blob: 1fe8e33d0866461d1acb9764b8bbd5aa69e466a9 [file] [log] [blame]
"Tests that passing the global object to an array access that will arrayify to NonArrayWithArrayStorage doesn't break things."
function foo(array) {
var result = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i)
result += array[i];
return result;
function bar(array) {
array[1] = 42;
var array = {};
array.length = 3;
array[0] = 1;
array[1] = 2;
array[2] = 3;
for (var i = 0; i < 200; ++i) {
shouldBe("foo(array)", "6");
var otherArray = {};
shouldBe("otherArray[1]", "42");
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
// Do strange things to ensure that the get_by_id on length goes polymorphic.
var array = {};
if (i % 2)
array.x = 42;
array.length = 3;
array[0] = 1;
array[2] = 3;
array.__defineGetter__(1, function() { return 6; });
shouldBe("foo(array)", "10");
var otherArray = {};
otherArray.__defineSetter__(0, function(value) { throw "error"; });
shouldBe("otherArray[1]", "42");
var w = this;
w[0] = 1;
w.length = 1;
var thingy = false;
w.__defineSetter__(1, function(value) { thingy = value; });
shouldBe("foo(w)", "1");
shouldBe("thingy", "false");
// At this point we check to make sure that bar doesn't end up either creating array storage for
// the window proxy, or equally badly, storing to the already created array storage on the proxy
// (since foo() may have made the mistake of creating array storage). That's why we do the setter
// thingy, to detect that for index 1 we fall through the proxy to the real window object.
shouldBe("thingy", "42");
shouldBe("foo(w)", "1");
w.length = 2;
shouldBe("foo(w)", "0/0");