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Sample tests for reviews.js using BidiChecker in its non-packaged form. This
relies on finding the Closure Library at its expected relative location.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<title>reviews.js example - BidiChecker Unit Tests</title>
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript" src="reviews.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="i18n.js"></script>
<!-- Include bidichecker's deps.js. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../src/deps.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Use Closure's module mechanism to load BidiChecker and JSUnit.
<script type="text/javascript">
// Common initializations before each unit test.
function setUp() {
// The unit tests add content to the page by creating a div with id="test".
// We remove it before each test to make way for the next one.
var testDiv = document.getElementById('test');
if (testDiv) {
// Common cleanup after each unit test.
function tearDown() {
// Nothing to do here.
// Test that English data is correctly rendered in an English UI.
function testReviews_EnglishDataEnglishUi() {
// Reviews data to display - all in English.
var reviewsData = [
{'title': '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea',
'reviews': '27'}
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
// Render the reviews in an English UI.
var app = new ReviewsApp(reviewsData, testDiv);
// Run BidiChecker on the application's element. (To run it on the entire web
// page, use document.body instead of testDiv.)
var errors = bidichecker.checkPage(/* shouldBeRtl= */ false, testDiv);
// No BiDi errors should be found.
assertArrayEquals([], errors);
// Test that Hebrew data is correctly rendered in a Hebrew UI.
function testReviews_HebrewDataHebrewUi() {
// Reviews data to display - all in Hebrew.
var reviewsData = [
{'title': 'דירה להשכיר',
'reviews': '52'}
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
// Render the reviews in a Hebrew UI.
var app = new ReviewsApp(reviewsData, testDiv);
// Run BidiChecker on the application's element.
var errors = bidichecker.checkPage(/* shouldBeRtl= */ true, testDiv);
// No BiDi errors should be found.
assertArrayEquals([], errors);
// Render English data in a Hebrew UI. Demonstrates use of error suppression
// filters.
function testReviews_EnglishDataHebrewUi() {
// Reviews data to display - all in English.
var reviewsData = [
{'title': '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea',
'reviews': '30'}
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
// Render the reviews in a Hebrew UI.
var app = new ReviewsApp(reviewsData, testDiv);
// Run BidiChecker on the application's element.
// We know this is buggy, but we're not ready to fix it yet, so we'll filter
// out the known BiDi errors. Specifically, we'll filter out "undeclared LTR
// text" errors in the reviews panel.
var filters = [ bidichecker.FilterFactory.type('Undeclared LTR text').and(
bidichecker.FilterFactory.locationId('reviews')) ];
var errors = bidichecker.checkPage(/* shouldBeRtl= */ true, testDiv, filters);
// No unexpected BiDi errors should be found.
assertArrayEquals([], errors);
// As before, but render Hebrew data in an English UI.
function testReviews_HebrewDataEnglishUi() {
// Reviews data to display - all in Hebrew.
var reviewsData = [
{'title': 'דירה להשכיר',
'reviews': '52'}
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
// Render the reviews in an English UI.
var app = new ReviewsApp(reviewsData, testDiv);
// Run BidiChecker on the application's element.
// As before, we'll filter out the known BiDi errors; specifically,
// "undeclared RTL text" errors in the reviews panel. This time, we'll try
// the XPath-based filter.
var filters = [ bidichecker.FilterFactory.type('Undeclared RTL text').and(
bidichecker.FilterFactory.locationXpath('id("reviews")/*')) ];
var errors =
bidichecker.checkPage(/* shouldBeRtl= */ false, testDiv, filters);
// No unexpected BiDi errors should be found.
assertArrayEquals([], errors);
// Demonstrate in-browser error GUI. This test *would fail* if the assertion
// were enabled. Instead, it has been modified to run the BidiChecker error GUI.
// It will display a dialog box allowing the user to browse the bidi errors,
// highlighting each where it appears on the page. (Note that depending on your
// browser window size, you may have to drag the dialog box to see the error
// locations.)
// The function name is chosen to be last alphabetically so it's run last and
// its results remain in the browser.
// In practice, you probably wouldn't run the GUI from an automated test suite,
// but you might activate it manually for specific tests that are failing for
// unclear reasons.
function testReviews_RunGui() {
// Reviews data to display - all in English.
var reviewsData = [
{'title': '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea',
'reviews': '12'}
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
// Render the reviews in a Hebrew UI.
var app = new ReviewsApp(reviewsData, testDiv);
// Run BidiChecker on the application's element.
// We know this is buggy, so the error list will be non-empty.
var errors = bidichecker.checkPage(/* shouldBeRtl= */ true, testDiv);
// Run the in-browser error GUI.
if (errors.length != 0) {
// This assertion would fail!
// assertArrayEquals([], errors);