blob: 450e3f47be001eed80484304ca563ad2f707fcb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/paint/BoxBorderPainter.h"
#include "core/paint/BoxPainter.h"
#include "core/paint/PaintInfo.h"
#include "core/style/BorderEdge.h"
#include "platform/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
#include "platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.h"
#include "platform/graphics/GraphicsContextStateSaver.h"
#include "wtf/Vector.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace blink {
namespace {
enum BorderEdgeFlag {
TopBorderEdge = 1 << BSTop,
RightBorderEdge = 1 << BSRight,
BottomBorderEdge = 1 << BSBottom,
LeftBorderEdge = 1 << BSLeft,
AllBorderEdges = TopBorderEdge | BottomBorderEdge | LeftBorderEdge | RightBorderEdge
inline BorderEdgeFlag edgeFlagForSide(BoxSide side)
return static_cast<BorderEdgeFlag>(1 << side);
inline bool includesEdge(BorderEdgeFlags flags, BoxSide side)
return flags & edgeFlagForSide(side);
inline bool includesAdjacentEdges(BorderEdgeFlags flags)
// The set includes adjacent edges iff it contains at least one horizontal and one vertical edge.
return (flags & (TopBorderEdge | BottomBorderEdge))
&& (flags & (LeftBorderEdge | RightBorderEdge));
inline bool styleRequiresClipPolygon(EBorderStyle style)
// These are drawn with a stroke, so we have to clip to get corner miters.
return style == DOTTED || style == DASHED;
inline bool borderStyleFillsBorderArea(EBorderStyle style)
return !(style == DOTTED || style == DASHED || style == DOUBLE);
inline bool borderStyleHasInnerDetail(EBorderStyle style)
return style == GROOVE || style == RIDGE || style == DOUBLE;
inline bool borderStyleIsDottedOrDashed(EBorderStyle style)
return style == DOTTED || style == DASHED;
// OUTSET darkens the bottom and right (and maybe lightens the top and left)
// INSET darkens the top and left (and maybe lightens the bottom and right)
inline bool borderStyleHasUnmatchedColorsAtCorner(EBorderStyle style, BoxSide side, BoxSide adjacentSide)
// These styles match at the top/left and bottom/right.
if (style == INSET || style == GROOVE || style == RIDGE || style == OUTSET) {
const BorderEdgeFlags topRightFlags = edgeFlagForSide(BSTop) | edgeFlagForSide(BSRight);
const BorderEdgeFlags bottomLeftFlags = edgeFlagForSide(BSBottom) | edgeFlagForSide(BSLeft);
BorderEdgeFlags flags = edgeFlagForSide(side) | edgeFlagForSide(adjacentSide);
return flags == topRightFlags || flags == bottomLeftFlags;
return false;
inline bool colorsMatchAtCorner(BoxSide side, BoxSide adjacentSide, const BorderEdge edges[])
if (!edges[adjacentSide].shouldRender())
return false;
if (!edges[side].sharesColorWith(edges[adjacentSide]))
return false;
return !borderStyleHasUnmatchedColorsAtCorner(edges[side].borderStyle(), side, adjacentSide);
inline bool borderWillArcInnerEdge(const FloatSize& firstRadius, const FloatSize& secondRadius)
return !firstRadius.isZero() || !secondRadius.isZero();
inline bool willOverdraw(BoxSide side, EBorderStyle style, BorderEdgeFlags completedEdges)
// If we're done with this side, it will obviously not overdraw any portion of the current edge.
if (includesEdge(completedEdges, side))
return false;
// The side is still to be drawn. It overdraws the current edge iff it has a solid fill style.
return borderStyleFillsBorderArea(style);
inline bool borderStylesRequireMiter(BoxSide side, BoxSide adjacentSide, EBorderStyle style, EBorderStyle adjacentStyle)
if (style == DOUBLE || adjacentStyle == DOUBLE || adjacentStyle == GROOVE || adjacentStyle == RIDGE)
return true;
if (borderStyleIsDottedOrDashed(style) != borderStyleIsDottedOrDashed(adjacentStyle))
return true;
if (style != adjacentStyle)
return true;
return borderStyleHasUnmatchedColorsAtCorner(style, side, adjacentSide);
FloatRect calculateSideRect(const FloatRoundedRect& outerBorder, const BorderEdge& edge, int side)
FloatRect sideRect = outerBorder.rect();
int width = edge.width;
if (side == BSTop)
else if (side == BSBottom)
sideRect.shiftYEdgeTo(sideRect.maxY() - width);
else if (side == BSLeft)
sideRect.shiftXEdgeTo(sideRect.maxX() - width);
return sideRect;
FloatRect calculateSideRectIncludingInner(const FloatRoundedRect& outerBorder, const BorderEdge edges[], BoxSide side)
FloatRect sideRect = outerBorder.rect();
int width;
switch (side) {
case BSTop:
width = sideRect.height() - edges[BSBottom].width;
case BSBottom:
width = sideRect.height() - edges[BSTop].width;
sideRect.shiftYEdgeTo(sideRect.maxY() - width);
case BSLeft:
width = sideRect.width() - edges[BSRight].width;
case BSRight:
width = sideRect.width() - edges[BSLeft].width;
sideRect.shiftXEdgeTo(sideRect.maxX() - width);
return sideRect;
FloatRoundedRect calculateAdjustedInnerBorder(const FloatRoundedRect& innerBorder, BoxSide side)
// Expand the inner border as necessary to make it a rounded rect (i.e. radii contained within each edge).
// This function relies on the fact we only get radii not contained within each edge if one of the radii
// for an edge is zero, so we can shift the arc towards the zero radius corner.
FloatRoundedRect::Radii newRadii = innerBorder.radii();
FloatRect newRect = innerBorder.rect();
float overshoot;
float maxRadii;
switch (side) {
case BSTop:
overshoot = newRadii.topLeft().width() + newRadii.topRight().width() - newRect.width();
// FIXME: once we start pixel-snapping rounded rects after this point, the overshoot concept
// should disappear.
if (overshoot > 0.1) {
newRect.setWidth(newRect.width() + overshoot);
if (!newRadii.topLeft().width())
newRect.move(-overshoot, 0);
newRadii.setBottomLeft(IntSize(0, 0));
newRadii.setBottomRight(IntSize(0, 0));
maxRadii = std::max(newRadii.topLeft().height(), newRadii.topRight().height());
if (maxRadii > newRect.height())
case BSBottom:
overshoot = newRadii.bottomLeft().width() + newRadii.bottomRight().width() - newRect.width();
if (overshoot > 0.1) {
newRect.setWidth(newRect.width() + overshoot);
if (!newRadii.bottomLeft().width())
newRect.move(-overshoot, 0);
newRadii.setTopLeft(IntSize(0, 0));
newRadii.setTopRight(IntSize(0, 0));
maxRadii = std::max(newRadii.bottomLeft().height(), newRadii.bottomRight().height());
if (maxRadii > newRect.height()) {
newRect.move(0, newRect.height() - maxRadii);
case BSLeft:
overshoot = newRadii.topLeft().height() + newRadii.bottomLeft().height() - newRect.height();
if (overshoot > 0.1) {
newRect.setHeight(newRect.height() + overshoot);
if (!newRadii.topLeft().height())
newRect.move(0, -overshoot);
newRadii.setTopRight(IntSize(0, 0));
newRadii.setBottomRight(IntSize(0, 0));
maxRadii = std::max(newRadii.topLeft().width(), newRadii.bottomLeft().width());
if (maxRadii > newRect.width())
case BSRight:
overshoot = newRadii.topRight().height() + newRadii.bottomRight().height() - newRect.height();
if (overshoot > 0.1) {
newRect.setHeight(newRect.height() + overshoot);
if (!newRadii.topRight().height())
newRect.move(0, -overshoot);
newRadii.setTopLeft(IntSize(0, 0));
newRadii.setBottomLeft(IntSize(0, 0));
maxRadii = std::max(newRadii.topRight().width(), newRadii.bottomRight().width());
if (maxRadii > newRect.width()) {
newRect.move(newRect.width() - maxRadii, 0);
return FloatRoundedRect(newRect, newRadii);
LayoutRectOutsets doubleStripeInsets(const BorderEdge edges[], BorderEdge::DoubleBorderStripe stripe)
// Insets are representes as negative outsets.
return LayoutRectOutsets(
void drawSolidBorderRect(GraphicsContext* context, const FloatRect& borderRect,
float borderWidth, const Color& color)
FloatRect strokeRect(borderRect);
strokeRect.inflate(-borderWidth / 2);
bool wasAntialias = context->shouldAntialias();
if (!wasAntialias)
context->strokeRect(strokeRect, borderWidth);
if (!wasAntialias)
void drawBleedAdjustedDRRect(GraphicsContext* context, BackgroundBleedAvoidance bleedAvoidance,
const FloatRoundedRect& outer, const FloatRoundedRect& inner, Color color)
switch (bleedAvoidance) {
case BackgroundBleedClipLayer: {
// BackgroundBleedClipLayer clips the outer rrect for the whole layer. Based on this,
// we can avoid background bleeding by filling the *outside* of inner rrect, all the
// way to the layer bounds (enclosing int rect for the clip, in device space).
SkPath path;
SkPaint paint;
context->drawPath(path, paint);
case BackgroundBleedClipOnly:
if (outer.isRounded()) {
// BackgroundBleedClipOnly clips the outer rrect corners for us.
FloatRoundedRect adjustedOuter = outer;
context->fillDRRect(adjustedOuter, inner, color);
// fall through
context->fillDRRect(outer, inner, color);
bool bleedAvoidanceIsClipping(BackgroundBleedAvoidance bleedAvoidance)
return bleedAvoidance == BackgroundBleedClipOnly || bleedAvoidance == BackgroundBleedClipLayer;
// The LUTs below assume specific enum values.
static_assert(BNONE == 0, "unexpected EBorderStyle value");
static_assert(BHIDDEN == 1, "unexpected EBorderStyle value");
static_assert(INSET == 2, "unexpected EBorderStyle value");
static_assert(GROOVE == 3, "unexpected EBorderStyle value");
static_assert(OUTSET == 4, "unexpected EBorderStyle value");
static_assert(RIDGE == 5, "unexpected EBorderStyle value");
static_assert(DOTTED == 6, "unexpected EBorderStyle value");
static_assert(DASHED == 7, "unexpected EBorderStyle value");
static_assert(SOLID == 8, "unexpected EBorderStyle value");
static_assert(DOUBLE == 9, "unexpected EBorderStyle value");
static_assert(BSTop == 0, "unexpected BoxSide value");
static_assert(BSRight == 1, "unexpected BoxSide value");
static_assert(BSBottom == 2, "unexpected BoxSide value");
static_assert(BSLeft == 3, "unexpected BoxSide value");
// Style-based paint order: non-solid edges (dashed/dotted/double) are painted before
// solid edges (inset/outset/groove/ridge/solid) to maximize overdraw opportunities.
const unsigned kStylePriority[] = {
0 /* BNONE */,
0 /* BHIDDEN */,
2 /* INSET */,
2 /* GROOVE */,
2 /* OUTSET */,
2 /* RIDGE */,
1 /* DOTTED */,
1 /* DASHED */,
3 /* SOLID */,
1 /* DOUBLE */
// Given the same style, prefer drawing in non-adjacent order to minimize the number of sides
// which require miters.
const unsigned kSidePriority[] = {
0, /* BSTop */
2, /* BSRight */
1, /* BSBottom */
3, /* BSLeft */
// Edges sharing the same opacity. Stores both a side list and an edge bitfield to support
// constant time iteration + membership tests.
struct OpacityGroup {
OpacityGroup(unsigned alpha) : edgeFlags(0), alpha(alpha) { }
Vector<BoxSide, 4> sides;
BorderEdgeFlags edgeFlags;
unsigned alpha;
} // anonymous namespace
// Holds edges grouped by opacity and sorted in paint order.
struct BoxBorderPainter::ComplexBorderInfo {
ComplexBorderInfo(const BoxBorderPainter& borderPainter, bool antiAlias)
: antiAlias(antiAlias)
Vector<BoxSide, 4> sortedSides;
// First, collect all visible sides.
for (unsigned i = borderPainter.m_firstVisibleEdge; i < 4; ++i) {
BoxSide side = static_cast<BoxSide>(i);
if (includesEdge(borderPainter.m_visibleEdgeSet, side))
// Then sort them in paint order, based on three (prioritized) criteria: alpha, style, side.
std::sort(sortedSides.begin(), sortedSides.end(),
[&borderPainter] (BoxSide a, BoxSide b) -> bool {
const BorderEdge& edgeA = borderPainter.m_edges[a];
const BorderEdge& edgeB = borderPainter.m_edges[b];
const unsigned alphaA = edgeA.color.alpha();
const unsigned alphaB = edgeB.color.alpha();
if (alphaA != alphaB)
return alphaA < alphaB;
const unsigned stylePriorityA = kStylePriority[edgeA.borderStyle()];
const unsigned stylePriorityB = kStylePriority[edgeB.borderStyle()];
if (stylePriorityA != stylePriorityB)
return stylePriorityA < stylePriorityB;
return kSidePriority[a] < kSidePriority[b];
// Finally, build the opacity group structures.
buildOpacityGroups(borderPainter, sortedSides);
if (borderPainter.m_isRounded)
Vector<OpacityGroup, 4> opacityGroups;
// Potentially used when drawing rounded borders.
Path roundedBorderPath;
bool antiAlias;
void buildOpacityGroups(const BoxBorderPainter& borderPainter,
const Vector<BoxSide, 4>& sortedSides)
unsigned currentAlpha = 0;
for (BoxSide side : sortedSides) {
const BorderEdge& edge = borderPainter.m_edges[side];
const unsigned edgeAlpha = edge.color.alpha();
ASSERT(edgeAlpha > 0);
ASSERT(edgeAlpha >= currentAlpha);
if (edgeAlpha != currentAlpha) {
currentAlpha = edgeAlpha;
OpacityGroup& currentGroup = opacityGroups.last();
currentGroup.edgeFlags |= edgeFlagForSide(side);
void BoxBorderPainter::drawDoubleBorder(GraphicsContext* context, const LayoutRect& borderRect) const
ASSERT(firstEdge().borderStyle() == DOUBLE);
ASSERT(m_visibleEdgeSet == AllBorderEdges);
const Color color = firstEdge().color;
// outer stripe
const LayoutRectOutsets outerThirdInsets =
doubleStripeInsets(m_edges, BorderEdge::DoubleBorderStripeOuter);
const FloatRoundedRect outerThirdRect = m_style.getRoundedInnerBorderFor(borderRect,
outerThirdInsets, m_includeLogicalLeftEdge, m_includeLogicalRightEdge);
drawBleedAdjustedDRRect(context, m_bleedAvoidance, m_outer, outerThirdRect, color);
// inner stripe
const LayoutRectOutsets innerThirdInsets =
doubleStripeInsets(m_edges, BorderEdge::DoubleBorderStripeInner);
const FloatRoundedRect innerThirdRect = m_style.getRoundedInnerBorderFor(borderRect,
innerThirdInsets, m_includeLogicalLeftEdge, m_includeLogicalRightEdge);
context->fillDRRect(innerThirdRect, m_inner, color);
bool BoxBorderPainter::paintBorderFastPath(GraphicsContext* context, const LayoutRect& borderRect) const
if (!m_isUniformColor || !m_isUniformStyle || !m_inner.isRenderable())
return false;
if (firstEdge().borderStyle() != SOLID && firstEdge().borderStyle() != DOUBLE)
return false;
if (m_visibleEdgeSet == AllBorderEdges) {
if (firstEdge().borderStyle() == SOLID) {
if (m_isUniformWidth && !m_outer.isRounded()) {
// 4-side, solid, uniform-width, rectangular border => one drawRect()
drawSolidBorderRect(context, m_outer.rect(), firstEdge().width, firstEdge().color);
} else {
// 4-side, solid border => one drawDRRect()
drawBleedAdjustedDRRect(context, m_bleedAvoidance, m_outer, m_inner, firstEdge().color);
} else {
// 4-side, double border => 2x drawDRRect()
ASSERT(firstEdge().borderStyle() == DOUBLE);
drawDoubleBorder(context, borderRect);
return true;
// This is faster than the normal complex border path only if it avoids creating transparency
// layers (when the border is translucent).
if (firstEdge().borderStyle() == SOLID && !m_outer.isRounded() && m_hasAlpha) {
ASSERT(m_visibleEdgeSet != AllBorderEdges);
// solid, rectangular border => one drawPath()
Path path;
for (int i = BSTop; i <= BSLeft; ++i) {
const BorderEdge& currEdge = m_edges[i];
if (currEdge.shouldRender())
path.addRect(calculateSideRect(m_outer, currEdge, i));
return true;
return false;
BoxBorderPainter::BoxBorderPainter(const LayoutRect& borderRect, const ComputedStyle& style,
const IntRect& clipRect, BackgroundBleedAvoidance bleedAvoidance, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge,
bool includeLogicalRightEdge)
: m_style(style)
, m_bleedAvoidance(bleedAvoidance)
, m_includeLogicalLeftEdge(includeLogicalLeftEdge)
, m_includeLogicalRightEdge(includeLogicalRightEdge)
, m_visibleEdgeCount(0)
, m_firstVisibleEdge(0)
, m_visibleEdgeSet(0)
, m_isUniformStyle(true)
, m_isUniformWidth(true)
, m_isUniformColor(true)
, m_isRounded(false)
, m_hasAlpha(false)
style.getBorderEdgeInfo(m_edges, includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge);
// No need to compute the rrects if we don't have any borders to draw.
if (!m_visibleEdgeSet)
m_outer = m_style.getRoundedBorderFor(borderRect, includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge);
m_inner = m_style.getRoundedInnerBorderFor(borderRect, includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge);
// If no corner intersects the clip region, we can pretend the outer border is
// rectangular to improve performance.
// FIXME: why is this predicated on uniform style & solid edges?
if (m_isUniformStyle
&& firstEdge().borderStyle() == SOLID
&& m_outer.isRounded()
&& BoxPainter::allCornersClippedOut(m_outer, clipRect))
m_isRounded = m_outer.isRounded();
BoxBorderPainter::BoxBorderPainter(const ComputedStyle& style, const LayoutRect& outer,
const LayoutRect& inner, const BorderEdge& uniformEdgeInfo)
: m_style(style)
, m_bleedAvoidance(BackgroundBleedNone)
, m_includeLogicalLeftEdge(true)
, m_includeLogicalRightEdge(true)
, m_outer(outer)
, m_inner(inner)
, m_visibleEdgeCount(0)
, m_firstVisibleEdge(0)
, m_visibleEdgeSet(0)
, m_isUniformStyle(true)
, m_isUniformWidth(true)
, m_isUniformColor(true)
, m_isRounded(false)
, m_hasAlpha(false)
for (auto& edge : m_edges)
edge = uniformEdgeInfo;
void BoxBorderPainter::computeBorderProperties()
for (unsigned i = 0; i < WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(m_edges); ++i) {
const BorderEdge& edge = m_edges[i];
if (!edge.shouldRender()) {
if (edge.presentButInvisible()) {
m_isUniformWidth = false;
m_isUniformColor = false;
ASSERT(edge.color.alpha() > 0);
m_visibleEdgeSet |= edgeFlagForSide(static_cast<BoxSide>(i));
m_hasAlpha |= edge.color.hasAlpha();
if (m_visibleEdgeCount == 1) {
m_firstVisibleEdge = i;
m_isUniformStyle &= edge.borderStyle() == m_edges[m_firstVisibleEdge].borderStyle();
m_isUniformWidth &= edge.width == m_edges[m_firstVisibleEdge].width;
m_isUniformColor &= edge.color == m_edges[m_firstVisibleEdge].color;
void BoxBorderPainter::paintBorder(const PaintInfo& info, const LayoutRect& rect) const
if (!m_visibleEdgeCount || m_outer.rect().isEmpty())
GraphicsContext* graphicsContext = info.context;
if (paintBorderFastPath(graphicsContext, rect))
bool clipToOuterBorder = m_outer.isRounded();
GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*graphicsContext, clipToOuterBorder);
if (clipToOuterBorder) {
// For BackgroundBleedClip{Only,Layer}, the outer rrect clip is already applied.
if (!bleedAvoidanceIsClipping(m_bleedAvoidance))
if (m_inner.isRenderable() && !m_inner.isEmpty())
bool antialias =
|| m_visibleEdgeCount == 1
|| BoxPainter::shouldAntialiasLines(graphicsContext);
const ComplexBorderInfo borderInfo(*this, antialias);
paintOpacityGroup(graphicsContext, borderInfo, 0, 1);
// In order to maximize the use of overdraw as a corner seam avoidance technique, we draw
// translucent border sides using the following algorithm:
// 1) cluster sides sharing the same opacity into "opacity groups" [ComplexBorderInfo]
// 2) sort groups in increasing opacity order [ComplexBorderInfo]
// 3) reverse-iterate over groups (decreasing opacity order), pushing nested transparency
// layers with adjusted/relative opacity [paintOpacityGroup]
// 4) iterate over groups (increasing opacity order), painting actual group contents and
// then ending their corresponding transparency layer [paintOpacityGroup]
// Layers are created in decreasing opacity order (top -> bottom), while actual border sides are
// drawn in increasing opacity order (bottom -> top). At each level, opacity is adjusted to acount
// for accumulated/ancestor layer alpha. Because opacity is applied via layers, the actual draw
// paint is opaque.
// As an example, let's consider a border with the following sides/opacities:
// top: 1.0
// right: 0.25
// bottom: 0.5
// left: 0.25
// These are grouped and sorted in ComplexBorderInfo as follows:
// group[0]: { alpha: 1.0, sides: top }
// group[1]: { alpha: 0.5, sides: bottom }
// group[2]: { alpha: 0.25, sides: right, left }
// Applying the algorithm yields the following paint sequence:
// // no layer needed for group 0 (alpha == 1)
// beginLayer(0.5) // layer for group 1
// beginLayer(0.5) // layer for group 2 (effective opacity: 0.5 * 0.5 == 0.25)
// paintSides(right, left) // paint group 2
// endLayer
// paintSides(bottom) // paint group 1
// endLayer
// paintSides(top) // paint group 0
// Note that we're always drawing using opaque paints on top of less-opaque content - hence
// we can use overdraw to mask portions of the previous sides.
BorderEdgeFlags BoxBorderPainter::paintOpacityGroup(GraphicsContext* context,
const ComplexBorderInfo& borderInfo, unsigned index, float effectiveOpacity) const
ASSERT(effectiveOpacity > 0 && effectiveOpacity <= 1);
const size_t opacityGroupCount = borderInfo.opacityGroups.size();
// For overdraw logic purposes, treat missing/transparent edges as completed.
if (index >= opacityGroupCount)
return ~m_visibleEdgeSet;
// Groups are sorted in increasing opacity order, but we need to create layers in
// decreasing opacity order - hence the reverse iteration.
const OpacityGroup& group = borderInfo.opacityGroups[opacityGroupCount - index - 1];
// Adjust this group's paint opacity to account for ancestor transparency layers
// (needed in case we avoid creating a layer below).
unsigned paintAlpha = group.alpha / effectiveOpacity;
ASSERT(paintAlpha <= 255);
// For the last (bottom) group, we can skip the layer even in the presence of opacity iff
// it contains no adjecent edges (no in-group overdraw possibility).
bool needsLayer = group.alpha != 255
&& (includesAdjacentEdges(group.edgeFlags) || (index + 1 < borderInfo.opacityGroups.size()));
if (needsLayer) {
const float groupOpacity = static_cast<float>(group.alpha) / 255;
ASSERT(groupOpacity < effectiveOpacity);
context->beginLayer(groupOpacity / effectiveOpacity);
effectiveOpacity = groupOpacity;
// Group opacity is applied via a layer => we draw the members using opaque paint.
paintAlpha = 255;
// Recursion may seem unpalatable here, but
// a) it has an upper bound of 4
// b) only triggers at all when mixing border sides with different opacities
// c) it allows us to express the layer nesting algorithm more naturally
BorderEdgeFlags completedEdges = paintOpacityGroup(context, borderInfo, index + 1, effectiveOpacity);
// Paint the actual group edges with an alpha adjusted to account for ancenstor layers opacity.
for (BoxSide side : group.sides) {
paintSide(context, borderInfo, side, paintAlpha, completedEdges);
completedEdges |= edgeFlagForSide(side);
if (needsLayer)
return completedEdges;
void BoxBorderPainter::paintSide(GraphicsContext* context, const ComplexBorderInfo& borderInfo,
BoxSide side, unsigned alpha, BorderEdgeFlags completedEdges) const
const BorderEdge& edge = m_edges[side];
const Color color(,,, alpha);
FloatRect sideRect = m_outer.rect();
const Path* path = nullptr;
// TODO(fmalita): find a way to consolidate these without sacrificing readability.
switch (side) {
case BSTop: {
bool usePath = m_isRounded && (borderStyleHasInnerDetail(edge.borderStyle())
|| borderWillArcInnerEdge(m_inner.radii().topLeft(), m_inner.radii().topRight()));
if (usePath)
path = &borderInfo.roundedBorderPath;
paintOneBorderSide(context, sideRect, BSTop, BSLeft, BSRight, path, borderInfo.antiAlias,
color, completedEdges);
case BSBottom: {
bool usePath = m_isRounded && (borderStyleHasInnerDetail(edge.borderStyle())
|| borderWillArcInnerEdge(m_inner.radii().bottomLeft(), m_inner.radii().bottomRight()));
if (usePath)
path = &borderInfo.roundedBorderPath;
sideRect.shiftYEdgeTo(sideRect.maxY() - edge.width);
paintOneBorderSide(context, sideRect, BSBottom, BSLeft, BSRight, path, borderInfo.antiAlias,
color, completedEdges);
case BSLeft: {
bool usePath = m_isRounded && (borderStyleHasInnerDetail(edge.borderStyle())
|| borderWillArcInnerEdge(m_inner.radii().bottomLeft(), m_inner.radii().topLeft()));
if (usePath)
path = &borderInfo.roundedBorderPath;
paintOneBorderSide(context, sideRect, BSLeft, BSTop, BSBottom, path, borderInfo.antiAlias,
color, completedEdges);
case BSRight: {
bool usePath = m_isRounded && (borderStyleHasInnerDetail(edge.borderStyle())
|| borderWillArcInnerEdge(m_inner.radii().bottomRight(), m_inner.radii().topRight()));
if (usePath)
path = &borderInfo.roundedBorderPath;
sideRect.shiftXEdgeTo(sideRect.maxX() - edge.width);
paintOneBorderSide(context, sideRect, BSRight, BSTop, BSBottom, path, borderInfo.antiAlias,
color, completedEdges);
BoxBorderPainter::MiterType BoxBorderPainter::computeMiter(BoxSide side, BoxSide adjacentSide,
BorderEdgeFlags completedEdges, bool antialias) const
const BorderEdge& adjacentEdge = m_edges[adjacentSide];
// No miters for missing edges.
if (!adjacentEdge.isPresent)
return NoMiter;
// The adjacent edge will overdraw this corner, resulting in a correct miter.
if (willOverdraw(adjacentSide, adjacentEdge.borderStyle(), completedEdges))
return NoMiter;
// Color transitions require miters. Use miters compatible with the AA drawing mode to avoid
// introducing extra clips.
if (!colorsMatchAtCorner(side, adjacentSide, m_edges))
return antialias ? SoftMiter : HardMiter;
// Non-anti-aliased miters ensure correct same-color seaming when required by style.
if (borderStylesRequireMiter(side, adjacentSide, m_edges[side].borderStyle(), adjacentEdge.borderStyle()))
return HardMiter;
// Overdraw the adjacent edge when the colors match and we have no style restrictions.
return NoMiter;
bool BoxBorderPainter::mitersRequireClipping(MiterType miter1, MiterType miter2, EBorderStyle style,
bool antialias)
// Clipping is required if any of the present miters doesn't match the current AA mode.
bool shouldClip = antialias
? miter1 == HardMiter || miter2 == HardMiter
: miter1 == SoftMiter || miter2 == SoftMiter;
// Some styles require clipping for any type of miter.
shouldClip = shouldClip
|| ((miter1 != NoMiter || miter2 != NoMiter) && styleRequiresClipPolygon(style));
return shouldClip;
void BoxBorderPainter::paintOneBorderSide(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext,
const FloatRect& sideRect, BoxSide side, BoxSide adjacentSide1, BoxSide adjacentSide2,
const Path* path, bool antialias, Color color, BorderEdgeFlags completedEdges) const
const BorderEdge& edgeToRender = m_edges[side];
const BorderEdge& adjacentEdge1 = m_edges[adjacentSide1];
const BorderEdge& adjacentEdge2 = m_edges[adjacentSide2];
if (path) {
MiterType miter1 = colorsMatchAtCorner(side, adjacentSide1, m_edges) ? HardMiter : SoftMiter;
MiterType miter2 = colorsMatchAtCorner(side, adjacentSide2, m_edges) ? HardMiter : SoftMiter;
GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*graphicsContext);
if (m_inner.isRenderable())
clipBorderSidePolygon(graphicsContext, side, miter1, miter2);
clipBorderSideForComplexInnerPath(graphicsContext, side);
float thickness = std::max(std::max(edgeToRender.width, adjacentEdge1.width), adjacentEdge2.width);
drawBoxSideFromPath(graphicsContext, LayoutRect(m_outer.rect()), *path, edgeToRender.width,
thickness, side, color, edgeToRender.borderStyle());
} else {
MiterType miter1 = computeMiter(side, adjacentSide1, completedEdges, antialias);
MiterType miter2 = computeMiter(side, adjacentSide2, completedEdges, antialias);
bool shouldClip = mitersRequireClipping(miter1, miter2, edgeToRender.borderStyle(), antialias);
GraphicsContextStateSaver clipStateSaver(*graphicsContext, shouldClip);
if (shouldClip) {
clipBorderSidePolygon(graphicsContext, side, miter1, miter2);
// Miters are applied via clipping, no need to draw them.
miter1 = miter2 = NoMiter;
ObjectPainter::drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, sideRect.x(), sideRect.y(),
sideRect.maxX(), sideRect.maxY(), side, color, edgeToRender.borderStyle(),
miter1 != NoMiter ? adjacentEdge1.width : 0, miter2 != NoMiter ? adjacentEdge2.width : 0,
void BoxBorderPainter::drawBoxSideFromPath(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext,
const LayoutRect& borderRect, const Path& borderPath, float thickness, float drawThickness,
BoxSide side, Color color, EBorderStyle borderStyle) const
if (thickness <= 0)
if (borderStyle == DOUBLE && thickness < 3)
borderStyle = SOLID;
switch (borderStyle) {
case BNONE:
case DOTTED:
case DASHED: {
// The stroke is doubled here because the provided path is the
// outside edge of the border so half the stroke is clipped off.
// The extra multiplier is so that the clipping mask can antialias
// the edges to prevent jaggies.
graphicsContext->setStrokeThickness(drawThickness * 2 * 1.1f);
graphicsContext->setStrokeStyle(borderStyle == DASHED ? DashedStroke : DottedStroke);
// If the number of dashes that fit in the path is odd and non-integral then we
// will have an awkwardly-sized dash at the end of the path. To try to avoid that
// here, we simply make the whitespace dashes ever so slightly bigger.
// FIXME: This could be even better if we tried to manipulate the dash offset
// and possibly the gapLength to get the corners dash-symmetrical.
float dashLength = thickness * ((borderStyle == DASHED) ? 3.0f : 1.0f);
float gapLength = dashLength;
float numberOfDashes = borderPath.length() / dashLength;
// Don't try to show dashes if we have less than 2 dashes + 2 gaps.
// FIXME: should do this test per side.
if (numberOfDashes >= 4) {
bool evenNumberOfFullDashes = !((int)numberOfDashes % 2);
bool integralNumberOfDashes = !(numberOfDashes - (int)numberOfDashes);
if (!evenNumberOfFullDashes && !integralNumberOfDashes) {
float numberOfGaps = numberOfDashes / 2;
gapLength += (dashLength / numberOfGaps);
DashArray lineDash;
graphicsContext->setLineDash(lineDash, dashLength);
// FIXME: stroking the border path causes issues with tight corners:
// Also, to get the best appearance we should stroke a path between the two borders.
case DOUBLE: {
// Draw inner border line
GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*graphicsContext);
const LayoutRectOutsets innerInsets = doubleStripeInsets(m_edges, BorderEdge::DoubleBorderStripeInner);
FloatRoundedRect innerClip = m_style.getRoundedInnerBorderFor(borderRect, innerInsets,
m_includeLogicalLeftEdge, m_includeLogicalRightEdge);
drawBoxSideFromPath(graphicsContext, borderRect, borderPath, thickness, drawThickness,
side, color, SOLID);
// Draw outer border line
GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*graphicsContext);
LayoutRect outerRect = borderRect;
LayoutRectOutsets outerInsets = doubleStripeInsets(m_edges, BorderEdge::DoubleBorderStripeOuter);
if (bleedAvoidanceIsClipping(m_bleedAvoidance)) {
outerInsets.setTop( - 1);
outerInsets.setRight(outerInsets.right() - 1);
outerInsets.setBottom(outerInsets.bottom() - 1);
outerInsets.setLeft(outerInsets.left() - 1);
FloatRoundedRect outerClip = m_style.getRoundedInnerBorderFor(outerRect, outerInsets,
m_includeLogicalLeftEdge, m_includeLogicalRightEdge);
drawBoxSideFromPath(graphicsContext, borderRect, borderPath, thickness, drawThickness,
side, color, SOLID);
case RIDGE:
case GROOVE:
EBorderStyle s1;
EBorderStyle s2;
if (borderStyle == GROOVE) {
s1 = INSET;
s2 = OUTSET;
} else {
s1 = OUTSET;
s2 = INSET;
// Paint full border
drawBoxSideFromPath(graphicsContext, borderRect, borderPath, thickness, drawThickness,
side, color, s1);
// Paint inner only
GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*graphicsContext);
LayoutUnit topWidth = m_edges[BSTop].usedWidth() / 2;
LayoutUnit bottomWidth = m_edges[BSBottom].usedWidth() / 2;
LayoutUnit leftWidth = m_edges[BSLeft].usedWidth() / 2;
LayoutUnit rightWidth = m_edges[BSRight].usedWidth() / 2;
FloatRoundedRect clipRect = m_style.getRoundedInnerBorderFor(borderRect,
LayoutRectOutsets(-topWidth, -rightWidth, -bottomWidth, -leftWidth),
m_includeLogicalLeftEdge, m_includeLogicalRightEdge);
drawBoxSideFromPath(graphicsContext, borderRect, borderPath, thickness, drawThickness,
side, color, s2);
case INSET:
if (side == BSTop || side == BSLeft)
color = color.dark();
case OUTSET:
if (side == BSBottom || side == BSRight)
color = color.dark();
void BoxBorderPainter::clipBorderSideForComplexInnerPath(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext,
BoxSide side) const
graphicsContext->clip(calculateSideRectIncludingInner(m_outer, m_edges, side));
FloatRoundedRect adjustedInnerRect = calculateAdjustedInnerBorder(m_inner, side);
if (!adjustedInnerRect.isEmpty())
void BoxBorderPainter::clipBorderSidePolygon(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, BoxSide side,
MiterType firstMiter, MiterType secondMiter) const
ASSERT(firstMiter != NoMiter || secondMiter != NoMiter);
FloatPoint quad[4];
const LayoutRect outerRect(m_outer.rect());
const LayoutRect innerRect(m_inner.rect());
// For each side, create a quad that encompasses all parts of that side that may draw,
// including areas inside the innerBorder.
// 0----------------3
// 0 \ / 0
// |\ 1----------- 2 /|
// | 1 1 |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | 2 2 |
// |/ 1------------2 \|
// 3 / \ 3
// 0----------------3
switch (side) {
case BSTop:
quad[0] = FloatPoint(outerRect.minXMinYCorner());
quad[1] = FloatPoint(innerRect.minXMinYCorner());
quad[2] = FloatPoint(innerRect.maxXMinYCorner());
quad[3] = FloatPoint(outerRect.maxXMinYCorner());
if (!m_inner.radii().topLeft().isZero()) {
findIntersection(quad[0], quad[1],
quad[1].x() + m_inner.radii().topLeft().width(),
quad[1].y() + m_inner.radii().topLeft().height()),
if (!m_inner.radii().topRight().isZero()) {
findIntersection(quad[3], quad[2],
quad[2].x() - m_inner.radii().topRight().width(),
quad[2].y() + m_inner.radii().topRight().height()),
case BSLeft:
quad[0] = FloatPoint(outerRect.minXMinYCorner());
quad[1] = FloatPoint(innerRect.minXMinYCorner());
quad[2] = FloatPoint(innerRect.minXMaxYCorner());
quad[3] = FloatPoint(outerRect.minXMaxYCorner());
if (!m_inner.radii().topLeft().isZero()) {
findIntersection(quad[0], quad[1],
quad[1].x() + m_inner.radii().topLeft().width(),
quad[1].y() + m_inner.radii().topLeft().height()),
if (!m_inner.radii().bottomLeft().isZero()) {
findIntersection(quad[3], quad[2],
quad[2].x() + m_inner.radii().bottomLeft().width(),
quad[2].y() - m_inner.radii().bottomLeft().height()),
case BSBottom:
quad[0] = FloatPoint(outerRect.minXMaxYCorner());
quad[1] = FloatPoint(innerRect.minXMaxYCorner());
quad[2] = FloatPoint(innerRect.maxXMaxYCorner());
quad[3] = FloatPoint(outerRect.maxXMaxYCorner());
if (!m_inner.radii().bottomLeft().isZero()) {
findIntersection(quad[0], quad[1],
quad[1].x() + m_inner.radii().bottomLeft().width(),
quad[1].y() - m_inner.radii().bottomLeft().height()),
if (!m_inner.radii().bottomRight().isZero()) {
findIntersection(quad[3], quad[2],
quad[2].x() - m_inner.radii().bottomRight().width(),
quad[2].y() - m_inner.radii().bottomRight().height()),
case BSRight:
quad[0] = FloatPoint(outerRect.maxXMinYCorner());
quad[1] = FloatPoint(innerRect.maxXMinYCorner());
quad[2] = FloatPoint(innerRect.maxXMaxYCorner());
quad[3] = FloatPoint(outerRect.maxXMaxYCorner());
if (!m_inner.radii().topRight().isZero()) {
findIntersection(quad[0], quad[1],
quad[1].x() - m_inner.radii().topRight().width(),
quad[1].y() + m_inner.radii().topRight().height()),
if (!m_inner.radii().bottomRight().isZero()) {
findIntersection(quad[3], quad[2],
quad[2].x() - m_inner.radii().bottomRight().width(),
quad[2].y() - m_inner.radii().bottomRight().height()),
if (firstMiter == secondMiter) {
graphicsContext->clipPolygon(4, quad, firstMiter == SoftMiter);
// If antialiasing settings for the first edge and second edge is different,
// they have to be addressed separately. We do this by breaking the quad into
// two parallelograms, made by moving quad[1] and quad[2].
float ax = quad[1].x() - quad[0].x();
float ay = quad[1].y() - quad[0].y();
float bx = quad[2].x() - quad[1].x();
float by = quad[2].y() - quad[1].y();
float cx = quad[3].x() - quad[2].x();
float cy = quad[3].y() - quad[2].y();
const static float kEpsilon = 1e-2f;
float r1, r2;
if (fabsf(bx) < kEpsilon && fabsf(by) < kEpsilon) {
// The quad was actually a triangle.
r1 = r2 = 1.0f;
} else {
// Extend parallelogram a bit to hide calculation error
const static float kExtendFill = 1e-2f;
r1 = (-ax * by + ay * bx) / (cx * by - cy * bx) + kExtendFill;
r2 = (-cx * by + cy * bx) / (ax * by - ay * bx) + kExtendFill;
if (firstMiter != NoMiter) {
FloatPoint firstQuad[4];
firstQuad[0] = quad[0];
firstQuad[1] = quad[1];
firstQuad[2] = FloatPoint(quad[3].x() + r2 * ax, quad[3].y() + r2 * ay);
firstQuad[3] = quad[3];
graphicsContext->clipPolygon(4, firstQuad, firstMiter == SoftMiter);
if (secondMiter != NoMiter) {
FloatPoint secondQuad[4];
secondQuad[0] = quad[0];
secondQuad[1] = FloatPoint(quad[0].x() - r1 * cx, quad[0].y() - r1 * cy);
secondQuad[2] = quad[2];
secondQuad[3] = quad[3];
graphicsContext->clipPolygon(4, secondQuad, secondMiter == SoftMiter);
} // namespace blink