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Unit tests for undeclaredtextdetector.js.
<title>bidichecker - Javascript Unit Tests</title>
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* Runs the undeclared text checker on the contents of a DOM element.
* @param {!Element} rootElement The root element of the DOM to be checked.
* @return {!Array.<!bidichecker.Error>} List of error messages.
function runUndeclaredTextDetector(rootElement) {
var errorCollector =
new bidichecker.ErrorCollector(new bidichecker.FrameStack());
var scanner = new bidichecker.Scanner(/* opt_filters */ null,
/* opt_needDirChunkWalker */ true);
// Override the buildDetectors method to build only one detector.
scanner.buildDetectors = function(element, shouldBeRtl) {
return [new bidichecker.UndeclaredTextDetector(errorCollector)];
return errorCollector.getErrors();
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_RtlTextInLtrPageError() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
// Hebrew text for "Shalom"
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd<\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
var expected = [{'type': 'Undeclared RTL text',
'severity': 3,
'atText': '\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd',
'locationDescription': '<div id=\'test\'><p>'}
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
// The error is located in characters 0-4 of the text node.
var textNode = testDiv.firstChild.firstChild;
var highlightableArea = new bidichecker.HighlightableText([textNode], 0, 4);
assertObjectEquals(highlightableArea, errors[0].getHighlightableArea());
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_LtrTextInLtrPageOkay() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>Shalom!<\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
assertErrorFields([], errors);
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_LtrTextInRtlPageError() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test', 'dir': 'rtl'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>Shalom<\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
var expected = [{'type': 'Undeclared LTR text',
'severity': 3,
'atText': 'Shalom',
'locationDescription': '<div dir=\'rtl\' id=\'test\'><p>'}
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_RlmCharInRtlTextInLtrPageError() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
// Hebrew text for "Shalom"
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd' +
goog.i18n.bidi.Format.RLM + '<\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
var expected = [{'type': 'Undeclared RTL text',
'severity': 3,
'atText': '\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd' +
'locationDescription': '<div id=\'test\'><p>'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_SingleRlmCharInLtrPageOkay() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>Shalom!' + goog.i18n.bidi.Format.RLM + '<\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
assertErrorFields([], errors);
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_LrmCharInLtrTextInRtlPageError() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test', 'dir': 'rtl'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>Shalom' + goog.i18n.bidi.Format.LRM + '<\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
var expected = [{'type': 'Undeclared LTR text',
'severity': 3,
'atText': 'Shalom' + goog.i18n.bidi.Format.LRM,
'locationDescription': '<div dir=\'rtl\' id=\'test\'><p>'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_SingleLrmCharInRtlPageOkay() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test', 'dir': 'rtl'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
// Hebrew text for "Shalom"
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd' +
goog.i18n.bidi.Format.LRM + '<\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
assertErrorFields([], errors);
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_LtrTextInRtlParagraphErrorLowSeverity() {
// Two paragraphs, one with the wrong direction tag. Since the declared
// directionality changes under the root element, any 'undeclared' errors
// below that point are of low severity.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p dir=\'rtl\'>Shalom<\/p><p>Okay?<\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
var expected = [{'type': 'Undeclared LTR text',
'severity': 4,
'atText': 'Shalom',
'locationDescription': '<div id=\'test\'><p dir=\'rtl\'>'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_ErrorSpansMultipleTextNodes() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML =
'<p dir=\'rtl\'>* Shalom <b>Okay?<\/b> <i>Done.<\/i><\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
var expected = [{'type': 'Undeclared LTR text',
'severity': 4,
'atText': 'Shalom Okay? Done',
'locationDescription': '<div id=\'test\'><p dir=\'rtl\'>',
'precededByText': '* ',
'followedByText': '.'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
// The error crosses four text nodes. It starts at the third character of the
// first text node and continues until the fourth character of the third node.
var textNode1 = testDiv.firstChild.firstChild; // * Shalom
var textNode2 = testDiv.firstChild.childNodes[1].firstChild; // Okay?
var textNode3 = testDiv.firstChild.childNodes[2]; // Blank space
var textNode4 = testDiv.firstChild.childNodes[3].firstChild; // Done.
var highlightableArea = new bidichecker.HighlightableText(
[textNode1, textNode2, textNode3, textNode4], 2, 4);
assertObjectEquals(highlightableArea, errors[0].getHighlightableArea());
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_RtlTextInPartOfLtrParagraphError() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
// Hebrew text for "Shalom"
testDiv.innerHTML =
'<p>This is Shalom \u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd did you know that?<\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
// The error should only report the wrong-directional text, not the entire
// paragraph.
var expected = [{'type': 'Undeclared RTL text',
'severity': 3,
'atText': '\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd',
'locationDescription': '<div id=\'test\'><p>'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
// The error is located in characters 15-19 of the text node.
var textNode = testDiv.firstChild.firstChild;
var highlightableArea = new bidichecker.HighlightableText([textNode], 15, 19);
assertObjectEquals(highlightableArea, errors[0].getHighlightableArea());
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_RlmCharacterNotUndeclaredError() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
// Unicode RLM, then some text.
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>\u200F Shalom<\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
// RLM marks are presumably inserted intentionally and should not be errors.
assertErrorFields([], errors);
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_LrmCharacterNotUndeclaredError() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test', 'dir': 'rtl'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
// Unicode LRM, then Hebrew text for "Shalom"
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>\u200E \u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd<\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
// LRM marks are presumably inserted intentionally and should not be errors.
assertErrorFields([], errors);
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_LtrTextInRtlParagraphErrorLowSeverity() {
// Since the declared directionality changes under the root element, any
// 'undeclared' errors below that point are of low severity.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
// Hebrew text for "Shalom"
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p dir=\'rtl\'>This is Shalom ' +
'\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd did you know<\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
// The errors should only report the wrong-directional text, not the entire
// paragraph.
var expected = [{'type': 'Undeclared LTR text',
'severity': 4,
'atText': 'This is Shalom',
'locationDescription': '<div id=\'test\'><p dir=\'rtl\'>'
{'type': 'Undeclared LTR text',
'severity': 4,
'atText': 'did you know',
'locationDescription': '<div id=\'test\'><p dir=\'rtl\'>'
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_RtlTextFollowedByNeutralsHighSeverity() {
// Since the undeclared opposite-directionality text is followed by neutral
// characters, it's a higher-severity error.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>This is Shalom ' +
// Hebrew text for "Shalom!"
'\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd!' +
' [@] did you know that?<\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
var expected = [{'type': 'Undeclared RTL text',
'severity': 2,
'atText': '\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd',
'followedByText': '! [@]',
'locationDescription': '<div id=\'test\'><p>'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_RtlTextPrecededByNeutralsHighSeverity() {
// Since the undeclared opposite-directionality text is followed by neutral
// characters, it's a higher-severity error.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>This is Shalom: ' +
// Hebrew text for "Shalom"
'\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd' +
' did you know that?<\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
var expected = [{'type': 'Undeclared RTL text',
'atText': '\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd',
'precededByText': ': ',
'severity': 2,
'locationDescription': '<div id=\'test\'><p>'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_NumbersTreatedAsNeutralsForSeverity() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>This is Shalom 123' +
// Hebrew text for "Shalom"
'\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd' +
'456 did you know that?<\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
var expected = [{'type': 'Undeclared RTL text',
'atText': '\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd',
'precededByText': '123',
'followedByText': '456',
'severity': 2,
'locationDescription': '<div id=\'test\'><p>'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_AdjacentNeutralsAtEndsOfChunk() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>**[' +
// Hebrew text for "Shalom"
'\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd' +
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
var expected = [{'type': 'Undeclared RTL text',
'atText': '\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd',
'precededByText': '**[',
'followedByText': ']?',
'severity': 2,
'locationDescription': '<div id=\'test\'><p>'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testUndeclaredTextDetector_AdjacentNeutralsLowSeverityInDeclared() {
// As above, but since the enclosing block has declared directionality, it
// remains low severity despite the adjacent neutral characters.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p dir=\'ltr\'>This is Shalom: ' +
// Hebrew text for "Shalom"
'\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd' +
' did you know that?<\/p>';
var errors = runUndeclaredTextDetector(testDiv);
var expected = [{'type': 'Undeclared RTL text',
'atText': '\u05e9\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd',
'precededByText': ': ',
'severity': 4,
'locationDescription': '<div id=\'test\'><p dir=\'ltr\'>'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);