blob: b41ecf3798bef24c81b6994e22e1a3966b86ef1c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
DEPS = [
COMMITS_JSON = 'commits.json'
ENGINE_REPO = 'external/'
FLUTTER_REPO = 'external/'
SDK_REPO = 'sdk'
def KillTasks(api, checkout_dir, ok_ret='any'):
"""Kills leftover tasks from previous runs or steps."""
dart_sdk_dir = checkout_dir.join('third_party', 'dart')
api.python('kill processes',
dart_sdk_dir.join('tools', ''),
def Build(api, checkout_dir, config, *targets):
build_dir = checkout_dir.join('out/%s' % config)
ninja_cmd = [api.depot_tools.ninja_path, '-j',, '-C', build_dir]
name='build %s' % ' '.join([config] + list(targets)),
def RunGN(api, checkout_dir, *args):
gn_cmd = [checkout_dir.join('flutter/tools/gn')]
# Flutter's gn tool needs ninja in the PATH
with api.depot_tools.on_path():
api.step('gn %s' % ' '.join(args), gn_cmd)
def AnalyzeDartUI(api, checkout_dir):
with api.context(cwd=checkout_dir):
api.step('analyze dart_ui', ['/bin/bash', 'flutter/ci/'])
def TestEngine(api, checkout_dir):
with api.context(cwd=checkout_dir), api.depot_tools.on_path():
api.step('test engine', ['/bin/bash', 'flutter/testing/'])
def BuildLinuxAndroidx86(api, checkout_dir):
for x86_variant in ['x64', 'x86']:
RunGN(api, checkout_dir, '--android', '--android-cpu=' + x86_variant)
Build(api, checkout_dir, 'android_debug_' + x86_variant)
def BuildLinuxAndroidArm(api, checkout_dir):
RunGN(api, checkout_dir, '--android')
Build(api, checkout_dir, 'android_debug')
Build(api, checkout_dir, 'android_debug', ':dist')
RunGN(api, checkout_dir, '--android', '--runtime-mode=release',
Build(api, checkout_dir, 'android_release', 'gen_snapshot')
# Build and upload engines for the runtime modes that use AOT compilation.
for runtime_mode in ['profile', 'release']:
build_output_dir = 'android_' + runtime_mode
RunGN(api, checkout_dir, '--android', '--runtime-mode=' + runtime_mode)
Build(api, checkout_dir, build_output_dir)
def BuildLinux(api, checkout_dir):
RunGN(api, checkout_dir)
Build(api, checkout_dir, 'host_debug')
Build(api, checkout_dir, 'host_debug', 'create_full_sdk')
RunGN(api, checkout_dir, '--unoptimized')
Build(api, checkout_dir, 'host_debug_unopt')
# analyze step needs dart ui sources
Build(api, checkout_dir, 'host_debug_unopt', 'generate_dart_ui')
RunGN(api, checkout_dir, '--runtime-mode=release')
Build(api, checkout_dir, 'host_release')
def TestObservatory(api, checkout_dir):
flutter_tester_path = checkout_dir.join('out/host_debug/flutter_tester')
empty_main_path = checkout_dir.join(
test_path = checkout_dir.join('flutter/shell/testing/observatory/test.dart')
test_cmd = ['dart', test_path, flutter_tester_path, empty_main_path]
with api.context(cwd=checkout_dir):
# Timeout after 5 minutes, this step is prone to hang
api.step('test observatory and service protocol', test_cmd, timeout=5*60)
def GetCheckout(api):
src_cfg = api.gclient.make_config()
src_cfg.target_os = set(['android'])
commits = json.loads(api.gitiles.download_file(
step_test_data=lambda: api.gitiles.test_api.make_encoded_file(
json.dumps({ENGINE_REPO: 'bar', SDK_REPO: 'foo'}))))
engine_rev = commits.get(ENGINE_REPO, 'HEAD')
flutter_rev = commits.get(FLUTTER_REPO, 'HEAD')
sdk_rev = commits.get(SDK_REPO, 'HEAD')
src_cfg.revisions = {
'src/flutter': engine_rev,
'src/third_party/dart': sdk_rev,
'flutter': flutter_rev,
soln = = 'src/flutter'
soln.url = \
soln = = 'flutter'
soln.url = \
api.gclient.c = src_cfg
properties =
properties['rev_engine'] = engine_rev
properties['rev_flutter'] = flutter_rev
properties['rev_sdk'] = sdk_rev
properties['got_revision'] =
with api.depot_tools.on_path(), api.context(env={'DEPOT_TOOLS_UPDATE': 0}):
api.step('3xHEAD Flutter Hooks',
return flutter_rev
def CopyArtifacts(api, engine_src, cached_dest, file_paths):
# cached_dest folder might not exist: flutter update-packages downloads only
# artifacts that are needed by the connected devices and 3xHEAD bot
# does not have any devices attached.
api.file.ensure_directory('mkdir %s' % cached_dest, cached_dest)
for path in file_paths:
source, target = path, api.path.basename(path)
api.file.remove('remove %s' % target, cached_dest.join(target))
api.file.copy('copy %s' % target, engine_src.join(source),
def UpdateCachedEngineArtifacts(api, flutter, engine_src):
ICU_DATA_PATH = 'third_party/icu/flutter/icudtl.dat'
CopyArtifacts(api, engine_src,
flutter.join('bin', 'cache', 'artifacts', 'engine', 'linux-x64'),
CopyArtifacts(api, engine_src,
flutter.join('bin', 'cache', 'artifacts', 'engine', 'android-arm-release',
flutter_patched_sdk = flutter.join('bin', 'cache', 'artifacts', 'engine',
'common', 'flutter_patched_sdk')
flutter_patched_sdk_product = flutter.join('bin', 'cache', 'artifacts',
'engine', 'common',
dart_sdk = flutter.join('bin', 'cache', 'dart-sdk')
# In case dart-sdk symlink was left from previous run we need to [remove] it,
# rather than [rmtree] because rmtree is going to remove symlink target
# folder. We are not able to use api.file classes for this because there is
# no support for symlink checks or handling of error condition.
api.step('cleanup dart-sdk', [
'/bin/bash', '-c',
'if [ -L "%(dir)s" ]; then rm "%(dir)s"; else rm -rf "%(dir)s"; fi' %
{'dir': dart_sdk}])
api.step('cleanup flutter_patched_sdk', [
'/bin/bash', '-c',
'if [ -L "%(dir)s" ]; then rm "%(dir)s"; else rm -rf "%(dir)s"; fi' %
{'dir': flutter_patched_sdk}])
api.step('cleanup flutter_patched_sdk_product', [
'/bin/bash', '-c',
'if [ -L "%(dir)s" ]; then rm "%(dir)s"; else rm -rf "%(dir)s"; fi' %
{'dir': flutter_patched_sdk_product}])
api.file.symlink('make cached dart-sdk point to just built dart sdk',
engine_src.join('out', 'host_debug', 'dart-sdk'), dart_sdk)
'make cached flutter_patched_sdk point to just built flutter_patched_sdk',
engine_src.join('out', 'host_debug', 'flutter_patched_sdk'),
'make cached flutter_patched_sdk_product point to just built release '
'version of flutter_patched_sdk',
engine_src.join('out', 'host_release', 'flutter_patched_sdk'),
# In case there is a cached version of "flutter_tools.snapshot" we have to
# delete it.
flutter_tools_snapshot = flutter.join(
'bin', 'cache', 'flutter_tools.snapshot')
api.step('cleanup', [
'/bin/bash', '-c', 'if [ -f "%(file)s" ]; then rm "%(file)s"; fi' %
{'file': flutter_tools_snapshot}])
def TestFlutter(api, start_dir, just_built_dart_sdk):
engine_src = start_dir.join('src')
flutter = start_dir.join('flutter')
flutter_cmd = flutter.join('bin/flutter')
test_args = [
'--local-engine-src-path=%s' % engine_src,
test_cmd = [
'dart', 'dev/bots/test.dart',
api.step('disable flutter analytics', [
flutter_cmd, 'config', '--no-analytics'])
with api.context(cwd=flutter):
api.step('flutter update-packages',
[flutter_cmd, 'update-packages'] + test_args)
# analyze.dart and test.dart have hardcoded references to
# bin/cache/dart-sdk. So we overwrite bin/cache/dart-sdk and
# tightly-coupled frontend_server.dart.snapshot with links that point to
# corresponding entries from binaries generated into [engine_src]
UpdateCachedEngineArtifacts(api, flutter, engine_src)
# runs all flutter tests similar to Cirrus as described on this page:
api.step('flutter analyze', [
'dart', '--enable-asserts', 'dev/bots/analyze.dart', '--dart-sdk',
just_built_dart_sdk], timeout=20*60) # 20 minutes
api.step('flutter test', test_cmd + test_args, timeout=120*60) # 2 hours
def RunSteps(api):
start_dir = api.path['cache'].join('builder')
with api.context(cwd=start_dir):
# buildbot sets 'clobber' to the empty string which is falsey, check with
# 'in'
if 'clobber' in
api.file.rmcontents('everything', start_dir)
flutter_rev = GetCheckout(api)
checkout_dir = start_dir.join('src')
KillTasks(api, checkout_dir)
BuildAndTest(api, start_dir, checkout_dir, flutter_rev)
# TODO(aam): Go back to `ok_ret={0}` once is fixed
KillTasks(api, checkout_dir, ok_ret='any')
def BuildAndTest(api, start_dir, checkout_dir, flutter_rev):
run_env = {
# By setting 'ANALYZER_STATE_LOCATION_OVERRIDE' we force analyzer to emit
# its cached state into the given folder. If something goes wrong with
# the cache we can clobber it by requesting normal clobber via Buildbot
# UI.
'ANALYZER_STATE_LOCATION_OVERRIDE': start_dir.join('.dartServer')
with api.context(cwd=start_dir, env=run_env):
BuildLinux(api, checkout_dir)
prebuilt_dart_bin = checkout_dir.join('third_party', 'dart', 'tools',
'sdks', 'dart-sdk', 'bin')
engine_env = { 'PATH': api.path.pathsep.join((str(prebuilt_dart_bin),
'%(PATH)s')) }
just_built_dart_sdk = checkout_dir.join('out', 'host_debug', 'dart-sdk')
flutter_env = {
'PATH': api.path.pathsep.join((
str(just_built_dart_sdk.join('bin')), '%(PATH)s')),
# Prevent test.dart from using git merge-base to determine a fork point.
# git merge-base doesn't work without a FETCH_HEAD, which isn't available
# on the first run of a bot. The builder tests a single revision, so use
# flutter_rev.
'TEST_COMMIT_RANGE': flutter_rev,
with api.step.defer_results():
# The context adds prebuilt dart-sdk to the path.
with api.context(env=engine_env):
AnalyzeDartUI(api, checkout_dir)
TestEngine(api, checkout_dir)
TestObservatory(api, checkout_dir)
BuildLinuxAndroidArm(api, checkout_dir)
BuildLinuxAndroidx86(api, checkout_dir)
# The context adds freshly-built engine's dart-sdk to the path.
with api.context(env=flutter_env):
TestFlutter(api, start_dir, just_built_dart_sdk)
def GenTests(api):
yield (api.test('flutter-engine-linux') + api.platform('linux', 64)
+ api.buildbucket.ci_build(
revision='f' * 8)
+'fake-m1', clobber='')
+ api.runtime(is_luci=True, is_experimental=False))