blob: 5246a0b25457db84f192ba88272d476676e18b93 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as i18nRaw from '../../third_party/i18n/i18n.js';
import * as i18n from './i18n.js';
describe('serializeUIString', () => {
it('serializes strings without placeholders', () => {
const output = i18n.i18n.serializeUIString('foo');
assert.deepEqual(output, JSON.stringify({
string: 'foo',
values: {},
it('serializes strings with placeholder values', () => {
const output = i18n.i18n.serializeUIString('a string', {PH1: 'value1', PH2: 'value2'});
assert.deepEqual(output, JSON.stringify({
string: 'a string',
values: {PH1: 'value1', PH2: 'value2'},
describe('deserializeUIString', () => {
it('returns an empty object for an empty string input', () => {
const output = i18n.i18n.deserializeUIString('');
assert.deepEqual(output, {string: '', values: {}});
it('deserializes correctly for a string with no placeholders', () => {
const output = i18n.i18n.deserializeUIString('{"string":"foo", "values":{}}');
assert.deepEqual(output, {string: 'foo', values: {}});
it('deserializes correctly for a string with placeholders', () => {
const output = i18n.i18n.deserializeUIString('{"string":"foo", "values":{"PH1": "value1"}}');
assert.deepEqual(output, {string: 'foo', values: {PH1: 'value1'}});
describe('serialize/deserialize round-trip', () => {
it('returns a matching input/output', () => {
const inputString = 'a string';
const serializedString = i18n.i18n.serializeUIString(inputString);
const deserializedString = i18n.i18n.deserializeUIString(serializedString);
assert.deepEqual(deserializedString, {
string: inputString,
values: {},
describe('getLocalizedLanguageRegion', () => {
function createMockDevToolsLocale(locale: string): i18n.DevToolsLocale.DevToolsLocale {
return {locale, forceFallbackLocale: () => {}} as i18n.DevToolsLocale.DevToolsLocale;
it('build the correct language/region string', () => {
i18n.i18n.getLocalizedLanguageRegion('de-AT', createMockDevToolsLocale('en-US')),
'German (Austria) - Deutsch (Österreich)');
i18n.i18n.getLocalizedLanguageRegion('de', createMockDevToolsLocale('en-US')), 'German - Deutsch');
i18n.i18n.getLocalizedLanguageRegion('en-US', createMockDevToolsLocale('de')), 'Englisch (USA) - English (US)');
it('uses english for the target locale if the languages match', () => {
i18n.i18n.getLocalizedLanguageRegion('de-AT', createMockDevToolsLocale('de')),
'Deutsch (Österreich) - German (Austria)');
assert.strictEqual(i18n.i18n.getLocalizedLanguageRegion('de', createMockDevToolsLocale('de')), 'Deutsch - German');
describe('getFormatLocalizedString', () => {
let i18nInstance: i18nRaw.I18n.I18n;
beforeEach(() => {
i18nInstance = new i18nRaw.I18n.I18n(['en-US'], 'en-US');
i18nInstance.registerLocaleData('en-US', {}); // Always fall back to UIStrings.
it('returns an HTML element', () => {
const uiStrings = {simple: 'a simple message'};
const registeredStrings = i18nInstance.registerFileStrings('test.ts', uiStrings);
const messageElement = i18n.i18n.getFormatLocalizedString(registeredStrings, uiStrings.simple, {});
assert.instanceOf(messageElement, HTMLElement);
assert.strictEqual(messageElement.innerText, 'a simple message');
it('nests HTML placeholders in the message element', () => {
const uiStrings = {placeholder: 'a message with a {PH1} placeholder'};
const registeredStrings = i18nInstance.registerFileStrings('test.ts', uiStrings);
const placeholder = document.createElement('span');
placeholder.innerText = 'very pretty';
const messageElement =
i18n.i18n.getFormatLocalizedString(registeredStrings, uiStrings.placeholder, {PH1: placeholder});
assert.instanceOf(messageElement, HTMLElement);
assert.strictEqual(messageElement.innerHTML, 'a message with a <span>very pretty</span> placeholder');
it('nests string placeholders in the message element', () => {
const uiStrings = {placeholder: 'a message with a {PH1} placeholder'};
const registeredStrings = i18nInstance.registerFileStrings('test.ts', uiStrings);
const messageElement =
i18n.i18n.getFormatLocalizedString(registeredStrings, uiStrings.placeholder, {PH1: 'somewhat nice'});
assert.instanceOf(messageElement, HTMLElement);
assert.strictEqual(messageElement.innerHTML, 'a message with a somewhat nice placeholder');
describe('fetchAndRegisterLocaleData', () => {
let fetchStub: sinon.SinonStub;
beforeEach(() => {
fetchStub = sinon.stub(window, 'fetch');
fetchStub.returns(Promise.resolve(new window.Response(JSON.stringify({}), {
// Always return an empty JSON object.
status: 200,
headers: {'Content-type': 'application/json'},
afterEach(() => {
const bundled = 'devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools_app.html';
const version = '@ffe848af6a5df4fa127e2929331116b7f9f1cb30';
const remoteOrigin = '';
const remote = `${remoteOrigin}serve_file/${version}/`;
const fullLocation = `${bundled}?remoteBase=${remote}&can_dock=true&dockSide=undocked`;
it('fetches bundled locale files the same way as i18nImpl.ts itself is loaded', async () => {
await i18n.i18n.fetchAndRegisterLocaleData('en-US', fullLocation);
// We can't mock `import.meta.url` from i18nImpl so the Karam host leaks into
// this test. This means we only check the last part of the URL with which `fetch`
// was called.
const actualUrl = fetchStub.args[0][0];
actualUrl.endsWith('gen/front_end/core/i18n/locales/en-US.json'), `Actually called with ${actualUrl}`);
it('fetches non-bundled locale files from the remote service endpoint', async () => {
await i18n.i18n.fetchAndRegisterLocaleData('de', fullLocation);
`Actually called with ${fetchStub.args[0][0]}`);