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Unit tests for errorcollector.js.
<title>bidichecker - Javascript Unit Tests</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../third_party/closure-library/closure/goog/base.js">
<!-- Include the generated deps.js which enables goog.require of
the modules under test.
<script type="text/javascript" src="deps.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="testutils.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// This in turn pulls in the rest of the files.
<script type="text/javascript">
function testErrorCollector_Empty() {
var collector = new bidichecker.ErrorCollector(new bidichecker.FrameStack());
assertArrayEquals([], collector.getErrors());
function testErrorCollector_AddErrorWithoutLocation() {
var collector = new bidichecker.ErrorCollector(new bidichecker.FrameStack());
var error = new bidichecker.Error('abc', 2);
assertArrayEquals([error], collector.getErrors());
// Check that the error contents have not been modified.
var expectedFields = {'type': 'abc', 'severity': 2};
assertErrorFields([expectedFields], collector.getErrors());
function testErrorCollector_AddErrorWithLocation() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
testDiv.innerHTML = '<div id=\'nomatch\'><p>Okay?</p></div>';
var collector = new bidichecker.ErrorCollector(new bidichecker.FrameStack());
var error = new bidichecker.Error('abc', 2);
var locationElement = (/** @type {Element} */ testDiv.firstChild);
collector.addError(error, locationElement);
assertArrayEquals([error], collector.getErrors());
// Check that the error now has a location description.
var expectedFields = {'type': 'abc',
'severity': 2,
'locationDescription': '<div id=\'nomatch\'>'};
assertErrorFields([expectedFields], collector.getErrors());
function testErrorCollector_AddErrorSuppressedByFilter() {
var filters = [bidichecker.FilterFactory.constructFilter_(
{'atText': 'friends', 'opcode': 'AT_TEXT'})];
var collector =
new bidichecker.ErrorCollector(new bidichecker.FrameStack(), filters);
var error = new bidichecker.Error('abc', 2, null, 'friends');
assertArrayEquals([], collector.getErrors());
function testErrorCollector_AddErrorNotSuppressedByFilter() {
var filters = [bidichecker.FilterFactory.constructFilter_(
{'atText': 'friends', 'opcode': 'AT_TEXT'})];
var collector =
new bidichecker.ErrorCollector(new bidichecker.FrameStack(), filters);
var error = new bidichecker.Error('abc', 2, null, 'enemies');
assertArrayEquals([error], collector.getErrors());
function testErrorCollector_AddErrorSuppressedBySecondFilter() {
// Make sure all filters are applied to all errors.
var filters = [bidichecker.FilterFactory.constructFilter_(
{'atText': 'friends', 'opcode': 'AT_TEXT'}),
{'atText': 'enemies', 'opcode': 'AT_TEXT'})];
var collector =
new bidichecker.ErrorCollector(new bidichecker.FrameStack(), filters);
var error1 = new bidichecker.Error('abc', 2, null, 'enemies');
var error2 = new bidichecker.Error('abc', 2, null, 'countrymen');
assertArrayEquals([error2], collector.getErrors());
function testErrorCollector_AddErrorsInFrames() {
// The ErrorCollector doesn't actually care whether the frame location element
// it receives in fact belongs to a frame; it just uses it to generate the
// nested location description. To simplify the test, we just use any old
// element to represent the frame element.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
testDiv.innerHTML =
'<div id=\'nomatch\'><p><b>Text</b></p></div>';
var frameStack = new bidichecker.FrameStack;
var collector = new bidichecker.ErrorCollector(frameStack);
var frameElement1 = (/** @type {Element} */ testDiv.firstChild);
var frameElement2 = (/** @type {Element} */ testDiv.firstChild.firstChild);
var locationElement =
(/** @type {Element} */ testDiv.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild);
var error1 = new bidichecker.Error('abc', 2);
collector.addError(error1, locationElement);
var error2 = new bidichecker.Error('abc', 2);
collector.addError(error2, locationElement);
var error3 = new bidichecker.Error('abc', 2);
collector.addError(error3); // This one has no DOM location.
// Back at the top-level document.
var error4 = new bidichecker.Error('abc', 2);
collector.addError(error4, locationElement);
assertArrayEquals([error1, error2, error3, error4], collector.getErrors());
// Check that the location descriptions include the frames.
var expectedFields = [{
'type': 'abc',
'severity': 2,
'<div id=\'nomatch\'><p><b> in <div id=\'nomatch\'>'
'type': 'abc',
'severity': 2,
'<div id=\'nomatch\'><p><b> in ' +
'<div id=\'nomatch\'><p> in <div id=\'nomatch\'>'
'type': 'abc',
'severity': 2,
'<div id=\'nomatch\'>' // Just a frame location.
'type': 'abc',
'severity': 2,
'<div id=\'nomatch\'><p><b>' // No parent frame.
assertErrorFields(expectedFields, collector.getErrors());
function testErrorCollector_SetThrowOnError() {
var collector = new bidichecker.ErrorCollector(new bidichecker.FrameStack());
var createError = function() {
var error = new bidichecker.Error('abc', 2);