
    • /developers
    • For Developers page_name: recent-changes-credential-management-api title: Recent Changes to the Credential Management API


Recently there have been multiple changes to the Credential Management API. This doc aims to summarizes the changes and give developers advice to use the new features while still being able to support older versions of Chromium.

Changes in Details

The following developer facing changes have been made:

The unmediated flag to CredentialRequestOptions is replaced by an mediation enum

This change extends the possible mediation options passed to navigator.credentials.get. Instead of a boolean flag unmediated get now supports a CredentialMediationRequirement enum with three different values: “silent”, “optional” and “required”. Providing mediation: “silent” is equivalent to the old unmediated: true, while mediation: “optional” is equivalent to unmediated: false. The novel option is “required”, which always leads to user mediation, even if auto-signin would be possible otherwise. Similarly as before, mediation: “optional” is the default option and will be chosen if no other value is specified.


In order to migrate existing code that uses the boolean unmediated flag to make use of the new enum the following patch to get will be necessary. Note that it is impossible to use mediation: required while being backwards compatible, given that this is a new feature.

var origNavigatorCredentialsGet = navigator.credentials.get;

navigator.credentials.get = function(options) {

if (!(“mediation” in options)) {

options[“mediation”] = options[“unmediated”] ? “silent” : “optional”;


return origNavigatorCredentialsGet(options);


Introduction of navigator.credentials.create

In addition to get, store and requireUserMediation navigator.credentials now supports a fourth method called create. It can be used to asynchronously create Credential objects. Currently it expects an option dictionary with a single key which can be either “password” or “federated”. In case of “password” the value will be used to instantiate a PasswordCredential object, while in case of “federated” the key’s value will be used to instantiate a FederatedCredential. create() returns a Promise, which resolves to a Credential object if successful and rejects otherwise. However, it is still possible to create Credentials using the PasswordCredential or FederatedCredential constructor. This continues to be the preferred way for synchronous creation.


In order to make use of the new Promise based creation method the following polyfill is needed in old browsers that do not support it natively:

if (!(“create” in navigator.credentials)) {

navigator.credentials.create = function(options) {

return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

if (Object.keys(options).length !== 1) {

reject("NotSupportedError: Only ‘password’ and ‘federated’ " +

“credential types are currently supported.”);


if (“password” in options) {

try {

resolve(new PasswordCredential(options[“password”]));

} catch (e) {




if (“federated” in options) {

try {

resolve(new FederatedCredential(options[“federated”]));

} catch (e) {




reject("NotSupportedError: Only ‘password’ and ‘federated’ credential " +

“types are currently supported.”);




Renaming of requireUserMediation to preventSilentAccess

In order to address concerns that navigator.credentials.requireUserMediation can be confusing depending on the context it has been renamed to navigator.credentials.preventSilentAccess. However, there is no change in functionality.


Given that this is simply a rename the polyfill for old browsers is very short:

if (!(“preventSilentAccess” in navigator.credentials)) {

navigator.credentials.preventSilentAccess =



Exposing of passwords to JavaScript and deprecation of the custom fetch infrastructure

Perhaps the biggest change is that PasswordCredential.password is now directly accessible from JavaScript. The reason for this change is that the current security model of the Credential Management API is not as effective as desired (see e.g. here) and the current fetch based infrastructure has reported usability issues (e.g. it's impossible to send JSON or apply a hash to the password before sending). While exposing passwords in JavaScript does not improve the security situation, it does not significantly worsen it and it also improves greatly the usability of the API.

Deprecation of the custom fetch infrastructure entails that it is no longer needed to pass a PasswordCredential object to fetch’s RequestInit object and that PasswordCredential attributes idName, passwordName and additionalData will be deprecated and removed later this year.


If possible, new code should simply access the new password property instead of relying on the deprecated fetch infrastructure.

If this is not possible, existing code should be migrated in the following way. Given the following legacy code that passes a Credential object to fetch:

c.idName = “id”;

c.passwordName = “password”;

c.additionalData = formData;

fetch(url, { credentials: c, method: “POST” });

The same can now be achieved using the following updated code, setting the necessary attributes in the formData body directly:


formData.set(“password”, c.password);

fetch(url, { body: formData, method: “POST” });

A polyfill that patches fetch to do this automatically is provided below and provides compatibility between old and new browsers:

var origFetch = fetch;

fetch = function(input, init) {

if (init && init[“credentials”] instanceof Credential) {

var credential = init[“credentials”];

if (“password” in credential) {

var body = credential.additionalData || {};

body[credential.idName] =;

body[credential.passwordName] = credential.password;

init[“body”] = body;

init[“credentials”] = “include”;



origFetch(input, init);
