
    • /chromium-os
    • Chromium OS page_name: tips-and-tricks-for-chromium-os-developers title: Tips And Tricks for Chromium OS Developers

This document can now be found here:

The content below is a (possibly out-of-date) copy for easier searching.


This page contains tips and tricks for developing on Chromium OS. The free-form content on this page is contributed by developers. Before adding content to this page, consider whether the content might fit better in a different document, such as the Chromium OS Developer Guide or the Chromium OS Developer FAQ:

  • Content that belongs in this document:

    • tips that developers can use to optimize their workflow, but that aren't strictly required
    • instructions to help developers explore/understand the build environment in greater depth
  • Content that does not belong in this document:

    • things that every developer needs to know right away when they start developing (put such information in the Chromium OS Developer Guide)
    • things that only a very small subset of developers need to know (put such information on a page dedicated to that small subset of developers)

Note: The tips on this page generally assume that you've followed the instructions in the Chromium OS Developer Guide to build your image.


How to set up repo bash completion on Ubuntu

Get a copy of repo_bash_completion and copy it to your home directory (e.g., under ~/etc). Then, add the following line to your ~/.bashrc:

[ -f "$HOME/etc/repo_bash_completion" ] && . "$HOME/etc/repo_bash_completion"

How to configure repo to sync private repositories

Create a file called .repo/local_manifest.xml and add your private project into it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <remote  name   = "private"
           fetch  = "ssh://"
           review = "" />
  <project path   = "src/thirdparty/location"
           name   = "nameofgitrepo"
           remote = "private" />

If you want to pull in from a different git server you will need to add a different remote for the project. Please type repo manifest -o tmp.xml to dump your current manifest to see an example. More documentation on the manifest file format is available on the repo Manifest format docs.

How to make repo sync less disruptive by running the stages separately

Just running repo sync does both the network part (fetching updates for each repository) and the local part (attempting to merge those updates in to your tree) in one go. This has a couple of drawbacks. Firstly, because both stages are mixed up, you need to avoid making changes to your tree for the whole time, including during the slow network part. Secondly, errors telling you which repositories weren't updated because of your local changes get lost among the many messages about the update fetching.

To alleviate these problems, you can run the two stages separately using the -n (network) and -l (local) switches. First, run repo sync -n. This performs the network stage, fetching updates for each of the repositories in your tree, but not applying them. While it‘s running you can continue working as usual. Once it’s finished and you‘ve come to a convenient point in your work, run repo sync -l. This will perform the local stage, actually checking out the updated code in each repository where it doesn’t conflict with your changes. It generally only prints output when such a conflict occurs, which makes it much easier to see which repositories you need to manually update. You can run it multiple times until all the conflicts are fixed.

How to find a list of branches that I've created with repo

See the repo branches command.

How to get more commands available on the release image

If you‘re using the shell in a Chromium OS device (requires developer mode, or a system where you’ve set a custom chronos password), you may find that you‘re missing commands you wish you had. Try putting busybox on a USB key or an SD Card. I formatted by USB key with ext3 and named it utils (and that is assumed in these instructions) using the Disk Utility that comes with Ubuntu (go to the System menu at the top of the screen, then Administration). Since busybox is built as part of a normal build (it’s used in the factory image), you can copy it to your USB key like this (run from outside the chroot). NOTE: this assumes that you've followed all the instructions to build a custom Chromium OS image from the Chromium OS Developer Guide:

sudo chown root.root /media/utils
sudo chmod o+rx /media/utils
sudo cp ~/chromiumos/chroot/build/${BOARD}/bin/busybox /media/utils/
sudo chmod o+rx /media/utils/busybox

Then, you can go crazy and add symlinks for whatever your favorite busybox commands are:

for cmd in less vi zip zcat; do
  sudo ln -s busybox /media/utils/$cmd

Unmount your USB key:

sudo umount /media/utils

Plug your USB key into your Chromium OS device. Make sure that the browser has started (i.e., you're not still on the login screen) so that Chromium OS will mount your USB key to /media/utils. You can get access to your commands with:

sudo mount -o remount,exec /media/utils
export PATH="$PATH:/media/utils"

If you want a list of all of the commands that busybox supports, you can just run busybox to get a list. If you want to run a busybox command without making a symlink, just type busybox first. Like: busybox netstat.

SIDE NOTE: If you didn‘t build Chromium OS, it’s possible that you can run a busybox binary obtained from some other source. You'll have the best luck if the busybox that you get was statically linked.

How to modify my prompt to tell me which git branch I'm in

Add the following to your ~/.bash_profile:

export PS1='\h:\W$(__git_ps1 "(%s)") \u\$ '

How to search the code quickly

When you installed depot_tools, you got a tool called git-gs that's useful for searching your code. According to the depo_tools info page, git-gs is a “Wrapper for git grep with relevant source types”. That means it should be the fastest way to search through your code.

You can use it to search the git project associated with the current directory by doing:


If you want to search all git projects in the repo project associated with the current directory:

repo forall -c git gs ${SEARCH_STRING}

On Goobuntu, you can install Silversearcher, which is a faster and smarter version of ack/grep. Ag is very fast and works independent of git repositories, so you can do queries from your top-level folder.

sudo apt-get install silversearcher-ag
# For keyword based search 
ag "keyword" .
# To ignore certain paths
ag --ignore chroot/ "keyword" .
# ag has the same syntax as grep. For example, excluding files that match a pattern - 
ag -L "keyword" .

How to refer to bugs concisely

If you have a bug number and want to send it to someone else in an email, you can use the “crbug” shortcut. So, to refer to bug 1234, you'd refer to:

How to wipe the stateful partition

You can use ‘crossystem clear_tpm_owner_request=1; reboot’. You can also reflash the DUT with with the --clobber-stateful flag enabled. e.g. ‘cros flash myDUTHostName --clobber-stateful myboardname/latest’

How to enable a local user account

This is not to be confused with how to enable the chronos account. This set of instructions allows you to login to the browser as something other than guest without having any network connectivity. Most people don't need to do this.

The local user account allows login with no password even if you can not connect to the Internet. If you are customizing Chromium OS and having trouble logging in due to your customizations, it may be handy to be able to bypass authentication and log yourself in as a test user. This is disabled by default for security reasons, but if you want to enable it for a backdoor user USERNAME, enter the following from inside the ~/trunk/src/scripts directory:


How to avoid typing ‘test0000’ or any password on SSH-ing to your device

Modify your /etc/hosts and ~/.ssh/config to make pinging and ssh-ing to devices easier.

# Copy testing_rsa and from chromite into your home folder
# for both inside and outside your chroot. 
cp $(CHROMIUMOS-ROOT)/src/scripts/mod_for_test_scripts/ssh_keys/testing_rsa* ~/.ssh  # Required for both inside and outside chroot
chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/testing_rsa # ssh will ignore the private key if the permissions are too wide. 
# Add the below to your ~/.ssh/config
Host dut
  HostName dut
  User root
  CheckHostIP no
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/testing_rsa
  ControlMaster auto
  ControlPersist 3600
# Do this for any lab/test machine
Host 100.*
  User root
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/testing_rsa
# This assumes you have the following entry
# in your /etc/hosts dut # Replace with your DUT IP and chosen name for your DUT
# All of the above enables you to do the below 
# from inside and outside of your chroot 
$ ping dut
$ ssh  dut # No need to specify root@ or provide password

Making sudo a little more permissive

If you are at Google, you will instead need to follow the instructions on the internal workstation notes page for finishing the sudoers setup.

To set up the Chrome OS build environment, you should turn off the tty_tickets option for sudo, because it is not compatible with cros_sdk. The following instructions show how:

cd /tmp
cat > ./sudo_editor <<EOF
echo Defaults \!tty_tickets > \$1          # Entering your password in one shell affects all shells 
echo Defaults timestamp_timeout=180 >> \$1 # Time between re-requesting your password, in minutes
chmod +x ./sudo_editor 
sudo EDITOR=./sudo_editor visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/relax_requirements

Note: See the sudoers man page for full detail on the options available in sudoers.

Note: depending on your Linux distribution's configuration, sudoers.d may not be the correct directory, you may check /etc/sudoers for an #includedir directive to see what the actual directory is.

How to share files for inside and outside chroot

The cros_sdk command supports mounting additional directories into your chroot environment. This can be used to share editor configurations, a directory full of recovery images, etc.

You can create a src/scripts/.local_mounts file listing all the directories (outside of the chroot) that you'd like to access inside the chroot. For example:

# source(path outside chroot) destination(path inside chroot)
/home/YOURID/Downloads /Downloads

Each line of .local_mounts refers to a directory you‘d like to mount, and where you’d like it mounted. If there is only one path name, it will be used as both the source and the destination directory. If there are two paths listed on one line, the first is considered to be the path OUTSIDE the chroot and the second will be the path INSIDE the chroot. The source directory must exist; otherwise, cros_sdk will give off an ugly python error and fail to enter the chroot. Note: For security and safety reasons, all directories mounted via .local_mounts will be read-only.

How to create a cros_workon repository

(TODO: Under construction by dianders, 2011-01-10)

(TODO: some of this probably belongs in a “background” section).

First: A brief review of Chromium OS software package management...

Chromium OS uses Gentoo Portage for software package management. Gentoo maintains an official list of available software packages, called the Portage tree. All packages in this tree are available to the Chromium OS developer... but they are not all guaranteed to work with - or even compile for - Chromium OS.

The Portage tree is a two-level hierarchy. The top level is a collection of categories (e.g., sys-apps or dev-python), with each category having a list of associated packages (e.g., sys-apps/upstart or dev-python/django).

Each package has a corresponding ebuild file that contains all information to maintain the package. There are some ebuilds that install binary packages, or just specify dependencies, such as the Chromium OS top-level ‘meta-ebuild’: chromeos/chromeos. However, most ebuilds specify (1) how to obtain, configure, and build the package's source code, (2) how and where to install the executables, and (3) other packages upon which the package depends, both at compile-time and at run-time. Portage also uses ebuild files to handle package options, package versioning and for which computer architectures (arm, x86, amd64, mips, etc.) a package is build-able and stable:

  • Package options are handled by so-called USE flags, that can be passed to an ebuild to turn on or off various package options (i.e. ‘build this package using this option’). These options can cause a package to depend on additional packages, or change how the source code is compiled.
  • The version number of the package built by a particular ebuild is always explicit in the ebuild file's name (e.g., net-wireless/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-0.7.2-r39.ebuild). The ebuild version number almost always directly corresponds to the version number of the corresponding upstream package.
  • Most ebuilds have a KEYWORDS field, which lists the architectures for which the package can be built, and for which the package is considered stable. In Portage, an unstable architecture is marked with a tilde (‘~’). For example, KEYWORDS="~arm x86" means stable for x86, unstable for arm.

The tool emerge is the used to build a portage package. The first task for emerge is to search the Portage tree to determine which ebuild to use, for a given package. For a single package, there are often several ebuilds in the tree, each with a different version number. Using target-specific portage settings found in make.conf and package.keywords, emerge examines the ebuilds' version numbers and their KEYWORDS fields to select an appropriate ebuild. In some cases, there is no appropriate ebuild, and emerge will fail with an error. In general, emerge will select the ebuild with the highest version number that is stable for the chosen architecture.

After selecting an ebuild for the package, emerge computes a dependency graph containing the package's explicit dependencies and their dependencies, etc. Assuming it can find matching ebuilds for all of these prerequisite packages, emerge will then start building them all in parallel.

In most cases a source code archive for a package is retrieved from its official ‘upstream’ maintainers (for example, x11-base/xorg-server retrieves its source directly from The source code archive retrieved for a particular versioned ebuild is always of a fixed version. However, the Gentoo package maintainers often find a need to modify the original upstream source code, for example, to apply critical security fixes, or to fix architecture-specific or cross-compilation issues. In these cases, the ebuild will apply a series of patches to the retrieved upstream source code before building it. These patches are usually stored in a package specific ‘files/’ subdirectory. Eventually (hopefully), upstream will accept these patches (or otherwise resolve the original issues), and the Gentoo package maintainers will create a new ebuild that retrieves a newer source code archive, applying new patches to fix any regressions, and so on...

For Chromium OS we always try to use unmodified packages from the same version of the Portage tree. In the Chromium OS source tree, the local copy of this version Portage tree is at src/third_party/portage. However, it is not always possible to use only these packages for the following reasons:

  1. Like the main Gentoo maintainers, the Chromium OS team will often need to maintain a collection of patches to further modify upstream source code to fix issues or add features before they are available in the main Portage tree (or even, often, before they are available in the original upstream source code).
  2. Similarly, sometimes the package‘s source code is correct, but the ebuild itself doesn’t quite work as required.
  3. Our version of the Portage tree is relatively constant and does not track the daily changes to the upstream Portage tree. Often, we need a newer version of a package that only exists in a newer version of the Portage tree.
  4. There are some software components of Chromium OS that are Chromium OS specific, and don't have a corresponding package in the Portage tree.
  5. Chromium OS runs on many different hardware platforms (also referred to as boards), some that require board specific software packages.

To address these issues, we use overlays to modify and extend the base Portage tree. The most important overlay is the Chromium OS overlay, located at src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay. In addition, each of the different supported hardware platforms has its own board-specific overlay (e.g. src/overlays/overlay-x86-generic). Lastly, some vendors may want to add additional packages to a private overlay (in src/private-overlays) to further customize a Chromium OS image for a particular vendor-specific board.

Thus, packages (and their ebuilds) can be located in any of the following places:

  1. src/third_party/portage/ - the Portage tree
  2. src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay/ - the Chromium OS overlay
  3. src/overlays/overlay-${BOARD}/ - a board specific overlays
  4. src/private-overlays/${PRIVATE-OVERLAY}/ - a vendor-board specific private overlay

Taken together, the overlays contain:

  1. Packages from the Chromium OS version of the Portage tree
  2. New, unmodified, upstream portage packages that don't exist in our version of the Portage tree.
  3. Upstream portage packages with modified ebuilds, some of which also include Chromium OS-specific source code patches.
  4. Chromium OS-specific packages. In particular, all of the packages in the chromeos/ and chromeos-base/ categories. These packages mostly retrieve their source code archives from the Chromium OS git server ( (TODO: verify)
  5. Packages that were originally based on upstream portage packages, but which have diverged significantly from the original source over time. Instead of maintaining an enormous ever growing set of unwieldy patches, these packages retrieve their source code archives from the Chromium OS git server ( (TODO: verify)

So, this was supposed to be a FAQ about cros_workon...

Right, so remember those ebuilds that fetch source code archives from

Well, those ebuilds invariably inherit from the “cros-workon” eclass. This adds some additional functionality to the ebuild.

(TODO: what is that additional functionality)

In particular, the cros_workon ebuild will fetch a specific version.

(TODO: from where exactly does it fetch the source repo/branch/SHA-1)

Well, it is also possible to configure the build system to fetch the code from the local filesystem instead of the release branch of

(TODO: how does this work)

(TODO: what are -9999 ebuilds)

(TODO: The actually instructions for creating a new cros_workon-able package)

How to avoid generating a new password or gitcookies for each push/upload

If you get the following message very often while trying to do a ‘git push’ or ‘repo upload’, it is likely that the ~/.netrc authentication is not sufficient for you.

Username for '': fooPassword for '': fatal: remote error: Invalid authentication credentials.Please generate a new identifier:

More details on this here.

$ sudo apt-get install git-remote-sso$ git config --global --add credential.helper corpsso

How to symbolize a crash dump that I got running on my device?

There is a nifty little script in your chroot, under trunk/src/scripts called cros_show_stacks. The script takes in the parameters: board name, IP of the remote device you want to fetch and symbolize crashes from,

and a path to the debug symbols. If the path is not specified, it picks it up from your local build correctly (/build/$BOARD/usr/lib/debug/breakpad)

# Typical usage. Note that /Downloads below refers to the Downloads folder outside the chroot, the shared folder mapping is specified in trunk/src/scripts/.local_mount. #./cros_show_stacks --board=eve --remote $DUT_IP --breakpad_root /Downloads/eve_debug_syms/debug/breakpad/

How to free up space after lots of builds?

Use `cros clean` outside the chroot. This should take care of purging your .cache, builds downloaded from devserver etc.

How to fetch patches/changes from a Gerrit CL?

Very often, you may want to fetch changes from someone else's or your own CL uploaded for code-review on The following function in your bashrc may be useful. Replace cros with whatever remote name is listed in your .git/config. The function takes one argument, the commit SHA which you can find right below ‘Author’ and ‘Committer’ information on the review page. For example, for, you would use ‘apply-cl 2a22b9dc94c9c13dbff0a1c397f49cb6456f4f2c’. Make sure to be cd-ed into the correct directory for that git repository.

# Google Gerrit specific # Takes a commit ID of a patch in Gerrit, fetches it# and applies it# Sample Usage: apply-cl 2a22b9dc94c9c13dbff0a1c397f49cb6456f4f2capply-cl() {   ref=`git ls-remote cros | grep $1 | cut -f2`;   git fetch cros $ref;   git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD;}

This works because the CLs are stored on the same remote git server as where all the branches and refs reside. You can switch to a branch that has its HEAD pointing to a CL, based on just the CL id as follows.

# Continuing the previous example, to fetch 
# in the 3.18 kernel repo. 
$ git ls-remote cros | grep 344778
720a16e3533d17ea73447788fa11db7908accd6f	refs/changes/61/319961/8
5ef1aeb982d60f0071070730e3f21cf542e2c11c	refs/changes/78/344778/1
2a22b9dc94c9c13dbff0a1c397f49cb6456f4f2c	refs/changes/78/344778/2
85130b96bc71b48dbba5ab8eec8e35717af234fa	refs/changes/78/344778/meta
$ git co -b test-branch
$ git fetch cros refs/changes/78/344778/2
$ git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
# Remember to set the tracking branch to something meaningful, else git gets confused. 
# In this case, the default tracking branch is the main kernel branch. 
$ git branch -u cros/chromeos-3.18

How to split my change into two (or any number of) separate changelists for upload

Usually when submitting your changes into a revision control system, it is considered best practice to break your submissions into the smallest possible logical chunks and then submit one changelist per chunk. Each chunk should work fine without future chunks, but may depend on previous chunks. For instance, you may be able to submit your change to add a new API in a separate changelist from your change that uses the API.

This has several advantages:

  • It documents which parts of your change are related to what goal.
  • It makes it easy for someone to revert part of your change without reverting the whole thing (if there are problems).
  • It makes it easy for someone to cherry-pick your changes later.

Note that most developers will still develop their entire change at once, then only break things apart during submission.

It turns out that repo and git-cl are not really optimized for this workflow. Why?

  • The git-cl command always munges all of the changes in your branch into one big changelist. It does not easily allow you to create multiple changelists from a branch.
  • The repo command always creates branches from the mainline (AKA the remote master). This makes it impossible to use repo to create branches that depend on one another.

...but, luckily, you can work around that by using git directly.

TODO: This is probably not the perfectly ideal way to do things, but will work. Can someone optimize?

TODO: I haven't actually tested all of these steps. They are based on an email plus my (poor) understanding of git. Can someone test, then remove this TODO?

Do all your work in one big branch

I'll assume that you initially did all of your work in one big branch. AKA, you started the branch like this:


...and then made a bunch of changes.

Create a new branch for your first submission

To keep things simple, we‘re going to leave our first branch alone and create new branches for our submission. We’d like to eventually get to a structure that looks like this (if we wanted to do N separate uploads, each of which was dependent on the previous ones):



\_______________${BRANCH_NAME}_B the first step is to create “${BRANCH_NAME}_A”. We can use repo start to do this one. Remember, that I'm assuming ${CROS_WORKON_PROJECT} is the name of your project.

The rest of the instructions are going to assume that you've changed into the directory that your project lives. If you want to use repo to help you find it, you can do:

cd `repo forall ${CROS_WORKON_PROJECT} -c 'pwd'`

Get the relevant changes into branch A

There are probably better ways to this this, but one way to get the changes from your big branch into branch A is to use git cherry-pick. First, use git log to figure out what changes you want:

git log ${BRANCH_NAME}

For instance, in my example, I see this (using --format=short):

commit d7b250822f98bda19f62072555beb66602bed29d
Author: Me <me@...>
    Change 4
commit 0c577cee881471d6509c91eba8eeeb0c8bec1551
Author: Me <me@...>
    Change 3
commit 0a7285d2d09159e540fb89f086f58a457b5f583f
Author: Me <me@...>
    Change 2
commit dd1ee8d9a9d3148cf4403c339ab18f094304d2fa
Author: Me <me@...>
    Change 1

Now, use git cherry-pick to pick the changes you want. if I wanted change #1 and #3, I could do:

git cherry-pick dd1ee8d9a9d3148cf4403c339ab18f094304d2fa
git cherry-pick 0c577cee881471d6509c91eba8eeeb0c8bec1551 

Create branch B

Now, you'll want to create branch B as a subbranch of branch A. You can do that like:

git branch ${BRANCH_NAME}_B ${BRANCH_NAME}_A
git checkout ${BRANCH_NAME}_B

Get the relevant changes into branch B

We‘ll use the same cherry-picking technique to get things into branch B. Let’s imagine that I want change #2 and #4:

git cherry-pick 0a7285d2d09159e540fb89f086f58a457b5f583f
git cherry-pick d7b250822f98bda19f62072555beb66602bed29d 

Double-check that you've got everything

At this point, your branch B should have everything that was in the original branch. There's a git diff command you can do to verify that:


Upload for code review

To upload the first part for code review, just do:

git checkout ${BRANCH_NAME}_A
git cl upload

To upload the second part for code review, just do:

git checkout ${BRANCH_NAME}_B
git cl upload ${BRANCH_NAME}_A  # sends diff from ${BRANCH_NAME}_A to ${BRANCH_NAME}_B

It is very important in this case that you mention in your second upload that this change depends on the first one. You should actually include the URL pointing to the first code review in the changelist comments of the second change. If you don't do this, your reviewers will be very confused. Even better is if you can actually wait to start the code review for branch B until after the code for branch A has been committed.

Make changes, re-upload

To upload additional changes to branch A (the first changelist), you can do:

git checkout ${BRANCH_NAME}_A
# ... make changes ...
git cl upload
git checkout ${BRANCH_NAME}_B
git rebase ${BRANCH_NAME}_A     # Incorporate branch A's changes into branch B

To upload additional changes to branch B, you can do:

git checkout ${BRANCH_NAME}_B
# ... make changes ...
git cl upload ${BRANCH_NAME}_A  # sends diff from ${BRANCH_NAME}_A to ${BRANCH_NAME}_B


When you‘re ready to push branch A, it’s pretty easy:

git checkout ${BRANCH_NAME}_A
git cl push

To push branch B (which you can‘t do until after you’ve pushed branch A), you need to rebase it to master. TODO: Can someone confirm that this is the right set of steps for Chromium OS?

git checkout cros/master
git pull
git checkout ${BRANCH_NAME}_B
git rebase --onto cros/master ${BRANCH_NAME}_A
git cl push

How to get a fully functional vim on a test device

By default there is a very minimalist build of vim included on test images. To replace it with a fully functional copy of vim do the following:

export BOARD=eve # Replace with the board name of your test device
export TESTHOST= # Replace with the hostname or ip address of the test device
export JOBS=$(nproc)
emerge-${BOARD} --noreplace --usepkg -j${JOBS} app-editors/vim-core app-vim/gentoo-syntax
USE=-minimal emerge-${BOARD} -j${JOBS} app-editors/vim
cros deploy "${TESTHOST}" app-vim/gentoo-syntax
cros deploy "${TESTHOST}" app-editors/vim-core
cros deploy "${TESTHOST}" app-editors/vim