breadcrumbs: MobLab > page_name: releasenotes title: MobLab Release Notes

Aug 17th 2021: Moblab Update

***You should reboot your Moblab when next not running tests to get this latest version of the software.***

After the update you will be running Moblab version R-2.11.4.


  • Beta support for servo and FAFT - will be testing with selected partners until full general release.
  • CTS suite names changed when running CTS suite. Rather than cts_N and cts_P there is just cts and cts_hardware.
    • Most users can just select cts, there should be no difference in functionality.
    • cts_hardware currently runs no tests, when the Google CTS test team roll out that test suite they will contact the affected users directly.
  • Split the configuration page into Configuration / About. The version and update buttons are now on the About navigation tab.
  • Added an advanced section to configuration navigation, in general you should only make changes in Advanced if Google asks you to.

Aug 10th 2021: Moblab Update

***You should reboot your Moblab when next not running tests to get this latest version of the software.***

After the update you will be running Moblab version R-2.10.4.

This is for a small bug fix that only affects users who are running CTS on builds newer than R93. If you are not

running CTS on R93 or newer you do not need to update.

The CL that was added is

To fix an issue where test CtsSecurityHostTestCases did not pass with an error message:

bash: ./sepolicy-analyze: Permission denied

July 20th 2021: Moblab Update

***You should reboot your Moblab when next not running tests to get this latest version of the software.***

This update includes an update to the underlying moblab ChromeOS version; after the update you will be running Chrome OS version R91-13904.81.0 and Moblab version R-2.10.3.

OS Recovery Image, in the case you need to recover your Moblab.


  • User controlled result retention period
  • Moblab update notification on UI;

UI - Configuration

User controlled result retention period. New configuration parameter is
added to allow users control the retention period of the results locally on
the Moblab. User can set value between 1 hour and 7 days. If results are
fully uploaded to the GC bucket, after the retention period the results are
deleted from the Moblab.


  • Icon added on the toolbar to let the user know that there's an update available. Also warnings added on the run suite card alerting the user of pending updates.

    Various bug fixes and improvements.

June 21th 2021: Moblab Update

***You should reboot your Moblab when next not running tests to get this latest version of the software.***

After the update you will be running Moblab version R-2.9.0.


Auto refresh feature on view jobs page;

## Added CUJ and MTBF suites;

UI - View jobs

Add the ability to sort the jobs table.

Added auto refresh feature on view jobs page. Which is usef

Add jobs status filter for FAILED/ABORTED/SUCCEEDED in the jobs table.

UI - Run Suite

## Added additional performance CUJ and MTBF suite names to the drop down list of 'other' suites.


Fixed the bug when a new error message will auto dismiss the previous one.

Fix the container crash without a service account.

Various bug fixes and improvements.

May 17th 2021: Moblab Update

***You should reboot your Moblab when next not running tests to get this latest version of the software.***

This update includes an update to the underlying moblab ChromeOS version; after the update you will be running Chrome OS version R90-13816.75.0 and Moblab version R-2.8.2.

OS Recovery Image, in the case you need to recover your Moblab.


Moblab loading page on startup is added;

Cloud configuration setup is required;

Bad builds are disabled in the build version picker drop-down on Run Suite

New chrome OS version R90-13816.75.0;

Startup page

Moblab now has a startup page. It is helpful in cases when loading takes a significant amount of time,for example the first boot after powerwash.

The page will show the loading bar while the first component loads:
<img alt="image"
height=205 width=624>

And the status of all the components after that:<img alt="image"
height=432 width=624>

When all the components are up and running the page will automatically
redirect to the main page;

UI - Manage DUTs

Fix the page not refreshing when labels or attributes were adjusted. Now
whenever label is added or removed the DUTs grid will reflect the change

UI - Run Suite

On the Run Suite page when selecting a build, the drop-down will show grayed
out build versions for builds that are known to be bad. User won’t be able
to select the build;

UI - View Jobs

Filter by name on view jobs page is now auto trimming white space around the
input keyword and performs partial name search;

UI - Configuration

The user will be permanently redirected to the Config page until the cloud
configuration is set.

Input validation added to the user override in Known Good OS Version

Fix the WiFi credentials not updating

Removed warning icon on config page. Users were mislead by it assuming
something is wrong with the setup;

Internet connection status indicator fixed;


Various bug fixes and improvements.

April 20th 2021: Moblab Update

***You should reboot your Moblab when next not running tests to get this latest version of the software.***

This update includes an update to the underlying Moblab Chrome OS version; after the update you will be running Chrome OS version R90-13816.53.0 and Moblab version R-2.7.3.

OS Recovery Image, in the case you need to recover your Moblab.


Moblab software version exposed;

Contact email become required for feedback filing;

Enrolling older devices issue addressed;

New chrome OS version R90-13816.53.0;

UI - Configuration

Configuration page along with the Chrome OS version now shows the version of Moblab software:

Update/Force Update button also checks and applies OS updates if available.

Removed the exclamation icon from the copy of the Cloud Configuration section. It was confusing users.


Contact email is now a required field to file a feedback report from the Moblab.


New Chrome OS release version R90-13816.53.0.

The issue with enrolling older devices is fixed.

Various bug fixes and improvements.

Mar 16th 2021: Moblab Update

***You should reboot your Moblab when next not running tests to get this latest version of the software.***

To check you have the latest Moblab software you can just look at this text in the configuration page, if it says No updates found you have the latest.

Moblab checks for new versions every 1 hour.


The old UI has been removed.

Result Uploads use less bandwidth particularly for CTS/GTS.

StorageQual setup check has been moved to the UI.

New button to provision DUTs.

UI - Configuration Page

Stable Chrome OS version configuration

Set the version of Chrome OS used during the DUT repair process.

Powerwash is required to update google account configuration.

If a Moblab is moved from one account to another, it must be powerwashed or the data will not show correctly on CPCon. This has been enforced in the Moblab UI.

UI - Manage DUT Page

Added DUT labels to summary page

Added MAC Address to summary page

Similar to the old UI the DUT labels show up on the manage DUT page.

Added “Reverify Selected” button

Similar to the old UI you can select a set of DUTs and force a reverify. If verify fails then a repair will be performed. There is a quick select option for all “Repair Failed” DUT's

Added Provision DUT’s button

Based on user feedback we have added a button that will allow you to provision some or all of the DUT’s attached to the Moblab to a particular version for testing. This is useful for manual CTS-V testing.

UI - DUT Detail

Added link to logs in DUT Actions History

UI - Run Suite

Added suites hardware_thermalqual_fast / hardware_thermalqual_full

Added DUTs configuration check for Storage Qualification suite to UI.

Previously you would run a test called “check_setup_storage_qual” now the same logic is built into the UI so you can not run a storage qual suite without the correct labels/number of DUT’s

UI - View Jobs

Upload status is now shown as an icon; a cloud icon means it has been uploaded to CPCon.


Faster uploads using less bandwidth

Files are now compressed before upload. CTS/GTS will not upload debug files for PASSED tests.


Various bug fixes and improvements.

Jan 30th 2021: Moblab Update

***You should reboot your Moblab when next not running test to get this latest version of the software.***

There has been an bug fix update to moblab to fix one important ( but rare ) bug and two smaller


Note the OS version of moblab will not change with this update, if you want to make sure you have the latest

version of moblab reboot, and check the configuration page, and make sure it says “No updates found”


Results Offloader:

Fix issue where in rare circumstances the database can get out of sync and the results get sent to CPCon before

the test has actually completed:


Show more builds in the dropdown to select a build number:

Remote Agent

Fix issue where disconnected devices were not showing up correctly.

Jan 21th 2021: Moblab Update

***You should reboot your Moblab to get this latest version of the software.***

This update includes an update to the underlying moblab ChromeOS version; after the update you will be running version R87-13505.101.0

OS Recovery Image, in the case you need to recover your Moblab.

To check you have the latest Moblab software you can just look at this text in the configuration page, if it says No updated found you have the latest.

Moblab checks for new versions every 1 hour.

Moblab “Pause”:

This is a new feature, it allow users with particularly long running suites, normally storage qualification, to pause their Moblab so they can update the software

or stop generating data if they have a particularly slow uplink to Google.

It should be noted - this feature does NOT stop the current running tests. It prevents new tests from being scheduled, you can then have to wait until all your DUT's

are in “ready” state. After then you can safely update/reboot your Moblab without losing data.

Moblab will automatically turn on Pause feature if your disk space is getting low. This typically happens when your Moblab is generating data faster than your

internet connection can copy it to Google. The Pause will allow time for your Moblab to catch up and you can unpause when there is enough disk space available.

Remote Console

Bug fixes and some changes to how often data is sent back to CPCon about failed DUT's.


Improved performance when there are problems or slow connections, uploader will now only retry files that have not already been copied to the cloud rather than

re-trying the copy of all the files in the in the test result.


Run Suite: The “Other” Tab now has a drop down list of suites you can run. You can still select an option to enter a suite name that is not on the list.

Other non user visible bug fixes.

This likely will be the last release that includes the Old UI - we have got feedback on features that need to be included in the new UI and are working on those

for the next release. We will address all feedback before the remove the Old UI.

December 7th 2020: Moblab Update

***You should reboot your Moblab to get this latest version of the software.***

This is a regularly scheduled release of Moblab.

To check you have the latest Moblab software you can just look at this text in the configuration page, if it says No updated found you have the latest.

Moblab checks for new versions every 1 hour.

Manage DUT’s:

Launch beta of firmware inspect/update.

    You can now view the current firmware version of all the current
    attached DUT’s. The version in the updater package is also shown and you
    can choose to update the firmware to that version if you wish. This is
    still a beta feature please file bugs / ask questions if you have


Added checkbox for remote command. If you are not a CTS 3PL you can ignore
this setting, It is only useful to a few CTS 3PL labs.

Run Suite:

Added Storage Qualification V2 - Do not run unless requested to do so by

Added CTS R - Do not run unless requested to do so by Google.


There is a warning message on the old UI, we are going to remove that UI in
January. Please file bugs if you still need to use it.

Force all web traffic from browser to Moblab to go through port 80, if you
are sending the "New UI" over SSH this will make things simpler.

Add logs links to the View Jobs table.


Show an unhealthy state if the service account is missing, allows you to fix
this error.

Show warning if any Moblab process is not running. Example this can show if
offloader has failed.

Remote Agent:

Fix for issues with network speeds being incorrectly reported.

There are many other bug fixes and small improvements.

October 21st 2020 Moblab Update: ChromeOS Update, Remote Console

**To intake this update, please find the update button on the new UI here. This change will require a reboot to be applied. Please wait until all tests are complete before applying this change. This change includes revisions to the new UI which may require a cache clear to be seen.**

This update includes an update to the underlying moblab ChromeOS version; after the update you will be running version R86-13421.72.0

This update also introduces remote console functionality, which allows more Moblab/DUT information to be uploaded and summarized in CPCon ( additional information in the link above ). Instructions on how to enable the remote console can be found here.


Fix to run-suite page occasionally not starting suite + not showing error. -

Fix to run-suite page to only show compatible build target or model selection. -

Fix so that OAuth credentials are refreshed on configuration changes. -

Fix for issue with remote commands not firing. -

OS Recovery Image