breadcrumbs: How-Tos > page_name: visualstudio-tricks title: VisualStudio Tricks

Here is an incomplete stack of tricks to help you work with Chromium in Visual Studio.

Faster Solution Loading / IntelliSense

Loading a huge solution (like all.sln as generated by gn) makes Visual

Studio very slow, and certain operations like IntelliSense can be somewhat unusable. Some tips for speeding it up:

  • Use the “filters” argument to gn to exclude parts of Chromium

        you're not interested in, e.g. "gn gen --ide=vs
        --filters=//components/omnibox/\* --sln=omnibox out/Debug" will only
        create projects for components/omnibox/ and its dependencies.
        However, be aware that Code Search (see below) will not work on code
        that's been filtered out!
  • A very useful extension which helps manage this is

        [VsFunnel]( This
        extension allows you to select which projects in a solution will be
        loaded at solution load time, and which will remain in the
        "unloaded" state. Unloaded projects are not indexed by VS, so this
        extension can drastically speed up VS responsiveness. The unloaded
        projects will remain searchable via VsChromium (see below).

After opening the solution, give Visual Studio about 10-15 minutes to finish

parsing files etc; it'll become more responsive after that.

Code Search

The VsChromium extension provides

fast code search, among other useful features. Code from unloaded solutions (via VsFunnel, see above) is still searchable!

Column Limit

You can set up column guidelines at 80 columns or wherever you would like by installing this Visual Studio extension and using the context menu options. integration integration makes it easy to check that a source file conforms to the style guide. To do this, just go to Tools > External Tools > Add. Specify:

  • Title:
  • Command: c:\src\depot_tools\cpplint.bat
  • Arguments: --output=vs7 $(ItemPath)
  • Initial directory: $(ItemDir)
  • Check Use Output window

To create a keyboard shortcut:

  1. Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard.
  2. Select Tools.ExternalCommand1. (This assumes is your first external command in your Tools menu.)
  3. Press a shortcut key (let's say Alt+L) and Assign it.
  4. Press OK.

Or, make the title something like c&, and invoke it with Alt+t,p.

Text Editor (No tabs, indentation, line numbers)

The style guide requires no tabs and 2 char indentation. To set this, go to Tools > Options. On the Text Editor/All languages/Tabs page, set

  • Indenting radio to Smart
  • Tab size and Indent Size to 2
  • Check Insert spaces

Debugging visualization, macros, more
