blob: 6df22914952d0e236adbf4bf9db158141f13b8c5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
use_relative_paths = True
git_dependencies = 'SYNC'
gclient_gn_args_file = 'build/config/gclient_args.gni'
gclient_gn_args = [
vars = {
'build_with_chromium': False,
'build_url': '',
'build_revision': '5022840cc65e8b753ed488e1f69fbf602cf197b9',
'buildtools_url': '',
'buildtools_revision': 'efa920ce144e4dc1c1841e73179cd7e23b9f0d5e',
'depot_tools_url': '',
'depot_tools_revision': '09c232e7c0d5670695d1f8f70d05ed1a215e438c',
'inspector_protocol_url': '',
'inspector_protocol_revision': '2915acabcf62efd7257c57bb8a443a7c389c65cb',
'clang_format_url': '',
'clang_format_revision': '3c0acd2d4e73dd911309d9e970ba09d58bf23a62',
'emscripten_tag': 'ade9d780ff17c88d81aa13860361743e3c1e1396',
# GN CIPD package version.
'gn_version': 'git_revision:df98b86690c83b81aedc909ded18857296406159',
'cmake_version': 'version:3.16.1',
'llvm_url': '',
'llvm_revision': 'c08d3b08f6d71e974537de226c68d4c94c396a46',
'lldb_eval_url': '',
'lldb_eval_revision': 'e87123a7e639bf1d86f24c37079570fb7fa00b72',
# ninja CIPD package version.
'ninja_version': 'version:2@1.11.1.chromium.6',
# Chrome version used for tests. It should be regularly updated to
# match the Canary version listed here:
'chrome': '127.0.6493.2',
# 'magic' text to tell depot_tools that git submodules should be accepted but
# but parity with DEPS file is expected.
# Only these hosts are allowed for dependencies in this DEPS file.
# If you need to add a new host, contact chrome infrastracture team.
allowed_hosts = [ '', '' ]
deps = {
'third_party/clang-format/script': {
'url': Var('clang_format_url') + '@' + Var('clang_format_revision'),
'condition': 'build_with_chromium == False',
'third_party/cmake': {
'packages': [{
'package': 'infra/cmake/${{platform}}',
'version': Var('cmake_version')
'condition': 'checkout_cxx_debugging_extension_deps == True',
'extensions/cxx_debugging/third_party/llvm/src': {
'url': Var('llvm_url') + '@' + Var('llvm_revision'),
'condition': 'checkout_cxx_debugging_extension_deps == True',
'extensions/cxx_debugging/third_party/lldb-eval/src': {
'url': Var('lldb_eval_url') + '@' + Var('lldb_eval_revision'),
'condition': 'checkout_cxx_debugging_extension_deps == True',
'buildtools': {
'url': Var('buildtools_url') + '@' + Var('buildtools_revision'),
'condition': 'build_with_chromium == False',
'buildtools/linux64': {
'packages': [
'package': 'gn/gn/linux-${{arch}}',
'version': Var('gn_version'),
'dep_type': 'cipd',
'condition': 'host_os == "linux" and build_with_chromium == False',
'buildtools/mac': {
'packages': [
'package': 'gn/gn/mac-${{arch}}',
'version': Var('gn_version'),
'dep_type': 'cipd',
'condition': 'host_os == "mac" and build_with_chromium == False',
'buildtools/win': {
'packages': [
'package': 'gn/gn/windows-amd64',
'version': Var('gn_version'),
'dep_type': 'cipd',
'condition': 'host_os == "win" and build_with_chromium == False',
'third_party/esbuild': {
'packages': [
'package': 'infra/3pp/tools/esbuild/${{platform}}',
'version': 'version:2@0.14.13.chromium.2',
'dep_type': 'cipd',
'build': {
'url': Var('build_url') + '@' + Var('build_revision'),
'condition': 'build_with_chromium == False',
'third_party/depot_tools': {
'url': Var('depot_tools_url') + '@' + Var('depot_tools_revision'),
'condition': 'build_with_chromium == False',
'third_party/inspector_protocol': {
'url': Var('inspector_protocol_url') + '@' + Var('inspector_protocol_revision'),
'condition': 'build_with_chromium == False',
'third_party/ninja': {
'packages': [
'package': 'infra/3pp/tools/ninja/${{platform}}',
'version': Var('ninja_version'),
'dep_type': 'cipd',
'condition': 'build_with_chromium == False',
hooks = [
# Pull down Node binaries for WebUI toolchain.
'name': 'node_linux64',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'host_os == "linux" and build_with_chromium == False',
'action': [ 'python3',
'--bucket', 'chromium-nodejs/20.11.0',
'-s', 'third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64.tar.gz.sha1',
'name': 'node_mac',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'host_os == "mac" and build_with_chromium == False and host_cpu != "arm64"',
'action': [ 'python3',
'--bucket', 'chromium-nodejs/20.11.0',
'-s', 'third_party/node/mac/node-darwin-x64.tar.gz.sha1',
'name': 'node_mac',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'host_os == "mac" and build_with_chromium == False and host_cpu == "arm64"',
'action': [ 'python3',
'--bucket', 'chromium-nodejs/20.11.0',
'-s', 'third_party/node/mac/node-darwin-arm64.tar.gz.sha1',
'name': 'node_win',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'host_os == "win" and build_with_chromium == False',
'action': [ 'python3',
'--bucket', 'chromium-nodejs/20.11.0',
'-s', 'third_party/node/win/node.exe.sha1',
# Ensure that the DEPS'd "depot_tools" has its self-update capability
# disabled.
'name': 'disable_depot_tools_selfupdate',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'build_with_chromium == False',
'action': [
# Pull Chrome binaries from CfT buckets.
'name': 'download_chrome_win',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'host_os == "win" and build_with_chromium == False',
'action': [ 'python3',
'--url=' + Var('chrome') + '/win64/',
'--version_number=' + Var('chrome'),
'name': 'download_chrome_mac',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'host_os == "mac" and build_with_chromium == False and host_cpu != "arm64"',
'action': [ 'python3',
'--url=' + Var('chrome') + '/mac-x64/',
'--path_to_binary=chrome-mac/Google Chrome for',
'--version_number=' + Var('chrome'),
'name': 'download_chrome_mac',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'host_os == "mac" and build_with_chromium == False and host_cpu == "arm64"',
'action': [ 'python3',
'--url=' + Var('chrome') + '/mac-arm64/',
'--path_to_binary=chrome-mac/Google Chrome for',
'--version_number=' + Var('chrome'),
'name': 'download_chrome_linux',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'host_os == "linux" and build_with_chromium == False',
'action': [ 'python3',
'--url=' + Var('chrome') + '/linux64/',
'--version_number=' + Var('chrome'),
# Update LASTCHANGE for build script timestamps
'name': 'lastchange',
'condition': 'build_with_chromium == False',
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['python3', 'build/util/',
'-o', 'build/util/LASTCHANGE'],
'name': 'emscripten',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'build_with_chromium == False',
'action': ['python3', 'scripts/deps/', Var('emscripten_tag'), 'third_party/emscripten-releases'],
'name': 'VS Code settings',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'build_with_chromium == False',
'action': ['python3', 'third_party/node/', '--output', 'scripts/deps/sync-vscode-settings.js']
recursedeps = [