blob: 3a4ed59e2e09015233b9beb534a65a09cca615da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "scoreonescriptspan.h"
#include "cld2_dynamic_data.h"
namespace CLD2DynamicDataLoader {
// Read a header from the specified file and return it.
// The header returned is dynamically allocated; you must 'delete' the array
// of TableHeaders as well as the returned FileHeader* when done.
CLD2DynamicData::FileHeader* loadHeaderFromFile(const char* fileName);
// Read a header from the specified area of raw memory and return it.
// The header returned is dynamically allocated; you must 'delete' the array
// of TableHeaders as well as the returned FileHeader* when done.
CLD2DynamicData::FileHeader* loadHeaderFromRaw(
const void* basePointer, const uint32_t length);
// Not for public consumption.
CLD2DynamicData::FileHeader* loadInternal(
FILE* inFile, const void* basePointer, const uint32_t length);
// Load data directly into a ScoringTables structure using a private, read-only
// mmap and return the newly-allocated structure.
// The out-parameter "mmapAddressOut" is a pointer to a void*; the starting
// address of the mmap()'d block will be written here.
// The out-parameter "mmapLengthOut" is a pointer to an int; the length of the
// mmap()'d block will be written here.
// It is up to the caller to delete the data at a later time using
// unloadData(...).
CLD2::ScoringTables* loadDataFile(const char* fileName,
void** mmapAddressOut, uint32_t* mmapLengthOut);
// Load data directly into a ScoringTables structure from an arbitrary region
// of memory, which is assumed to be a pointer to an mmap-ed region of memory
// backed by a valid data file that could alternatively be read (if access
// were allowed or desired) using loadDataFile(...).
CLD2::ScoringTables* loadDataRaw(const void* basePointer, const uint32_t length);
// Not for public consumption.
CLD2::ScoringTables* loadDataInternal(CLD2DynamicData::FileHeader* header, const void* basePointer, const uint32_t length);
// Given pointers to the data from a previous invocation of loadDataFile,
// unloads the data safely - freeing and deleting any malloc'd/new'd objects.
// When this method returns, the mmap has been deleted, as have all the scoring
// tables; the pointers passed in are all zeroed, such that:
// *scoringTables == NULL
// *mmapAddress == NULL
// mmapLength == NULL
// This is the only safe way to unload data that was previously loaded, as there
// is an unfortunate mixture of new and malloc involved in building the
// in-memory represtation of the data.
void unloadDataFile(CLD2::ScoringTables** scoringTables,
void** mmapAddress, uint32_t* mmapLength);
// Given a pointer to the data from a previous invocation of loadDataRaw,
// unloads the data safely just like unloadDataFile does. This method doesn't
// deal with mmaps, since it is assumed that the memory for the data is managed
// external to this library.
void unloadDataRaw(CLD2::ScoringTables** scoringTables);
} // End namespace CLD2DynamicDataExtractor