Contributing to

So far these instructions have only been tested to run on a Mac, but should work on Linux and Windows with only a modicum of hoop-jumping.

  1. Install depot_tools:

    $ git clone
    $ export PATH=/path/to/depot_tools:$PATH
  2. Check out the repo:

    $ git clone
  3. cd into the checkout and download any dependencies:

    $ cd chromium_website
    $ gclient sync

    Note that there is a //.gclient file checked in, so you don't need to run gclient config or have a .gclient file in a directory above the website.

  4. Optional: Refresh the content from Classic Sites via the public GData APIs.


    This downloads all of the HTML pages and converts them to Markdown, and also fetches any associated assets (images, attachments, etc.).

    export caches the metadata and HTML from Sites locally in the //export/feeds directory (but not images or other assets). This is useful when you need to iterate on the HTML->Markdown conversion or other changes where the raw data isn't likely to be needed. To force the script to explicitly re-fetch things, use the --force flag.

  5. Optional: Build all of the static pages up-front to check for errors. The content will be built into //build by default.

    $ ./npmw build

    It should only take a few seconds to build out the website.

    (npmw is a simple wrapper around the version of npm that is bundled as part of this checkout.)

  6. Start a local web server to view the site. The server will (re-)generate the pages on the fly as needed if the input or conversion code changes. The content will be built into //build.

    $ ./npmw start
  7. Check in your changes and upload a CL to the Gerrit code review server. Get one of the //OWNERS to review your changes, and then submit the change via the commit queue.

    NOTE: If this is your first time contributing something to Chromium or ChromiumOS, please make sure you (or your company) has signed Google's Contributor License Agreement, and add yourself to the //AUTHORS file as part of your change.

    $ git commit -a -m 'whatever'
    $ git-cl upload 

    TODO(dpranke): Update with instructions for managing LOBs via the Google Cloud Storage bucket.

  8. Optional: If you have the access to do so, you can deploy new versions to

    $ ./npmw deploy

    TODO(dpranke): Get rid of this instruction once the CQ and continuous deployment are in place.