update docs, npmw
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index bf2e589..d5ac387 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,71 +1,16 @@
-# Exporting chromium.org to a static website.
+# Source code for www.chromium.org
-So far these instructions have only been tested to run on a Mac, but should work
-on Linux and Windows with only a modicum of hoop-jumping.
+This Git repo contains the source content for
-1.  Install depot_tools:
+The website is implemented by serving static content (mostly Markdown files)
+that is translated / built ahead of time into HTML using the
+[Eleventy](https://11ty.dev) static site generator (which is written in
+Node/JS) and deployed onto [Firebase Cloud Hosting](firebase.google.com/products/hosting).
-    ```bash
-    $ git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git
-    $ export PATH=/path/to/depot_tools:$PATH
-    ```
+Large objects (PDFs, big images, etc.) are stored in a
+[Google Cloud Storage](cloud.google.com/storage) bucket, indexed by
+SHA-1 checksums that are checked-in to this repo.
-2. Check out the repo:
-    ```bash
-    $ git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/experimental/chromium_website
-    ```
-3. `cd` into the checkout and download any dependencies:
-    ```bash
-    $ cd chromium_website
-    $ gclient sync
-    ```
-    Note that there is a //.gclient file checked in, so you don't need to
-    run `gclient config` or have a .gclient file in a directory above the
-    website.
-4.  *Optional*: Refresh the content from Classic Sites via the public GData
-    APIs.
-    ```bash
-    ./scripts/export.py
-    ```
-    This downloads all of the HTML pages and converts them to Markdown,
-    and also fetches any associated assets (images, attachments, etc.).
-    `export` caches the metadata and HTML from Sites locally in the
-    `//export/feeds` directory (but not images or other assets). This is useful
-    when you need to iterate on the HTML->Markdown conversion or other changes
-    where the raw data isn't likely to be needed. To force the script to
-    explicitly re-fetch things, use the `--force` flag.
-    **NOTE:** The HTML->Markdown logic is currently just a placeholder
-    stub function, and you'll get the same HTML out that you feed into it.
-    The actual conversion code used to generate the files in //site are
-    not yet open source.
-5.  *Optional*: Build all of the static pages up-front to check for errors.
-    The content will be built into `//build` by default.
-    ```bash
-    $ ./npmw build
-    ```
-7.  Start a local web server to view the site. The server will (re-)generate
-    the pages on the fly as needed if the input or conversion code changes.
-    The content will be built into `//build`.
-    ```bash
-    $ ./npmw watch
-    ```
-8.  *Optional*: If you have the access to do so, you can deploy new versions
-    to [chromium-website-experiment.web.app][https://chromium-website-experiment.web.app]:
-    ```base
-    $ ./npmw deploy
-    ```
+See [//docs/CONTRIBUTING.md](docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) if you wish to work on
+the site.
diff --git a/npmw b/npmw
index 2a13747..60509a7 100755
--- a/npmw
+++ b/npmw
@@ -26,4 +26,6 @@
 # $npm third_party/node/mac/node-darwin-x64/lib/npm/lib/npm.js run "$@"
-$node_dir/bin/node $node_dir/lib/node_modules/npm "$@"
+$node_dir/bin/node $node_dir/lib/node_modules/npm \
+  --scripts-prepend-node-path=true \
+  run-script "$@"