breadcrumbs: Highlights Archive > page_name: animations-documentation-throughput-metrics-code-health-capability-delegation-user-input-security-and-more title: Animations Documentation, Throughput Metrics, Code Health, Capability Delegation, User Input Security and more!

July 2020

Chrome Interactions Highlights

Archives: go/interactions-team-highlights

Animations Documentation

kevers@ has made a lot of progress updating documentations in Specifically,

Landed 5 CLs with roughly 1300 lines of documentation added.

Throughput Metrics

xidachen@ started discussion on adjusting throughput reporting interval. They collected data with different reporting intervals and shown in the above graph.

A lot of details are missed when the interval is large such as 5 seconds

The graph can be very noisy if the interval is too small such as 0.2 second.

A 1-second interval is likely a good choice.

Bug Triage

Our entire team has been working to formalize the bug triaging process. We now have a great doc that describes the triage process and our un-triaged bug is coming to 0.

Capability Delegation

mustaq@ has completed the first draft of Capability Delegation API, and restarted the payment spec issue discussion.

User Input Security

liviutinta@ started finch experiments for Browser Verified Keyboard/Mouse Activation Trigger.

Scroll Unification

lanwei@ improved many web tests by replacing eventsender with gpuBenchmarking.smoothScrollByXY. Currently there are 2 out of 42 remaining.

WebDriver Actions API Spec

lanwei@ added webdriver wpt tests, and implemented the wheel input source in Chromedriver.

Code Health

During the no-meetings week, our team made a lot of contributions to code health.

The team landed 52 CLs and started a design doc (summary

lanwei@ removed experimental delegation code for user activation.

kevers@ landed
to fix flaky layout tests.

kevers@ also
animation/style regressions due to recent refactoring.

liviutinta@ fixed a
[bug]( to ensure that
when right clicking on a mis-spelled word and contextmenu event prevented,
the mis-spelled word should not be highlighted.

liviutinta@ also [started](
experimenta with Click as Pointer Event.

Everybody joined in to create [Interactions
(Read this first)

Azimuth/Altitude for Pointer Events

liviutinta@ has implemented this feature.

Sent [Intent to

Sent request for official position to
[Gecko]( and

Sent [TAG Review](

Chrome Interactions Highlights | July 2020
