets written out. It |
| // also verifies that |
| class InteractiveBrowserTestCodeCoverageBrowsertest |
| : public InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest, |
| public testing::WithParamInterface<CoverageConfig> { |
| public: |
| void SetUp() override { |
| { |
| // This is required for file IO. |
| base::ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting allow_blocking; |
| CHECK(tmp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir()); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(base::IsDirectoryEmpty(tmp_dir_.GetPath())); |
| } |
| InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest::SetUp(); |
| } |
| |
| void SetUpCommandLine(base::CommandLine* command_line) override { |
| if (GetParam().command_line_flag) { |
| command_line->AppendSwitchPath(switches::kDevtoolsCodeCoverage, |
| tmp_dir_.GetPath()); |
| } else { |
| command_line->RemoveSwitch(switches::kDevtoolsCodeCoverage); |
| } |
| InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest::SetUpCommandLine(command_line); |
| } |
| |
| void SetUpOnMainThread() override { |
| InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest::SetUpOnMainThread(); |
| if (GetParam().enable_coverage) { |
| EnableWebUICodeCoverage(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // This is where we actually verify that the data has been written out, since |
| // coverage output doesn't happen until teardown. |
| void TearDownOnMainThread() override { |
| InteractiveBrowserTestBrowsertest::TearDownOnMainThread(); |
| |
| if (GetParam().command_line_flag) { |
| // This is required for file IO. |
| base::ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting allow_blocking; |
| if (GetParam().enable_coverage) { |
| // Scripts and tests are special directories under the WebUI specific |
| // directory, ensure they have been created and are not empty. |
| base::FilePath coverage_dir = |
| tmp_dir_.GetPath().AppendASCII("webui_javascript_code_coverage"); |
| base::IsDirectoryEmpty(coverage_dir.AppendASCII("scripts"))); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(base::IsDirectoryEmpty(coverage_dir.AppendASCII("tests"))); |
| } else { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(base::IsDirectoryEmpty(tmp_dir_.GetPath())); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| base::ScopedTempDir tmp_dir_; |
| }; |
| |
| InteractiveBrowserTestCodeCoverageBrowsertest, |
| testing::Values(CoverageConfig{false, false}, |
| CoverageConfig{false, true}, |
| CoverageConfig{true, false}, |
| CoverageConfig{true, true})); |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(InteractiveBrowserTestCodeCoverageBrowsertest, |
| TestCoverageEmits) { |
| // Navigate and load the New Tab Page, which we know works with code coverage. |
| RunTestSequence( |
| InstrumentTab(kWebContentsId), |
| NavigateWebContents(kWebContentsId, GURL("chrome://history"))); |
| } |