blob: e8e551c461912efe126faa8085237f4907fde4de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/css/MediaQueryEvaluator.h"
#include "core/MediaTypeNames.h"
#include "core/css/MediaList.h"
#include "core/css/MediaValuesCached.h"
#include "core/frame/FrameView.h"
#include "core/testing/DummyPageHolder.h"
#include "wtf/PassOwnPtr.h"
#include "wtf/text/StringBuilder.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace blink {
typedef struct {
const char* input;
const bool output;
} TestCase;
TestCase screenTestCases[] = {
{"", 1},
{" ", 1},
{"screen", 1},
{"screen and (color)", 1},
{"not screen and (color)", 0},
{"screen and (device-aspect-ratio: 16/9)", 0},
{"screen and (device-aspect-ratio: 1/1)", 1},
{"all and (min-color: 2)", 1},
{"all and (min-color: 32)", 0},
{"all and (min-color-index: 0)", 1},
{"all and (min-color-index: 1)", 0},
{"all and (monochrome)", 0},
{"all and (min-monochrome: 0)", 1},
{"all and (grid: 0)", 1},
{"(resolution: 2dppx)", 1},
{"(resolution: 1dppx)", 0},
{"(orientation: portrait)", 1},
{"(orientation: landscape)", 0},
{"(orientation: url(portrait))", 0},
{"(orientation: #portrait)", 0},
{"(orientation: @portrait)", 0},
{"(orientation: 'portrait')", 0},
{"(orientation: @junk portrait)", 0},
{"screen and (orientation: @portrait) and (max-width: 1000px)", 0},
{"screen and (orientation: @portrait), (max-width: 1000px)", 1},
{"tv and (scan: progressive)", 0},
{"(pointer: coarse)", 0},
{"(pointer: fine)", 1},
{"(hover: hover)", 1},
{"(hover: on-demand)", 0},
{"(hover: none)", 0},
{"(display-mode)", 0},
{"(display-mode: fullscreen)", 0},
{"(display-mode: standalone)", 0},
{"(display-mode: minimal-ui)", 0},
{"(display-mode: browser)", 1},
{"(display-mode: min-browser)", 0},
{"(display-mode: url(browser))", 0},
{"(display-mode: #browser)", 0},
{"(display-mode: @browser)", 0},
{"(display-mode: 'browser')", 0},
{"(display-mode: @junk browser)", 0},
{0, 0} // Do not remove the terminator line.
TestCase viewportTestCases[] = {
{"all and (min-width: 500px)", 1},
{"(min-width: 500px)", 1},
{"(min-width: 501px)", 0},
{"(max-width: 500px)", 1},
{"(max-width: 499px)", 0},
{"(width: 500px)", 1},
{"(width: 501px)", 0},
{"(min-height: 500px)", 1},
{"(min-height: 501px)", 0},
{"(min-height: 500.001px)", 0},
{"(max-height: 500px)", 1},
{"(max-height: 499.999px)", 0},
{"(max-height: 499px)", 0},
{"(height: 500px)", 1},
{"(height: 500.001px)", 0},
{"(height: 499.999px)", 0},
{"(height: 501px)", 0},
{"(height)", 1},
{"(width)", 1},
{"(width: whatisthis)", 0},
{"screen and (min-width: 400px) and (max-width: 700px)", 1},
{0, 0} // Do not remove the terminator line.
TestCase printTestCases[] = {
{"print and (min-resolution: 1dppx)", 1},
{"print and (min-resolution: 118dpcm)", 1},
{"print and (min-resolution: 119dpcm)", 0},
{0, 0} // Do not remove the terminator line.
void testMQEvaluator(TestCase* testCases, const MediaQueryEvaluator& mediaQueryEvaluator)
RefPtrWillBePersistent<MediaQuerySet> querySet = nullptr;
for (unsigned i = 0; testCases[i].input; ++i) {
querySet = MediaQuerySet::create(testCases[i].input);
ASSERT_EQ(testCases[i].output, mediaQueryEvaluator.eval(querySet.get()));
TEST(MediaQueryEvaluatorTest, Cached)
MediaValuesCached::MediaValuesCachedData data;
data.viewportWidth = 500;
data.viewportHeight = 500;
data.deviceWidth = 500;
data.deviceHeight = 500;
data.devicePixelRatio = 2.0;
data.colorBitsPerComponent = 24;
data.monochromeBitsPerComponent = 0;
data.primaryPointerType = PointerTypeFine;
data.primaryHoverType = HoverTypeHover;
data.defaultFontSize = 16;
data.threeDEnabled = true;
data.mediaType = MediaTypeNames::screen;
data.strictMode = true;
data.displayMode = WebDisplayModeBrowser;
RefPtr<MediaValues> mediaValues = MediaValuesCached::create(data);
MediaQueryEvaluator mediaQueryEvaluator(*mediaValues);
testMQEvaluator(screenTestCases, mediaQueryEvaluator);
testMQEvaluator(viewportTestCases, mediaQueryEvaluator);
data.mediaType = MediaTypeNames::print;
mediaValues = MediaValuesCached::create(data);
MediaQueryEvaluator printMediaQueryEvaluator(*mediaValues);
testMQEvaluator(printTestCases, printMediaQueryEvaluator);
TEST(MediaQueryEvaluatorTest, Dynamic)
OwnPtr<DummyPageHolder> pageHolder = DummyPageHolder::create(IntSize(500, 500));
MediaQueryEvaluator mediaQueryEvaluator(&pageHolder->frame());
testMQEvaluator(viewportTestCases, mediaQueryEvaluator);
testMQEvaluator(printTestCases, mediaQueryEvaluator);
TEST(MediaQueryEvaluatorTest, DynamicNoView)
OwnPtr<DummyPageHolder> pageHolder = DummyPageHolder::create(IntSize(500, 500));
RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<LocalFrame> frame = &pageHolder->frame();
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, frame->view());
MediaQueryEvaluator mediaQueryEvaluator(frame.get());
RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<MediaQuerySet> querySet = MediaQuerySet::create("foobar");
} // namespace