blob: 31ceee807b1cf3eb1733cdae62c69c64a4bc17f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef WorkerInspectorProxy_h
#define WorkerInspectorProxy_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "public/platform/WebThread.h"
#include "wtf/Forward.h"
namespace blink {
class ExecutionContext;
class KURL;
class WebTraceLocation;
class WorkerGlobalScopeProxy;
class WorkerThread;
// A proxy for talking to the worker inspector on the worker thread.
// All of these methods should be called on the main thread.
class CORE_EXPORT WorkerInspectorProxy final {
static PassOwnPtr<WorkerInspectorProxy> create();
class PageInspector {
virtual ~PageInspector() { }
virtual void dispatchMessageFromWorker(const String&) = 0;
virtual void workerConsoleAgentEnabled(WorkerGlobalScopeProxy*) = 0;
void workerThreadCreated(ExecutionContext*, WorkerThread*, const KURL&);
void workerThreadTerminated();
void connectToInspector(PageInspector*);
void disconnectFromInspector();
void sendMessageToInspector(const String&);
void writeTimelineStartedEvent(const String& sessionId, const String& workerId);
PageInspector* pageInspector() const { return m_pageInspector; }
void setWorkerGlobalScopeProxy(WorkerGlobalScopeProxy* proxy) { m_workerGlobalScopeProxy = proxy; }
WorkerGlobalScopeProxy* workerGlobalScopeProxy() const { return m_workerGlobalScopeProxy; }
void addDebuggerTaskForWorker(const WebTraceLocation&, PassOwnPtr<WebThread::Task>);
WorkerThread* m_workerThread;
ExecutionContext* m_executionContext;
WorkerInspectorProxy::PageInspector* m_pageInspector;
WorkerGlobalScopeProxy* m_workerGlobalScopeProxy;
} // namespace blink
#endif // WorkerInspectorProxy_h