blob: 9500c6c82e0cf2a2a1dfb0ad92057cfe776097f3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import annotations
import csv
import json
import logging
import math
import pathlib
from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence,
Set, Tuple, Union)
_KeyFnType = Callable[[Tuple[str, ...]], Optional[str]]
def _default_flatten_key_fn(path: Tuple[str, ...]) -> str:
return "/".join(path)
class Flatten:
Creates a sorted flat list of (key-path, Values) from hierarchical data.
input = {"a" : {"aa1":1, "aa2":2}, "b": 12 }
Flatten(input).data == {
"a/aa1": 1,
"a/aa2": 2,
"b": 12,
_key_fn: _KeyFnType
_accumulator: Dict[str, object]
def __init__(self, *args: Dict, key_fn: Optional[_KeyFnType] = None):
*args (optional): Optional hierarchical data to be flattened
key_fn (optional): Maps property paths (Tuple[str,...]) to strings used
as final result keys, or None to skip property paths.
self._accumulator = {}
self._key_fn = key_fn or _default_flatten_key_fn
def data(self):
items = sorted(self._accumulator.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])
return dict(items)
def append(self, *args: Dict, ignore_toplevel=False):
toplevel_path: Tuple[str, ...] = tuple()
for merged_data in args:
self._flatten(toplevel_path, merged_data, ignore_toplevel)
def _is_leaf_item(self, item):
if isinstance(item, (str, float, int, list)):
return True
if "values" in item and isinstance(item["values"], list):
return True
return False
def _flatten(self, parent_path: Tuple[str, ...], data, ignore_toplevel=False):
for name, item in data.items():
path = parent_path + (name,)
if self._is_leaf_item(item):
if ignore_toplevel and parent_path == ():
key = self._key_fn(path)
if key is None:
assert isinstance(key, str)
if key in self._accumulator:
raise ValueError(f"Duplicate key='{key}' path={path}")
self._accumulator[key] = item
self._flatten(path, item)
def is_number(value: Any) -> bool:
return isinstance(value, (int, float))
class Values:
A collection of values that is use as an accumulator in the ValuesMerger.
Values provides simple statistical getters if the collected values are
ints or floats only.
def from_json(cls, json_data):
return cls(json_data["values"])
def __init__(self, values=None):
self.values = values or []
self._is_numeric: bool = all(map(is_number, self.values))
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.values)
def is_numeric(self) -> bool:
return self._is_numeric
def min(self) -> float:
assert self._is_numeric
return min(self.values)
def max(self) -> float:
assert self._is_numeric
return max(self.values)
def average(self) -> float:
assert self._is_numeric
return sum(self.values) / len(self.values)
def geomean(self) -> float:
assert self._is_numeric
return geomean(self.values)
def stddev(self) -> float:
assert self._is_numeric
# We're ignoring here any actual distribution of the data and use this as a
# rough estimate of the quality of the data
average = self.average
variance = 0.0
for value in self.values:
variance += (average - value)**2
variance /= len(self.values)
return math.sqrt(variance)
def append(self, value: Any):
self._is_numeric = self._is_numeric and is_number(value)
def to_json(self):
json_data = {"values": self.values}
if not self.values:
return json_data
if self.is_numeric:
json_data["min"] = self.min
average = json_data["average"] = self.average
json_data["geomean"] = self.geomean
json_data["max"] = self.max
stddev = json_data["stddev"] = self.stddev
if average == 0:
json_data["stddevPercent"] = 0
json_data["stddevPercent"] = (stddev / average) * 100
return json_data
# Simplify repeated non-numeric values
if len(set(self.values)) == 1:
return self.values[0]
return json_data
def geomean(values: Sequence) -> float:
product = 1
for value in values:
product *= value
return product**(1 / len(values))
class ValuesMerger:
Merges hierarchical data into 1-level aggregated data;
data_1 ={
"a": {
"aa": 1.1,
"ab": 2
"b": 2.1
data_2 = {
"a": {
"aa": 1.2
"b": 2.2,
"c": 2
The merged data maps str => Values():
ValuesMerger(data_1, data_2).data == {
"a/aa": Values(1.1, 1.2)
"a/ab": Values(2)
"b": Values(2.1, 2.2)
"c": Values(2)
def merge_json_files(cls,
files: Iterable[pathlib.Path],
key_fn: Optional[_KeyFnType] = None,
merge_duplicate_paths: bool = False):
merger = cls(key_fn=key_fn)
for file in files:
with"utf-8") as f:
json.load(f), merge_duplicate_paths=merge_duplicate_paths)
return merger
def __init__(self,
*args: Union[Dict, List[Dict]],
key_fn: Optional[_KeyFnType] = None):
"""Create a new ValuesMerger
*args (optional): Optional hierarchical data to be merged.
key_fn (optional): Maps property paths (Tuple[str,...]) to strings used
as keys to group/merge values, or None to skip property paths.
self._data: Dict[str, Values] = {}
self._key_fn: _KeyFnType = key_fn or _default_flatten_key_fn
self._ignored_keys: Set[str] = set()
for data in args:
def data(self):
return self._data
def merge_values(self,
data: Dict[str, Dict],
prefix_path: Tuple[str, ...] = (),
"""Merge a previously json-serialized ValuesMerger object"""
for property_name, item in data.items():
path = prefix_path + (property_name,)
key = self._key_fn(path)
if key is None or key in self._ignored_keys:
if key in self._data:
if merge_duplicate_paths:
values = self._data[key]
for value in item["values"]:
"Removing Values with the same key-path='%s', key='%s"
"from multiple files.", path, key)
del self._data[key]
self._data[key] = Values.from_json(item)
def add(self, data: Union[Dict, List[Dict]]):
""" Merge "arbitrary" hierarchical data that ends up having primitive leafs.
Anything that is not a dict is considered a leaf node.
if isinstance(data, list):
# Assume that top-level lists are repetitions of the same data
for item in data:
def _merge(self, data, parent_path: Tuple[str, ...] = ()):
assert isinstance(data, dict)
for property_name, value in data.items():
path = parent_path + (property_name,)
key: Optional[str] = self._key_fn(path)
if key is None:
if isinstance(value, dict):
self._merge(value, path)
if key in self._data:
values = self._data[key]
values = self._data[key] = Values()
if isinstance(value, list):
for v in value:
def to_json(self, value_fn: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None):
items = []
for key, value in self._data.items():
assert isinstance(value, Values)
if value_fn is None:
value = value.to_json()
value = value_fn(value)
items.append((key, value))
# Make sure the data is always in the same order, independent of the input
# order
return dict(items)
def to_csv(self,
value_fn: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None,
headers: Sequence[Sequence[Any]] = ()):
Input: {
"VanillaJS-TodoMVC/Adding100Items/Async": 1
"VanillaJS-TodoMVC/Adding100Items/Sync": 2
"Total": 3
output: [
["Async", 1]
["Sync", 2]
["Total", 3]
converted = self.to_json(value_fn)
lookup = {}
toplevel = []
for key, value in converted.items():
path = None
segments = key.split("/")
for segment in segments:
if path:
path += "/" + segment
path = segment
if path not in lookup:
lookup[path] = None
if len(segments) == 1:
lookup[key] = value
csv_data: List[Sequence[Any]] = []
for header in headers:
assert isinstance(header, Sequence), (
f"Additional CSV headers must be Sequences, got {type(header)}: "
for path, value in lookup.items():
if path in toplevel:
name = path.split("/")[-1]
if value is None:
csv_data.append([name, value])
# Write toplevel entries last
for key in toplevel:
csv_data.append([key, lookup[key]])
return csv_data
def _ljust(sequence, n, fillvalue=""):
return sequence + ([fillvalue] * (n - len(sequence)))
def merge_csv(csv_files: Sequence[pathlib.Path],
headers: Optional[List[str]] = None,
delimiter: str = "\t") -> List[List[Any]]:
Merge multiple CSV files.
File 1:
Header, Col Header 1.1, Col Header 1.2
Row Header, Data 1.1, Data 1.2
File 2:
Header, Col Header 2.1, Col Header 2.2
Row Header, Data 2.1, Data 2.2
The first Col has to contain the same data:
Header, Col Header 1.1, Col Header 1.2, Col Header 2.1, Col Header 2.2
Row Header, Data 1.1, Data 1.2, Data 2.1, Data 2.2
If no column header is available, filename_as_header=True can be used.
Merged with file name header:
, File 1, , File 2,
Row Header, Data 1.1, Data 1.2, Data 2.1, Data 2.2
# Fill in the header column taken from the first file
table: List[List[Any]] = []
if headers:
table_headers = [""]
table_headers = []
with csv_files[0].open(encoding="utf-8") as first_file:
for row in csv.reader(first_file, delimiter=delimiter):
assert row, "Mergeable CSV files musth have row names."
metric_name = row[0]
for csv_file in csv_files:
with"utf-8") as f:
csv_data = list(csv.reader(f, delimiter=delimiter))
# Find the max width
max_rows_with_row_header = max(len(row) for row in csv_data)
max_rows = max_rows_with_row_header - 1
if headers:
col_header = [headers.pop(0)]
table_headers.extend(_ljust(col_header, max_rows))
for table_row, row in zip(table, csv_data):
metric_name = row[0]
padded_row = _ljust(row[1:], max_rows)
assert table_row[0] == metric_name, (f"{table_row[0]} != {metric_name}"
if table_headers:
return [table_headers] + table
return table