blob: 3dc7431b9056806b5e28bab34d32b6002ffeca7c [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Test the BuildEnvironment class.
:copyright: Copyright 2007-2014 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
from six import PY3
from util import TestApp, remove_unicode_literals, path, with_app
from import StandaloneHTMLBuilder
from import LaTeXBuilder
app = env = None
warnings = []
def setup_module():
global app, env
app = TestApp(freshenv=True, _copy_to_temp=True)
env = app.env
env.set_warnfunc(lambda *args: warnings.append(args))
def teardown_module():
def warning_emitted(file, text):
for warning in warnings:
if len(warning) == 2 and file in warning[1] and text in warning[0]:
return True
return False
# Tests are run in the order they appear in the file, therefore we can
# afford to not run update() in the setup but in its own test
def test_first_update():
msg, num, it = env.update(app.config, app.srcdir, app.doctreedir, app)
assert msg.endswith('%d added, 0 changed, 0 removed' % len(env.found_docs))
docnames = set()
for docname in it: # the generator does all the work
assert docnames == env.found_docs == set(env.all_docs)
# test if exclude_patterns works ok
assert 'subdir/excluded' not in env.found_docs
def test_images():
assert warning_emitted('images', 'image file not readable: foo.png')
assert warning_emitted('images', 'nonlocal image URI found: '
tree = env.get_doctree('images')
htmlbuilder = StandaloneHTMLBuilder(app)
htmlbuilder.imgpath = 'dummy'
image_uri_message = "no matching candidate for image URI u'foo.*'"
if PY3:
image_uri_message = remove_unicode_literals(image_uri_message)
assert image_uri_message in app._warning.content[-1]
assert set(htmlbuilder.images.keys()) == \
set(['subdir/img.png', 'img.png', 'subdir/simg.png', 'svgimg.svg'])
assert set(htmlbuilder.images.values()) == \
set(['img.png', 'img1.png', 'simg.png', 'svgimg.svg'])
latexbuilder = LaTeXBuilder(app)
assert image_uri_message in app._warning.content[-1]
assert set(latexbuilder.images.keys()) == \
set(['subdir/img.png', 'subdir/simg.png', 'img.png', 'img.pdf',
assert set(latexbuilder.images.values()) == \
set(['img.pdf', 'img.png', 'img1.png', 'simg.png', 'svgimg.pdf'])
def test_second_update():
# delete, add and "edit" (change saved mtime) some files and update again
env.all_docs['contents'] = 0
root = path(app.srcdir)
# important: using "autodoc" because it is the last one to be included in
# the contents.txt toctree; otherwise section numbers would shift
(root / 'autodoc.txt').unlink()
(root / 'new.txt').write_text('New file\n========\n')
msg, num, it = env.update(app.config, app.srcdir, app.doctreedir, app)
assert '1 added, 3 changed, 1 removed' in msg
docnames = set()
for docname in it:
# "includes" and "images" are in there because they contain references
# to nonexisting downloadable or image files, which are given another
# chance to exist
assert docnames == set(['contents', 'new', 'includes', 'images'])
assert 'autodoc' not in env.all_docs
assert 'autodoc' not in env.found_docs
def test_undecodable_source_reading_emit_warnings(app):
# issue #1524
warnings[:] = []
app.env.set_warnfunc(lambda *args: warnings.append(args))
(app.srcdir / 'contents.rst').write_bytes(b'1\xbb2')
_, _, it = app.env.update(app.config, app.srcdir, app.doctreedir, app)
list(it) # the generator does all the work
assert warning_emitted(
'contents', 'undecodable source characters, replacing with "?":'
def test_object_inventory():
refs = env.domaindata['py']['objects']
assert 'func_without_module' in refs
assert refs['func_without_module'] == ('objects', 'function')
assert 'func_without_module2' in refs
assert 'mod.func_in_module' in refs
assert 'mod.Cls' in refs
assert 'mod.Cls.meth1' in refs
assert 'mod.Cls.meth2' in refs
assert 'mod.Cls.meths' in refs
assert 'mod.Error' not in refs
assert 'errmod.Error' in refs
assert 'func_in_module' not in refs
assert 'func_noindex' not in refs
assert env.domaindata['py']['modules']['mod'] == \
('objects', 'Module synopsis.', 'UNIX', False)
assert['py'].data is env.domaindata['py']
assert['c'].data is env.domaindata['c']