breadcrumbs: Policy List > page_name: extension-settings-full title: Extension Settings Full Description

For help setting this policy, see the help center for examples for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

This policy controls multiple settings, including settings controlled by any existing extension-related policies. This policy will override any legacy policies if both are set.

This policy maps an extension ID to its configuration. With an extension ID, configuration will be applied to the specified extension only. A default configuration can be set for the special ID “*”, which will apply to all extensions that don't have a custom configuration set in this policy.

The configuration for each extension is another dictionary that can contain the fields documented below.

  • “installation_mode”: Maps to a string indicating the installation mode for the extension. The valid strings are:
    • “allowed”: allows the extension to be installed by the user. This is the default behavior.
    • “blocked”: blocks installation of the extension.
    • “removed” 3: blocks installation of the extension and removes it from the device if already installed.
    • “force_installed” 1: the extension is automatically installed and can't be removed by the user.
    • “normal_installed” 1: the extension is automatically installed but can be disabled by the user.
  • “update_url”: Maps to a string indicating where Chrome can download a force_installed or normal_installed extension.
    • The update URL set in this policy is only used for the initial installation; subsequent updates of the extension will use the update URL indicated in the extension's manifest.
    • The update URL should point to an Update Manifest XML document as mentioned above.
    • If installing from the Chrome Web Store, use the following URL
  • “blocked_permissions”: maps to a list of strings indicating the blocked API permissions for the extension.
    • The permissions names are same as the permission strings declared in manifest of extension as described at This setting also can be configured for “*” extension. If the extension requires a permission which is on the blocklist, the user will be blocked from installing the extension. If the user already has an extension installed which matches the blocklist it will not be allowed to load. If it contains a blocked permission as optional requirement, it will be handled in the normal way, but requesting conflicting permissions will be declined automatically at runtime.
  • “minimum_version_required”: maps to a version string.
    • The format of the version string is the same as the one used in extension manifest, as described at An extension with a version older than the specified minimum version will be disabled. This applies to force-installed extensions as well.
  • “install_sources” 2: Each item in this list is an extension-style match pattern.
    • Users will be able to easily install items from any URL that matches an item in this list. Both the location of the *.crx file and the page where the download is started from (i.e. the referrer) must be allowed by these patterns.
  • “allowed_types” 2: This setting lists the allowed types of extension/apps that can be installed in Google Chrome.
    • The value is a list of strings, each of which should be one of the following:
    • “extension”, “theme”, “user_script”, “hosted_app”, “legacy_packaged_app”, “platform_app”
    • See extensions documentation for more information on these types.
  • “blocked_install_message”: This maps to a string specifying the error message to display to users if they're blocked from installing an extension.
    • This setting allows you to append text to the generic error message displayed on the Chrome Web Store. This could be be used to direct users to your help desk, explain why a particular extension is blocked, or something else.
    • This error message will be truncated if longer than 1000 characters.
  • “runtime_blocked_hosts”: Maps to a list of strings representing hosts whose webpages the extension will be blocked from modifying.
    • This includes injecting javascript, altering and viewing webRequests / webNavigation, viewing and altering cookies, exceptions to the same-origin policy, etc.
    • The format is similar to match patterns except no paths may be defined.
      • e.g. “*://*”
      • This also supports effective TLD wildcarding e.g. “*://example.*”
    • The list can contain not more than 100 entries. Any further entry is discarded.
  • “runtime_allowed_hosts”: Maps to a list of strings representing hosts that an extension can interact with regardless of whether they are listed in “runtime_blocked_hosts”
    • This is the same format as “runtime_blocked_hosts”.
    • The list can contain not more than 100 entries. Any further entry is discarded.

1: This option is not valid for the “*” id as Chrome wouldn't know which extension to automatically install. The “update_url” setting MUST be set for this extension or the policy will be invalid.

2: This settings can be used only for the default configuration “*”.

3: This setting is available since Chrome 75.