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    • /teams/input-dev
    • Input Team page_name: input-objectives title: Input Objectives

At Google we define and track progress against our goals using “OKRs” (Objectives and Key Results). Here are most of the OKRs for the input-dev team (a couple minor KRs relating to internal projects such as future Android releases have been omitted for confidentiality reasons). Note that these are intentionally aggressive and so we will be happy if we deliver 60%-70% of them.

2019 Q1

Eventing Sub-team

Add Richness to Web Platform (#AppGap)

Ship predicted points API P1

Off-Main-Thread Input Event Delegation P1

Pointerevents V3 extension P2

Ship pointerrawmove P2

Virtual Keyboard API P2

Activation delegation API P2

HTML spec for UAv2 P2

Product Excellence (#ProductExcellence)

Enable TSF by default

Handle UAv2 post-launch regressions

Be responsive to our users P1

Fix impactful bugs P1

Disable platform inputs in testing mode P1

Synthetic pointer events automation (#HappyPath) P1

Trusted Activation Triggers P1

PointerLock coordinates: make the coordinate space well-defined. P2

GPU Benchmarking enhancements (#HappyPath) P2

Fix Android startup delay caused by slow hardware updates P2

Resolve mouse interop issues P2

Code Health (#TechnicalExcellence)

Pen input with Palm rejection (

Unified Pointer Capture in Blink P3

PointerLock coordinates: consolidate calculation of movementX/Y P4

Scrolling Sub-team

Add Richness to Web Platform (#AppGap)

Enable pull to refresh on the web

Scroll to text fragment P1

Improve Performance (#FluidUI)

Hold the line on Input Performance P1

Improve scroll prediction with other predictors P1

Compositor touch action P2

Keyboard threaded scrolling P3

Code Health (#TechnicalExcellence)

Non-Flaky Tests P3

Scroll Unification P4

Historical Objectives and Results

2018 OKRs

2017 OKRs

2016 OKRs

2015 OKRs