🛃 Launch CCT on Null Session.

This is an upstream of this fix:

Bug: 988346
Change-Id: I8e9d1eed51fd445cdef1e7f83776e1d437814028
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/custom-tabs-client/+/1844173
Reviewed-by: Peter Conn <peconn@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Peter Conn <peconn@chromium.org>
1 file changed
tree: 639360f72eaa04b4162050afb06a4b8feea52d2e
  1. Application/
  2. customtabs/
  3. demos/
  4. gradle/
  5. infra/
  6. shared/
  7. .gitignore
  8. build.gradle
  9. codereview.settings
  12. gradlew
  13. gradlew.bat
  15. OWNERS
  16. README.md
  17. settings.gradle
  18. Using.md

Chrome Custom Tabs - Examples and Documentation

Chrome Custom Tabs provides a way for an application to customize and interact with a Chrome Activity on Android. This makes the web content feel like being a part of the application, while retaining the full functionality and performance of a complete web browser.


This library is based off (and contains copies of the classes from) the Android Support Library Custom Tabs package. There are known bugs when using custom-tabs-client with AndroidX or with Jetifier (the AndroidX conversion tool). For example, run-time crashes like this bug:

  Method 'android.os.Bundle android.support.customtabs.CustomTabColorSchemeParams.toBundle()'
  is inaccessible to class 'androidx.browser.customtabs.CustomTabsIntent$Builder'
  (declaration of 'androidx.browser.customtabs.CustomTabsIntent$Builder' appears in XYZ.apk)

Please use the Android Browser Helper library instead. It contains the same functionality updated to work with AndroidX.


Using Custom Tabs should be easy. This repository hosts examples and in-depth documentation. The examples are importable as projects into the Android Studio.

Bugs, Issues and Discussion

We want to hear your feedback! Please create bugs and start discussions using this template. Please use the template for any issues related to the Custom Tabs APIs, their implementation in Chrome, the examples in this repository, and related functionality of the Android Support Library.

Note: we know that the GitHub issue tracker is great! However, since Custom Tabs is mostly driven by Chrome developers, and we want to keep all bugs in one place, we prefer the Chromium issue tracker at the moment.


We accept contributions to Custom Tabs examples and documentation. Please see our contributor's guide.