blob: 3c65b5c779e8ef536c623cf1825baca888225a88 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import argparse
import collections
import enum
import inspect
import logging
import re
import textwrap
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Generic, Iterable,
List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, cast)
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import tabulate
# Use indirection to support pyfakefs
from crossbench import cli_helper, compat, exception, helper
from crossbench import path as pth
from crossbench.helper import ChangeCWD
ArgParserType = Union[Callable[..., Any], Type]
class ConfigError(argparse.ArgumentTypeError):
class _ConfigArgParser:
Parser for a single config arg.
def __init__( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
parser: ConfigParser,
name: str,
type: Optional[ArgParserType],
default: Any = None,
choices: Optional[frozenset[Any]] = None,
aliases: Iterable[str] = tuple(),
help: Optional[str] = None,
is_list: bool = False,
required: bool = False,
depends_on: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None):
self.parser: ConfigParser = parser str = name
self.aliases = tuple(aliases)
self.type: Optional[ArgParserType] = type
self.default = default Optional[str] = help
self.is_list: bool = is_list
self.required: bool = required
type_is_class = inspect.isclass(type)
self.type_is_class: bool = type_is_class
self.is_enum: bool = type_is_class and issubclass(type, enum.Enum)
self.config_object_type: Optional[Type[ConfigObject]] = None
if type_is_class and issubclass(type, ConfigObject):
self.config_object_type = type
self.depends_on = frozenset(depends_on) if depends_on else frozenset()
self.choices: Optional[frozenset] = self._validate_choices(choices)
if self.type:
if self.default is not None:
def _validate_callable(self) -> None:
assert self.type, "Expected not-None type"
if not callable(self.type):
raise TypeError(
f"Expected type to be a class or a callable, but got: {self.type}")
if self.config_object_type:
# Config objects and depends_on are handled specially.
signature = None
if getattr(self.type, "__module__") != "builtins":
signature = inspect.signature(self.type)
except ValueError as e:
logging.debug("Could not get signature for %s: %s", self.type, e)
if not signature:
if not self.depends_on:
raise TypeError(
f"Type for config '{}' should take at least 2 arguments "
f"to support depends_on, but got builtin: {self.type}")
if len(signature.parameters) == 0:
raise TypeError(
f"Type for config '{}' should take at least 1 argument, "
f"but got: {self.type}")
if self.depends_on and len(signature.parameters) <= 1:
raise TypeError(
f"Type for config '{}' should take at least 2 arguments "
f"to support depends_on, but got: {self.type}")
def _validate_aliases(self) -> None:
unique = set(self.aliases)
if in unique:
raise ValueError(f"Config name '{}' cannot be part "
f"of the aliases='{self.aliases}'")
cli_helper.parse_unique_sequence(self.aliases, "aliases", ValueError)
def _validate_choices(
self, choices: Optional[frozenset[Any]]) -> Optional[frozenset]:
if self.is_enum:
return self._validate_enum_choices(choices)
if choices is None:
return None
choices_list = list(choices)
assert choices_list, f"Got empty choices: {choices}"
frozen_choices = frozenset(choices_list)
if len(frozen_choices) != len(choices_list):
raise ValueError("Choices must be unique, but got: {choices}")
return frozen_choices
def _validate_enum_choices(
self, choices: Optional[frozenset[Any]]) -> Optional[frozenset]:
assert self.is_enum
assert self.type
enum_type: Type[enum.Enum] = cast(Type[enum.Enum], self.type)
if choices is None:
return frozenset(enum for enum in enum_type)
for choice in choices:
assert isinstance(
enum_type), (f"Enum choices must be {enum_type}, but got: {choice}")
return frozenset(choices)
def _validate_default(self) -> None:
if self.is_enum:
# TODO: Remove once pytype can handle self.type
maybe_class: Optional[ArgParserType] = self.type
if self.is_list:
assert isinstance(self.default,, (
f"List default must be a sequence, but got: {self.default}")
assert not isinstance(self.default, str), (
f"List default should not be a string, but got: {repr(self.default)}")
if inspect.isclass(maybe_class):
for default_item in self.default:
if not isinstance(default_item, maybe_class):
raise ValueError(
f"Expected default list item of type={self.type}, "
f"but got type={type(default_item)}: {default_item}")
elif maybe_class and inspect.isclass(maybe_class):
if not isinstance(self.default, maybe_class):
raise ValueError(f"Expected default value of type={self.type}, "
f"but got type={type(self.default)}: {self.default}")
def _validate_enum_default(self) -> None:
enum_type: Type[enum.Enum] = cast(Type[enum.Enum], self.type)
if self.is_list:
default_list = self.default
default_list = [self.default]
for default in default_list:
assert isinstance(default, enum_type), (
f"Default must be a {enum_type} enum, but got: {self.default}")
def _validate_depends_on(self, depends_on: Optional[Iterable[str]]) -> None:
if not depends_on:
if not self._is_iterable_non_str(depends_on):
raise TypeError(f"Expected depends_on to be a collection of str, "
f"but got {type(depends_on).__name__}: "
for i, value in enumerate(depends_on):
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise TypeError(f"Expected depends_on[{i}] to be a str, but got "
f"{type(value).__name__}: {repr(value)}")
if not self.type:
raise ValueError(f"Argument '{}' without a type "
"cannot have argument dependencies.")
if self.is_enum:
raise ValueError(f"Enum '{}' cannot have argument dependencies")
def _is_iterable_non_str(self, value: Any) -> bool:
if isinstance(value, str):
return False
return isinstance(value,
def cls(self) -> Type:
return self.parser.cls
def cls_name(self) -> str:
return self.cls.__name__
def help_text(self) -> str:
items: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
if self.type is None:
if self.is_list:
items.append(("type", "list"))
if self.is_list:
items.append(("type", f"List[{self.type.__qualname__}]"))
items.append(("type", str(self.type.__qualname__)))
if self.required:
items.append(("required", ""))
elif self.default is None:
items.append(("default", "not set"))
if self.is_list:
if not self.default:
items.append(("default", "[]"))
items.append(("default", ",".join(map(str, self.default))))
items.append(("default", str(self.default)))
if self.is_enum:
elif self.choices:
text = tabulate.tabulate(items, tablefmt="presto")
return f"{}\n{text}"
return text
def _choices_help_text(self, choices: Iterable) -> Tuple[str, str]:
return ("choices", ", ".join(map(str, choices)))
def _enum_help_text(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
if self.type and hasattr(self.type, "help_text_items"):
# See compat.StrEnumWithHelp
return [("choices", ""), *self.type.help_text_items()]
assert self.choices
return [self._choices_help_text(choice.value for choice in self.choices)]
def parse(self, config_data: Dict[str, Any],
depending_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
data = None
if in config_data:
data = config_data.pop(
elif self.aliases:
data = self._pop_alias(config_data)
if data is None:
if self.required and self.default is None:
raise ValueError(
f"{self.cls_name}: "
f"No value provided for required config option '{}'")
data = self.default
if depending_kwargs:
if data is None and not depending_kwargs:
return None
if self.is_list:
return self.parse_list_data(data, depending_kwargs)
return self.parse_data(data, depending_kwargs)
def _pop_alias(self, config_data) -> Optional[Any]:
value: Optional[Any] = None
found: bool = False
for alias in self.aliases:
if alias not in config_data:
if found:
raise ValueError(f"Ambiguous arguments, got alias for {} "
"specified more than once.")
value = config_data.pop(alias, None)
found = True
return value
def _validate_depending_kwargs(self, depending_kwargs: Dict[str,
Any]) -> None:
if not self.depends_on and depending_kwargs:
raise ValueError(f"{} has no depending arguments, "
f"but got: {depending_kwargs}")
for arg_name in self.depends_on:
if arg_name not in depending_kwargs:
raise ValueError(
f"{arg_name}.depends_on['{arg_name}'] was not provided.")
def _validate_no_aliases(self, config_data) -> None:
for alias in self.aliases:
if alias in config_data:
raise ValueError(
f"{self.cls_name}: ",
f"Got conflicting argument, '{}' and '{alias}' "
"cannot be specified together.")
def _validate_type_without_depending_kwargs(
self, depending_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
if depending_kwargs:
raise ValueError(
f"{str(self.type)} does not accept "
f"additional depending arguments, but got: {depending_kwargs}")
def parse_list_data(self, data: Any,
depending_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[Any]:
if isinstance(data, str):
data = data.split(",")
if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
raise ValueError(f"{self.cls_name}.{}: "
f"Expected sequence got {type(data)}")
return [self.parse_data(value, depending_kwargs) for value in data]
def parse_data(self, data: Any, depending_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
if self.is_enum:
return self.parse_enum_data(data)
if self.choices and data not in self.choices:
raise ValueError(f"{self.cls_name}.{}: "
f"Invalid choice '{data}', choices are {self.choices}")
if self.type is None:
return data
if self.type is bool:
if not isinstance(data, bool):
raise ValueError(
f"{self.cls_name}.{}: Expected bool, but got {data}")
elif self.type in (float, int):
if not isinstance(data, (float, int)):
raise ValueError(
f"{self.cls_name}.{}: Expected number, got {data}")
if self.config_object_type:
# TODO: support custom depending kwargs with ConfigObject
return self.parse_config_object(data)
return self.type(data, **depending_kwargs)
def parse_config_object(self, data) -> Any:
config_object: ConfigObject = self.config_object_type.parse(data)
return config_object.to_argument_value()
def parse_enum_data(self, data: Any) -> enum.Enum:
assert self.is_enum
assert self.choices
assert self.type
assert isinstance(self.type, type), "type for enum has to be a Class."
if issubclass(self.type, ConfigEnum):
return self.type.parse(data)
assert issubclass(self.type, enum.Enum)
return cli_helper.parse_enum(, self.type, data, self.choices)
ConfigEnumT = TypeVar("ConfigEnumT", bound="ConfigEnum")
class ConfigEnum(compat.StrEnumWithHelp):
def parse(cls: Type[ConfigEnumT], value: Any) -> ConfigEnumT:
return cli_helper.parse_enum(cls.__name__, cls, value, cls)
ConfigObjectT = TypeVar("ConfigObjectT", bound="ConfigObject")
class ConfigObject(abc.ABC):
"""A ConfigObject is a placeholder object with parsed values from
a ConfigParser.
- It is used to do complex input validation when the final instantiated
objects contain other nested config-parsed objects,
- It is then used to create a real instance of an object.
VALID_EXTENSIONS: Tuple[str, ...] = (".hjson", ".json")
def value_has_path_prefix(cls, value: str) -> bool:
return cli_helper.PATH_PREFIX.match(value) is not None
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
def validate(self) -> None:
"""Override to perform validation of config properties that cannot be
checked individually (aka depend on each other).
def to_argument_value(self) -> Any:
""" Called to convert a ConfigObject to the value stored in ConfigParser
result. """
return self
def parse(cls: Type[ConfigObjectT], value: Any, **kwargs) -> ConfigObjectT:
# Quick return for default values used by parsers.
if isinstance(value, cls):
return value
# Make sure we wrap any exception in a argparse.ArgumentTypeError)
with exception.annotate_argparsing(f"Parsing {cls.__name__}"):
return cls._parse(value, **kwargs)
def _parse(cls: Type[ConfigObjectT], value: Any, **kwargs) -> ConfigObjectT:
if isinstance(value, dict):
return cls.parse_dict(value, **kwargs)
if not value:
raise ConfigError(f"{cls.__name__}: Empty config value")
if isinstance(value, pth.LocalPath):
return cls.parse_path(value, **kwargs)
if isinstance(value, str):
if urlparse(value).scheme:
# TODO(346197734): use parse_url here
return cls.parse_str(value, **kwargs)
maybe_path = pth.LocalPath(value).expanduser()
if cls.is_valid_path(maybe_path):
return cls.parse_path(maybe_path, **kwargs)
if cls.value_has_path_prefix(value):
return cls.parse_unknown_path(maybe_path, **kwargs)
except OSError:
return cls.parse_str(value, **kwargs)
return cls.parse_other(value, **kwargs)
def parse_other(cls: Type[ConfigObjectT], value: Any) -> ConfigObjectT:
raise ConfigError(f"Invalid config input type {type(value)}: {value}")
def parse_str(cls: Type[ConfigObjectT], value: str) -> ConfigObjectT:
"""Custom implementation for parsing config values that are
not handled by the default .parse(...) method."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_valid_path(cls, path: pth.LocalPath) -> bool:
if not path.is_file():
return False
return path.suffix in cls.VALID_EXTENSIONS
def parse_unknown_path(cls: Type[ConfigObjectT], path: pth.LocalPath,
**kwargs) -> ConfigObjectT:
# TODO: this should be redirected to parse_config_path
return cls.parse_str(str(path), **kwargs)
def parse_path(cls: Type[ConfigObjectT], path: pth.LocalPath,
**kwargs) -> ConfigObjectT:
return cls.parse_config_path(path, **kwargs)
def parse_inline_hjson(cls: Type[ConfigObjectT], value: str,
**kwargs) -> ConfigObjectT:
with exception.annotate(f"Parsing inline {cls.__name__}"):
data = cli_helper.parse_inline_hjson(value)
return cls.parse_dict(data, **kwargs)
def parse_config_path(cls: Type[ConfigObjectT], path: pth.LocalPathLike,
**kwargs) -> ConfigObjectT:
with exception.annotate_argparsing(f"Parsing {cls.__name__} file: {path}"):
file_path = cli_helper.parse_existing_file_path(path)
data = cli_helper.parse_dict_hjson_file(file_path)
with ChangeCWD(file_path.parent):
return cls.parse_dict(data, **kwargs)
def parse_dict(cls: Type[ConfigObjectT], config: Dict[str,
Any]) -> ConfigObjectT:
raise NotImplementedError()
class _ConfigKwargsParser:
def __init__(self, parser: ConfigParser, config_data: Dict[str, Any]):
self._parser = parser
self._kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}
self._processed_args: Set[str] = set()
self._config_data = config_data
def _parse(self) -> None:
for arg_parser in self._parser.arg_parsers:
if in self._processed_args:
# Already previously handled by some depending_on argument.
def _parse_arg(self, arg_parser: _ConfigArgParser) -> None:
arg_name: str =
if arg_name in self._processed_args:
raise ValueError(
f"Recursive argument dependency on '{arg_name}' cannot be resolved.")
with exception.annotate(f"Parsing ...['{arg_name}']:"):
depending_kwargs = self._maybe_parse_depending_args(arg_parser)
self._kwargs[arg_name] = arg_parser.parse(self._config_data,
def _maybe_parse_depending_args(
self, arg_parser: _ConfigArgParser) -> Dict[str, Any]:
depending_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if not arg_parser.depends_on:
return depending_args
with exception.annotate(f"Parsing ...['{}'].depends_on:"):
for depending_arg_name in arg_parser.depends_on:
depending_args[depending_arg_name] = self._parse_depending_arg(
return depending_args
def _parse_depending_arg(self, arg_name: str) -> Any:
if arg_name in self._kwargs:
return self._kwargs[arg_name]
with exception.annotate(f"Parsing ...['{arg_name}']:"):
assert arg_name in self._kwargs, (
f"Failure when parsing depending {arg_name}")
return self._kwargs[arg_name]
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return dict(self._kwargs)
ConfigResultObjectT = TypeVar("ConfigResultObjectT", bound="object")
class ConfigParser(Generic[ConfigResultObjectT]):
def __init__(self,
title: str,
cls: Type[ConfigResultObjectT],
default: Optional[ConfigResultObjectT] = None,
allow_unused_config_data: bool = True) -> None:
self.title = title
assert title, "No title provided"
self._cls = cls
if default:
if not isinstance(default, cls):
raise TypeError(
f"Default value '{default}' is not an instance of {cls.__name__}")
self._default = default
self._args: Dict[str, _ConfigArgParser] = {}
self._arg_names: Set[str] = set()
self._allow_unused_config_data = allow_unused_config_data
def default(self) -> Optional[ConfigResultObjectT]:
return self._default
def add_argument( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
name: str,
type: Optional[ArgParserType],
default: Optional[Any] = None,
choices: Optional[Iterable[Any]] = None,
aliases: Tuple[str, ...] = tuple(),
help: Optional[str] = None,
is_list: bool = False,
required: bool = False,
depends_on: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> None:
if name in self._arg_names:
raise ValueError(f"Duplicate argument: {name}")
arg = self._args[name] = _ConfigArgParser(self, name, type, default,
choices, aliases, help, is_list,
required, depends_on)
for alias in arg.aliases:
if alias in self._arg_names:
raise ValueError(f"Argument alias ({alias}) from {name}"
" was previously added as argument.")
def get_argument(self, arg_name: str) -> _ConfigArgParser:
return self._args[arg_name]
def kwargs_from_config(self, config_data: Dict[str, Any],
**extra_kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
with exception.annotate_argparsing(
f"Parsing {self._cls.__name__} extra config kwargs:"):
config_data = self._prepare_config_data(config_data, **extra_kwargs)
with exception.annotate_argparsing(
f"Parsing {self._cls.__name__} config dict:"):
kwargs = _ConfigKwargsParser(self, config_data)
if config_data:
return kwargs.as_dict()
def parse(self, config_data: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs) -> ConfigResultObjectT:
if self._default and config_data == {} and not kwargs:
return self._default
kwargs = self.kwargs_from_config(config_data, **kwargs)
return self.new_instance_from_kwargs(kwargs)
def _prepare_config_data(self, config_data: Dict[str, Any],
**extra_kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
config_data = dict(config_data)
for extra_key, extra_data in extra_kwargs.items():
if extra_data is None:
if extra_key in config_data and extra_data is not config_data[extra_key]:
raise ValueError(
f"Extra config data {repr(extra_key)}={repr(extra_data)} "
f"was already present in config_data[..]={repr(config_data[extra_key])}"
config_data[extra_key] = extra_data
return config_data
def new_instance_from_kwargs(self, kwargs: Dict[str,
Any]) -> ConfigResultObjectT:
return self._cls(**kwargs)
def _handle_unused_config_data(self, unused_config_data: Dict[str,
Any]) -> None:
logging.debug("Got unused properties: %s", unused_config_data.keys())
if not self._allow_unused_config_data:
unused_keys = ', '.join(map(repr, unused_config_data.keys()))
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
f"Config for {self._cls.__name__} contains unused properties: "
def arg_parsers(self) -> Tuple[_ConfigArgParser]:
return tuple(self._args.values())
def cls(self) -> Type:
return self._cls
def doc(self) -> str:
if not self._cls.__doc__:
return ""
return self._cls.__doc__.strip()
def help(self) -> str:
return str(self)
def summary(self) -> str:
return self.doc.splitlines()[0]
def __str__(self) -> str:
parts: List[str] = []
doc_string = self.doc
width = 80
if doc_string:
parts.append("\n".join(textwrap.wrap(doc_string, width=width)))
if not self._args:
if parts:
return parts[0]
return ""
parts.append(f"{self.title} Configuration:")
for arg in self._args.values():
parts.extend(helper.wrap_lines(arg.help_text, width=width, indent=" "))
return "\n".join(parts)