blob: 2d0651cbb4c0143edcd6b3cf46c1dcdec3dc07a7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import annotations
import ctypes
import functools
import json
import logging
import plistlib
import re
import traceback as tb
from subprocess import SubprocessError
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple
import psutil
from crossbench import path as pth
from crossbench.plt.posix import PosixPlatform
class MacOSPlatform(PosixPlatform):
SEARCH_PATHS: Tuple[pth.RemotePath, ...] = (
# TODO: support remote platforms
pth.LocalPath.home() / "Applications",
LSAPPINFO_IN_FRONT_LINE_RE = r".*\(in front\)\s*"
LSAPPINFO_PID_LINE_RE = r"\s*pid = ([0-9]+).*"
def is_macos(self) -> bool:
return True
def name(self) -> str:
return "macos"
def version(self) -> str:
return self.sh_stdout("sw_vers", "-productVersion").strip()
def device(self) -> str: #pylint: disable=invalid-overridden-method
return self.sh_stdout("sysctl", "hw.model").strip().split(maxsplit=1)[1]
def cpu(self) -> str: #pylint: disable=invalid-overridden-method
brand = self.sh_stdout("sysctl", "-n", "machdep.cpu.brand_string").strip()
cores_info = self._get_cpu_cores_info()
return f"{brand} {cores_info}"
def _get_cpu_cores_info(self):
cores = self.sh_stdout("sysctl", "-n", "machdep.cpu.core_count").strip()
return f"{cores} cores"
def is_battery_powered(self) -> bool:
if self.is_local:
return super().is_battery_powered
return "Battery Power" in self.sh_stdout("pmset", "-g", "batt")
def _find_app_binary_path(self, app_path: pth.RemotePath) -> pth.RemotePath:
assert app_path.suffix == ".app", f"Expected .app but got {app_path}"
bin_path = app_path / "Contents" / "MacOS" / app_path.stem
if self.exists(bin_path):
return bin_path
assert self.is_local, "Unsupported operation on remote platform"
binaries = [
path for path in self.iterdir(bin_path.parent) if self.is_file(path)
if len(binaries) == 1:
return binaries[0]
# Fallback to read plist
plist_path = app_path / "Contents" / "Info.plist"
assert self.is_file(plist_path), (
f"Could not find Info.plist in app bundle: {app_path}")
# TODO: support remote platform
with self.local_path(plist_path).open("rb") as f:
plist = plistlib.load(f)
bin_path = (
app_path / "Contents" / "MacOS" /
plist.get("CFBundleExecutable", app_path.stem))
if self.is_file(bin_path):
return bin_path
raise ValueError(f"Invalid number of binaries candidates found: {binaries}")
def search_binary(self,
app_or_bin: pth.RemotePathLike) -> Optional[pth.RemotePath]:
app_or_bin_path: pth.RemotePath = self.path(app_or_bin)
if not
raise ValueError("Got empty path")
is_app = app_or_bin_path.suffix == ".app"
if not is_app:
# Look up basic binaries with `which` if possible.
if result_path := self.which(app_or_bin_path):
assert self.exists(result_path), f"{result_path} does not exist."
return result_path
if app_path := self.lookup_binary_override(app_or_bin_path):
if app_path := self._validate_search_binary_candidate(is_app, app_path):
return app_path
for search_path in self.SEARCH_PATHS:
# Recreate Path object for easier pyfakefs testing
result_path = self.path(search_path) / app_or_bin_path
if app_path := self._validate_search_binary_candidate(
is_app, result_path):
return app_path
return None
def _validate_search_binary_candidate(
self, is_app: bool,
result_path: pth.RemotePath) -> Optional[pth.RemotePath]:
if not is_app:
if self.is_file(result_path):
return result_path
return None
if not self.is_dir(result_path):
return None
result_path = self._find_app_binary_path(result_path)
if self.exists(result_path):
return result_path
return None
def search_app(self,
app_or_bin: pth.RemotePathLike) -> Optional[pth.RemotePath]:
app_or_bin_path: pth.RemotePath = self.path(app_or_bin)
if not
raise ValueError("Got empty path")
assert self.is_local, "Unsupported operation on remote platform"
if app_or_bin_path.suffix != ".app":
raise ValueError("Expected app name with '.app' suffix, "
f"but got: '{}'")
binary = self.search_binary(app_or_bin_path)
if not binary:
return None
# input: /Applications/
# output: /Applications/
app_path = binary.parents[2]
assert app_path.suffix == ".app", f"Expected .app but got {app_path}"
assert self.is_dir(app_path)
return app_path
def app_version(self, app_or_bin: pth.RemotePathLike) -> str:
app_or_bin = self.path(app_or_bin)
assert self.exists(app_or_bin), f"Binary {app_or_bin} does not exist."
app_path = None
for current in (app_or_bin, *app_or_bin.parents):
if current.suffix == ".app" and current.stem == app_or_bin.stem:
app_path = current
if not app_path:
# Most likely just a cli tool"
return self.sh_stdout(app_or_bin, "--version").strip()
version_string = self.sh_stdout("mdls", "-name", "kMDItemVersion",
logging.debug("version_string = %s %s", version_string, app_path)
# Filter output: 'kMDItemVersion = "14.1"' => '"14.1"'
_, version_string = version_string.split(" = ", maxsplit=1)
if version_string != "(null)":
# Strip quotes: '"14.1"' => '14.1'
return version_string[1:-1]
# Backup solution use the binary (not the .app bundle) with --version.
maybe_bin_path: Optional[pth.RemotePath] = app_or_bin
if app_or_bin.suffix == ".app":
maybe_bin_path = self.search_binary(app_or_bin)
if not maybe_bin_path:
raise ValueError(f"Could not extract app version: {app_or_bin}")
return self.sh_stdout(maybe_bin_path, "--version").strip()
except SubprocessError as e:
raise ValueError(f"Could not extract app version: {app_or_bin}") from e
def exec_apple_script(self, script: str, *args: str) -> str:
if args:
script = f"""on run argv
end run"""
return self.sh_stdout("/usr/bin/osascript", "-e", script, *args)
def foreground_process(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
foreground_process_info = self.sh_stdout("lsappinfo", "front").strip()
if not foreground_process_info:
return None
foreground_info = self.sh_stdout("lsappinfo", "info", "-only", "pid",
foreground_info_split = foreground_info.split("=")
pid = None
if len(foreground_info_split) == 2:
pid = foreground_info_split[1]
# On macOS 14.0 Beta, "lsappinfo info" returns an empty result. Fall back
# to parsing the output of "lsappinfo list" to obtain the front app's
# info.
app_list = self.sh_stdout("lsappinfo", "list")
found_front_app = False
for app_list_line in app_list.splitlines():
if re.match(self.LSAPPINFO_IN_FRONT_LINE_RE, app_list_line):
found_front_app = True
elif found_front_app:
match = re.match(self.LSAPPINFO_PID_LINE_RE, app_list_line)
if match:
pid =
if pid and pid.isdigit():
return psutil.Process(int(pid)).as_dict()
return None
def get_relative_cpu_speed(self) -> float:
lines = self.sh_stdout("pmset", "-g", "therm").split()
for index, line in enumerate(lines):
if line == "CPU_Speed_Limit":
return int(lines[index + 2]) / 100.0
except SubprocessError:
logging.debug("Could not get relative CPU speed: %s", tb.format_exc())
return 1
def system_details(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
details = super().system_details()
self.sh_stdout("system_profiler", "SPHardwareDataType"),
self.sh_stdout("sysctl", "machdep.cpu"),
self.sh_stdout("sysctl", "hw"),
return details
def check_system_monitoring(self, disable: bool = False) -> bool:
return self.check_crowdstrike(disable)
def check_autobrightness(self) -> bool:
output = self.sh_stdout("system_profiler", "SPDisplaysDataType",
data = json.loads(output)
if spdisplays_data := data.get("SPDisplaysDataType"):
for data in spdisplays_data:
if spdisplays_ndrvs := data.get("spdisplays_ndrvs"):
for display in spdisplays_ndrvs:
if auto_brightness := display.get("spdisplays_ambient_brightness"):
return auto_brightness == "spdisplays_yes"
raise ValueError(
"Could not find 'spdisplays_ndrvs' from SPDisplaysDataType")
raise ValueError("Could not get 'SPDisplaysDataType' form system profiler")
def check_crowdstrike(self, disable: bool = False) -> bool:
falconctl = self.path(
if not self.exists(falconctl):
logging.debug("You're fine, falconctl or %s are not installed.",
return True
if not disable:
for process in self.processes(attrs=["exe"]):
exe = process["exe"]
if exe and exe.endswith("/com.crowdstrike.falcon.Agent"):
return False
return True
logging.warning("Checking falcon sensor status:")
status = self.sh_stdout("sudo", falconctl, "stats", "agent_info")
except SubprocessError as e:
logging.debug("Could not probe falconctl, assuming it's not running: %s",
return True
if "operational: true" not in status:
# Early return if not running, no need to disable the sensor.
return True
# Try disabling the process
logging.warning("Disabling crowdstrike monitoring:")"sudo", falconctl, "unload")
return True
def _get_display_service(self) -> Tuple[ctypes.CDLL, Any]:
assert self.is_local, "Operation not supported on remote platforms"
core_graphics = ctypes.CDLL(
main_display = core_graphics.CGMainDisplayID()
display_services = ctypes.CDLL(
display_services.DisplayServicesSetBrightness.argtypes = [
ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_float
display_services.DisplayServicesGetBrightness.argtypes = [
ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float)
return display_services, main_display
def set_main_display_brightness(self, brightness_level: int) -> None:
"""Sets the main display brightness at the specified percentage by
This function imitates the open-source "brightness" tool at
Since the benchmark doesn't care about older MacOSen, multiple displays
or other complications that tool has to consider, setting the brightness
level boils down to calling this function for the main display.
brightness_level: Percentage at which we want to set screen brightness.
AssertionError: An error occurred when we tried to set the brightness
display_services, main_display = self._get_display_service()
ret = display_services.DisplayServicesSetBrightness(main_display,
brightness_level / 100)
assert ret == 0
def get_main_display_brightness(self) -> int:
"""Gets the current brightness level of the main display .
This function imitates the open-source "brightness" tool at
Since the benchmark doesn't care about older MacOSen, multiple displays
or other complications that tool has to consider, setting the brightness
level boils down to calling this function for the main display.
An int of the current percentage value of the main screen brightness
AssertionError: An error occurred when we tried to set the brightness
display_services, main_display = self._get_display_service()
display_brightness = ctypes.c_float()
ret = display_services.DisplayServicesGetBrightness(
main_display, ctypes.byref(display_brightness))
assert ret == 0
return round(display_brightness.value * 100)
def screenshot(self, result_path: pth.RemotePath) -> None:"screencapture", "-x", result_path)