breadcrumbs: Design Documents > page_name: experiments title: Experiments

Here‘s how to hide a feature behind a flag that can be changed from the chrome://flags page in Chrome, or with a command line flag. We’ll use an example from the following revision 84971 which hides the compact navigation bar behind such a flag.

  • First, you need to add a string for your command line switch. For example: chrome_switches.h &
  • Then you need strings to be displayed on the chrome://flags page for the name and description of your experiment. For example, the two strings with IDs starting with IDS_FLAGS_ENABLE in: generated_resources.grd
  • And then add all this info to a new entry in the Experiments array. For example:
    • The first string (e.g., “compact-navigation”) is an identifier for the preference that will be saved in the user profile based on the settings chosen by the user on the chrome://flags page.
    • The the resource IDs for the name and description strings.
    • Then which OS should expose it.
    • And finally, the access to the command line flag, using one of the following macros:
  • And finally, use the CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(<your flag>) to check its state. For example: uses it to decide whether we show the Hide toolbar option in the tab contextual menu or not.