Vulcanizing Chrome Polymer UIs

vulcanize is an npm module used to combine resources. In order to make the Material Design downloads and history pages sufficiently fast, we run vulcanize on the source files to combine them and reduce blocking load/parse time.

Required software

Vulcanization currently requires:

  • node.js: >= v4.4.2 (can be found with node --version)
  • npm: >= 1.3.10 (can be found with npm --version)
  • vulcanize: 1.14.8 (can be found with vulcanize --version)
  • crisper: 2.0.1 (can be found with npm list -g crisper)
  • uglifyjs: 2.4.10 (can be found with uglifyjs --version)

Installing required software

For instructions on installing node and npm, see here.

We recommend telling npm where to store downloaded modules:

$ npm config set -g prefix "$HOME/node_modules"

Then install the required modules:

$ npm install -g crisper vulcanize

Ultimately, all that is required to run this script is that crisper, ‘uglify’ and vulcanize are on your $PATH.

Combining resources with vulcanize

To combine all the CSS/HTML/JS for all pages which use vulcanize, making them production fast, you can run the command:

$ chrome/browser/resources/  # from src/

This should overwrite the following files:

  • chrome/browser/resources/md_downloads/
  • vulcanized.html (all and stylesheets inlined)
  • crisper.js (all JavaScript, extracted from vulcanized.html)
  • chrome/browser/resources/md_history/
  • app.vulcanized.html
  • app.crisper.js

Testing downloads without vulcanizing

Build with use_vulcanize = false in your gn args to build without vulcanizing.