blob: 7a2a66d3e2319d26556174683ebd2b14f934636e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <initializer_list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/element_identifier.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/element_tracker.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/framework_specific_implementation.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace views {
class WebView;
class Browser;
class TrackedElementWebContents;
// This is a test-only utility class that wraps a specific WebContents in a
// Browser for use with InteractionSequence. It allows tests to:
// - Treat pages loaded into a specific WebContents as individual
// ui::TrackedElement instances, including responding to pages loads and
// unloads as show and hide events that can be used in a sequence.
// - Navigate between pages in a given WebContents.
// - Inject and execute javascript into a loaded page, and observe any return
// value that results.
// - Wait for a condition (evaluated as a JS statement or function) to become
// true and then send a custom event.
// - Track when a WebContents is destroyed or removed from a browser window.
class WebContentsInteractionTestUtil : private content::WebContentsObserver,
private TabStripModelObserver {
// How often to poll for state changes we're watching; see
// SendEventOnStateChange().
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kDefaultPollingInterval =
// Series of elements to traverse in order to navigate through the DOM
// (including shadow DOM). The series is traversed as follows:
// * start at document
// * for each selector in deep_query
// - if the current element has a shadow root, switch to that
// - navigate to the next element of deep_query using querySelector()
// * the final element found is the result
// Best practice is to use the smallest number of `segments` and the fewest
// terms within each segment.
// For example, rather than:
// {
// "my-app", "#container", ".body-list:nth-child(2)", "sub-component",
// "div", "span", "#target"
// }
// Prefer:
// { "my-app", ".body-list:nth-child(2) sub-component", "#target" }
// More concise queries are easier to read and less fragile if the structure
// of the underlying page changes.
class DeepQuery {
DeepQuery(std::initializer_list<std::string> segments);
DeepQuery(const DeepQuery& other);
DeepQuery& operator=(const DeepQuery& other);
DeepQuery& operator=(std::initializer_list<std::string> segments);
DeepQuery operator+(const std::string& segment) const;
using const_iterator = std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator;
using size_type = std::vector<std::string>::size_type;
const_iterator begin() const { return segments_.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return segments_.end(); }
bool empty() const { return segments_.empty(); }
size_type size() const { return segments_.size(); }
const std::string& operator[](size_type which) const {
return segments_[which];
friend void PrintTo(
const WebContentsInteractionTestUtil::DeepQuery& deep_query,
std::ostream* os);
std::vector<std::string> segments_;
// Specifies a state change in a web page that we would like to poll for.
// By using `event` and `timeout_event` you can determine both that an
// expected state change happens in the expected amount of time, or that a
// state change *doesn't* happen in a particular length of time.
struct StateChange {
StateChange(const StateChange& other);
StateChange& operator=(const StateChange& other);
// What type of state change are we watching for?
enum class Type {
// Automatically chooses one of the other types, based on which of
// `test_function` and `where` are set. Will never choose `kDoesNotExist`
// (default).
// Triggers when `test_function` returns true. The `where` field
// should not be set.
// Triggers when the element specified by `where` exists in the DOM.
// The `test_function` field should not be set.
// Triggers when the element specified by `where` exists in the DOM *and*
// `test_function` evaluates to true. Both must be set.
// Triggers if/when the element specified by `where` no longer exists.
// The `test_function` field should not be set.
// By default the type of state change is inferred from the other
// parameters. This may be set explicitly, but it should only be required
// for `kDoesNotExist` as there is no way to infer that option.
Type type = Type::kAuto;
// Function to be evaluated every `polling_interval`. Must be able to
// execute multiple times successfully. State change is detected when this
// script returns a "truthy" value.
// Must be in the form of an unnamed function, e.g.:
// function() { return window.valueToPoll; }
// or:
// () => document.querySelector(#my-label).innerText()
std::string test_function;
// If specified, the series of selectors to find the element you want to
// perform the operation on. If not empty, test_function should take a
// single DOM element argument, e.g.:
// el => el.innerText == 'foo'
// If you want to simply test whether the element at `where` exist, you may
// leave `test_function` blank.
DeepQuery where;
// How often to poll. `test_script` is not run until this elapses once, so
// a longer interval will extend the duration of the test.
base::TimeDelta polling_interval = kDefaultPollingInterval;
// How long to wait for the condition before timing out. If not set, waits
// indefinitely (in practice, until the test itself times out).
std::optional<base::TimeDelta> timeout;
// If this is set to `true`, the condition will continue to be polled across
// page navigation. This can be used when the target WebContents may
// transition through one or more intermediate pages before the expected
// condition is met.
bool continue_across_navigation = false;
// The event to fire when `test_script` returns a truthy value. Must be
// specified.
ui::CustomElementEventType event;
// The event to fire if `timeout` is hit before `test_script` returns a
// truthy value. If not specified, generates an error on timeout.
ui::CustomElementEventType timeout_event;
~WebContentsInteractionTestUtil() override;
// Creates an object associated with a WebContents in the Browser associated
// with `context`. The TrackedElementWebContents associated with loaded pages
// will be created with identifier `page_identifier` but you can later change
// this by calling set_page_identifier(). If `tab_index` is specified, a
// particular tab will be used, but if it is not, the active tab is used
// instead.
static std::unique_ptr<WebContentsInteractionTestUtil>
ForExistingTabInContext(ui::ElementContext context,
ui::ElementIdentifier page_identifier,
std::optional<int> tab_index = std::nullopt);
// As above, but you may directly specify the Browser to use.
static std::unique_ptr<WebContentsInteractionTestUtil>
ForExistingTabInBrowser(Browser* browser,
ui::ElementIdentifier page_identifier,
std::optional<int> tab_index = std::nullopt);
// Creates a util object associated with a WebContents, which must be in a
// tab. The associated TrackedElementWebContents will be assigned
// `page_identifier`.
static std::unique_ptr<WebContentsInteractionTestUtil> ForTabWebContents(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
ui::ElementIdentifier page_identifier);
// Creates a util object associated with a WebView in a secondary UI (e.g. the
// touch tabstrip, tab search box, side panel, etc.) The associated
// TrackedElementWebContents will be assigned `page_identifier`.
static std::unique_ptr<WebContentsInteractionTestUtil> ForNonTabWebView(
views::WebView* web_view,
ui::ElementIdentifier page_identifier);
// Creates a util object that becomes valid (and creates an element with
// identifier `page_identifier`) when the next tab is created in the Browser
// associated with `context` and references that new WebContents.
static std::unique_ptr<WebContentsInteractionTestUtil> ForNextTabInContext(
ui::ElementContext context,
ui::ElementIdentifier page_identifier);
// Creates a util object that becomes valid (and creates an element with
// identifier `page_identifier`) when the next tab is created in `browser`
// and references that new WebContents.
static std::unique_ptr<WebContentsInteractionTestUtil> ForNextTabInBrowser(
Browser* browser,
ui::ElementIdentifier page_identifier);
// Creates a util object that becomes valid (and creates an element with
// identifier `page_identifier`) when the next tab is created in any browser
// and references the new WebContents.
static std::unique_ptr<WebContentsInteractionTestUtil> ForNextTabInAnyBrowser(
ui::ElementIdentifier page_identifier);
// Returns whether the given value is "truthy" in the Javascript sense.
static bool IsTruthy(const base::Value& value);
// Allow access to the associated WebContents.
content::WebContents* web_contents() const {
return WebContentsObserver::web_contents();
// Gets or sets the identifier to be used for any pages subsequently loaded
// in the target WebContents. Does not affect the current loaded page, so set
// before initiating navigation.
ui::ElementIdentifier page_identifier() const { return page_identifier_; }
void set_page_identifier(ui::ElementIdentifier page_identifier) {
page_identifier_ = page_identifier;
// Returns if the current page is loaded. Prerequisite for calling
// Evaluate() or SendEventOnStateChange().
bool is_page_loaded() const { return current_element_ != nullptr; }
// Returns the instrumented WebView, or null if none.
views::WebView* GetWebView();
// Page Navigation ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Loads a page in the target WebContents. The command must succeed or an
// error will be generated.
// Does not block. If you want to wait for the page to load, you should use an
// InteractionSequence::Step with SetType(kShown) and
// SetTransitionOnlyOnEvent(true).
void LoadPage(const GURL& url);
// Loads a page in a new tab in the current browser. Does not block; you can
// wait for the subsequent kShown event, etc. to determine when the page is
// actually loaded. The command must succeed or an error will be generated.
// Can also be used if you are waiting for a tab to open, but only if you
// have specified a valid Browser or ElementContext.
void LoadPageInNewTab(const GURL& url, bool activate_tab);
// Direct Javascript Evaluation //////////////////////////////////////////////
// Executes `function` in the target WebContents. Fails if the current page is
// not loaded or if the script generates an error.
// Function should be an unnamed javascript function, e.g.:
// function() { document.querySelector('#my-button').click(); }
// or:
// () => window.valueToCheck
// Returns the return value of the function, which may be empty if there is no
// return value. If the return value is a promise, will block until the
// promise resolves and then return the result.
// If `error_msg` is specified, receives an error message on an uncaught
// exception, and the return value will be `NONE`. If `error_msg` is not
// specified, crashes on failure.
// If you wish to do a background or asynchronous task but not block, have
// your script return immediately and then call SendEventOnStateChange() to
// monitor the result.
base::Value Evaluate(const std::string& function,
std::string* error_msg = nullptr);
// Executes `function` in the target WebContents. Identical to `Evaluate()`
// except that the return value of the function is discarded and no effort is
// made to wait for the code to actually execute.
// Execute can be more efficient than Evaluate because it does not hold the
// test fixture up waiting for completion; the trade-off is that if there is
// an error during execution it will not immediately crash the test (though it
// should still be visible in the logs).
void Execute(const std::string& function);
// Watches for a state change in the current page, then sends an event when
// the condition is met or (optionally) if the timeout is hit. The page must
// be fully loaded.
// Unlike calling Evaluate() and returning a promise, this code does not
// block; you will receive a callback on the main thread when the condition
// changes.
// If a page navigates away or closes before the state change happens or the
// timeout is hit, an error is generated.
void SendEventOnStateChange(const StateChange& configuration);
// DOM and Shadow DOM Manipulation ///////////////////////////////////////////
// Returns true if there is an element at `query`, false otherwise. If
// `not_found` is not null, it will receive the value of the element not
// found, or an empty string if the function returns true.
bool Exists(const DeepQuery& query, std::string* not_found = nullptr);
// Evaluates `function` on the element returned by finding the element at
// `where`; throw an error if `where` doesn't exist or capture with a second
// argument.
// The `function` parameter should be the text of a valid javascript unnamed
// function that takes a DOM element and/or an error parameter if occurs and
// optionally returns a value.
// If `error_msg` is specified, receives an error message on an uncaught
// exception, and the return value will be `NONE`. If `error_msg` is not
// specified, crashes on failure.
// Example:
// function(el) { return el.innterText; }
// Or capture the error instead of throw:
// (el, err) => !err && !!el
base::Value EvaluateAt(const DeepQuery& where,
const std::string& function,
std::string* error_message = nullptr);
// Same as EvaluateAt except that `function` is executed, the return value is
// discarded, and no effort is made to wait for or return the result.
// ExecuteAt can be more efficient than Evaluate because it does not hold the
// test fixture up waiting for completion; the trade-off is that if there is
// an error during execution it will not immediately crash the test (though it
// should still be visible in the logs).
void ExecuteAt(const DeepQuery& where, const std::string& function);
// The following are convenience methods that do not use the Shadow DOM and
// allow only a single selector (behavior if the selected node has a shadow
// DOM is undefined).
bool Exists(const std::string& selector);
base::Value EvaluateAt(const std::string& where, const std::string& function);
void ExecuteAt(const std::string& where, const std::string& function);
// Gets the screen bounds for the given element at `where`. The second method
// is a convenience method if you do not need to use the Shadow DOM.
// Note that the result is in DIPs and *may* be inaccurate if the screen's
// scale factor is not 100% (see discussion in implementation).
// If the element is in a tab or window that is not visible, an empty `Rect`
// will be returned.
gfx::Rect GetElementBoundsInScreen(const DeepQuery& where);
gfx::Rect GetElementBoundsInScreen(const std::string& where);
// Miscellaneous Tools ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Convenience method to wait on a state change when the element at `where`
// reaches `minimum_size`. If `must_already_exist` is false (recommended),
// Type::kExistsAndConditionTrue is used; if true, then Type::kConditionTrue
// is used instead.
void SendEventOnElementMinimumSize(ui::CustomElementEventType event_type,
const DeepQuery& where,
const gfx::Size& minimum_size,
bool must_already_exist);
// Sends an event on the instrumented WebView when its size exceeds some
// minimum, then checks that an element within the WebView is present and of
// minimum size. If no `element_to_check` is specified, the body element of
// the document is checked instead.
// Currently only supported for WebView instrumented with ForNonTabWebView().
// Useful when you expect a secondary UI to resize in response to loading data
// but that resize might not be synchronous (and you have some idea how large
// the surface should be).
// If the surface never reaches the minimum size, the current test will fail.
void SendEventOnWebViewMinimumSize(
const gfx::Size& minimum_webui_size,
ui::CustomElementEventType event_type,
const DeepQuery& element_to_check = DeepQuery({"body"}),
const gfx::Size& minimum_element_size = gfx::Size(1, 1));
// content::WebContentsObserver:
void DidStopLoading() override;
void DidFinishLoad(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
const GURL& validated_url) override;
void DocumentOnLoadCompletedInPrimaryMainFrame() override;
void PrimaryPageChanged(content::Page& page) override;
void WebContentsDestroyed() override;
// TabStripModelObserver:
void OnTabStripModelChanged(
TabStripModel* tab_strip_model,
const TabStripModelChange& change,
const TabStripSelectionChange& selection) override;
class NewTabWatcher;
class Poller;
class WebViewData;
WebContentsInteractionTestUtil(content::WebContents* web_contents,
ui::ElementIdentifier page_identifier,
std::optional<Browser*> browser,
views::WebView* web_view);
void MaybeCreateElement(bool force = false);
void DiscardCurrentElement();
void OnPollEvent(Poller* poller, ui::CustomElementEventType event);
void StartWatchingWebContents(content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Dictates the identifier that will be assigned to the new
// TrackedElementWebContents created for the target WebContents on the next
// page load.
ui::ElementIdentifier page_identifier_;
// When we force a page load, we might still get events for the old page.
// We'll ignore those events.
std::optional<GURL> navigating_away_from_;
// Tracks the WebView that hosts a non-tab WebContents; null otherwise.
std::unique_ptr<WebViewData> web_view_data_;
// Virtual element representing the currently-loaded webpage; null if none.
std::unique_ptr<TrackedElementWebContents> current_element_;
// List of active event pollers for the current page.
std::list<std::unique_ptr<Poller>> pollers_;
// Optional object that watches for a new tab to be created, either in a
// specific browser or in any browser.
std::unique_ptr<NewTabWatcher> new_tab_watcher_;
extern void PrintTo(const WebContentsInteractionTestUtil::DeepQuery& deep_query,
std::ostream* os);
extern std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& os,
const WebContentsInteractionTestUtil::DeepQuery& deep_query);
extern void PrintTo(
const WebContentsInteractionTestUtil::StateChange& state_change,
std::ostream* os);
extern std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& os,
const WebContentsInteractionTestUtil::StateChange& state_change);