Repo documentation for infra

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Recipe Modules


Recipe Modules

recipe_modules / cloudbuildhelper

DEPS: depot_tools/git, depot_tools/git_cl, recipe_engine/cipd, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/step

API for calling ‘cloudbuildhelper’ tool.


class CloudBuildHelperApi(RecipeApi):

API for calling ‘cloudbuildhelper’ tool.

def build(self, manifest, canonical_tag=None, build_id=None, infra=None, labels=None, tags=None, step_test_image=None):

Calls cloudbuildhelper build <manifest> interpreting the result.


  • manifest (Path) - path to YAML file with definition of what to build.
  • canonical_tag (str) - tag to push the image to if we built a new image.
  • build_id (str) - identifier of the CI build to put into metadata.
  • infra (str) - what section to pick from ‘infra’ field in the YAML.
  • labels ({str: str}) - labels to attach to the docker image.
  • tags ([str]) - tags to unconditionally push the image to.
  • step_test_image (Image) - image to produce in training mode.

Returns: Image instance or NotUploadedImage if the YAML doesn't specify a registry.

Raises: StepFailure on failures.

def command(self, val):

Can be used to tell the module to use an existing binary.

def discover_manifests(self, root, dirs, test_data=None):

Returns a list with paths to all manifests we need to build.


  • root (Path) - gclient solution root.
  • dirs ([str]) - paths relative to the solution root to scan.
  • test_data ([str]) - paths to put into each dirs in training mode.

Returns: [Path].

def do_roll(self, repo_url, root, callback):

Checks out a repo, calls the callback to modify it, uploads the result.


  • repo_url (str) - repo to checkout.
  • root (Path) - where to check it out too (can be a cache).
  • callback (func(Path)) - will be called as callback(root) with cwd also set to root. It can modify files there and either return None to skip the roll or RollCL to attempt the roll. If no files are modified, the roll will be skipped regardless of the return value.


  • (None, None) if didn't create a CL (because nothing has changed).
  • (Issue number, Issue URL) if created a CL.

def report_version(self):

Reports the version of cloudbuildhelper tool via the step text.

Returns: None.

def update_pins(self, path):

Calls cloudbuildhelper pins-update <path>.

Updates the file at path in place if some docker tags mentioned there have moved since the last pins update.


  • path (Path) - path to a pins.yaml file to update.

Returns: List of strings with updated “:” pairs, if any.

def upload(self, manifest, canonical_tag, build_id=None, infra=None, step_test_tarball=None):

Calls cloudbuildhelper upload <manifest> interpreting the result.


  • manifest (Path) - path to YAML file with definition of what to build.
  • canonical_tag (str) - tag to apply to a tarball if we built a new one.
  • build_id (str) - identifier of the CI build to put into metadata.
  • infra (str) - what section to pick from ‘infra’ field in the YAML.
  • step_test_tarball (Tarball) - tarball to produce in training mode.

Returns: Tarball instance.

Raises: StepFailure on failures.

recipe_modules / cloudkms

DEPS: recipe_engine/cipd, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/step

class CloudKMSApi(RecipeApi):

API for interacting with CloudKMS using the LUCI cloudkms tool.

def cloudkms_path(self):

Returns the path to LUCI cloudkms binary.

When the property is accessed the first time, cloudkms will be installed using cipd.

def decrypt(self, kms_crypto_key, input_file, output_file):

Decrypt a ciphertext file with a CloudKMS key.


  • kms_crypto_key (str) - The name of the encryption key, e.g. projects/chops-kms/locations/global/keyRings/[KEYRING]/cryptoKeys/[KEY]
  • input_file (Path) - The path to the input (ciphertext) file.
  • output_file (Path) - The path to the output (plaintext) file. It is recommended that this is inside api.path[‘cleanup’] to ensure the plaintext file will be cleaned up by recipe.

def sign(self, kms_crypto_key, input_file, output_file, service_account_creds_file=None):

Processes a plaintext and uploads the digest for signing by Cloud KMS.


  • kms_crypto_key (str) - The name of the cryptographic key, e.g. projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOC]/keyRings/[KEYRING]/cryptoKeys/[KEY]
  • input_file (Path) - Path to file with data to operate on. Data for sign and verify cannot be larger than 64KiB.
  • output_file (Path) - Path to write output signature to a json file.
  • service_account_creds_file (str) - Path to JSON file with service account credentials to use.

def verify(self, kms_crypto_key, input_file, signature_file, output_file=‘-’, service_account_creds_file=None):

Verify a signature that was previously created with a key stored in CloudKMS.


  • kms_crypto_key (str) - The name of the cryptographic public key, e.g. projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOC]/keyRings/[KEYRING]/cryptoKeys/[KEY]
  • input_file (Path) - Path to file with data to operate on. Data for sign and verify cannot be larger than 64KiB.
  • signature_file (Path) - Path to read signature from.
  • output_file (Path) - Path to write operation results (successful verification or signature mismatch)to (use ‘-’ for stdout).
  • service_account_creds_file (str) - Path to JSON file with service account credentials to use.

recipe_modules / conda

DEPS: recipe_engine/cipd, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/step, recipe_engine/url

Functions to work with Miniconda python environment.


class CondaApi(RecipeApi):

def install(self, version, path):

Downloads Miniconda installer for given version and executes it.

Args: version: version of Miniconda to install, e.g. ‘Miniconda2-3.18.3’. path: prefix to install Miniconda into.

Returns: Instance of CondaEnv, that also optionally acts as context manager that deletes the environment on exit.

recipe_modules / infra_checkout

DEPS: depot_tools/bot_update, depot_tools/gclient, depot_tools/git, depot_tools/presubmit, infra_system, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/step

class InfraCheckoutApi(RecipeApi):

Stateless API for using public infra gclient checkout.

def checkout(self, gclient_config_name, patch_root=None, path=None, internal=False, named_cache=None, generate_env_with_system_python=False, **kwargs):

Fetches infra gclient checkout into a given path OR named_cache.


  • gclient_config_name (string) - name of gclient config.

  • patch_root (path or string) - path inside infra checkout to git repo in which to apply the patch. For example, ‘infra/luci’ for luci-py repo. If None (default), no patches will be applied.

  • path (path or string) - path to where to create/update infra checkout. If None (default) - path is cache with customizable name (see below).

  • internal (bool) - by default, False, meaning infra gclient checkout layout is assumed, else infra_internal. This has an effect on named_cache default and inside which repo's go corner the ./go/ command is run.

  • named_cache - if path is None, this allows to customize the name of the cache. Defaults to PUBLIC_NAMED_CACHE or INTERNAL_NAMED_CACHE, depending on internal argument value. Note: your cr-buildbucket.cfg should specify named_cache for swarming to prioritize bots which actually have this cache populated by prior runs. Otherwise, using named cache isn't particularly useful, unless your pool of builders is very small.

  • generate_env_with_system_python uses the bot “infra_system” python to generate infra.git‘s ENV. This is needed for bots which build the “infra/infra_python/${platform}” CIPD packages because they incorporate the checkout’s VirtualEnv inside the package. This, in turn, results in the CIPD package containing absolute paths to the Python that was used to create it. In order to enable this madness to work, we ensure that the Python is a system Python, which resides at a fixed path.

    No effect on arm64 because the arm64 bots have no such python available.

  • kwargs - passed as is to bot_update.ensure_checkout.

Returns: a Checkout object with commands for common actions on infra checkout.

recipe_modules / infra_cipd

DEPS: recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/runtime, recipe_engine/step

class InfraCIPDApi(RecipeApi):

API for building packages defined in infra's public and intenral repos.

Essentially a shim around scripts in and its internal counterpart.

def build_without_env_refresh(self):

Builds packages.

Prevents from refreshing the python ENV.

def context(self, path_to_repo, goos=None, goarch=None):

Sets context building CIPD packages.

Arguments: path_to_repo (path): path infra or infra_internal repo root dir. Expects to find build/ inside provided dir. goos, goarch (str): allows for setting GOOS and GOARCH for cross-compiling Go code.

Doesn't support nesting.

def tags(self, git_repo_url, revision):

Returns tags to be attached to uploaded CIPD packages.

def test(self):

Tests previously built packages integrity.

def upload(self, tags, step_test_data=None):

Uploads previously built packages.

recipe_modules / infra_system

DEPS: recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform

class InfraSystemApi(RecipeApi):

API for interacting with a provisioned infrastructure system.

def sys_bin_path(self):

recipe_modules / omahaproxy

DEPS: recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/url

class OmahaproxyApi(RecipeApi):

APIs for interacting with omahaproxy.

def history(self, min_major_version=None, exclude_platforms=None):

def split_version(text):

recipe_modules / recipe_autoroller

DEPS: depot_tools/git, depot_tools/git_cl, depot_tools/gsutil, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/proto, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/random, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/step, recipe_engine/time

class RecipeAutorollerApi(RecipeApi):

def roll_projects(self, projects, db_gcs_bucket):

Attempts to roll each project from the provided list.

If rolling any of the projects leads to failures, other projects are not affected.

Args: projects: list of tuples of project_id (string): id as found in recipes.cfg. project_url (string): Git repository URL of the project. db_gcs_bucket (string): The GCS bucket used as a database for previous roll attempts.

recipe_modules / support_3pp

DEPS: depot_tools/git, depot_tools/osx_sdk, depot_tools/windows_sdk, recipe_engine/archive, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/cipd, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/runtime, recipe_engine/step, recipe_engine/url

Allows uniform cross-compiliation, version tracking and archival for third-party software packages (libs+tools) for distribution via CIPD.

The purpose of the Third Party Packages (3pp) recipe/module is to generate CIPD packages of statically-compiled software for distribution in our continuous integration fleets, as well as software distributed to our develepers (e.g. via depot_tools).

Target os and architecture uses the CIPD “${os}-${arch}” (a.k.a. “${platform}”) nomenclature, which is currently defined in terms of Go's GOOS and GOARCH runtime variables (with the unfortunate exception that CIPD uses ‘mac’ instead of ‘darwin’). This is somewhat arbitrary, but has worked well so far for us.

Package Definitions

The 3pp module loads package definitions from a folder containing subfolders. Each subfolder defines a single software package to fetch, build and upload. For example, you might have a folder in your repo like this:

  3pp/  # "root folder"
    .vpython             # common vpython file for all package scripts
    zlib/                # zlib "package folder"
      3pp.pb             # REQUIRED: the Spec.proto definition for zlib         # a script to build zlib from source
      3pp.pb             # REQUIRED           # a script to fetch `other_package` in a custom way     # windows-specific build script

This defines two packages (zlib, and other_package). The 3pp.pb files have references to the fetch/build scripts, and describe what dependencies the packages have (if any).

NOTE: Only one layer of package folders is supported currently.

Packages are named by the folder that contains their definition file (3pp.pb) and build scripts. It's preferable to have package named after software that it contains. However, sometimes you want multiple major versions of the software to exist side-by-side (e.g. pcre and pcre2, python and python3, etc.). In this case, have two separate package definition folders.

Each package folder contains a package spec (3pp.pb), as well as scripts, patches and/or utility tools to build the software from source.

The spec is a Text Proto document specified by the spec.proto schema.

The spec is broken up into two main sections, “create” and “upload”. The create section allows you to specify how the package software gets created, and allows specifying differences in how it's fetched/built/tested on a per-target basis, and the upload section has some details on how the final result gets uploaded to CIPD.

Creation Stages

The 3pp.pb spec begins with a series of create messages, each with details on on how to fetch+build+test the package. Each create message contains a “platform_re” field which works as a regex on the ${platform} value. All matching patterns apply in order, and non-matching patterns are skipped. Each create message is applied with a dict.update for each member message (i.e. [‘source’].update, [‘build’].update, etc.) to build a singular create message for the current target platform. For list values (e.g. ‘tool’, ‘dep’ in the Build message), you can clear them by providing a new empty value (e.g. tool: "")

Once all the create messages are merged (see schema for all keys that can be present), the actual creation takes place.

Note that “source” is REQUIRED in the final merged instruction set. All other messages are optional and have defaults as documented in spec.proto.

The creation process is broken up into 4 different stages:

  • Source
  • Build
  • Package
  • Verify

All scripts described below are invoked with the following environment variables set:

  • $_3PP_PACKAGE_NAME - the name of the package currently building
  • $_3PP_PATCH_VERSION - the patch_version set for the version we're building (if any patch version was set).
  • $_3PP_PLATFORM - the platform we're targeting
  • $_3PP_TOOL_PLATFORM - the platform that we‘re building on (will be different than _3PP_PLATFORM if we’re cross-compiling)
  • $_3PP_VERSION - the version we're building, e.g. 1.2.3
  • $GOOS - The golang OS name we're targeting
  • $GOARCH - The golang architecture we're targeting
  • $MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET - On OS X, set to 10.10, for your semi-up-to-date OS X building needs. This needs to be consistently set for all packages or it will cause linker warnings/errors when linking in static libs that were targeting a newer version (e.g. if it was left unset). Binaries built with this set to 10.10 will not run on 10.9 or older systems.

Additionally, on cross-compile environments, the $CROSS_TRIPLE environment variable is set to a GCC cross compile target triplet of cpu-vendor-os.


The source is used to fetch the raw sources for assembling the package. In some cases the sources may actually be binary artifacts (e.g. prebuilt windows installers).

The source is unpacked to a checkout directory, possibly in some specified subdirectory. Sources can either produce the actual source files, or they can produce a single archive file (e.g. zip or tarball), which can be unpacked with the ‘unpack_archive’ option. In addition, patches can be applied to the source with the ‘patch_dir’ option (the patches should be in git format-patch format, and will be applied with git apply).

  • git - This checks out a semver tag in the repo.
  • cipd - This fetches data from a CIPD package.
  • url - This is used for packages that do not provide a stable distribution like git for their source code. An original download url will be passed in this method to download the source artifact from third party distribution.
  • script - Used for “weird” packages which are distributed via e.g. an HTML download page or an API. The script must be able to return the ‘latest’ version of its source, as well as to actually fetch a specified version. Python fetch scripts will be executed with vpython, and so may have a .vpython file (or similar) in the usual manner to pull in dependencies like requests.

Additionally the Source message contains a patch_version field to allow symver disambiguation of the built packages when they contain patches or other alterations which need to be versioned. This string will be joined with a ‘.’ to the source version being built when uploading the result to CIPD.


The build message allows you to specify deps, and tools, as well as a script install which contains your logic to transform the source into the result package.

Deps are libraries built for the target ${platform} and are typically used for linking your package.

Tools are binaries built for the host; they‘re things like automake or sed that are used during the configure/make phase of your build, but aren’t linked into the built product. These tools will be available on $PATH (both ‘$tools’ and ‘$tools/bin’ are added to $PATH, because many packages are set up with their binaries at the base of the package, and some are set up with them in a /bin folder)

Installation occurs by invoking the script indicated by the ‘install’ field (with the appropriate interpreter, depending on the file extension) like:

<interpreter> "$install[*]" "$PREFIX" "$DEPS_PREFIX"


  • The current working directory is the base of the source checkout w/o subdir.
  • $install[*] are all of the tokens in the ‘install’ field.
  • $PREFIX is the directory which the script should install everything to; this directory will be archived into CIPD verbatim.
  • $DEPS_PREFIX is the path to a prefix directory containing the union of all of your packages' transitive deps. For example, all of the headers of your deps are located at $DEPS_PREFIX/include.
  • All tools are in $PATH

If the ‘install’ script is omitted, it is assumed to be ‘’.

If the ENTIRE build message is omitted, no build takes place. Instead the result of the ‘source’ stage will be packaged.

During the execution of the build phase, the entire ‘root folder’ is copied into the source checkout in the .3pp directory, and the script will be invoked as /path/to/checkout/.3pp/$package_name/$script_name. Because the entire root folder is copied, you can have shared resources (like .vpython files or helper scripts) which are common to all package definitions and located relative to the install script.


Once the build stage is complete, all files in the $PREFIX folder passed to the install script will be zipped into a CIPD package.

It is strongly recommended that if your package is a library or tool with many files that it be packaged in the standard POSIXey PREFIX format (e.g. bin, lib, include, etc.). If your package is a collection of one or more standalone binaries, it's permissible to just have the binaries in the root of the output $PREFIX.

If the build stage is skipped (i.e. the build message is omitted) then the output of the source stage will be packaged instead (this is mostly useful when using a ‘script’ source).


After the package is built it can be optionally tested. The recipe will run your test script in an empty directory with the path to the packaged-but-not-yet-uploaded cipd package file and it can do whatever testing it needs to it (exiting non-zero if something is wrong). You can use the cipd pkg-deploy command to deploy it (or whatever cipd commands you like, though I wouldn't recommend uploading it to CIPD, as the 3pp recipe will do that after the test exits 0).

Additionally, vpython for the tool platform will be guaranteed to be in $PATH.


Once the test comes back positive, the CIPD package will be uploaded to the CIPD server and registered with the prefix indicated in the upload message. The full CIPD package name is constructed as:


So for example with the prefix infra, the bzip2 package on linux-amd64 would be uploaded to infra/bzip2/linux-amd64 and tagged with the version that was built (e.g. version:1.2.3.patch_version1).

You can also mark the upload as a universal package, which will:

  • Omit the ${platform} suffix from the upload name
  • Set the target platform for the package to linux-amd64, regardless of what platform you build the recipe on. This was chosen arbitrarially to ensure that “universal” packages build consistently. You can override this behavior (and bypass the normal docker environment entirely) by setting the no_docker_env flag to true in your Create.Build message.


Every package will try to build the latest identifiable semver of its source, or will attempt to build the semver requested as an input property to the 3pp recipe. This semver is also used to tag the uploaded artifacts in CIPD.

Because some of the packages here are used as dependencies for others (e.g. curl and zlib are dependencies of git, and zlib is a dependency of curl), each package used as a dependency for others should specify its version explicitly (currently this is only possible to do with the ‘cipd’ source type). So e.g. zlib and curl specify their source versions, but git and python float at ‘head’, always building the latest tagged version fetched from git.

When building a floating package (e.g. python, git) you may explicitly state the symver that you wish to build as part of the recipe invocation.

The symver of a package (either specified in the package definition, in the recipe properties or discovered while fetching its source code (e.g. latest git tag)) is also used to tag the package when it's uploaded to CIPD (plus the patch_version in the source message).

Cross Compilation

Third party packages are currently compiled on linux using the ‘’ tool from the infra.git repo. This uses a slightly modified version of the dockcross Docker cross-compile environment. Windows and OS X targets are built using the ‘osx_sdk’ and ‘windows_sdk’ recipe modules, each of which provides a hermetic (native) build toolchain for those platforms.

For linux, we can support all the architectures implied by dockerbuild, including:

  • linux-arm64
  • linux-armv6l
  • linux-mips32
  • linux-mips64
  • linux-386
  • linux-amd64

Dry runs / experiments

If the recipe is run with force_build it will always build all packages indicated (and their dependencies), and will not upload any of them to the central server.

The recipe must always be run with a package_prefix (by assigning to the .package_prefix property on the Support3ppApi). If the recipe is run in experimental mode, ‘experimental/’ will be prepended to this. Additionally, you may specify experimental: true in the Create message for a package, which will have the same effect when running the recipe in production (to allow adding new packages or package/platform combintations experimentally).


As an example of the package definition layout in action, take a look at the 3pp folder in this infra.git repo.


This module uses the following named caches:

  • 3pp_cipd - Caches all downloaded and uploaded CIPD packages. Currently tag lookups are performed every time against the CIPD server, but this will hold the actual package files.
  • osx_sdk - Cache for depot_tools/osx_sdk. Only on Mac.
  • windows_sdk - Cache for depot_tools/windows_sdk. Only on Windows.

class Support3ppApi(RecipeApi):

def ensure_uploaded(self, packages=(), platform='', force_build=False):

Executes entire {fetch,build,package,verify,upload} pipeline for all the packages listed, targeting the given platform.


  • packages (seq[str]) - A sequence of packages to ensure are uploaded. Packages must be listed as either ‘pkgname’ or ‘pkgname@version’. If empty, builds all loaded packages.
  • platform (str) - If specified, the CIPD ${platform} to build for. If unspecified, this will be the appropriate CIPD ${platform} for the current host machine.

Returns (list[(cipd_pkg, cipd_version)], set[str]) of built CIPD packages and their tagged versions, as well as a list of unsupported packages.

def initialize(self):

def load_packages_from_path(self, path):

Loads all package definitions from the given path.

This will parse and intern all the 3pp.pb package definition files so that packages can be identified by their name. For example, if you pass:

path/ pkgname/ 3pp.pb

This would parse path/pkgname/3pp.pb and register the “pkgname” package.


  • path (Path) - A path to a directory full of package definitions. Each package definition is a directory containing at least a 3pp.pb file, whose behavior is defined by 3pp.proto.

Returns a set(str) containing the names of the packages which were loaded.

Raises a DuplicatePackage exception if this function encounters a package whose name is already registered. This could occur if you call load_packages_from_path multiple times, and one of the later calls tries to load a package which was registered under one of the earlier calls.

def package_prefix(self, experimental=False):

Returns the CIPD package name prefix (str), if any is set.

This will prepend ‘experimental/’ to the currently set prefix if:

  • The recipe is running in experimental mode; OR
  • You pass experimental=True

def set_package_prefix(self, prefix):

Set the CIPD package name prefix (str).

All CIPDSpecs for built packages (not sources) will have this string prepended to them.

recipe_modules / sync_submodules

DEPS: depot_tools/bot_update, depot_tools/gclient, depot_tools/git, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/runtime, recipe_engine/step

class SyncSubmodulesApi(RecipeApi):

def __call__(self, source, source_repo_checkout_name, dest, source_ref=‘refs/heads/master’, dest_ref=‘refs/heads/master’, extra_submodules=None, deps_path_prefix=None, disable_path_prefix=False):

Args: source: URL of the git repository to mirror. source_repo_checkout_name: Name of the directory that the source repo should be checked out into. dest: URL of the git repository to push to. source_ref: git ref in the source repository to checkout. dest_ref: git ref in the destination repository to push to. extra_submodules: a list of “path=URL” strings. These are added as extra submodules. deps_path_prefix: path prefix used to filter out DEPS. DEPS with the prefix are included. disable_path_prefix: disable filtering out DEPS by path prefix.

recipe_modules / windows_sdk

DEPS: recipe_engine/cipd, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/step

class WindowsSDKApi(RecipeApi):

API for using Windows SDK distributed via CIPD.

def __call__(self, path=None, version=None, enabled=True):

Setups the SDK environment when enabled.

Args: path (path): Path to a directory where to install the SDK (default is ‘[start_dir]/cipd/windows_sdk’) version (str): CIPD instance ID, tag or ref of the SDK (default is set via $infra/windows_sdk.version property) enabled (bool): Whether the SDK should be used or not.

Raises: StepFailure or InfraFailure.


recipes / 3pp

DEPS: depot_tools/git, support_3pp, recipe_engine/cipd, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/step

This recipe builds and packages third party software, such as Git.

def RunSteps(api, package_locations, to_build, platform, force_build, package_prefix):

recipes / build_conda_cipd_pkg

DEPS: conda, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/cipd, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties

Recipe to build CIPD package with sealed Conda environment.

Supposed to be used from manually triggered Buildbot builders. We aren't expecting rebuilding this environment often, so setting up and periodic schedule is a waste of resources.

To build a new package for all platforms:

  1. Manually trigger all builders by clicking buttons in Buildbot.
  2. Once they all complete, tag the with some release identifier by running: ./cipd set-tag infra/conda_python/scientific/ -tag=release: -version=latest
  3. Update Puppet configs to use ‘release:’ as a version.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / build_from_tarball

DEPS: depot_tools/depot_tools, depot_tools/gsutil, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/step

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / build_gsutil_cipd_pkg

DEPS: build/zip, depot_tools/gsutil, recipe_engine/cipd, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/step

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / build_weblayer_version_tests_apk_cipd_pkg

DEPS: build/chromium, build/goma, build/zip, depot_tools/bot_update, depot_tools/depot_tools, depot_tools/gclient, depot_tools/git, depot_tools/git_cl, recipe_engine/cipd, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/step, recipe_engine/time, recipe_engine/url

def RunSteps(api):

def check_correct_version(api, version):

def checkout_chromium_version_and_sync_3p_repos(api, version):

def commit_url(hash_value, api):

def env_with_depot_tools(api):

def generate_skew_test_config_lines(library, version):

def get_chromium_version(api, hash_value):

def get_chromium_versions_to_add(api):

def get_existing_cipd_tags(variants_pyl_ast, variant_name_tmpls):

def is_higher_version(version, query_version):

def maybe_build_cipd_pkgs(api, cipd_pkgs_to_create, existing_cipd_tags):

def maybe_update_variants_pyl(api, variants_pyl_content, variants_pyl_path):

def releases_url(platform, channel, num, api):

def upload_changes(api, new_variants_lines, variants_pyl_path, cipd_pkgs_to_create):

def wait_for_cl_to_land(api):

recipes / build_wheels

DEPS: depot_tools/gclient, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/python

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / cloudbuildhelper:examples/discover

DEPS: cloudbuildhelper, recipe_engine/path

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / cloudbuildhelper:examples/full

DEPS: cloudbuildhelper, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/step

def RunSteps(api):

def build(api):

def upload(api):

recipes / cloudbuildhelper:examples/roll

DEPS: cloudbuildhelper, recipe_engine/path

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / cloudkms:examples/usage

DEPS: cloudkms, recipe_engine/path

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / depot_tools_builder

DEPS: build/zip, depot_tools/git, depot_tools/gsutil, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/step

Recipe to build windows depot_tools bootstrap zipfile.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / docker_image_builder

DEPS: build/docker, depot_tools/bot_update, depot_tools/gclient, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/service_account, recipe_engine/step, recipe_engine/time

def RunSteps(api, arch_type):

recipes / gae_tarball_uploader

DEPS: cloudbuildhelper, infra_checkout, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/commit_position, recipe_engine/futures, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/step, recipe_engine/time

def RunSteps(api, properties):

recipes / gerrit_hello_world

DEPS: recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/step, recipe_engine/time

Pushes a trivial CL to Gerrit to verify git authentication works on LUCI.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / git_cache_updater

DEPS: depot_tools/depot_tools, depot_tools/git, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/futures, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/runtime, recipe_engine/step, recipe_engine/url

Updates the Git Cache zip files.

def RunSteps(api, inputs):

recipes / gsubmodd

DEPS: depot_tools/gclient, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python

Runs git submodule daemon (gsubmodd) against a given source repo.

Intended to be called periodically (see CYCLE_TIME_SEC). Runs several iterations of the daemon and then quits so that recipe has a chance to resync the source code.

def RunSteps(api, source_repo, target_repo, limit=‘‘, epoch=’’):

recipes / gsubtreed

DEPS: depot_tools/depot_tools, depot_tools/gclient, depot_tools/git, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/step

Runs git subtree daemon (gsubtreed) against Chromium src repo.

Intended to be called periodically (see CYCLE_TIME_SEC). Runs several iteration of the daemon and then quits so that recipe has a chance to resync the source code.

def RunSteps(api, target_repo, cycle_time_sec, max_error_count):

recipes / gsutil_hello_world

DEPS: depot_tools/depot_tools, depot_tools/gsutil, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/step, recipe_engine/time

Pushes a trivial CL to Gerrit to verify git authentication works on LUCI.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / images_builder

DEPS: depot_tools/gerrit, cloudbuildhelper, infra_checkout, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/commit_position, recipe_engine/futures, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/step, recipe_engine/time

def RunSteps(api, properties):

recipes / images_pins_roller

DEPS: depot_tools/git, depot_tools/git_cl, cloudbuildhelper, infra_checkout, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties

def RunSteps(api, properties):

recipes / infra_checkout:examples/ci

DEPS: infra_checkout, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/step

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / infra_checkout:examples/try

DEPS: infra_checkout, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/raw_io

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / infra_cipd:examples/usage

DEPS: infra_cipd, recipe_engine/assertions, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/step

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / infra_continuous

DEPS: depot_tools/bot_update, depot_tools/depot_tools, depot_tools/gclient, depot_tools/osx_sdk, infra_checkout, infra_cipd, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/runtime, recipe_engine/step

def RunSteps(api):

def build_main(api, checkout, buildername, project_name, repo_url, rev):

def run_python_tests(api, project_name):

recipes / infra_frontend_tester

DEPS: depot_tools/bot_update, depot_tools/gclient, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/cipd, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/step

def RunFrontendTests(api, env, cwd, app_name):

def RunInfraFrontendTests(api, env):

def RunInfraInternalFrontendTests(api, env):

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / infra_repo_trybot

DEPS: depot_tools/osx_sdk, infra_checkout, infra_system, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/runtime, recipe_engine/step

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / infra_system:examples/full

DEPS: infra_system, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/step

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / lkgr_finder

DEPS: build/chromium_checkout, depot_tools/bot_update, depot_tools/gclient, depot_tools/git, depot_tools/gitiles, depot_tools/gsutil, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/runtime, recipe_engine/step

def RunSteps(api, project, repo, ref, config, lkgr_status_gs_path, allowed_lag):

recipes / luci_gae

DEPS: infra_checkout, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / luci_go

DEPS: depot_tools/osx_sdk, infra_checkout, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties

def RunSteps(api, GOARCH, run_integration_tests):

recipes / luci_py

DEPS: depot_tools/bot_update, depot_tools/gclient, depot_tools/git, infra_checkout, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/step

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / publish_tarball

DEPS: build/chromium, depot_tools/bot_update, depot_tools/depot_tools, depot_tools/gclient, depot_tools/git, depot_tools/gsutil, omahaproxy, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/scheduler, recipe_engine/step

def RunSteps(api):

def copytree_checkout(api):

def export_lite_tarball(api, version):

def export_nacl_tarball(api, version):

def export_tarball(api, args, source, destination):

def fetch_afdo_profile(api):

def fetch_pgo_profiles(api):

def gsutil_upload(api, source, bucket, dest, args):

def publish_tarball(api):

def published_all_tarballs(version, ls_result):

def published_full_tarball(version, ls_result):

def published_lite_tarball(version, ls_result):

def published_nacl_tarball(version, ls_result):

def published_test_tarball(version, ls_result):

def trigger_publish_tarball_jobs(api):

recipes / recipe_autoroller

DEPS: recipe_autoroller, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/proto, recipe_engine/time

Rolls recipes.cfg dependencies for public projects.

def RunSteps(api, projects, db_gcs_bucket):

recipes / recipe_bundler

DEPS: recipe_engine/cipd, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/step

def RunSteps(api, recipe_bundler_pkg, recipe_bundler_vers, repo_specs, repo_specs_optional, package_name_prefix, package_name_internal_prefix):

recipes / recipe_roll_tryjob

DEPS: depot_tools/bot_update, depot_tools/gclient, depot_tools/git, depot_tools/tryserver, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/step

def RunSteps(api, upstream_id, upstream_url, downstream_id, downstream_url):

recipes / recipe_simulation

DEPS: depot_tools/bot_update, depot_tools/gclient, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/step

A continuous builder which runs recipe tests.

def RunSteps(api, git_repo):

recipes / recipes_py_continuous

DEPS: depot_tools/bot_update, depot_tools/gclient, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/cipd, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / refresh_weblayer_skew_tests

DEPS: build/chromium, build/chromiumdash, build/goma, build/zip, depot_tools/bot_update, depot_tools/depot_tools, depot_tools/gclient, depot_tools/git, depot_tools/git_cl, recipe_engine/cipd, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/step, recipe_engine/url

def RunSteps(api):

def checkout_chromium_version_and_sync_3p_repos(api, version):

def env_with_depot_tools(api):

def generate_skew_test_config_lines(library, version):

def get_existing_cipd_tags(variants_pyl_ast, variant_name_tmpls):

def is_higher_version(version, query_version):

def maybe_build_cipd_pkgs(api, version):

def maybe_update_variants_pyl(api, variants_pyl_content, variants_pyl_path, version, milestones):

def should_create_skew_test(version, milestones):

def upload_changes(api, new_variants_lines, variants_pyl_path, version):

def version_sanity_check(api, version):

recipes / snapshots/builder

DEPS: recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/cipd, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/step

def RunSteps(api):

def get_value(pairs, key):

Returns a the value for the given key in the given pairs.

Args: pairs: A list of {“key”: key, “value”: value} dicts. key: A key whose value to get. If the key appears more than once, only the first value is returned.

Returns: The value for the given key.

recipes / snapshots/snapshot

DEPS: recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/cipd, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/step, recipe_engine/time, recipe_engine/url, recipe_engine/uuid

def RunSteps(api):

def normalize(s):

Normalizes a string for use in a resource label.

recipes / support_3pp:tests/full

DEPS: support_3pp, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/cipd, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/step

def RunSteps(api, GOOS, GOARCH, load_dupe):

recipes / sync_submodules

DEPS: sync_submodules, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/runtime

def RunSteps(api, disable_path_prefix):

recipes / update_submodules_mirror

DEPS: depot_tools/gclient, depot_tools/git, depot_tools/gitiles, recipe_engine/buildbucket, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/file, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/raw_io, recipe_engine/step

def GetSubmodules(api, deps, source_checkout_name):

def RefToRemoteRef(ref):

def RunSteps(api, source_repo, target_repo, extra_submodules, refs):

def ShouldGenerateNewCommit(api, target_repo, ref):

See if we can avoid running the rest of the recipe, if there's no new commits to incorporate into the mirror. We should be conservative in the direction of “True” - the worst case is we update the mirror without any new commits, which will generate a new synthetic commit (with a different hash due to a different timestamp) at the same underlying commit. Unnecessary, but harmless.

recipes / windows_sdk:examples/full

DEPS: windows_sdk, recipe_engine/platform, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/step

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / wpt_export

DEPS: build/chromium, depot_tools/bot_update, depot_tools/gclient, depot_tools/git, cloudkms, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/runtime

Exports commits in Chromium to the web-platform-tests repo.

This recipe runs the wpt-export script; it is expected to be run as a recurring job at a short interval. It creates pull requests on GitHub for Chromium commits that contain exportable changes, merges these pull requests.

See: //docs/testing/ (

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / wpt_import

DEPS: build/chromium, depot_tools/bot_update, depot_tools/gclient, depot_tools/git, depot_tools/git_cl, cloudkms, recipe_engine/context, recipe_engine/json, recipe_engine/path, recipe_engine/properties, recipe_engine/python, recipe_engine/runtime

Imports changes from web-platform-tests into Chromium.

This recipe runs the wpt-import script. The import process involves first fetching the latest changes from web-platform-tests, then running the tests via try jobs and and updating any baselines and expectations, before committing to Chromium.

See: //docs/testing/ (

def RunSteps(api):

def git_cl_issue_link(api):

Runs a step which adds a link to the current CL if there is one.