blob: 17a09eae946b638f27f6764631605bbb52c6e493 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Test the HTML builder and check output against XPath.
:copyright: Copyright 2007-2014 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
import os
import re
from six import PY3, iteritems, StringIO
from six.moves import html_entities
import pygments
except ImportError:
pygments = None
from sphinx import __version__
from util import test_root, test_roots, remove_unicode_literals, gen_with_app, with_app
from etree13 import ElementTree as ET
def teardown_module():
(test_root / '_build').rmtree(True)
html_warnfile = StringIO()
%(root)s/ of autodoc_fodder\\.MarkupError:2: \
WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected \
%(root)s/images.txt:9: WARNING: image file not readable: foo.png
%(root)s/images.txt:23: WARNING: nonlocal image URI found: \
%(root)s/includes.txt:\\d*: WARNING: Encoding 'utf-8-sig' used for \
reading included file u'.*?' seems to be wrong, try giving an \
:encoding: option\\n?
%(root)s/includes.txt:4: WARNING: download file not readable: .*?nonexisting.png
%(root)s/markup.txt:\\d+: WARNING: Malformed :option: u'Python c option', does \
not contain option marker - or -- or /
%(root)s/images.txt:20: WARNING: no matching candidate for image URI u'foo.\\*'
None:\\d+: WARNING: citation not found: missing
%(root)s/markup.txt:: WARNING: invalid single index entry u''
%(root)s/markup.txt:: WARNING: invalid pair index entry u''
%(root)s/markup.txt:: WARNING: invalid pair index entry u'keyword; '
if PY3:
ENV_WARNINGS = remove_unicode_literals(ENV_WARNINGS)
HTML_WARNINGS = remove_unicode_literals(HTML_WARNINGS)
def tail_check(check):
rex = re.compile(check)
def checker(nodes):
for node in nodes:
if node.tail and
return True
assert False, '%r not found in tail of any nodes %s' % (check, nodes)
return checker
'images.html': [
(".//img[@src='_images/img.png']", ''),
(".//img[@src='_images/img1.png']", ''),
(".//img[@src='_images/simg.png']", ''),
(".//img[@src='_images/svgimg.svg']", ''),
'subdir/images.html': [
(".//img[@src='../_images/img1.png']", ''),
(".//img[@src='../_images/rimg.png']", ''),
'subdir/includes.html': [
(".//a[@href='../_downloads/img.png']", ''),
(".//img[@src='../_images/img.png']", ''),
(".//p", 'This is an include file.'),
'includes.html': [
(".//pre", u'Max Strauß'),
(".//a[@href='_downloads/img.png']", ''),
(".//a[@href='_downloads/img1.png']", ''),
(".//pre", u'"quotes"'),
(".//pre", u"'included'"),
'autodoc.html': [
(".//dt[@id='test_autodoc.Class']", ''),
(".//dt[@id='test_autodoc.function']/em", r'\*\*kwds'),
(".//dd/p", r'Return spam\.'),
'extapi.html': [
(".//strong", 'from function: Foo'),
(".//strong", 'from class: Bar'),
'markup.html': [
(".//title", 'set by title directive'),
(".//p/em", 'Section author: Georg Brandl'),
(".//p/em", 'Module author: Georg Brandl'),
# created by the meta directive
(".//meta[@name='author'][@content='Me']", ''),
(".//meta[@name='keywords'][@content='docs, sphinx']", ''),
# a label created by ``.. _label:``
(".//div[@id='label']", ''),
# code with standard code blocks
(".//pre", '^some code$'),
# an option list
(".//span[@class='option']", '--help'),
# admonitions
(".//p[@class='first admonition-title']", 'My Admonition'),
(".//p[@class='last']", 'Note text.'),
(".//p[@class='last']", 'Warning text.'),
# inline markup
(".//li/strong", r'^command\\n$'),
(".//li/strong", r'^program\\n$'),
(".//li/em", r'^dfn\\n$'),
(".//li/code/span[@class='pre']", r'^kbd\\n$'),
(".//li/em", u'File \N{TRIANGULAR BULLET} Close'),
(".//li/code/span[@class='pre']", '^a/$'),
(".//li/code/em/span[@class='pre']", '^varpart$'),
(".//li/code/em/span[@class='pre']", '^i$'),
"[@class='pep reference external']/strong", 'PEP 8'),
"[@class='pep reference external']/strong", 'Python Enhancement Proposal #8'),
"[@class='rfc reference external']/strong", 'RFC 1'),
"[@class='rfc reference external']/strong", 'Request for Comments #1'),
"[@class='reference internal']/code/span[@class='pre']", 'HOME'),
"[@class='reference internal']/code/span[@class='pre']", '^with$'),
"[@class='reference internal']/code/span", '^statement$'),
"[@class='reference internal']/em", 'Including in subdir'),
"[@class='reference internal']/em", 'Python -c option'),
# abbreviations
(".//abbr[@title='abbreviation']", '^abbr$'),
# version stuff
(".//div[@class='versionadded']/p/span", 'New in version 0.6: '),
tail_check('First paragraph of versionadded')),
tail_check('First paragraph of versionchanged')),
'Second paragraph of versionchanged'),
# footnote reference
(".//a[@class='footnote-reference']", r'\[1\]'),
# created by reference lookup
(".//a[@href='contents.html#ref1']", ''),
# ``seealso`` directive
(".//div/p[@class='first admonition-title']", 'See also'),
# a ``hlist`` directive
(".//table[@class='hlist']/tr/td/ul/li", '^This$'),
# a ``centered`` directive
(".//p[@class='centered']/strong", 'LICENSE'),
# a glossary
(".//dl/dt[@id='term-boson']", 'boson'),
# a production list
(".//pre/strong", 'try_stmt'),
(".//pre/a[@href='#grammar-token-try1_stmt']/code/span", 'try1_stmt'),
# tests for ``only`` directive
(".//p", 'A global substitution.'),
(".//p", 'In HTML.'),
(".//p", 'In both.'),
(".//p", 'Always present'),
'objects.html': [
(".//dt[@id='mod.Cls.meth1']", ''),
(".//dt[@id='errmod.Error']", ''),
(".//dt/code", r'long\(parameter,\s* list\)'),
(".//dt/code", 'another one'),
(".//a[@href='#mod.Cls'][@class='reference internal']", ''),
(".//dl[@class='userdesc']", ''),
(".//dt[@id='userdesc-myobj']", ''),
(".//a[@href='#userdesc-myobj'][@class='reference internal']", ''),
# C references
(".//span[@class='pre']", 'CFunction()'),
(".//a[@href='#c.Sphinx_DoSomething']", ''),
(".//a[@href='#c.SphinxStruct.member']", ''),
(".//a[@href='#c.SPHINX_USE_PYTHON']", ''),
(".//a[@href='#c.SphinxType']", ''),
(".//a[@href='#c.sphinx_global']", ''),
# test global TOC created by toctree()
(".//ul[@class='current']/li[@class='toctree-l1 current']/a[@href='']",
'Testing object descriptions'),
'Testing various markup'),
# test unknown field names
(".//th[@class='field-name']", 'Field_name:'),
(".//th[@class='field-name']", 'Field_name all lower:'),
(".//th[@class='field-name']", 'FIELD_NAME:'),
(".//th[@class='field-name']", 'FIELD_NAME ALL CAPS:'),
(".//th[@class='field-name']", 'Field_Name:'),
(".//th[@class='field-name']", 'Field_Name All Word Caps:'),
(".//th[@class='field-name']", 'Field_name:'),
(".//th[@class='field-name']", 'Field_name First word cap:'),
(".//th[@class='field-name']", 'FIELd_name:'),
(".//th[@class='field-name']", 'FIELd_name PARTial caps:'),
# custom sidebar
(".//h4", 'Custom sidebar'),
# docfields
(".//td[@class='field-body']/strong", '^moo$'),
tail_check(r'\(Moo\) .* Moo')),
(".//td[@class='field-body']/ul/li/strong", '^hour$'),
(".//td[@class='field-body']/ul/li/em", '^DuplicateType$'),
tail_check(r'.* Some parameter')),
'contents.html': [
(".//meta[@name='hc'][@content='hcval']", ''),
(".//meta[@name='hc_co'][@content='hcval_co']", ''),
(".//meta[@name='testopt'][@content='testoverride']", ''),
(".//td[@class='label']", r'\[Ref1\]'),
(".//td[@class='label']", ''),
(".//li[@class='toctree-l1']/a", 'Testing various markup'),
(".//li[@class='toctree-l2']/a", 'Inline markup'),
(".//title", 'Sphinx <Tests>'),
(".//div[@class='footer']", 'Georg Brandl & Team'),
"[@class='reference external']", ''),
(".//li/a[@href='genindex.html']/em", 'Index'),
(".//li/a[@href='py-modindex.html']/em", 'Module Index'),
(".//li/a[@href='search.html']/em", 'Search Page'),
# custom sidebar only for contents
(".//h4", 'Contents sidebar'),
# custom JavaScript
(".//script[@src='file://moo.js']", ''),
'bom.html': [
(".//title", " File with UTF-8 BOM"),
'extensions.html': [
(".//a[@href='']", ""),
(".//a[@href='']", "issue 1000"),
(".//a[@href='']", "explicit caption"),
'_static/statictmpl.html': [
(".//project", 'Sphinx <Tests>'),
'genindex.html': [
# index entries
(".//a/strong", "Main"),
(".//a/strong", "[1]"),
(".//a/strong", "Other"),
(".//a", "entry"),
(".//dt/a", "double"),
if pygments:
(".//pre/span[@class='s']", u'üöä'),
(".//div[@class='inc-pyobj1 highlight-text']//pre",
r'^class Foo:\n pass\n\s*$'),
(".//div[@class='inc-pyobj2 highlight-text']//pre",
r'^ def baz\(\):\n pass\n\s*$'),
(".//div[@class='inc-lines highlight-text']//pre",
r'^class Foo:\n pass\nclass Bar:\n$'),
(".//div[@class='inc-startend highlight-text']//pre",
u'^foo = "Including Unicode characters: üöä"\\n$'),
(".//div[@class='inc-preappend highlight-text']//pre",
r'(?m)^START CODE$'),
(".//div[@class='inc-pyobj-dedent highlight-python']//span",
(".//div[@class='inc-tab3 highlight-text']//pre",
r'-| |-'),
(".//div[@class='inc-tab8 highlight-python']//pre/span",
r'-| |-'),
(".//pre/span", 'line 1'),
(".//pre/span", 'line 2'),
class NslessParser(ET.XMLParser):
"""XMLParser that throws away namespaces in tag names."""
def _fixname(self, key):
return self._names[key]
except KeyError:
name = key
br = name.find('}')
if br > 0:
name = name[br+1:]
self._names[key] = name = self._fixtext(name)
return name
def check_xpath(etree, fname, path, check, be_found=True):
nodes = list(etree.findall(path))
assert nodes != [], ('did not find any node matching xpath '
'%r in file %s' % (path, fname))
if hasattr(check, '__call__'):
elif not check:
# only check for node presence
rex = re.compile(check)
for node in nodes:
if node.text and (bool( ^ (not be_found)):
assert False, ('%r not found in any node matching '
'path %s in %s: %r' % (check, path, fname,
[node.text for node in nodes]))
def check_static_entries(outdir):
staticdir = outdir / '_static'
assert staticdir.isdir()
# a file from a directory entry in html_static_path
assert (staticdir / 'README').isfile()
# a directory from a directory entry in html_static_path
assert (staticdir / 'subdir' / 'foo.css').isfile()
# a file from a file entry in html_static_path
assert (staticdir / 'templated.css').isfile()
assert (staticdir / 'templated.css').text().splitlines()[1] == __version__
# a file from _static, but matches exclude_patterns
assert not (staticdir / 'excluded.css').exists()
def check_extra_entries(outdir):
assert (outdir / 'robots.txt').isfile()
@gen_with_app(buildername='html', warning=html_warnfile, cleanenv=True,
confoverrides={'html_context.hckey_co': 'hcval_co'},
def test_html(app):
html_warnings = html_warnfile.getvalue().replace(os.sep, '/')
html_warnings_exp = HTML_WARNINGS % {
'root': re.escape(app.srcdir.replace(os.sep, '/'))}
assert re.match(html_warnings_exp + '$', html_warnings), \
'Warnings don\'t match:\n' + \
'--- Expected (regex):\n' + html_warnings_exp + \
'--- Got:\n' + html_warnings
for fname, paths in iteritems(HTML_XPATH):
parser = NslessParser()
fp = open(os.path.join(app.outdir, fname), 'rb')
etree = ET.parse(fp, parser)
for path, check in paths:
yield check_xpath, etree, fname, path, check
@with_app(buildername='html', srcdir='(empty)',
confoverrides={'html_sidebars': {'*': ['globaltoc.html']}},
def test_html_with_globaltoc_and_hidden_toctree(app):
# issue #1157: combination of 'globaltoc.html' and hidden toctree cause
# exception.
(app.srcdir / 'contents.rst').write_text(
'\n.. toctree::'
'\n.. toctree::'
'\n :hidden:'
@gen_with_app(buildername='html', srcdir=(test_roots / 'test-tocdepth'))
def test_tocdepth(app):
# issue #1251
expects = {
'index.html': [
(".//li[@class='toctree-l3']/a", '1.1.1. Foo A1', True),
(".//li[@class='toctree-l3']/a", '1.2.1. Foo B1', True),
(".//li[@class='toctree-l3']/a", '2.1.1. Bar A1', False),
(".//li[@class='toctree-l3']/a", '2.2.1. Bar B1', False),
'foo.html': [
(".//h1", '1. Foo', True),
(".//h2", '1.1. Foo A', True),
(".//h3", '1.1.1. Foo A1', True),
(".//h2", '1.2. Foo B', True),
(".//h3", '1.2.1. Foo B1', True),
'bar.html': [
(".//h1", '2. Bar', True),
(".//h2", '2.1. Bar A', True),
(".//h2", '2.2. Bar B', True),
(".//h3", '2.2.1. Bar B1', True),
'baz.html': [
(".//h1", '2.1.1. Baz A', True),
for fname, paths in iteritems(expects):
parser = NslessParser()
fp = open(os.path.join(app.outdir, fname), 'rb')
etree = ET.parse(fp, parser)
for xpath, check, be_found in paths:
yield check_xpath, etree, fname, xpath, check, be_found
@gen_with_app(buildername='singlehtml', srcdir=(test_roots / 'test-tocdepth'))
def test_tocdepth_singlehtml(app):
expects = {
'index.html': [
(".//li[@class='toctree-l3']/a", '1.1.1. Foo A1', True),
(".//li[@class='toctree-l3']/a", '1.2.1. Foo B1', True),
(".//li[@class='toctree-l3']/a", '2.1.1. Bar A1', False),
(".//li[@class='toctree-l3']/a", '2.2.1. Bar B1', False),
# index.rst
(".//h1", 'test-tocdepth', True),
# foo.rst
(".//h2", '1. Foo', True),
(".//h3", '1.1. Foo A', True),
(".//h4", '1.1.1. Foo A1', True),
(".//h3", '1.2. Foo B', True),
(".//h4", '1.2.1. Foo B1', True),
# bar.rst
(".//h2", '2. Bar', True),
(".//h3", '2.1. Bar A', True),
(".//h3", '2.2. Bar B', True),
(".//h4", '2.2.1. Bar B1', True),
# baz.rst
(".//h4", '2.1.1. Baz A', True),
for fname, paths in iteritems(expects):
parser = NslessParser()
fp = open(os.path.join(app.outdir, fname), 'rb')
etree = ET.parse(fp, parser)
for xpath, check, be_found in paths:
yield check_xpath, etree, fname, xpath, check, be_found
@with_app(buildername='html', srcdir='(empty)')
def test_url_in_toctree(app):
contents = (".. toctree::\n"
" Latest reference <>\n")
(app.srcdir / 'contents.rst').write_text(contents, encoding='utf-8')
result = (app.outdir / 'contents.html').text(encoding='utf-8')
assert '<a class="reference external" href=""></a>' in result
assert '<a class="reference external" href="">Latest reference</a>' in result