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Unit tests for dirchunkwalker.js.
<title>bidichecker - Javascript Unit Tests</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../third_party/closure-library/closure/goog/base.js">
<!-- Include the generated deps.js which enables goog.require of
the modules under test.
<script type="text/javascript" src="deps.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="testutils.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// This in turn pulls in the rest of the files.
<script type="text/javascript">
* Compares a bidichecker.DirChunk object with a list of field contents and
* reports on whether they differ.
* @param {bidichecker.DirChunk} chunk The chunk to be compared.
* @param {string} text The expected text in the chunk.
* @param {boolean} isRtl Whether or not its context should be right-to-left.
* @param {Array.<bidichecker.CharPositionNode_>} nodePositions The expected
* index of character positions in the string to DOM nodes.
* @return {string} Newline-separated list of differences, if any.
* @private
function DirChunkDiff_(chunk, text, isRtl, nodePositions) {
var diffs = '';
if (chunk.getText() !== text) {
diffs += 'expected [' + text + '] was [' + chunk.getText() + ']\n';
if (chunk.isRtl() !== isRtl) {
diffs += 'expected isRtl ' + isRtl + ' was ' + chunk.isRtl() + '\n';
var chunkNodePositions = chunk.nodeFinder_.nodePositions_;
if (chunkNodePositions.length != nodePositions.length) {
diffs += 'expected nodePositions.length ' + nodePositions.length +
' was ' + chunkNodePositions.length + '\n';
for (var i = 0; i < chunkNodePositions.length; ++i) {
if (!nodePositions[i]) break;
if (chunkNodePositions[i].charPos != nodePositions[i].charPos) {
diffs += 'expected location[' + i + '].charPos ' +
nodePositions[i].charPos + ' was ' + chunkNodePositions[i].charPos +
if (chunkNodePositions[i].element != nodePositions[i].element) {
diffs += 'expected location[' + i + '].element ' +
nodePositions[i].element + ' was ' + chunkNodePositions[i].element + '\n';
return diffs;
* Container to collect chunks from {@code bidichecker.DirChunkEvent} events.
* @constructor
function DirChunkCollector_() {
this.chunks = [];
* Handles {@code bidichecker.DirChunkEvent} events by storing the chunk.
* @param {!} event A {@code bidichecker.DirChunkEvent}.
DirChunkCollector_.prototype.handleEvent = function(event) {
function walkTheChunks(rootElement) {
var domWalker = new bidichecker.DomWalker(rootElement);
var dirChunkWalker = new bidichecker.DirChunkWalker(domWalker);
var collector = new DirChunkCollector_();, 'DirChunk', collector);
domWalker.go();, 'DirChunk', collector);
return collector.chunks;
function testDirChunkWalker_NoText() {
// Paragraphs contain no content characters.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p dir=\'rtl\'></p><p></p>';
var chunks = walkTheChunks(testDiv);
assertArrayEquals([], chunks);
function testDirChunkWalker_TwoOppositeDirParagraphs() {
// Two paragraphs with opposite directionality tags.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p dir=\'rtl\'>Shalom!</p><p>Okay?</p>';
var rtlPara = testDiv.firstChild; // <p dir=rtl>Shalom!</p>
var ltrPara = testDiv.childNodes[1]; // <p>Okay?</p>
var chunks = walkTheChunks(testDiv);
var chunk = chunks[0];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'Shalom!', true,
[{charPos: 0, node: rtlPara}]));
assertEquals(true, chunk.isDeclared());
assertEquals(rtlPara, chunk.getBlock());
chunk = chunks[1];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'Okay?', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: ltrPara}]));
assertEquals(false, chunk.isDeclared());
assertEquals(ltrPara, chunk.getBlock());
assertEquals(2, chunks.length);
function testDirChunkWalker_DeclaredSameDirParagraphs() {
// Paragraphs have explicit directionality declaration, though they're the
// same as the root element's.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p dir=\'ltr\'>Shalom!</p><p dir=\'ltr\'>Okay?</p>';
var para1 = testDiv.firstChild; // Shalom!
var para2 = testDiv.childNodes[1]; // Okay?
var chunks = walkTheChunks(testDiv);
var chunk = chunks[0];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'Shalom!', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: para1}]));
assertEquals(true, chunk.isDeclared());
chunk = chunks[1];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'Okay?', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: para2}]));
assertEquals(true, chunk.isDeclared());
assertEquals(2, chunks.length);
function testDirChunkWalker_TwoSameDirChunks() {
// Two chunks with the same directionality; they should still be returned
// separately, since <P> is a block-level element.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>Shalom!</p><p>Okay?</p>';
var shalomPara = testDiv.firstChild; // Shalom!
var okayPara = testDiv.childNodes[1]; // Okay?
var chunks = walkTheChunks(testDiv);
var chunk = chunks[0];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'Shalom!', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: shalomPara}]));
chunk = chunks[1];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'Okay?', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: okayPara}]));
assertEquals(2, chunks.length);
function testDirChunkWalker_TwoSameDirSubchunks() {
// Two text elements with the same directionality within the same chunk;
// they should be combined. (A bold word sandwiched between two plain words.)
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>Shalom! <b>boldly</b> Okay? </p><p>New chunk</p>';
var para1 = testDiv.firstChild; // <p>Shalom!...
var boldWord = para1.childNodes[1]; // <b>boldly</b>
var para2 = testDiv.childNodes[1]; // <p>New chunk</p>
var chunks = walkTheChunks(testDiv);
var chunk = chunks[0];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'Shalom! boldly Okay? ', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: para1},
{charPos: 8, node: boldWord},
{charPos: 14, node: para1}]
assertEquals(para1, chunk.getBlock());
chunk = chunks[1];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'New chunk', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: para2}]));
assertEquals(para2, chunk.getBlock());
assertEquals(2, chunks.length);
function testDirChunkWalker_OppositeDirSubchunks() {
// Text elements with opposite directionality within the same chunk;
// they should be returned separately.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML =
'<p>Shalom! <span dir=\'rtl\'>BACK</span> Okay? </p><p>New chunk</p>';
var para1 = testDiv.firstChild; // <p>Shalom!...
var rtlSpan = para1.childNodes[1]; // <span dir='rtl'>BACK</span>
var para2 = testDiv.childNodes[1]; // <p>New chunk</p>
var chunks = walkTheChunks(testDiv);
var chunk = chunks[0];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'Shalom! ', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: para1}]));
assertEquals(false, chunk.isDeclared());
chunk = chunks[1];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'BACK', true,
[{charPos: 0, node: rtlSpan}]));
assertEquals(true, chunk.isDeclared());
chunk = chunks[2];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, ' Okay? ', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: para1}]));
assertEquals(false, chunk.isDeclared());
chunk = chunks[3];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'New chunk', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: para2}]));
assertEquals(false, chunk.isDeclared());
assertEquals(4, chunks.length);
function testDirChunkWalker_DeclaredSameDirSubchunks() {
// Text elements with the same directionality within the same chunk,
// but the second has declared directionality.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>Shalom! <span dir=\'ltr\'>BACK</span> Okay? </p>';
var para1 = testDiv.firstChild; // <p>Shalom!...
var ltrSpan = para1.childNodes[1]; // <span dir='ltr'>BACK</span>
var chunks = walkTheChunks(testDiv);
var chunk = chunks[0];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'Shalom! ', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: para1}]));
assertEquals(false, chunk.isDeclared());
assertEquals(para1, chunk.getBlock());
chunk = chunks[1];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'BACK', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: ltrSpan}]));
assertEquals(true, chunk.isDeclared());
assertEquals(para1, chunk.getBlock());
chunk = chunks[2];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, ' Okay? ', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: para1}]));
assertEquals(false, chunk.isDeclared());
assertEquals(para1, chunk.getBlock());
assertEquals(3, chunks.length);
function testDirChunkWalker_BlockStartsWithNonBlockElement() {
// The first text in the block is enclosed in a non-block element (it's bold).
// Its location should be reported as in the bold element, not the block.
// Also, the block ends with another nested div.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<div><b>boldly</b> Shalom! <div>y\'all!</div></div>';
var shalomDiv = testDiv.firstChild; // <div><b>boldly</b>...
var boldWord = shalomDiv.firstChild; // <b>boldly</b>
var yallDiv = shalomDiv.childNodes[2]; // <div>y\'all!</div>
var chunks = walkTheChunks(testDiv);
var chunk = chunks[0];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'boldly Shalom! ', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: boldWord},
{charPos: 6, node: shalomDiv}]
chunk = chunks[1];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'y\'all!', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: yallDiv}]
assertEquals(2, chunks.length);
function testDirChunkWalker_EmbeddedBlockCancelsDeclaredStatus() {
// If a block with declared directionality contains another block inside it,
// we don't consider the outer block's contents to be "declared" chunks.
// Note: This DOM must be built with createDom(), since the HTML parser
// inserts unwanted paragraph breaks.
var para2 = goog.dom.createDom('p', {'dir': 'ltr'}, 'BACK');
var para1 = goog.dom.createDom('p', {'dir': 'ltr'}, 'Shalom', para2, 'Okay');
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'}, para1);
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
var chunks = walkTheChunks(testDiv);
var chunk = chunks[0];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'Shalom', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: para1}]));
assertEquals(false, chunk.isDeclared());
chunk = chunks[1];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'BACK', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: para2}]));
assertEquals(true, chunk.isDeclared());
chunk = chunks[2];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'Okay', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: para1}]));
assertEquals(false, chunk.isDeclared());
assertEquals(3, chunks.length);
function testDirChunkWalker_BlockChangesAfterExitingEmbeddedBlock() {
// The first text in the block is enclosed in a non-block element (it's bold).
// Its location should be reported as in the bold element, not the block.
// Also, the block ends with another nested div.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test', 'dir': 'rtl'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<div><div dir=\'ltr\'>Shalom</div>Okay</div></div>';
var parentDiv = testDiv.firstChild; // <div><div dir=\'ltr\'>...
var ltrDiv = parentDiv.firstChild; // <div dir=\'ltr\'>...
var chunks = walkTheChunks(testDiv);
var chunk = chunks[0];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'Shalom', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: ltrDiv}]));
assertEquals(true, chunk.isDeclared());
assertEquals(ltrDiv, chunk.getBlock());
chunk = chunks[1];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'Okay', true,
[{charPos: 0, node: parentDiv}]));
assertEquals(false, chunk.isDeclared());
assertEquals(parentDiv, chunk.getBlock());
assertEquals(2, chunks.length);
function testDirChunkWalker_DisplayNoneIsIgnored() {
// All the contents have display:none set.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p dir=\'rtl\' style=\'display: none\'>Shalom!</p>' +
'<p style=\'display: none\'>Okay?</p>';
var chunks = walkTheChunks(testDiv);
assertArrayEquals([], chunks);
function testDirChunkWalker_ScriptAndStyleAreIgnored() {
// <style> shouldn't really appear in the body, but sometimes it does.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<\script dir=\'rtl\'>if (true) x=7;</\script>' +
'<style>A b c d e f g</style>';
var chunks = walkTheChunks(testDiv);
assertArrayEquals([], chunks);
function testDirChunkWalker_TextareaContentsAreIgnored() {
// Text nodes inside a <textarea> are not inline with the rest of the page.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML =
'<p>This contains <textarea>A b c d e f g<\/textarea> a textarea<\/p>';
var para = testDiv.firstChild; // <p>...
var chunks = walkTheChunks(testDiv);
var chunk = chunks[0];
assertEquals('', DirChunkDiff_(chunk, 'This contains a textarea', false,
[{charPos: 0, node: para},
{charPos: 14, node: para}]));
assertEquals(false, chunk.isDeclared());
assertEquals(para, chunk.getBlock());
assertEquals(1, chunks.length);