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<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../resources/js-test.js"></script>
<script src="resources/compatibility.js"></script>
<script src="resources/audio-testing.js"></script>
description('Test if StereoPannerNode producing glitches by crossing zero.');
window.jsTestIsAsync = true;
var audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
var sampleRate = 44100;
// Note that this layout test requires rather large render duration because
// we need enough time to do something useful in the |onstatechange| event
// before rendering finishes.
var renderDuration = 20;
// The threshold for glitch detection. This was experimentally determined.
var GLITCH_THRESHOLD = 0.0005;
// The maximum threshold for the error between the actual and the expected
// sample values. Experimentally determined.
var MAX_ERROR_ALLOWED = 0.0000001;
// Option for |Should| test util. The number of array elements to be printed
// out is arbitrary.
numberOfArrayLog: 2
// Extract a transitional region from the AudioBuffer. If no transition
// found, fail this test.
function extractPanningTransition(input) {
var chanL = input.getChannelData(0);
var chanR = input.getChannelData(1);
var start, end;
var index = 1;
// Find transition by comparing two consecutive samples. If two consecutive
// samples are identical, the transition has not started.
while (chanL[index-1] === chanL[index] || chanR[index-1] === chanR[index]) {
if (++index >= input.length) {
testFailed('No transition found in the channel data.');
return null;
start = index - 1;
// Find the end of transition. If two consecutive samples are not equal,
// the transition is still ongoing.
while (chanL[index-1] !== chanL[index] || chanR[index-1] !== chanR[index]) {
if (++index >= input.length) {
testFailed('A transition found but the buffer ended prematurely.');
return null;
end = index;
testPassed('Transition found. (length = ' + (end - start) + ')');
return {
left: chanL.subarray(start, end),
right: chanR.subarray(start, end),
length: end - start
// JS implementation of stereo equal power panning.
function panStereoEqualPower(pan, inputL, inputR) {
pan = Math.min(1.0, Math.max(-1.0, pan));
var output = [];
var panRadian;
if (!inputR) { // mono case.
panRadian = (pan * 0.5 + 0.5) * Math.PI / 2;
output[0] = inputL * Math.cos(panRadian);
output[1] = inputR * Math.sin(panRadian);
} else { // stereo case.
panRadian = (pan <= 0 ? pan + 1 : pan) * Math.PI / 2;
var gainL = Math.cos(panRadian);
var gainR = Math.sin(panRadian);
if (pan <= 0) {
output[0] = inputL + inputR * gainL;
output[1] = inputR * gainR;
} else {
output[0] = inputL * gainL;
output[1] = inputR + inputL * gainR;
return output;
// Generate the expected result of stereo equal panning. |input| is an
// AudioBuffer to be panned.
function generateStereoEqualPanningResult(input, startPan, endPan, length) {
// Smoothing constant time is 0.05 second.
var smoothingConstant = 1 - Math.exp(-1 / (sampleRate * 0.05));
var inputL = input.getChannelData(0);
var inputR = input.getChannelData(1);
var pan = startPan;
var outputL = [], outputR = [];
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var samples = panStereoEqualPower(pan, inputL[i], inputR[i]);
outputL[i] = samples[0];
outputR[i] = samples[1];
pan += (endPan - pan) * smoothingConstant;
return {
left: outputL,
right: outputR
function panAndVerify(options, done) {
var context = new OfflineAudioContext(2, 44100 * renderDuration, 44100);
var source = context.createBufferSource();
var panner = context.createStereoPanner();
var stereoBuffer = createConstantBuffer(context, 128, [1.0, 1.0]);
source.buffer = stereoBuffer;
source.loop = true;
panner.pan.value = options.startPanValue;
context.onstatechange = function () {
if (context.state === 'running')
panner.pan.value = options.endPanValue;
context.startRendering().then(function (buffer) {
var actual = extractPanningTransition(buffer);
var expected = generateStereoEqualPanningResult(stereoBuffer,
options.startPanValue, options.endPanValue, actual.length);
// |notGlitch| tests are redundant if the actual and expected results
// match and if the expected results themselves don't glitch.
Should('Channel #0', actual.left).notGlitch(GLITCH_THRESHOLD);
Should('Channel #1', actual.right).notGlitch(GLITCH_THRESHOLD);
Should('Channel #0', actual.left, SHOULD_OPTS)
.beCloseToArray(expected.left, MAX_ERROR_ALLOWED);
Should('Channel #1', actual.right, SHOULD_OPTS)
.beCloseToArray(expected.right, MAX_ERROR_ALLOWED);
// Task: move pan from negative (-0.1) to positive (0.1) value to check if
// there is a glitch during the transition. See
audit.defineTask('negative-to-positive', function (done) {
panAndVerify({ startPanValue: -0.1, endPanValue: 0.1 }, done);
// Task: move pan from positive (0.1) to negative (-0.1) value to check if
// there is a glitch during the transition.
audit.defineTask('positive-to-negative', function (done) {
panAndVerify({ startPanValue: 0.1, endPanValue: -0.1 }, done);
audit.defineTask('finish-test', function (done) {
successfullyParsed = true;