blob: 61b403e4046e3d6ff3b5018e50ff9e4f458a9797 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Seeds a number of variables defined in
The recommended way is to fork this file and use a custom DEPS forked from
config/XXX/DEPS with the right configuration data."""
import os
import re
import socket
SERVICE_ACCOUNTS_PATH = '/creds/service_accounts'
class classproperty(object):
"""A decorator that allows is_production_host to only to be defined once."""
def __init__(self, getter):
self.getter = getter
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
return self.getter(owner)
class PortRange(object):
def __init__(self, start, end):
self.start = start
self.end = end
def compose_port(self, offset):
ret = self.start + offset
if not self.contains(ret):
raise ValueError("Port offset %d must fit within range %d-%d" % (
offset, self.start, self.end))
return ret
def contains(self, port):
return port >= self.start and port <= self.end
def offset_of(self, port):
return port - self.start
class Master(object):
# Repository URLs used by the SVNPoller and 'gclient config'.
server_url = ''
repo_root = '/svn'
git_server_url = ''
# External repos.
googlecode_url = ''
sourceforge_url = ''
googlecode_revlinktmpl = ''
# Directly fetches from anonymous Blink svn server.
webkit_root_url = ''
nacl_trunk_url = ''
llvm_url = ''
# Perf Dashboard upload URL.
dashboard_upload_url = ''
# Actually for Chromium OS slaves.
chromeos_url = git_server_url + '/chromiumos.git'
# Default domain for emails to come from and
# domains to which emails can be sent.
master_domain = ''
permitted_domains = ('',)
# Your smtp server to enable mail notifications.
smtp = 'smtp'
# By default, bot_password will be filled in by config.GetBotPassword().
bot_password = None
# Fake urls to make various factories happy.
trunk_internal_url = None
trunk_internal_url_src = None
slave_internal_url = None
git_internal_server_url = None
v8_internal_url = None
class Base(object):
"""Master base template.
Contains stubs for variables that all masters must define."""
# Base service offset for 'master_port'
MASTER_PORT_RANGE = PortRange(20000, 24999)
# Base service offset for 'slave_port'
SLAVE_PORT_RANGE = PortRange(30000, 34999)
# Base service offset for 'master_port_alt'
MASTER_PORT_ALT_RANGE = PortRange(25000, 29999)
# Base service offset for 'try_job_port'
TRY_JOB_PORT_RANGE = PortRange(50000, 54999)
# A BuildBucket bucket to poll.
buildbucket_bucket = None
# Master address. You should probably copy this file in another svn repo
# so you can override this value on both the slaves and the master.
master_host = 'localhost'
def current_host(cls):
return socket.getfqdn()
def in_production(cls):
return re.match(r'master.*\.golo\.chromium\.org', cls.current_host)
# Only report that we are running on a master if the master_host (even when
# master_host is overridden by a subclass) is the same as the current host.
def is_production_host(cls):
return cls.current_host == cls.master_host
# 'from:' field for emails sent from the server.
from_address = ''
# Additional email addresses to send gatekeeper (automatic tree closage)
# notifications. Unnecessary for experimental masters and try servers.
tree_closing_notification_recipients = []
def master_port(cls):
return cls._compose_port(cls.MASTER_PORT_RANGE)
def slave_port(cls):
# Which port slaves use to connect to the master.
return cls._compose_port(cls.SLAVE_PORT_RANGE)
def master_port_alt(cls):
# The alternate read-only page. Optional.
return cls._compose_port(cls.MASTER_PORT_ALT_RANGE)
def try_job_port(cls):
return cls._compose_port(cls.TRY_JOB_PORT_RANGE)
def _compose_port(cls, service_range):
"""Returns: The port number for 'service' from the master's static config.
Port numbers are mapped of the form:
offset + YYZZ
| | \__The last two digits identify the master, e.g.
| | master.chromium
| \____The second and third digits identify the master host, e.g.
| master1.golo
\_____________The offset determines the port type, eg. master_port. It
comes from the service_range.
If any configuration is missing (incremental migration), this method will
return '0' for that query, indicating no port.
return service_range.compose_port(
(cls.master_port_base * 100) + # YY
cls.master_port_id) # ZZ
service_account_file = None
def service_account_path(cls):
if cls.service_account_file is None:
return None
return os.path.join(SERVICE_ACCOUNTS_PATH, cls.service_account_file)
## Per-master configs.
class Master1(Base):
"""Chromium master."""
master_host = ''
master_port_base = 1
from_address = ''
tree_closing_notification_recipients = [
base_app_url = ''
tree_status_url = base_app_url + '/status'
store_revisions_url = base_app_url + '/revisions'
last_good_url = base_app_url + '/lkgr'
last_good_blink_url = ''
class Master1a(Base):
"""Chromium.perf master."""
master_host = ''
master_port_base = 11
tree_closing_notification_recipients = []
from_address = ''
class Master2a(Base):
"""Chromeos master A."""
master_host = ''
master_port_base = 15
tree_closing_notification_recipients = [
from_address = ''
class Master2b(Base):
"""Chromeos master B."""
master_host = ''
master_port_base = 16
tree_closing_notification_recipients = [
from_address = ''
class Master3(Base):
"""Legacy client master."""
master_host = ''
master_port_base = 3
tree_closing_notification_recipients = []
from_address = ''
class Master3a(Base):
"""Client master."""
master_host = ''
master_port_base = 13
tree_closing_notification_recipients = []
from_address = ''
class Master4(Base):
"""Try server master."""
master_host = ''
master_port_base = 4
tree_closing_notification_recipients = []
from_address = ''
code_review_site = ''
class Master4a(Base):
"""Try server master."""
master_host = ''
master_port_base = 14
tree_closing_notification_recipients = []
from_address = ''
code_review_site = ''
class Master4b(Base):
"""Try server master."""
master_host = ''
master_port_base = 17
tree_closing_notification_recipients = []
from_address = ''
code_review_site = ''
## Native Client related
class NaClBase(Master3):
"""Base class for Native Client masters."""
tree_closing_notification_recipients = ['']
base_app_url = ''
tree_status_url = base_app_url + '/status'
store_revisions_url = base_app_url + '/revisions'
last_good_url = base_app_url + '/lkgr'
perf_base_url = ''
## ChromiumOS related
class ChromiumOSBase(Master2a):
"""Base class for ChromiumOS masters on A"""
base_app_url = ''
tree_status_url = base_app_url + '/status'
store_revisions_url = base_app_url + '/revisions'
last_good_url = base_app_url + '/lkgr'
class ChromiumOSBase2b(Master2b):
"""Base class for ChromiumOS masters on B"""
base_app_url = ''
tree_status_url = base_app_url + '/status'
store_revisions_url = base_app_url + '/revisions'
last_good_url = base_app_url + '/lkgr'