blob: cce3898781dcdeda7d8ac490607c9356794ec288 [file] [log] [blame]
// Contains groups of flags with variants, use by browsers
flags: {
default: {
--js-flags: [
// "--max-opt=1",
// "--max-opt=4",
--enable-fied-trial-config: [
// Define custom flag groups here (referenced by name):
chrome-custom: {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Examples:
example-group: {
// Use the empty string "" for flags without values
"--enable-fied-trial-config": "",
// A flag with multiple variants:
--js-flags: [
null, // variant 1: null == flag is not set
"--no-opt --no-ic", // variant 2
"--no-sparkplug", // variant 2
// Flag with two variants: unset and set
"--no-sandbox": [
null, // variant 1: null ==> flag is not set
"", // variant 2: "" ==> flag is set without value
example-group-2: {
// This will result in 4 flag configurations that are run:
// 1. no flags (both entries have a `null` variant)
// 2. `--js-flags=--no-opt`
// 3. `--js-flags=--no-opt --enable-field-trial-config`
// 4. `--enable-field-trial-config`
--js-flags: [null, "--no-opt"],
--enable-field-trial-config: [null, ""]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Contains browser configs
browsers: {
"chrome-stable": {
path: "stable",
flags: [
// You can reference multiple flag-groups here, any name added to
// the 'flags' dict above can be used here.
// You can also directly define fixed flags
// "--js-flags=--no-opt",
// You can use either comments or other sections to hide configurations
browsers-disabled: {
"chrome-mac-stable": {
path: "/Applications/Google",
flags: [ "default", "chrome-mac" ]
"chrome-mac-dev": {
path: "/Applications/Google Chrome",
flags: [ "default", "chrome-mac" ]
"chrome-mac-canary": {
path: "/Applications/Google Chrome",
flags: [ "default", "chrome-mac" ]
"safari-tech-preview": {
path: "/Applications/",
flags: [],
"safari": {
path: "/Applications/Safari Technology",
flags: [],