blob: ada7b2145b1ea8b50f82bba8ece3641e8dabc25a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Class which resides on the page being checked and communicates
* with a BidiChecker GUI, responding to its requests. See the GUI Message
* Protocol document for descriptions of the messages sent between the GUI and
* the page being checked.
* Server which communicates with a GUI and responds to its requests. To ensure
* that only one instance of the server will be active at any time on a
* particular page (being checked), and to ensure proper initialization order,
* call {@code bidichecker.gui.server.GuiServer.startServer} after construction.
* @param {!bidichecker.BidiChecker} checker A BidiChecker instance used for
* checking the page.
* @param {Object.<string, Object>} options The initial options.
* Options are specified as an object with the following (optional) keys:
* <ul>
* <li>dir -- string, "rtl" or "ltr" (the default). The expected page
* directionality.
* <li>severity -- The severity level from which to suppress error messages,
* or -1 (for no severity filtering). Default 4.
* </ul>
* @param {!bidichecker.gui.server.GuiContainer} guiContainer The object which
* displays the BidiChecker GUI web application. The GuiServer will be
* responsible for disposing this object.
* @param {string} guiAppUrl Location of the GUI files.
* @param {Array.<!bidichecker.Error>=} opt_errors Array of error objects for
* initial checkPage request. Subsequent requests will be handled as usual
* by invoking the given BidiChecker's checkPage method.
* @constructor
bidichecker.gui.server.GuiServer = function(checker, options, guiContainer,
guiAppUrl, opt_errors) {
// Set defaults for unspecified options.
options = goog.object.clone(options);
var defaults = {
'dir': 'ltr',
'severity': 4
for (var key in defaults) {
if (!(key in options)) {
options[key] = defaults[key];
* A BidiChecker instance used for checking the page.
* @type {!bidichecker.BidiChecker}
* @private
this.checker_ = checker;
* The current options. We manage them here instead of at the GUI side because
* the GUI side may have trouble maintaining state (due to refreshes, etc).
* @type {Object}
* @private
this.options_ = options;
* The object that manages the BidiChecker GUI web application.
* @type {!bidichecker.gui.server.GuiContainer}
* @private
this.guiContainer_ = guiContainer;
* Location of the GUI files.
* @type {string}
* @private
this.guiAppUrl_ = guiAppUrl;
* Errors to return as a response to the first checkPage message. Null if no
* initial errors were specified or the errors were already returned.
* @type {Array.<!bidichecker.Error>}
* @private
this.initialErrors_ = opt_errors || null;
* Completes initialization of a new GuiServer instance and makes it the active
* one. Before that, disposes the running server, if any.
* @param {bidichecker.gui.server.GuiServer} server The GuiServer that will be
* server.
bidichecker.gui.server.GuiServer.startServer = function(server) {
bidichecker.gui.server.GuiServer.activeServer_ = server;
* The communication channel.
* @type {bidichecker.gui.common.CommChannel}
* @private
bidichecker.gui.server.GuiServer.prototype.channel_ = null;
* Completes initialization of the server after any existing running server is
* stopped, and starts the error browser.
* Visible for testing only.
bidichecker.gui.server.GuiServer.prototype.start = function() {
var guiWindow = this.guiContainer_.getContentWindow();
this.channel_ = new bidichecker.gui.common.CommChannel(guiWindow, {
'checkPage': goog.bind(this.handleCheckPageMessage_, this),
'highlightError': goog.bind(this.handleHighlightErrorMessage_, this),
'unhighlightError': goog.bind(this.handleUnhighlightErrorMessage_, this),
'getOptions': goog.bind(this.handleGetOptionsMessage_, this),
'setOptions': goog.bind(this.handleSetOptionsMessage_, this)
guiWindow.location = this.guiAppUrl_;
* Stops listening to messages and closes the GuiContainer. The object shouldn't
* be used after calling this method.
bidichecker.gui.server.GuiServer.prototype.dispose = function() {
delete this.channel_;
delete this.guiContainer_;
* Checks the document using the current options and returns the results.
* @return {!Array.<!bidichecker.Error>} Array of error objects for all failing
* checks.
* @private
bidichecker.gui.server.GuiServer.prototype.checkPageWithCurrentOptions_ =
function() {
var options = this.options_;
var filters = [];
if (options['severity'] != -1) {
return this.checker_.checkPage(options['dir'] == 'rtl', null, filters);
* @return {Object} The current options.
bidichecker.gui.server.GuiServer.prototype.getOptions =
function() {
return this.options_;
* Sends back an "options" message with the current options.
* @private
bidichecker.gui.server.GuiServer.prototype.handleGetOptionsMessage_ =
function() {
this.channel_.send('options', this.options_);
* Sets the current options.
* @param {string} type The message type. Should be "setOptions".
* @param {*} data Message data. The options object to use.
* @private
bidichecker.gui.server.GuiServer.prototype.handleSetOptionsMessage_ =
function(type, data) {
this.options_ = Object(data);
* Checks the page for errors and sends back an "errorList" message with the
* results.
* @private
bidichecker.gui.server.GuiServer.prototype.handleCheckPageMessage_ =
function() {
var errors;
if (this.initialErrors_) {
errors = this.initialErrors_;
this.initialErrors_ = null;
} else {
errors = this.checkPageWithCurrentOptions_();
// Convert the list of Error objects into a list of "raw" Objects consumable
// by the send method, by serializing and then deserializing them.
var rawObjects = goog.json.parse(bidichecker.Error.serialize(errors));
this.channel_.send('errorList', rawObjects);
* Scrolls the window so a given page position is near the top of the screen.
* Notifies the GuiContainer so it can update its own location if necessary.
* @param {goog.math.Coordinate} coords The coordinates to scroll to.
* @private
bidichecker.gui.server.GuiServer.prototype.scrollTo_ = function(coords) {
var oldY = window.scrollY;
window.scrollTo(0, coords.y - 100);
this.guiContainer_.handleScroll(window.scrollY - oldY);
* @param {string} type The message type. Should be "highlightError".
* @param {*} data Message data. Should be the deserialized error object.
* @private
bidichecker.gui.server.GuiServer.prototype.handleHighlightErrorMessage_ =
function(type, data) {
var error = new bidichecker.Error(Object(data));
var highlightableArea = error.getHighlightableArea();
if (highlightableArea) {
var coords = highlightableArea.highlightOnPage();
* @param {string} type The message type. Should be "unhighlightError".
* @param {*} data Message data. Should be the deserialized error object.
* @private
bidichecker.gui.server.GuiServer.prototype.handleUnhighlightErrorMessage_ =
function(type, data) {
var error = new bidichecker.Error(Object(data));
var highlightableArea = error.getHighlightableArea();
if (highlightableArea) {