blob: 6a1bfb0444d9603a6ed6946838f98d4cbdab3f92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js;
abstract class Operation {
String get name;
abstract class UnaryOperation extends Operation {
/** Returns [:null:] if it was unable to fold the operation. */
ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue constant);
abstract class BinaryOperation extends Operation {
/** Returns [:null:] if it was unable to fold the operation. */
ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue left, ConstantValue right);
apply(left, right);
* A [ConstantSystem] is responsible for creating constants and folding them.
abstract class ConstantSystem {
BinaryOperation get add;
BinaryOperation get bitAnd;
UnaryOperation get bitNot;
BinaryOperation get bitOr;
BinaryOperation get bitXor;
BinaryOperation get booleanAnd;
BinaryOperation get booleanOr;
BinaryOperation get divide;
BinaryOperation get equal;
BinaryOperation get greaterEqual;
BinaryOperation get greater;
BinaryOperation get identity;
BinaryOperation get lessEqual;
BinaryOperation get less;
BinaryOperation get modulo;
BinaryOperation get multiply;
UnaryOperation get negate;
UnaryOperation get not;
BinaryOperation get shiftLeft;
BinaryOperation get shiftRight;
BinaryOperation get subtract;
BinaryOperation get truncatingDivide;
BinaryOperation get codeUnitAt;
const ConstantSystem();
ConstantValue createInt(int i);
ConstantValue createDouble(double d);
ConstantValue createString(DartString string);
ConstantValue createBool(bool value);
ConstantValue createNull();
ConstantValue createMap(Compiler compiler,
InterfaceType type,
List<ConstantValue> keys,
List<ConstantValue> values);
// We need to special case the subtype check for JavaScript constant
// system because an int is a double at runtime.
bool isSubtype(DartTypes types, DartType s, DartType t);
/** Returns true if the [constant] is an integer at runtime. */
bool isInt(ConstantValue constant);
/** Returns true if the [constant] is a double at runtime. */
bool isDouble(ConstantValue constant);
/** Returns true if the [constant] is a string at runtime. */
bool isString(ConstantValue constant);
/** Returns true if the [constant] is a boolean at runtime. */
bool isBool(ConstantValue constant);
/** Returns true if the [constant] is null at runtime. */
bool isNull(ConstantValue constant);
UnaryOperation lookupUnary(String operator) {
switch (operator) {
case '~': return bitNot;
case '-': return negate;
case '!': return not;
default: return null;
BinaryOperation lookupBinary(String operator) {
switch (operator) {
case "+": return add;
case "-": return subtract;
case "*": return multiply;
case "/": return divide;
case "%": return modulo;
case "~/": return truncatingDivide;
case "|": return bitOr;
case "&": return bitAnd;
case "^": return bitXor;
case "||": return booleanOr;
case "&&": return booleanAnd;
case "<<": return shiftLeft;
case ">>": return shiftRight;
case "<": return less;
case "<=": return lessEqual;
case ">": return greater;
case ">=": return greaterEqual;
case "==": return equal;
default: return null;