blob: a7b2cee0d732c4247fcf26a4f41b842a26bea0c5 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Test the autodoc extension. This tests mainly the Documenters; the auto
directives are tested in a test source file translated by test_build.
:copyright: Copyright 2007-2014 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
import sys
from StringIO import StringIO
# "raises" imported for usage by autodoc
from util import TestApp, Struct, raises
from import with_setup
from docutils.statemachine import ViewList
from sphinx.ext.autodoc import AutoDirective, add_documenter, \
ModuleLevelDocumenter, FunctionDocumenter, cut_lines, between, ALL
app = None
def setup_module():
global app
app = TestApp() = app
app.builder.env.temp_data['docname'] = 'dummy'
app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', process_docstring)
app.connect('autodoc-process-signature', process_signature)
app.connect('autodoc-skip-member', skip_member)
def teardown_module():
directive = options = None
def setup_test():
global options, directive
global processed_docstrings, processed_signatures, _warnings
options = Struct(
inherited_members = False,
undoc_members = False,
private_members = False,
special_members = False,
imported_members = False,
show_inheritance = False,
noindex = False,
annotation = None,
synopsis = '',
platform = '',
deprecated = False,
members = [],
member_order = 'alphabetic',
exclude_members = set(),
directive = Struct(
env = app.builder.env,
genopt = options,
result = ViewList(),
warn = warnfunc,
filename_set = set(),
processed_docstrings = []
processed_signatures = []
_warnings = []
_warnings = []
def warnfunc(msg):
processed_docstrings = []
def process_docstring(app, what, name, obj, options, lines):
processed_docstrings.append((what, name))
if name == 'bar':
lines.extend(['42', ''])
processed_signatures = []
def process_signature(app, what, name, obj, options, args, retann):
processed_signatures.append((what, name))
if name == 'bar':
return '42', None
def skip_member(app, what, name, obj, skip, options):
if name in ('__special1__', '__special2__'):
return skip
if name.startswith('_'):
return True
if name == 'skipmeth':
return True
def test_parse_name():
def verify(objtype, name, result):
inst = AutoDirective._registry[objtype](directive, name)
assert inst.parse_name()
assert (inst.modname, inst.objpath, inst.args, inst.retann) == result
# for modules
verify('module', 'test_autodoc', ('test_autodoc', [], None, None))
verify('module', 'test.test_autodoc', ('test.test_autodoc', [], None, None))
verify('module', 'test(arg)', ('test', [], 'arg', None))
assert 'signature arguments' in _warnings[0]
del _warnings[:]
# for functions/classes
verify('function', 'util.raises', ('util', ['raises'], None, None))
verify('function', 'util.raises(exc) -> None',
('util', ['raises'], 'exc', 'None'))
directive.env.temp_data['autodoc:module'] = 'util'
verify('function', 'raises', ('util', ['raises'], None, None))
del directive.env.temp_data['autodoc:module']
directive.env.temp_data['py:module'] = 'util'
verify('function', 'raises', ('util', ['raises'], None, None))
verify('class', 'TestApp', ('util', ['TestApp'], None, None))
# for members
directive.env.temp_data['py:module'] = 'foo'
verify('method', 'util.TestApp.cleanup',
('util', ['TestApp', 'cleanup'], None, None))
directive.env.temp_data['py:module'] = 'util'
directive.env.temp_data['py:class'] = 'Foo'
directive.env.temp_data['autodoc:class'] = 'TestApp'
verify('method', 'cleanup', ('util', ['TestApp', 'cleanup'], None, None))
verify('method', 'TestApp.cleanup',
('util', ['TestApp', 'cleanup'], None, None))
# and clean up
del directive.env.temp_data['py:module']
del directive.env.temp_data['py:class']
del directive.env.temp_data['autodoc:class']
def test_format_signature():
def formatsig(objtype, name, obj, args, retann):
inst = AutoDirective._registry[objtype](directive, name)
inst.fullname = name
inst.doc_as_attr = False # for class objtype
inst.object = obj
inst.args = args
inst.retann = retann
return inst.format_signature()
# no signatures for modules
assert formatsig('module', 'test', None, None, None) == ''
# test for functions
def f(a, b, c=1, **d):
def g(a='\n'):
assert formatsig('function', 'f', f, None, None) == '(a, b, c=1, **d)'
assert formatsig('function', 'f', f, 'a, b, c, d', None) == '(a, b, c, d)'
assert formatsig('function', 'f', f, None, 'None') == \
'(a, b, c=1, **d) -> None'
assert formatsig('function', 'g', g, None, None) == r"(a='\\n')"
# test for classes
class D:
class E(object):
# no signature for classes without __init__
for C in (D, E):
assert formatsig('class', 'D', C, None, None) == ''
class F:
def __init__(self, a, b=None):
class G(F, object):
for C in (F, G):
assert formatsig('class', 'C', C, None, None) == '(a, b=None)'
assert formatsig('class', 'C', D, 'a, b', 'X') == '(a, b) -> X'
#__init__ have signature at first line of docstring
class F2:
'''some docstring for F2.'''
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
__init__(a1, a2, kw1=True, kw2=False)
some docstring for __init__.
class G2(F2, object):
for C in (F2, G2):
assert formatsig('class', 'C', C, None, None) == \
'(a1, a2, kw1=True, kw2=False)'
# test for methods
class H:
def foo1(self, b, *c):
def foo2(b, *c):
def foo3(self, d='\n'):
assert formatsig('method', '', H.foo1, None, None) == '(b, *c)'
assert formatsig('method', '', H.foo1, 'a', None) == '(a)'
assert formatsig('method', '', H.foo2, None, None) == '(b, *c)'
assert formatsig('method', '', H.foo3, None, None) == r"(d='\\n')"
# test exception handling (exception is caught and args is '')
assert formatsig('function', 'int', int, None, None) == ''
del _warnings[:]
# test processing by event handler
assert formatsig('method', 'bar', H.foo1, None, None) == '42'
# test functions created via functools.partial
from functools import partial
curried1 = partial(lambda a, b, c: None, 'A')
assert formatsig('function', 'curried1', curried1, None, None) == \
'(b, c)'
curried2 = partial(lambda a, b, c=42: None, 'A')
assert formatsig('function', 'curried2', curried2, None, None) == \
'(b, c=42)'
curried3 = partial(lambda a, b, *c: None, 'A')
assert formatsig('function', 'curried3', curried3, None, None) == \
'(b, *c)'
curried4 = partial(lambda a, b, c=42, *d, **e: None, 'A')
assert formatsig('function', 'curried4', curried4, None, None) == \
'(b, c=42, *d, **e)'
def test_get_doc():
def getdocl(objtype, obj, encoding=None):
inst = AutoDirective._registry[objtype](directive, 'tmp')
inst.object = obj
ds = inst.get_doc(encoding)
# for testing purposes, concat them and strip the empty line at the end
return sum(ds, [])[:-1]
# objects without docstring
def f():
assert getdocl('function', f) == []
# standard function, diverse docstring styles...
def f():
def g():
for func in (f, g):
assert getdocl('function', func) == ['Docstring']
# first line vs. other lines indentation
def f():
"""First line
assert getdocl('function', f) == ['First line', '', 'Other', ' lines']
# charset guessing (this module is encoded in utf-8)
def f():
assert getdocl('function', f) == [u'Döcstring']
# already-unicode docstrings must be taken literally
def f():
assert getdocl('function', f) == [u'Döcstring']
# class docstring: depends on config value which one is taken
class C:
"""Class docstring"""
def __init__(self):
"""Init docstring"""
directive.env.config.autoclass_content = 'class'
assert getdocl('class', C) == ['Class docstring']
directive.env.config.autoclass_content = 'init'
assert getdocl('class', C) == ['Init docstring']
directive.env.config.autoclass_content = 'both'
assert getdocl('class', C) == ['Class docstring', '', 'Init docstring']
class D:
"""Class docstring"""
def __init__(self):
"""Init docstring
# Indentation is normalized for 'both'
assert getdocl('class', D) == ['Class docstring', '', 'Init docstring',
'', 'Other', ' lines']
#__init__ have signature at first line of docstring
class E:
"""Class docstring"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
__init__(a1, a2, kw1=True, kw2=False)
Init docstring
# signature line in the docstring will be kept when
# autodoc_docstring_signature == False
directive.env.config.autodoc_docstring_signature = False
directive.env.config.autoclass_content = 'class'
assert getdocl('class', E) == ['Class docstring']
directive.env.config.autoclass_content = 'init'
assert getdocl('class', E) == ['__init__(a1, a2, kw1=True, kw2=False)',
'', 'Init docstring']
directive.env.config.autoclass_content = 'both'
assert getdocl('class', E) == ['Class docstring', '',
'__init__(a1, a2, kw1=True, kw2=False)',
'', 'Init docstring']
# signature line in the docstring will be removed when
# autodoc_docstring_signature == True
directive.env.config.autodoc_docstring_signature = True #default
directive.env.config.autoclass_content = 'class'
assert getdocl('class', E) == ['Class docstring']
directive.env.config.autoclass_content = 'init'
assert getdocl('class', E) == ['Init docstring']
directive.env.config.autoclass_content = 'both'
assert getdocl('class', E) == ['Class docstring', '', 'Init docstring']
# class does not have __init__ method
class F(object):
"""Class docstring"""
# docstring in the __init__ method of base class will be discard
for f in (False, True):
directive.env.config.autodoc_docstring_signature = f
directive.env.config.autoclass_content = 'class'
assert getdocl('class', F) == ['Class docstring']
directive.env.config.autoclass_content = 'init'
assert getdocl('class', F) == ['Class docstring']
directive.env.config.autoclass_content = 'both'
assert getdocl('class', F) == ['Class docstring']
# class has __init__ method with no docstring
class G(object):
"""Class docstring"""
def __init__(self):
# docstring in the __init__ method of base class will not be used
for f in (False, True):
directive.env.config.autodoc_docstring_signature = f
directive.env.config.autoclass_content = 'class'
assert getdocl('class', G) == ['Class docstring']
directive.env.config.autoclass_content = 'init'
assert getdocl('class', G) == ['Class docstring']
directive.env.config.autoclass_content = 'both'
assert getdocl('class', G) == ['Class docstring']
def test_docstring_processing():
def process(objtype, name, obj):
inst = AutoDirective._registry[objtype](directive, name)
inst.object = obj
inst.fullname = name
return list(inst.process_doc(inst.get_doc()))
class E:
def __init__(self):
"""Init docstring"""
# docstring processing by event handler
assert process('class', 'bar', E) == ['Init docstring', '', '42', '']
lid = app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring',
cut_lines(1, 1, ['function']))
def f():
first line
second line
third line
assert process('function', 'f', f) == ['second line', '']
lid = app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', between('---', ['function']))
def g():
first line
second line
third line
assert process('function', 'g', g) == ['second line', '']
lid = app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', between('---', ['function'],
def h():
first line
second line
third line
assert process('function', 'h', h) == ['first line', 'third line', '']
def test_new_documenter():
class MyDocumenter(ModuleLevelDocumenter):
objtype = 'integer'
directivetype = 'data'
priority = 100
def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
return isinstance(member, int)
def document_members(self, all_members=False):
def assert_result_contains(item, objtype, name, **kw):
inst = AutoDirective._registry[objtype](directive, name)
#print '\n'.join(directive.result)
assert len(_warnings) == 0, _warnings
assert item in directive.result
del directive.result[:]
options.members = ['integer']
assert_result_contains('.. py:data:: integer', 'module', 'test_autodoc')
@with_setup(setup_test, AutoDirective._special_attrgetters.clear)
def test_attrgetter_using():
def assert_getter_works(objtype, name, obj, attrs=[], **kw):
getattr_spy = []
def special_getattr(obj, name, *defargs):
if name in attrs:
getattr_spy.append((obj, name))
return None
return getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
AutoDirective._special_attrgetters[type] = special_getattr
del getattr_spy[:]
inst = AutoDirective._registry[objtype](directive, name)
hooked_members = [s[1] for s in getattr_spy]
documented_members = [s[1] for s in processed_signatures]
for attr in attrs:
fullname = '.'.join((name, attr))
assert attr in hooked_members
assert fullname not in documented_members, \
'%r was not hooked by special_attrgetter function' % fullname
options.members = ALL
options.inherited_members = False
assert_getter_works('class', 'test_autodoc.Class', Class,
options.inherited_members = True
assert_getter_works('class', 'test_autodoc.Class', Class,
['meth', 'inheritedmeth'])
def test_generate():
def assert_warns(warn_str, objtype, name, **kw):
inst = AutoDirective._registry[objtype](directive, name)
assert len(directive.result) == 0, directive.result
assert len(_warnings) == 1, _warnings
assert warn_str in _warnings[0], _warnings
del _warnings[:]
def assert_works(objtype, name, **kw):
inst = AutoDirective._registry[objtype](directive, name)
assert directive.result
#print '\n'.join(directive.result)
assert len(_warnings) == 0, _warnings
del directive.result[:]
def assert_processes(items, objtype, name, **kw):
del processed_docstrings[:]
del processed_signatures[:]
assert_works(objtype, name, **kw)
assert set(processed_docstrings) | set(processed_signatures) == \
def assert_result_contains(item, objtype, name, **kw):
inst = AutoDirective._registry[objtype](directive, name)
#print '\n'.join(directive.result)
assert len(_warnings) == 0, _warnings
assert item in directive.result
del directive.result[:]
def assert_order(items, objtype, name, member_order, **kw):
inst = AutoDirective._registry[objtype](directive, name)
inst.options.member_order = member_order
assert len(_warnings) == 0, _warnings
items = list(reversed(items))
lineiter = iter(directive.result)
#for line in directive.result:
# if line.strip():
# print repr(line)
while items:
item = items.pop()
for line in lineiter:
if line == item:
else: # ran out of items!
assert False, 'item %r not found in result or not in the ' \
' correct order' % item
del directive.result[:]
options.members = []
# no module found?
assert_warns("import for autodocumenting 'foobar'",
'function', 'foobar', more_content=None)
# importing
assert_warns("failed to import module 'test_foobar'",
'module', 'test_foobar', more_content=None)
# attributes missing
assert_warns("failed to import function 'foobar' from module 'util'",
'function', 'util.foobar', more_content=None)
# method missing
assert_warns("failed to import method 'Class.foobar' from module 'test_autodoc';",
'method', 'test_autodoc.Class.foobar', more_content=None)
# test auto and given content mixing
directive.env.temp_data['py:module'] = 'test_autodoc'
assert_result_contains(' Function.', 'method', 'Class.meth')
add_content = ViewList()
add_content.append('Content.', '', 0)
assert_result_contains(' Function.', 'method',
'Class.meth', more_content=add_content)
assert_result_contains(' Content.', 'method',
'Class.meth', more_content=add_content)
# test check_module
inst = FunctionDocumenter(directive, 'raises')
assert len(directive.result) == 0
# assert that exceptions can be documented
assert_works('exception', 'test_autodoc.CustomEx', all_members=True)
assert_works('exception', 'test_autodoc.CustomEx')
# test diverse inclusion settings for members
should = [('class', 'test_autodoc.Class')]
assert_processes(should, 'class', 'Class')
should.extend([('method', 'test_autodoc.Class.meth')])
options.members = ['meth']
options.exclude_members = set(['excludemeth'])
assert_processes(should, 'class', 'Class')
should.extend([('attribute', 'test_autodoc.Class.prop'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.Class.descr'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.Class.attr'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.Class.docattr'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.Class.udocattr'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.Class.mdocattr'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.Class.inst_attr_comment'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.Class.inst_attr_inline'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.Class.inst_attr_string'),
('method', 'test_autodoc.Class.moore'),
options.members = ALL
assert_processes(should, 'class', 'Class')
options.undoc_members = True
should.extend((('attribute', 'test_autodoc.Class.skipattr'),
('method', 'test_autodoc.Class.undocmeth'),
('method', 'test_autodoc.Class.roger')))
assert_processes(should, 'class', 'Class')
options.inherited_members = True
should.append(('method', 'test_autodoc.Class.inheritedmeth'))
assert_processes(should, 'class', 'Class')
# test special members
options.special_members = ['__special1__']
should.append(('method', 'test_autodoc.Class.__special1__'))
assert_processes(should, 'class', 'Class')
options.special_members = ALL
should.append(('method', 'test_autodoc.Class.__special2__'))
assert_processes(should, 'class', 'Class')
options.special_members = False
options.members = []
# test module flags
assert_result_contains('.. py:module:: test_autodoc',
'module', 'test_autodoc')
options.synopsis = 'Synopsis'
assert_result_contains(' :synopsis: Synopsis', 'module', 'test_autodoc')
options.deprecated = True
assert_result_contains(' :deprecated:', 'module', 'test_autodoc')
options.platform = 'Platform'
assert_result_contains(' :platform: Platform', 'module', 'test_autodoc')
# test if __all__ is respected for modules
options.members = ALL
assert_result_contains('.. py:class:: Class(arg)', 'module', 'test_autodoc')
assert_result_contains('.. py:exception:: CustomEx',
'module', 'test_autodoc')
except AssertionError:
assert False, 'documented CustomEx which is not in __all__'
# test noindex flag
options.members = []
options.noindex = True
assert_result_contains(' :noindex:', 'module', 'test_autodoc')
assert_result_contains(' :noindex:', 'class', 'Base')
# okay, now let's get serious about mixing Python and C signature stuff
assert_result_contains('.. py:class:: CustomDict', 'class', 'CustomDict',
# test inner class handling
assert_processes([('class', 'test_autodoc.Outer'),
('class', 'test_autodoc.Outer.Inner'),
('method', 'test_autodoc.Outer.Inner.meth')],
'class', 'Outer', all_members=True)
# test descriptor docstrings
assert_result_contains(' Descriptor instance docstring.',
'attribute', 'test_autodoc.Class.descr')
# test generation for C modules (which have no source file)
directive.env.temp_data['py:module'] = 'time'
assert_processes([('function', 'time.asctime')], 'function', 'asctime')
assert_processes([('function', 'time.asctime')], 'function', 'asctime')
# test autodoc_member_order == 'source'
directive.env.temp_data['py:module'] = 'test_autodoc'
assert_order(['.. py:class:: Class(arg)',
' .. py:attribute:: Class.descr',
' .. py:method:: Class.meth()',
' .. py:method:: Class.undocmeth()',
' .. py:attribute:: Class.attr',
' .. py:attribute:: Class.prop',
' .. py:attribute:: Class.docattr',
' .. py:attribute:: Class.udocattr',
' .. py:attribute:: Class.mdocattr',
' .. py:classmethod:: Class.roger(a, e=5, f=6)',
' .. py:classmethod:: Class.moore(a, e, f) -> happiness',
' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_comment',
' .. py:attribute:: Class.inst_attr_string',
' .. py:method:: Class.inheritedmeth()',
'class', 'Class', member_order='bysource', all_members=True)
del directive.env.temp_data['py:module']
# test attribute initialized to class instance from other module
directive.env.temp_data['autodoc:class'] = 'test_autodoc.Class'
assert_result_contains(u' should be documented as well - s\xfc\xdf',
'attribute', 'mdocattr')
del directive.env.temp_data['autodoc:class']
# test autodoc_docstring_signature
'.. py:method:: DocstringSig.meth(FOO, BAR=1) -> BAZ', 'method',
' rest of docstring', 'method', 'test_autodoc.DocstringSig.meth')
'.. py:method:: DocstringSig.meth2()', 'method',
' indented line', 'method',
'.. py:classmethod:: Class.moore(a, e, f) -> happiness', 'method',
# test new attribute documenter behavior
directive.env.temp_data['py:module'] = 'test_autodoc'
options.undoc_members = True
assert_processes([('class', 'test_autodoc.AttCls'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.AttCls.a1'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.AttCls.a2'),
], 'class', 'AttCls')
' :annotation: = hello world', 'attribute', 'AttCls.a1')
' :annotation: = None', 'attribute', 'AttCls.a2')
# test explicit members with instance attributes
del directive.env.temp_data['autodoc:class']
del directive.env.temp_data['autodoc:module']
directive.env.temp_data['py:module'] = 'test_autodoc'
options.inherited_members = False
options.undoc_members = False
options.members = ALL
('class', 'test_autodoc.InstAttCls'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.InstAttCls.ca1'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.InstAttCls.ca2'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.InstAttCls.ca3'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.InstAttCls.ia1'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.InstAttCls.ia2'),
], 'class', 'InstAttCls')
del directive.env.temp_data['autodoc:class']
del directive.env.temp_data['autodoc:module']
options.members = ['ca1', 'ia1']
('class', 'test_autodoc.InstAttCls'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.InstAttCls.ca1'),
('attribute', 'test_autodoc.InstAttCls.ia1'),
], 'class', 'InstAttCls')
del directive.env.temp_data['autodoc:class']
del directive.env.temp_data['autodoc:module']
del directive.env.temp_data['py:module']
# test descriptor class documentation
options.members = ['CustomDataDescriptor']
assert_result_contains('.. py:class:: CustomDataDescriptor(doc)',
'module', 'test_autodoc')
assert_result_contains(' .. py:method:: CustomDataDescriptor.meth()',
'module', 'test_autodoc')
# --- generate fodder ------------
__all__ = ['Class']
#: documentation for the integer
integer = 1
class CustomEx(Exception):
"""My custom exception."""
def f(self):
"""Exception method."""
class CustomDataDescriptor(object):
"""Descriptor class docstring."""
def __init__(self, doc):
self.__doc__ = doc
def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
if obj is None:
return self
return 42
def meth(self):
return "The Answer"
def _funky_classmethod(name, b, c, d, docstring=None):
"""Generates a classmethod for a class from a template by filling out
some arguments."""
def template(cls, a, b, c, d=4, e=5, f=6):
return a, b, c, d, e, f
if sys.version_info >= (2, 5):
from functools import partial
function = partial(template, b=b, c=c, d=d)
def function(cls, a, e=5, f=6):
return template(a, b, c, d, e, f)
function.__name__ = name
function.__doc__ = docstring
return classmethod(function)
class Base(object):
def inheritedmeth(self):
"""Inherited function."""
class Class(Base):
"""Class to document."""
descr = CustomDataDescriptor("Descriptor instance docstring.")
def meth(self):
def undocmeth(self):
def skipmeth(self):
"""Method that should be skipped."""
def excludemeth(self):
"""Method that should be excluded."""
# should not be documented
skipattr = 'foo'
#: should be documented -- süß
attr = 'bar'
def prop(self):
# stay 2.4 compatible (docstring!)
prop = property(prop, doc="Property.")
docattr = 'baz'
"""should likewise be documented -- süß"""
udocattr = 'quux'
u"""should be documented as well - süß"""
# initialized to any class imported from another module
mdocattr = StringIO()
"""should be documented as well - süß"""
roger = _funky_classmethod("roger", 2, 3, 4)
moore = _funky_classmethod("moore", 9, 8, 7,
docstring="moore(a, e, f) -> happiness")
def __init__(self, arg):
self.inst_attr_inline = None #: an inline documented instance attr
#: a documented instance attribute
self.inst_attr_comment = None
self.inst_attr_string = None
"""a documented instance attribute"""
def __special1__(self):
"""documented special method"""
def __special2__(self):
# undocumented special method
class CustomDict(dict):
def function(foo, *args, **kwds):
Return spam.
class Outer(object):
class Inner(object):
def meth(self):
# should be documented as an alias
factory = dict
class DocstringSig(object):
def meth(self):
"""meth(FOO, BAR=1) -> BAZ
First line of docstring
rest of docstring
def meth2(self):
"""First line, no signature
Second line followed by indentation::
indented line
class StrRepr(str):
def __repr__(self):
return self
class AttCls(object):
a1 = StrRepr('hello\nworld')
a2 = None
class InstAttCls(object):
"""Class with documented class and instance attributes."""
#: Doc comment for class attribute InstAttCls.ca1.
#: It can have multiple lines.
ca1 = 'a'
ca2 = 'b' #: Doc comment for InstAttCls.ca2. One line only.
ca3 = 'c'
"""Docstring for class attribute InstAttCls.ca3."""
def __init__(self):
#: Doc comment for instance attribute InstAttCls.ia1
self.ia1 = 'd'
self.ia2 = 'e'
"""Docstring for instance attribute InstAttCls.ia2."""